11-08-1983 pLANN~NG AND ZONxNG, ~•9TP11)T~$ The Schertz P1anni'ng and Zoning Commiss~`on convened in Regular Session on Tuesday, Ncavember 8, 1983 at 7:00 PM,n the Municipal Complex Confer- ence:Room,-1400 Live Oak Road, Members present were as follows: PLANNING AND ZONTNG COPIPIISSION John, Linebarger, Chairman Cam Beauchemin, Vice Chairman Clay P~1cMahan, Secretary Merwin Willman Ray Stanhope Lee Boswell CITY STAFF Earl Hartzog, Planning and Zoning Coordinator OTHER PRESENT Ken Greenwald, Councilmember Charles Sharpe, Councilmember Neal Fisher Frederick Douglas, Planning and Zoning Applicant Tom Yarling, Planning and Zoning Applicant Pat Peek Darwin Peek Teresa Flake Donna Horn Gail Douglas #1 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Linebarger called the meeting to order at 7:00 PP1, #2 P.EADING OF MINUTES: October 25, 1983 Regular Session Merwin Willman made motion to accept minutes. Lee Boswell seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor, # CONSIDER AND MAKE RECOMh1ENDATION: Applicants for Planning and Zoning Commission Item passed until later in the meeting, #4 CONSIDER A~lD TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION: Preliminary/Final Plat Horse- shoe Oaks Unit 2A Neal Fisher presented his plans for Horseshoe Oaks Unit 2A. He iden- tified the area on the master plan, and advised of the area planned for Unit 2B and 2C. The street names were not on the plat and there was a brief discussion about this item. Pg ~ 2 PLANNING AND ZONING"MINUTES Lee Bos~tel1 made a motion to approve th.e preliminary/f'i`nal P1 at fpr Unit 2AY Cam B"e~ueheml`n seconded and vote was unanl~maus in favor, Chal~rman Linebarger advised ~1ra Fisher the Final Plat Mould be sign-. ed when the required items were added to the Plat and the City Engi-. veer has given Fig's approval. The Commission was provided a list of street names for Unit 2 for their approval.. After a brief discussi'nn it was agreed Aerial anal Aero could cause a prob_1em~ Ray Stanhope made a mot~`on to approve street names-except Aer ia1. Cam Beaucheml'n seconded and -vote was unanimous i'n Favor. #5; CONSIDER APJD TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION: Home Occupation for child care at 1202 Chestnut (by Teresa Flake) Teresa Flake advised the Commission of child care taking place in her residence. The Commission asked a number of questions about the num- ber of children and insurance requirements. Ms. Flake told the Com, mission that there would be no more than 12 children and parents sign a statement releasing libility. Since Ms. Flake was renting the house it was agreed a statement from the owner should be provided. After a short discussion Cam Beauchemin made a motion to approve contingent upon applicant providing letter to City Staff from owner of home hav- ing no objections to the Home Occupation. Ray Stanhope seconded and vote was unanimous in favor. Chairman Linebarger advised ~"s. Flake to obtain a copy of the ordinance pertaining to Fiome Occupation from the City Staff. She was also ad- vised to provide a letter from the owner of the house to the City Staff. #6 CONSIDER AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION. Zon1`ng change r~i'n'1 storage site on Lire Oak. Raad-R4 tp GB or PUD George Barnard Each of the Commission members were provided a copy of letter from George Barnard request 2.4 Ac, out of the G. Ma1paz Survey be rezoned General Business. ~1r. Barnard advised the Comml~ss%on of'the 1acatlbn being across the street from the Sel~ast~`an Apartments. TFie plan was to have mini storage site and 6ui'ld on'th-e lot 1~`ne nt'th a business strip along the frontage. There would also 6e an on site residence for the manager of the storage units. Mr. Barnard advl`sed h.e was pur-. chasing this property from Hoover Edwards contingent upon the zoning change. Chairman Linebarger asked about the type of business to be in