02-22-1966 ris~trtes of the Fifte~rx~h ~#irt~ be#ween the yr, pity ~ous~ei l e~°r~bea~, Pla inch ~eaerg~tissian, an Reree~ual ~a~ency and ~lannin~ Consultants heft February 22, ls, City t-Eail, S~hert~, Teacas ~s4~3 P.~~. 6c~~t~BRS PR~5tr~lT yor Rcay 1~~ . R3ohard pity ~~rncil embers t'lanning ~arr~rr~ission ~vialfard Kooh Ceear~e P. i~ltcan Samuel Perryrr~n ~carcan tics ~her#~ L. L. Rhea 1. E~unham ~rbarr Renewal enc Plar~nin~ Ccansul#an#~ falter ,4. cher#x Edward Rcaland Abel Fred Ludwig Cues# . Sturre3ck Gec~rgc: o~iard The rrree#ing was oea~ed by ~evrge ~ltcan . The minertes caf the ~?re~icaus meeting were read and ea~raved as read The Publac Tearing c~ra the rased honing rdis~an~e was earned for discussion. . Samuel t~erryrr~n goes#ioned the validity of the hh~arirtg dire to the inclerrtet~t weather. lteas~t and y€~r Richard stated that the hearir~c~ had been advertised lc~cczl ~aaers ,.~,~and that ~arca~tssed honing rdi~nce and honing ~s have been on disgalay in City ill caf Schertz fear a pericad caf #is~e ~arior tca the meeting . fir. Rhea asked that d briefly discuss the rcr~ased Zar?inc~ Aga far the ber~e~# caf the citizens gresent. palter Scher#~ cask ~ ~d ak to ~x~s9€ain the ~ra~edtrre far ahanin tip ~€anan rdinanc~ cat sow future date . Rcatand lbel asked if #here were ro~aosed cornrraercicsl rcarties far the land a`caantng Live yak Rcxad . x.. 3'he ~res~:ra# Zcanira~ ~r~+vides fr~r ~ caraceea#r~#ior? c~i= comr~neric~t ~res~?er#ie~ bcarderie~~ ei#her side caf the re~ilrac~d trc~cs. d ~rbk sug~e~#ed #hGC~# 'r€ #here were racy ~srr#her goes#i+~ns ara #h~ Z~raira~ rdis~a~nce i# wcsvld..<, be ~e~cad #ca lack ca~ie~ e~f ra~a~~s #hca# wi&1 be irac#a,ded ra the finest ~resen#cs#is~ra # ~+~mrehensiv~ ~teara #e~ #h~ ~i#y c?f ocher#~ . . iscu~siara grad cos~errn#s f'~ttc~wed the re~~n#d#i~ra e~f the ma~as. ~'he nex# wee#ing wcs~ ~cheduted fear march 22~ $9c which #irne the ~te~nnin~ ~crasui#€zn#s witt far~s~n# the com~at~#ed nrn~reherfsive Ptern #c~ #h~ ~i#y of Scher#~. Trace #here were na ftar#her goes#icrns csr discus~ic~a ears the ~nnin~ rdineance nr ra~aea~ss sera#d by # i'Icannin~ ~e~ut#an#s, i'h~ ~e#ira viers cued. Res~c#futty sr,brrai##ed, fired F . t.asdw i .~prvv~:d ~erar~e #c~n, ~hcxirrrr€an F ~.«mf