06-02-1965 Minutes of the sixth !eating between the or, Cit Council Merrier, Planning Comrr~ission «red Planning Consvttants, hetd June 2, 195, Cit Hatt, Schertz, TBxas, P.M. SRS PRESENT .yor Roy Richard City Council tubers Planning Con~anission Raymond ICoym Walter Schert~ ~31to . Schert~ E~eorge P . Qotton Sam Perryman cEc lCc~rdys i-t. P. Thutemeyer Planning Consultants west Chart®s C . Cross Arthur Troi lo, Attorney Edward Ic ~Y%{'... The meeting vwas opsned by ~`s~tter A. Sehertz. . Charles ~ Cross reported on trip to HHl^A an s'~e,y 26, X965. l~yor Richard, Chcaira~an falter A . Schertz and Consut#ant Edward Ic were at the conference . Each added comments on the meeting . Edward ~k explained the conclusion arrived at the FiH~A meeting . He stated that the reception urea favorable and that the HHl"A officaats suggested a C3~lRP program and an an Renewal iZrofect b8 started simvt~aneovsly. 8tailed discussion followed regarding the scope of proOect, etagibility, financing, procedures, ®tc . Favorable 8xirr8ssi~ons toward a i~RP and an urban Renewal Project were viced by all Council nand Planning Commission era present. . . . Tr6ilo was asked to explain the legal prc~cedureS ® ea~ttering into ~lrban Renewal . He ~;cpac~ineaci all the ramifications in full detcaits. yor Richard stated that the City Council Witt take up this ar~tter in th8 scheduled meeting the fol towing night k brought up the tend use and thoroughfare plane but in view of the Tate. hour and full discussion already held it was sugg8st8d that the rraatter be postponed till th8 next scheduled aneeting an Jung 22, 19b5. The me:eting was adjourned at 9a4~5 P.M. 2 Respec~futly submitted, Edward fv~k, AIA, ~41P E~lmf APPR~1lEi~ V~c~ ter A . Sc ertz, Chairman Planning Ccsmmi~siean