73-A-17 & 73-A-20 Reidel Store ~.id ORDI'i~A}~1CE ~ ~ ~ SE'-'.,'I;1 x A DATE, TI?>~ Ai?D PLACE 1+OR A- PUBLIC - HEAP.I?';G 0~1 T?~E PROPOSED Ai~1EXATIO'_3 OF OP;E CE?'TAL1 TRACT Oy LA?~1D CO~uTAI~1I'dG 1.771 ACRES Bl' T??E CIT`~ OF SCHERTZ , TEXAS, A:'dD AUTHORI7.,- I'1G A;D DIaECTI?dG ^1?-?E CITY SECRETI^P_RY TO PU~3- LIS?? :10'iICE O SUCH PUDLIC ?-?EARII~IG. t~+~?EREAS, one certain tract of land containin 1.771 acres, t~rhich tract of land is hereinafter fully described by metes and bounds, adjoins the corporate limits of the City of Schertz, Texas, and does not exceed one-half (2) mile in t-ridth; and t~T?iEREAS . the owner of said land which is vacant and i~rithout residents has submitted a petition in iaritinG to the Governing body of the City of Schertz, Texas, requestinG the annexation of such land; and t~~i-?EREAS, the City Council of the City of Schertz, Texas, is of the opinion that such territory is suitable for municipal purposes and that it is in the best interest of the City of Schertz, Texas, and the citizens and inhabitants thereof that said tract of land be annexed to and made a part of said City; and WHEREAS, the City of Schertz, Texas, intends to institute proceedings to annex said territory and, in complian;.e ti~rith the pro- visions of the municipal annexation act (Chapter 160, Acts of the 5oth Legislature, Regular Session, 1x63, as amended; compiled as Article 970a, Texas Revised Civil Statutes) ha.s scheduled' a~public hearing at~ 'p ~ o `clock ~-7. , on the day of _L~~-°~_, 1973, in the r-Municipal Building of the City of Schertz, Texas, in order to provide an opportunity for all interested persons to be heard; ?~?Ot~] THEREFORE BE IT ORDAIi1rD BY THE CITY COU?`TCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXP.S: I That on the day of _~r- 1973, at ~'_(jd o'clock ~.P~I, in the ?Municipal Building of the City of Schertz, Texas, the City Council ~~rill hold a public hearin givinG all interested persons the right to appear and be heard on the proposed annexation of _ . . i i i _ P 1 ~ _..a BEGINNING at a concrete monument set. in the. southeast line of U.S. Hwy. 87, said monument being the west corner of a 3.4 acre tract as described in Vol. 364, Page 360, of the Guadalupe County Deed Records; Thence with the southwest line of said 304 acre tract, S 30 degrees E 200017 feet to the point of beginning of the herein described 1.771 acre tract; Thence N 62 degrees 37' E 372.38 feet to a corner on the southwest line of a 30-foot road easement; Thence with the southwest line of said 30-foot road easement, S 29 degrees 49 T E 265032 feet to a concrete monument; Thence S 79 degrees 3l` W 392.9 feet to a concrete monurent; Thence N 30 degrees 151.03 feet to the point of beginning and containing 1.711 acres z~ore or lesso II ire City secretary is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of such public hearing, to be published once in a news- paper having general circulation in the City of Schertz, Te~,as, and. in the territory proposed to be annexed not more than t:~~enty (20) days nor less than ten (IG) da.ys prior to the date of such public hearing . PASSED, ADOPTED AidD APPP,OVED t:nis the ,v day of 1973 tiLi~~ 1iAY~0~ ATTEST: ~r ty Secretary (CITY SEAL) P E T I T I O 71 t l__ iJ xx v~v~~TTv vF' u`vADALva~ x T0. i-~~'0??ABL~ CI^`r COTS:?CIL 0~' Tii~ CITY Or SCN!=,i~TZ, TE1~AS I~ ~:~e undersigned oti•:ner of ~'re follo~•~in~; described land or territory, ~o-vai t BEGINNING at a concrete ~~nu~.ent set in the southeast line of U.S. Hwy. 87, said monu-nent being the west corner of a 3.4 acre tract as described in Vol. 3b4, Page 360, of the Guadalupe County Deed Records; _ Thence with the southwest line of said 304 acre tract, S 30 degrees E 200017 feet to the point of beginning of the herein described 1.771 acre tract; Thence N 62 degrees 37` E 372.38 feet to a corner on the southwest line of a 30-foot road easement; Thence caith the southwest line of said 30-foot road easement, S 29 degrees 49° E 2&5°32 feet to a concrete nonument; Thence S 79 deo ees 31 t W 392.9 feet to a concrete ~:onument; Thence N 30 degrees W 151.03 feet to the point of beginning and containing 1.771 acres more or lesso .