the front, which F1r. Barnard was unable to answer. pgQ 3 pI~ANNTNG AND ZONTNG FIINUTES Ray Stanhope made a motion to recommend for rezoning public Hearing from R4 to G.Ra Cam ~eauchemi'n seconded and vote was unanimous in favors Chairman Li'nebarger advised'P9r. Barnard to get with the City Staff to arrange details for the public Hearing #7 CONSIDER AND i•1AKE REC0~1~IENDATION4 L~`ve Oak Road extension. to IH-_35. Earl Hartzog advised the Commission that the Staff needed a decision on the extension of Live Oak Road. A number of developers (Horseshoe Oaks - Ronnie daroszew~ki::, Myers Troup and ~"1orton Soatfiwest) has in~ quired about the future of their road. The Commission has i'n the past indicated this road was dust e dream, and if it is not going tp be required it should be taken off of 'th.e master plan. The City needs a water line to Deerhaven tank and this water line could set the course of th.e road. A sewer line is needed in t6_e back. of Horseshoe Oaks and it could be used to ident~'fy the road way> A map of the area was prey sent and possi61e iIdeas of routes north of Live Oak H%11s Subdivisionq After a brief discussion Chairman Lineberger recommended this t"tem be a aoint discuss%on between Gity Council and the Commission, Ttem tab- led. #8 CONSIDER AND TAKE APPROPRI°ATE ACT~ONQ Zoning change reclass2`fiGati:on of annexation from Pre-.Deve1op~, meat Von Scheele Property CJ.27,~ 527 Acres) ~ . The Commission was provided a copy of the map of the area used for annexation. The Commission was advised the owner of the property, P^r. Von Scheele, ask that the remainder of the land be zoned for apartments or commercial. After a short discussion Cam Beauchemin motioned to rezone from PD to Rl. Merwin 6dillman seconded and was unanimous in favor, except Lee Boswell abstained due to conflict in interest. #9 CONSIDER AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION: Zoning change reclassification of annexation from Pre-Develop- ment Industrial District (265.- 959 Acres) The Commission was presented a copy of the map used when this area was annexed. After a short discussion Ray Stanhope made motion to rezone to M1. Lee Boswell seconded and vote was unanimous in favor. Pg a 4 PLANNING AND ZONIPlG P~TNUTES #10 CONSIDER AND TAKE ApPRppRxATE ACTI'QN Zoning Ordinance set back 1i'nes for GB and M1 Item tab1ed~ #3 CONSIDER AND MAKE RECOM~":ENDATTOfd App1 scants for P1 annl~ng and 'on1ng Comm~ssi.'on App1 i'cants for this ppsiti'on are as fo1lo~ts e James T. Davidson ~ 82.1 Marilyn Dre Thomas Yarl ing 824 Map1 e Dra ~reder~`ck Douglas ~ 100 Forest Way Lurli'ne Da~ri~s ~ 537 Plaple DrQ Mr. Yarling and P1r. Douglas were present, the Commission asked P"r. Douglas some question since he was not present at the last meeting. It was pointed out the selection should be "1r. Douglas, because Or- dinance No. 229 indicates Commission "shall be representative of separate sections of the City dependent upon the availability of qualified personnel. It was pointed out this could mean Mr. Yarling, because he represents a business within the City. After a short dis- cussion it was agreed to have the City Staff obtain a legal opinion on ordinance. #11 CONSIDER AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION: Subdivision Ordinance Review The Commission reviewed a portion of the Subdivision Ordinance to determine changes required. #12 GENERAL DISCUSSION Earl Hartzog advised the Commission that there would be a Flood Plain Meeting, P4onday, November 21, from 6-9PP", in the Plunicipal Complex Council Chambers, put on by the 4dater P,esources and Public Safety. There would be a Public Hearing on Barshop rezoning November 15, in the Council Chambers at 7:00 PM. Ray Stanhope asked if the traffic on Pecan Dr. could be looked at; maybe street should be parking on one side or one way. #13 ADJOUP,N~IENT Chairman Linebarger adjourned the meeting at 8:45 PP7.