10-03-1972 City off' scl~~rtz DRAWER 1 SCHERTZ, TEXAS 78154 MINUTES OF THE MEETING ZONING & PLANNING COMMISSION October 3, 1972 A meeting of the Zoning & Planning Commission was held on October 3, 19_72 at 7:30 PM in the City Hall. The following members were present: Mr. Weldon Willbanks, Mr. Johnnie Wise, Mr. Richard Mansfield, Mr, Charles L. Sharp, and Mr. Charles •Peifer. Members absent were Mr. Harry 3. Decker and Mr. Clifford E. Harris. The minutes of August 30, 1972 were read and approved. A motion was made by Mr. Richard Mansfield recommending that the City Council approve the request by Mr, Riedel for rezoning of his property to commercial for o,nstructzon of a Dairy Queen provided that a public hearing is held to insure adjoining property owners do not disagree since the proposed business is within 200' of residential property. The motion was seconded by Mr. Peifer and. passed by the membership. A motion was made by Mr. Richard Mansfield recommending that the City Council approve a. request by Ol'Bossy to install gas pumps providing the City Engineer concurs with footage clearance requirements. Motion was seconded by Mr. Wise and passed by membership. A motion was made by Mr. Richard Mansfield and recommended that City Council approve a request for variance of the building code requiring 30' distance from city property line to building on property be changed for Aviation Heights Sub- division to allow "open cover type'° carports to be constructed within this 30' distance, also any additional requests of this nature be considered by City Council on an area by area basis. The moti on was seconde d by Mr, Sharp and passed by mem- bership. A motion was made by Mr. Charles Sharp recommending that City Council approve a request as applies to the carport at 528 Curtiss Ave. to allow changes as con- tamed in letter dated September 11, 1972 from the Urban Renewal Agency to the Zoning and Planning Commission. The motion was seconded by Mr. Mansfield and the vote was unanimous. Note: the passage of this motion complies with Sectionl8.4. of the Zoning Ordinance. A motion was made by Mr, Johnnie Wise recommending that City Council approve the preliminary plat of the Gutierrez property (located across Live Oak Rd. from Greenfield Subdivision) with consideration being given to exisitng natural gas lines and that property is not presently in city limits. Motion seconded by Mr, Mansfield and passed by membership. A motion was made by Mr. Charles Peifer recommending that city council approve the Deerhaven Subdivision Unit 3 final plat. Motion wasseconded by Mr. Wise and passed by membership. The commission would Tike to point out that there will be approximately 30' of unpaved roadway between the new and old sections of Fawn and Antler Drives. The commission recommends that City Council obtain a new member to replace Mr. Harry J. Decker. Mr. Earl Sacayer has been recommended. Weldon Willban ks, Chairman • ~ Charles V. Peifer, Secretary