•hicn land cr territor~T is vacant and i thout residents and deer nct exceed one-half {1z) mile in t~;i dth acid ;-rhich land. or terri tore liars contiguous and adjacent to the City of Schertz, 'Pexas, ~ESPECT- rU:JiJ,ST PRAY that you annex said land or territory to, and make the Same a part Of, the CZL~T Of SCl:ertZ, Te::aS, 1n accordance i'71ti1 tI70 provisions of 1a,a. RESPEC'1'r ULLY SUBP~tI i TED thi s d_ay of , 1973. C ODO ,J . 'P E! ~,L THE STATE OH TEXAS ~ COU2ITY OF GUADALUPE ~ BEFORE I~ZE, the undersigned authority, on this day person- ally appeared ODO J. RIEDEL known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknoyrled~;ed to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. GIVEP•d UPdDER 1•'IY HAND AI~dD SEAL Or Orr~~ICE, this the ; c~ day o f ~-Pi~ 19 7 3 . l ~ ' ~ ' l~ Ir ary Public in and far .uadalupe County, Texas THE S TATE Or' 'i'r:xA~ 4 / ~ COUNTY OF GUADALT~PE ~ ~ . CITY OF SCHERTZ ~ ON Ti-iIS, the day of O 1973, the City Council of tine City of Schertz, Texas, regularly convened at a regular meeting in the regular meeting place of said City Council in the City of Schertz, Texas, which meeting ivas at all times open to the public, and the roll was called of the duly constituted officers and members of said City Council, namely: ROBERT C. BUEKER T~IAYOR MRS . PdELL G . FUi1K ALDER~•dOMAIJ ROBERT E. SCHWARTZ ALDERMAN HUGH G . SAr1DIFER ALDERT~iAN MRS . BOBBIE L . KOCH ALDERG]OP~7AP1 TOM KOOLE ALDERMAN APdD MRS. JUiJE G. KRAUSE CITY SECRETARY DENNY ARIJOLD CITY MANAGER and all of said persons vaere present, with the exception of the follow- - ing absentees : ~ thus constituting a quorum. ti~7hereupon, among other business the follow- ing was transacted at said meeting: A written ordinance providing for the annexation of one tract of land containing 1-.771 acres, was intro- duced for t'i'e consideration of the Council and read in full.. It was then duly moved and seconded that said ordinance be .adopted; and, after due discussion, said motion, carrying with it the adoption of said ordi- nance, prevailed and carried by the following vote: AYES: All members of the City Council sho~•an present above voted "AYE" NOES: None ATd ORDIi1ANCE PROVIDIidG FOR T'r E EXTEi'•1SI0'i< OF CERTAIN BOUP3DARY- LIPIES OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS, BY THE ANI~JEX- A^lIOIQ OF OivE CERTAIi1 TRACT OF LAND CON^lAINII'1G 1.771 ACRES AIJD REDEFIPJING THE BOUI~IDARY LIMITS OF SAID CITY. WHEREAS, the hereinafter described territory adjoining .the corporate limits of the City of Schertz, Texas, and does not exceed one-half (2) mile in width; and taHEREAS, the owner of said land which is vacant and with- out residents has submitted a petition in writing to the governing body of the City of Schertz, Texas, requesting the annexation of such land; and ~,THEREAS, the City Council has held a public hearing in order that all persons could be heard on the question of such pro- posed annexation; and WHEREAS, by the passage of this ordinance, annexation of said territory will have been brought to completion within ninety (90) days of the institution of annexation proceedings; and . WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Schertz, Texas, is of the opinion that such territory is suitable for municipal purposes and that it is in the best interest of the City of Schertz, Texas, and the citizens and inhabitants thereof that said