02-10-1987 PLANNING AND ZONING MINUTES The Scher t z P 1 ann i ng and Zar? i ng Carnrn i ss i on canwened i n a r•egu 1 ar• less i crn on Tuesc9ay, Fehr•uar•y 10, .1987 at 7: QU P. M. i n the Mun i c i pa 1 Garnp 1 e:~. Can fer•ence Raarn, 14t~Q Live Oak Read . Thaw present ~=rare as fal l o~=!s: PLANNING a ZONING COMMISSION O`I"HERS PRESENT THOMAS YARLING, CHAIRMAN C.P. VAUGHAN, VAUGHAN HC]MES BC7E, ANDREWS, VICE--CHAIRMAN E.UDDY J AG}<SON MI=•RWIN WILLMAN M.P. C,RIIVI•<ERHO}=s= TY E:RISGILL CHES"fER WILLIAMSON DAVID ALLEN }iLR THA W I I_L. I AMSC7N }~EMN GREENWAL.D, COUNCILMAN MARY MARSH DORIS COUR'T'NEY _ DARWIN PEk:}C RONALD VAN Ii~IE MEMI~ERS A}:~SENT JAMES HARDE•:N, St`.C:;RE•1"ARY CITY STA1~=F . S"I°EVE. S IMCJNSC7N, ASST . CITY MGR . NORMA ALTHOl1SE, RECORDING SEG`Y, CAi_.1... l"O ORDER Cha i r•rnan Yar• 1 i ng cal 1 ed the rneet i ng to order at 7: C)U P. M. #2 APPROVAL OF MINU`I"ES: Rt~gu 1 ar• Sess i an January 27, 1{i'87 Mer~•~=~ i n W i 1 1 rnan made a rnot i on to aC.i}?r~•owe the rn i nute~, for the Regu 1 ar• Sess i an January ~?7, 1917. Dav i r~ A 1 1 en <.:~e~:.onded ti~~e rnc~t i ors and the vote i=ia~, unan i rnoueF i n f-avar. Mat i nn carried. #3 Cs I T 1: ZENS' INPUT OT4•-1ER THAN AC:,ENDA T _I..Et~S 1"her~•e was nar~~~. #~d• CONST.D}::R AND T•A}~E APPROPRIATE ACl°ION: Frank S. }ierno/E,ar•ciay Custarn Harney - Request for• Rear• Setback Variance on Pr•oposeci Harne on Lots 46 and 47, E:1 ack 5, Seen i e H i 1 1 s Carnrnun i ty Phase I , C i bal o, TX Mr•. Frank S. }Cer•r7a was nat present at the rneet i ng. ~T -.7d..._.v....._....~... Cha i r•rnan Yar• 1 i ng asked i f there ~a~as any Staff input. Steve S i rnonson r•ep 1 i ed he had been i nfar•rned by Mr. i•~er•no that he tMr• . Fier•na) had been advised by his attar•ney that gale ar•e wr•ang i n taihat t=ae told h i rn. Steve Si rnansen further stated that Mr•. ffer•na s~~ i d to ga ahead and da t=rhatever• we have ta_ do td i sappr•ave, etc. } and that Mr•. F~er•no !vi 11 1~ave to cocoa back to us i f he ~=pants to go far•ia~ar•d ~=a i tt7 his request. Meriaj i n W i 1 1 roan rnade a coat i an to deny the request f•r•arn Frank S. fter•notE:ar•c 1 ay Ct.astarn Hermes far a rear setback . var•. i once on Gots 46 ar~d 47, E:1 ack 5, Scenic H i 1 1 s Camrnun i tX Phase I due to insufficient i nfrrrr•mat i on as to the s i ere of: grid the need far• the var• i once. David Al 1 en seconded ti-i~ coat i ari and the vote taus unan i rnaus i n favar•. Mat i an car•r• i ed. CONSIDER AhiD TAf~E APPRCPRIATE ACTIO(V: Woodland Oaks Deve1 a~rnent Plan tRev. 1-2ti-•t37 ) There taus na aria present at the meeting to represent Warrdl and l7aks. Cf"ta i r•rnan Yar• 1 i ng asked i f there r=gas any Staff input . Steve S i rnorysvn i nfar•rned the Cornrn i ss i on ti•7ey a 1 1 have a copy of Ed F'c~rd's 1 etter• i n the i r• package. Mr•. 