04-09-2018 AgendaSTATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF GUADALUPE I, the undersigned, Mynette Benedict, Secretary of the Housing Authority of the City of Schertz (SHA), Texas do hereby certify that a Legal Notice was posted in words and figures to wit: PUBLIC NOTICE OF MEETING Take Notice that a Regular Meeting of the Housing Authority of the City of Schertz, Texas will be held at 204 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas at 6:30 P.M. on Monday April 9, 2018 to consider and act upon the following: I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. HEARING OF RESIDENTS This is the time set aside for any person who wishes to address the Board of Commissioners. Each person should fill out the Speaker's Register Form prior to the start of the meeting. Presentations should be no more than 5 (five) minutes. Discussion by the Board of any item not on the agenda shall be limited to statements of specific factual information given in response to any inquiry, a recitation of existing policy in response to an inquiry, and/or a proposal to place the item on a future agenda. The presiding officer, during the Hearing of the Residents portion of the agenda, will call on those persons who have signed up to speak in the order they have registered. Residents must state name, address and topic or agenda item wanting to comment on. IV. Discussion/Approval/Action Items: A) Reading and Approval of Minutes No. #646. B) Director's Report to the Commissioners- Discussion/Approval/Action 1) Bids and Contracts: a) CFP 2016- Update /Approval b) CFP 2017- Update /Approval 2) Report of the Secretary: a) PHA (Public Housing) Report/Vacancy Report b) Complaint and Grievance Report c) PHA Maintenance Report d) Income and Expense Report e) Service Contracts f) Waiting Lists Reports g) SEC8 Program h) Staff /Commissioner Training i) HUD Reports of Interest C) New Business: Discussion/Approval/Action Items: 1) Recommendations for New Board Commissioner Appointment- Discussion/Approval 2) Laundry Room Equipment Rental Recommendations - Discussion/Approval 3) Resolution #715- 2016 CFP Budget Revisions- Discussion/Approval 4) Resolution #716- 2017 CFP Budget Revisions- Discussion/Approval 5) Board Package Reports Format Changes- Discussion/Approval D) Old Business: Discussion/Approval/Action Items - 1) Community Rules/Policy Changes- Discussion/Update 2) HUD Smoke -Free New Rule Implementation/Enforcement- Discussion/Update 3) HUD SFMR/APS Rule Changes/Rent Exception Request- Discussion/Approval 4) 2012 Operating Fund Lawsuit Update E) Commissioners' Agenda Ideas for Future Meetings- Discussion V. Executive Session: Called under Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, and, 1) Subsection 551.074 - Deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of Employees: Annual Review - Executive Director. VI. Reconvene into Open Session -Take any action deemed necessary as a result of the Executive Session. VII. Adjourn In conformance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Government Code Section 551.001 et seq. as amended. .Witness by hand and the seal of said Housing Authority of the City of Schertz this 6T14 day of April, 2018. ZZ/ C MYNETTE BENEDICT, SECRETARY Posted at Schertz City fi tY Hall Y Date: Posted at Schertz Housing Authority by:�L*� Date: 44. C: \Users \Schertz Housing Auth\Documents\PHA BOARD FORMS- INFO\2018 BOARD FORMS\AGENDA- 2018- 04- 09- 18.doc