territary be annexed to and made a part of such City; P3OW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAII•dED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF ^1HE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS: I That the following described territory lying adjacent to and adjoining the City of Schertz, Texas, to-wit: is hereby added and annexed to the City of Schertz, 'T'exas, anct saga territory as described shall hereafter be included within the bound- ary limits of said City and the various points contiguous to the area described are hereby altered and amended so as to include said land and territory ~~rithin the corporate lir;~its of the City of Schertz, Te}:as . II That the territory so described and the areas so annexed shall be part of the City of ScYiertz, ^lexas, and all taxable property situated therein shall hereafter bear its pro rata part of the taxes levied by the City of Schertz, Texas, and the inhabitants thereof shall be entitled to all of the rights and privileges of all the citi- zens and shall be bound by the acts, ordinances, resolutions and regu- lations of the City of Schertz, Texas. III That the boundary limits of the City of Schertz, Texas, from and after this date are now defined to be as follows, to-wit: BiGi~iNZI`G at a concrete monument set in the southeast line of U.S, Ht~y. 87, said monu-nent being the ~•~est corner of a 3.4 acre tract as described in Vol. 364, rage 300, of the GuadalLpe County 3~eed Records; Tber_ce ~~Jith the soutT~west line of said 304 acre tract, . ~ S 30 deo ees ~ 200017 feet to the point of beginning of the herein described 1,772 acre tract; Thence ~I 62 degrees 37 ` E 372.38 feet to a comer on the southwest line of a 30--foot road easement; Thence wi th the southwest line of said 30-foot rc~ d ease~.ent, S 29 degrees 49` E 205032 feet,to a concrete monument; _ Thence S 79 deo ees 31` 392.9 feet to a concrete mon~.ent; Thence N 30 degrees ~t{T 151.fl3 feet to the point of beginnir_o and containing 1.771 ages more or lesso i 1 P{-A--S~SED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED THIS, the ~,Sr day of ~__s'~-o~~~-~, 19 7 3 . - - P~Iay~sr, City of Schertz, Texas ATTEST: ty Secretary ity of Schertz, Texas (SEAL OF CITY) r . R 1F y ^1'S<.... ~ ~ ` y _ ~ x/30 °W /s/. 03 ' ,tJ.~ °wzoo. it . y i ~ , n \ y ~ o w N ~a - ~ M bw . - ~ ti ~ w b N ' - ~ _ ~ u~ D o . y `!HE STATE CF TLKAS Q C OU'idTY OF QUAD A LUPE ~ CITY 0~' SC:it~RTZ ~ 0_~ T~?IS, th.e day of , 1973, the City Council of the City of Schertz, Texas, regularly convened at a regular meeting in the regular meeting place of said City Council in the City of Schertz, Texas, ~~:hich meetin vaas at ail times open to the public, and the roll was called of the duly constituted officers and me:ribers of said City Council, namely: ROBERI^ C . BL'EKIR A•I.4YOR Prt.RS . IdELL G. FUI~JK ALDERt~IOP~IAI~1 ROBERT E . SCHt•?ARTZ AL DERT~iAI'1 HTJGI-~ G. SAi~ID1FER ALDERi~~!A~I • I'~iRS. BOBBIE L. KOCH ALDERI~'OP•~A?`~ TO~,T KOOLE ALDEpr~:Ai~ AI1D PfRS . JUi~~E G. KRAUSE CITY SECRETARY DET?dY ARZ?OLD CITYi'"A'vAGER and all of said persons were present, with the exception of the folio:^Ting absentees : - , thus constituting a.quorum. bJhereupon, among other business the following t~,as transacted at said meeting: A written ordinance set- ting a date, time and place for a public hearing on the proposed annexation of one certain tract of land containing 1.771 acres, :•ras introduced for the consideration of the Council and read in full. IL was then duly moved and seconded that said ordinance be adopted; and= after due discussion, .said motio,., carryin with it the adoption of said ordinance, prevailed and carried by the following vote: AYES: All members of the City Council shoT,vn present a:oove voted "AS'E'' PdOES : none