5 i rnansan said Torn F1 ores has not had time yet to 1 aok aver the 1 etter• fr•arn Ed Ford, but ~=ere are bcyund because ~=ie tab 1 ed tF•t i s request a t the 1 ast rneet i ng and ther•efor•e d i ::~appr•ava l i s r•ecarnrnended. <<: David Al 1 erg asked i f Torn F 1 ores has a copy of Ed F•or•d's 1 etter• and S•L-eve S i rnansan r•1=p 1 i ed yes he does. Meriai i n W i l l roan cc?rnrnented that Ed Ford's 1 eater r•ea l l y app l i es to Item- #b •i:t•ie Pr•e 1 i rn i nary P 1 at, and this t I tern i s the Master P'I an. David Al 1 err rnade a root i an to d i sappr•ave the Development P i an tRev. 1-~?0-57) for• Waad 1 and Qaks. Merl=a i n W i l l roan seconded tine rncy t i ors . E:efar•e the vote, E:ob Andr•etajs r•ernarked that. the 1 ast time rage had d i <.~approved ti-~e p 1 an because there ~=ras no stub cut of Waod 1 and Oakk~ Dr• i ve, and asked i f there had been any change<., i n that r•~:~•~spect. ,Steve S i rnansan r•ep 1 i ed no char7ges. The vote r=gas ti7err taken and Maras unan i moos i n favar•. Mot i an car•r• i ed. #b CCJIrIST.DE:R AMID T•AfiE APPROPRIATE AGTIOIVd Prel i rn i nary P 1 at Appr•ova 1 t Jab No. t)3b?. 04 > t 11-6-Sb ) Wcsadland Oalts Subdivision, Unit 4 Chia i r•rnan Yar• 1 i ng as1•ted i f there ~=ras any Staff input . Steve S i rnonsar7 r-ep 1 i ed his carnrnents ~arer•e th~* carne as those far the pr•ev i aus T tern. -2- E:ab Andr•et=+s asked i f he i s r• i ght . i n understanding that there ar•e . na restrictions as far• as time - there i s no time l i rn i t to reapply after tt•+e car•r•ec t i ons have been made. Steve Simonson said yes ti-?at it his understanding because of the fact it is. st i 1 1 a .peel i rn i nary p 1 at and ,+=ae ar•e d i sappr•ov i ng a prel i rn i nary plat. Mr•. E:r•inker•haff asked to make sarne~ carnmer+ts at this time. Mr•. E:r• i nkerhof f r•efer•red to sever•a 1 things at the 1 ast meeting tha t +=~er•e men t i ar+ed by Tarn Flores. one . of.. the things +=gas the cu 1-de- sac at •L-he cor•ner• of D i rnr•ock and Star Light l..ane and Mr. Flores' remarks that they r=~auld take ti°+,e +=later at that corner at iwb c+.ab i c foot per• second. Mr•. Dr• i nker•hoff said since then he had r•esear•ched i t to find out t=shat tl-+at -means i n real 1 i fe terms, and collectively speaking, we could all spit rnor•e than 12b cubic feet p~ar• second. Mr•. E:r i nker•hoff said he has photogr•apk•+s sha+=, i ng the +=+a ter knee deep and i?b cubic feet per second is not adequai;e. Arrather• ti-+ i r+g Mr•. E:r• i nker•k•tiaff referred to ~Lras Tarn F1 ores' remarks about taking water to a • cer•ta in nurnber• of feet beyond ti~re i nter•sect i on and then D i rnrack i=+oul d begin to r• i se. I~r•. E:r•inker•i7aff said it +=+ould be criminal if Dirnr•ack is alla+=+ed to take a rise after°• 1 eav i ng ti°re carner. Fcen Gr•eenwa 1 d advised Mr• . E:r i nkerhof f that arnang tk~e things. Ed Ford i s asi•< i ng i n his 1 etter• i s far Tarn F1 ores to pr•av i de that star•rn se+=+er• ca 1 cu 1 a t i ons far• pr•aposed bo:., cu 1 ver• is i nc 1 ude Cl, vel or_ i ty, sl ape, etc. Cho i r•rnan Yar• i i ng i nfor•rneci Mr•. E:r• i nker•haff that Ed F•or•d i s the City Eng i neer• and i~,e i s requesting specific i nfar•rna t i an fr•arn Tarn There t=~a s a br• i of d i sc°.uss i an an Ed For•d's 1 etter•. Merw i n W i l 1 rnan camrner~ ted .that a 1 ang i th Ed Far•d ` 1 et ter, +=ae have a 1 et ter f+r•arn City C:aunc i 1 asking us not to take action on th i s until tkie drainage pr•ab i ern i s sa t i sfac for i l y addressed . E:oka Andrews made a rnat i on to d i sappr•ove the Pr•el i rn i nary Plat t Job No. t~'3b?. t)4) t i i •--b--•S,S) far• Woad l and Oal~s S+.ibd i v i s i can, Unit 4 b~:+~-.eti on i nfar•rnat i an from ti-+e City E:ng i neer•. Mer•+=i i n W i 1 1 rnan se~_anded the mat i an and the vote was unan i rnous i n favor. Mc~t i on car•r• i e?d. #~7 CONS}:DER AND TAME APPROPR}:ATE ACTTON: Her•tha E. u Chester L. Williamson - Request to Place Mobile Herne at ].1~6~ War•e-Sec~u i n Raad Mr•. and Mrs. W i 1 l i arnsan +=+ere present at the rn~~et i ng. Cha i r•rnan Yar•1 i ng astted for• Staff- input. -3- r-.. Steve 5 i rnonsan i nfor•rned the Cornrn i ss i an they have a drat=a i ng of the location in their package. Mr. Simonson said because, they ar•e 1 c~cated i n an area toned PQ, they roust carne- to P 7 ann i ng and Zan i ng r=s i th the i r• r•equr~st . Cha i r•rnan Yar-1 i ng asked e::•;ac t l y r=iher•e the rnob i l e barns r=iou l d be. Steve Simar~son said in the middle of the AICUZ, Merw i n W i l l rnan indicated i t i s betr=seen the tr=~a runrj~ays. Meer=a i n W i l l roan asked i f anyone i s living there oar=~ and the W i l l i arnsans r•e}-r l ied no. Mer-r=~ i n W i 1 1 roan asked r=~ha t they p 1 an an da i ng t=~ i th the bu i 1 d i ngs and the W i 1 1 i arnsans said using them for• a hay shed, a far•rn erau i prnent shed, and a storage shed, and one rn i ght pass i b 1 y have to be torn dor~vn. Merw i n W i l l roan asked i f they have r=eater and the W i l l i arnsans rcpt ied they have a cistern ar7d a pressure tank. E:cab Andr•erSrs asked i f it's ane septic system and i f ti•~ey p 1 an on tying •i:he rnab i 1 e 1•~arne i r7to i t to be used by tr=ro different pr•-oper• t i es and the W i l l i arnsans r•ep 1 ied there r=iau l d be ors l y one Earn i 1 y. ~ E:cab Andr•er=rs asked i f anyone 1t ves i n the faun house and the W i l l i arnsans rep 1 ied no. l"!-•~er•e t=gas a brief d i ser.rss i an an the engineers r•ernar•ks abaut the septic system, E:c~b Andr-•et=~s asked i f there ar•e any Karnes ti~er•e at ti•~re preseant time ai-rd •i:he W i l l i arnsans r•ep 1 ied na. E:ate Ane1r•er=~s asked r=chat type of faundat i on they are pl arrn i ng far ti-re rnob i l e borne and the W i l l i amsans r•ep 1 ied b 1 ask. Cha i r•rnar•~ Yar• l i ng asked i f i t r=you l d be tied dar=m and ti-re W i l l i arnsans r•ep 1 ied y~-~s. C:Fia ir•rnan Yar•1 i ng askec; i f i t meets ti•~e r•eq~a i r•ernents cif ti-re AICU7_ and Steve Simonson replied yes it does. l-y Br• i sg i 1 i made a root i orr to appr•ave the request fr•orn Her•tha E:, Chester L. W i l l i arnson to place a rnab i l e borne at 1160 Ware--Sego i n Road. E:ab Andr•er=~s seconded the root i on and t1-re vats r=gas unan i rnaus in favor. Motion carried. Cha i r•rnarr Yar• 1 i ng thanked the W i 1 1 i arnsans for• the i r- time and E:ab Andrer=is thanked them for• earning i n to get appr•ova 1 far• the i r• reque~-,t and da i ng i t r i gt~rt. -4- #8 CONSIDER AND MAF~E RECOMMENDATION: Vaughan•Horner - Request for• Side Yard Variance fr•orn 2D Faot E:u i l d i ng L.. i ne to 7 foot E:u i 1 d i ng Line - Lot y4, E 1 ac k i, S i l ver• t r•ee Unit 1 Mr. C.P. Vaughan ~•~as present at the rneet ing. Mr• . Vaughan e::p 1 a i Heel that they ran i nta ~ a prob 1 em, t1-ie house faces Idleuaoad and they could Hat get the Fiause cin the lot. Mr•. Vaughan also pointed out the lots across the street have a 7 foot side yard . There ~jias carne discussion on t1~ i s. Mr• . Vaughan i n f or•rned the Carnrn i ss i on they have sold everything an t~r•eenix~ood and ti-? i s yeGir• t•~as the best January they have ever• had. t°Ir•, Vaughan said he i s 1 oak i ng far•it?ar•d to a very goad year. Mr• . Vaugha~-r a 1 sa said they have upgraded S i 1 ver-tr•ee fr•arn an area of 15Q0 square feet to an area of appr•a:>:imately 17Q0 square feet. Ty Dr•isgill asked hoi=i big the house is that's going to be built an Lot w~5 and Mr•. Vaughan said 17©b square feet and also said the or~?e an Lot ?4 r=?ill be 175"7 square feet. Mr• . Va~.agl~an t•~as asked i f he for•e~se~=s any pr•cab 1 ern a 1 i gn i ng th i s hcat..is~~ up t=a i ti-i tide rest of ti°re houses aril he said na. Ti-?er•e i??as a br• i of d i scuss i an and Steve S i rnonsan rlaas asked i f ti-ier•e raiere any Staff carnrnents. Mr•. S i rnansan r•epl i eel the Staff sees na prob 1 em - we've do?-?e i t an ather•s because we i=ieren' t sure wl"? i ci-i r•ray the houses ~~?au1 d bH facing. David A 1 1 en made a rna•t i an to approve the r-~=quest fr•arn Va~._ighan Nc:,rn~~~> far a side yard setback: oar i arice frorn ~'U facet bu i l ~J i ng 1 i ne to 7 fcaat bu i i d i ng 1 i ne - Lat ~4, Ecl ti-~ck 1, S i 1 ver•tr•ee Unit 1. Ty E~i^ 1 5g 11 1 secc?nded the rnot i an. The vote was as fo1 1 of=?s: Ayes: l+. Yar• 1 ing, M. GJ i 1 1 rnar~i, -1"'. E;r• i sg i 1 l , U. Al 1 ei-i relay=: hdune AL?t~ter.i ~t; i oris: P~ndr•ei=as t~lc:+t i an ~War•r• i eel . At this time ther••e rx?as a sl-ic~r~•t rer_ess. #9 Ct~NS:CDI=R AND MAI•~E RECOi~t~ENC)A'TIOIV: App l icants for• P i ann i ng anti Zoning Carnrn i s~~ i an E,nth aiapl icants, Ronald Van Dine and Mary Marsh, iaaere pr•esc3nt. There r=?as a guest i or~i and ansrx~er• per• i od for• botl-i the Carnrn i ss i on oriel the app l icants. -5- Dur• i ng discussion, Steve S i rnonsan asked i f the Carnrn i ss i on had ever cons i der•ed a 1 terna tes and Merr=i i n W i 1 1 roan said no. Ch a i r•rnan Yar• 1 i ng asked i f having a 1 ter•nates ~=rou 1 d r•equ i r•e a change i n . •Lhe ar•d i Hance and Mer•w i n W i 1 l roan said yes. There iaras a br- i of d i scuss i or•i on this and sewer~a 1 rnember•s of the Carom i ss i asn thought a i ter•na t~=s . ?~rau 1 d be a good idea . The Carnrn i ss i an acknotjil edged this tjias a tough choice because bath cared idates i=iere well dual i f ied for• the opening. They alsa ackno~l~l edc3ed, ho~•rever•, that the City desperately needs a r•~+pr•esen to t i ve on the Carnrn i ss i on f r•am the Sch i r•rner•v i 1 1 e area . Ty F:r• i sr~ i 1 1 roads a mat i on tca r•ecornrnend to City Caunc i 1 the accer~ tai-~ce of Rona 1 d Van Dine to f i 1 1 the vacancy on the P 1 ar7n i ng ar•icl Zoning Carnrn i ss i on. Mer•w i n W i 1 1 roan seconded the root i on and the vote was unan i rnous i n favor. Motion car•r• i ed. Daw i d Al 1 en r•er_arnrnended t•~e keep Mary Marsh `s appl i cat i an on f i 1 e for• the ne::t ava i 1 ab 1 e opening on the Gomm i ss i on . F<en Greent+~a 1 d said he ~=you 1 d bring up the sugge at i an for al ter•nat~-~s at the Gi ty Gounc i 1 Warksi~iap. #j.Q COiVSICIER A{VD MAF~E RECOMMEhIDATTON: Mab i 1 e Horne Or•d i Hance •1"he Carnrn i ~~s i an r•ev i ewed the Mob i 1 e Horne Or•d i Hance and made ti-~e i r s~.~ggest i ores and r•ecornrnendat i ans. Draw i d Al 1 er•y made a rnat i on to send the Mob i 1 e Harne Or•d i Hance, with tF~e st.aggested c.or•r•ect i ans, to G i ty Counc i 1 far• final action. Fob Ancir•e43as seconded the motion and the vote i=aas unan i rnaus i n favor. h9ot i on c:ar•r- i eci. 7. C1W.fVER AL._ D l: SCF.lSS 1 OIL Cha i r•rnan Yar• 1 i ng thanked Stews S i rnanson for hawing the City e 1 can up •i:he rne~~s across •Lhe street fr•arn h i rn. Fic+n Gr•eer•yrara 1 d r•ern i ndec~ the Carnrn i ss i on ti7e L. i br•ar•y and Humane Scaciety Auction and Dance are this Saturday, February 14, 1937. Mr• „ Gr•eer~itdia 1 d said i-~e understands they haws a 1 at of -good items far- the aur: t i an . Mer•w i n W i l l roan r•ern i nded the Carnrn i ss i on abaut the ,,ja i nt pub t i c hearing scheduled far February 17, 1987. Mer~•r i n W i 1 1 roan a 1 sa cornrnented he hopes to have a proposed an i ng d i str• i ct for the area south of Randal ph A i r• Farce Fuse ready by. tl-re February 24th meeting. Ty F~r• i sg i 1 1 br•aught up the fol 1 o~{r i ng: 1. The H i 1 d Mar• i ne s i grr on FM 7'8 i s fa 1 1 i ng apar• t. -6- L. The Va 1 Verde s i gr~ i s st i 1 1 up f he tl-~aught Steve S i rnansnn said severa 1 t3aeeks aga i t aaau 1 d be corning datlrn) . 3. Asked ho?•r of ter~~ the papu 1 at i on on the City 1 i rn i is s i gris i s changed and tx~as i n,~ar•rned every ten years. 4. The bu i 1 der•s ar•e not obser•v i ng .the and i Hance - both Savar~nat~ Square anal Dr•a!<e i-iarn~xs ~;aer•e i n v i al at i an f Steve S i rnor~son .said a 1 etter• has beer? ser7 t to Drake Harney) . I'~r•. E~r• i sg i 1 l •Feel s ~=re e i •i:her• need to •Fol 1 otr up on the obser•vant:e ofi the or•d i nanc~e ar• nrat have i t at a 1 1. ften Gr•eenura 1 d srt-r i d City Counc i 1 approved having an i nspec tor•, an a r•andarn basis, cite v i al atar•s ar7d and bring i n the signs. D~-~v i d Al 1 en camrner•yted he t=rau 1 d 1 i ke to see the updating of the City Plan an the agenda at same future tune. ~ ADJnIJRNMElVT Cha i r•rnan Yar• 1 i ng ad,jour•neci the meeting a t if7. P. M. There i s a ,joint pub 1 i c heaar• i ng sc:hedu 1 ed far• Febr•uar•y 17, 1957. T•he ne:>;t r•egu 1 ar• 1 y schedu 1 ed meeting i s Febr•uar•y ~4, 19S l'. -7-