03-03-1987 PLANNING AND ZONING MTMUTES The P 1 ann i ng and,_ Zan i ng Cornet i ss i can and City Counc i 1 cnnduc:ted a Jcaint Public Hearing on l~'uesday, March 3, 1987 at ?:00 P.M. in the Municipal Cdrnple~ Council Gharnbers, .1400 Live Oak Road. Mernber•s present mere as fol 1 o~=~s: PLANNING Q ZONING COMMISSION CITY COUNCIL TI-IOMAS YARL.ThIG, GHATRMAt~I EARL. SAWYER, CIAYOR E,OB ANDREWS, VICE-CHATRMAN Gi•-iUCt< SHARPE ME~RWIN WILL..MAN HAL. E~AL.DWTN TY E:RISGILL RAY STANHOPE DAVID ALL...EN ADOLPH AGUILAR KEITH VAN DINE t<EN GREENWALD M~°M~:ERS AE;SENT D"f'HERS PRESENT JAMt~S HARI]rN DARWIN Pr~.Et< TOM FLORES RANDY RAPPMUND CIl"Y STAt=t= Ii~~ENE RAPPMUND FAYE ELi...EY S1"EVF_ STMt1NSON, ASST. CITY MGR. MELVA STULTS i'JCIRMA ALTHOUSk", RECORL)1:NG SECY. CHARL.~:S E;ANt~S JIMMY G I LMORE, G I l"Y MANAGER R,i.IE~ MC I NTYRE AL.TCE AUS•'i°IN, DEPUTY CITY SECY. M. BRTNt~ERHOFF E~UDDY JACKSON #1 CAI_.1_ '1"0 ORDER Mayar• Ear• 1 Say=~yer• ca 1 1 ed the rneet i ng to ar•der• a t 7:00 P . M. and turned the meeting over to Planning and Zoning Chair•rnan Thornas Yar•1 i ng. PUE.t_TC HEARING: Zara i ng Change #8`~ To receive input fr•arn the public on the pr•opased rezoning of the frontage of TH 10, .fram We i choi d Raad to FM 151.8 for• a depth of !'`,0 feet, fr•orn Pr•edevel aprnent to Genera 1 C:.us i Hess. Ch a i r•rn~-an Yar• l i ng e:h:p t a i ned the r•u 1 es of pr•acedur•e f ar• a pub t i c hearing. Steve S i rnansor~, Ass, i scant City Manager, gave a brief pr•esentat i on an the 1 acat i an of the pr•oper•ty pr~~po~aed for• r•ezan i ng and al sa r•epar•ted that 5~ 1 etter-s had been serif tca property at=~ner•s ~~i th i.n ?00 feet of the location. Mr•. Simansan said 6 letters had been returned - one (1) against the rezoning and five i5) in favar• of the r•ezon i ng. j E~ob McTntyr•e, representing Charles Etanks~ (one of 'the property of=mers said Mr. E:anks i s i n favor of changing the zan i ng from Pr•edevel aprnen t tca Genera 1 E:us i nes~. IVo ane else came forward to rnal,e a statement ao Mayor Sawyer a xked i f there t=sere que~-st i ons frarn a>7yone present. Mayor "Sala~yer assured ti~~ose present tide r•ezon i ng t=rau 1 d not char7ge tine i r• ta•::es. E~ob Mc Tntyr•e asked i f the City has had any inquiries fr•orn peop 1 e wanting to develop along the TH ].4 frontage and Mayor Sawyer reel i ed so far• not many. Irene Rapprnund asked i f t1-le r•e on i ng appl i ed ant y to tl7e 7~,0 feet of frontage and I=las i nfor•rned yes i t did. Ms. Rapprnund I=sent on to e::::p l a i n tl-?at stye at=Ins appr•o:: i rnatel y nine ac:r-es and i t i s mast 1 y drainage. There was Borne di<.~cussian an this with Mayor Sawyer i n for•rn i rig her• tf•iat anyone earning i n and building i n tt`,e area i s not permitted to a 1 1 ow mare t=ra ter to f 1 ow through t7er praper-ty than f 1 of=IS tf ~raugh there note. There t=ras a quest i an an t=Iha takes r•espar~s i b i l i ty far the rands i n tl~te area, but Mayor• Sawyer said tt7e rna i ntenar7ce of ~i;i•~e roads ha7s nothing to do t=~ i th the r•ezorr i ng and s i nce ~ the puta 1 i r_ hearing i s on the r•ezon i ng, t=ae shou 1 d t i rn i t the discussion to that ~~t..ib,je~:~ •L- or'?1 y. Clne ge; I t t ernar~i i n at ter•sdar~r_e asked i f thle r•e an i ng isn't too pr•ernature - i f tree City shou 1 dn' t t=la i t unt i 1 someone comes i n and requests i t. Ha 1 E,a 1 dt=~ i n respor7ded to t!•~I i s by pointing nut that i n the past the City had tal~en that approach ar~d 1 earned that i f you t=/a i t, t=hen the Jewel aper• finds he has to go through ti-le pr•oc_edur•es of requesting a zoning change in order- to get approval to build, a lat of the time he backs out. Irene Rapprnund cornrner-a ted there are a 1 ready carne bus I nesses? n the area and Mayor• Sat=iyer• ;aa i d ti-ley were there before tine area t=las anne:;ed by the City of Sci-ler•tt. There t=ras a brief d i sc~uss i an an Predevel oprnent being the most r•estr i ct i ve zoning. #h:~ GElUERAl~. dTSCUSSTOh1 Ti•~er•e t=gas none. ~:~1. AC~JOURI~ME:I~"f C7~~ PUE:!_TC i-lEARTIVt~ Cha i r•rnan Yar• 1 i ng turned ti-?e meeting back over- to Mayor• Sat=iyer t=ri-la ad,jour•r7ed the pub 1 i c hearing at 7: y:9 P. M. -2- J The Sclier•tz Planning and Zoning Carom i ss i on r•ecanvened i n a special session, after the Joint Public Hearing, in the Municipal Ccarnpl e::~ Conference Roorn. ~o cai..i_ ro o~DER Ch a i r•man Yar-1 ing called the rnet i ng to arder• a t 7: w8 P . M. ~i#b C I'1' I ZE.NS' I NI'UT ©THER THAN PUSL. I C HEARING I TMES oN Ai::,ENDA AND o~"HER AGENDA I1"EMS There tiles none. #7' CONSIDER AND MAi•<E: REC:oMMENDATION: Zan i ng Change #8~, Gha i rrnan Yar• 1 i rig asked for• cornrnents. E~r~l:a Andrei=~s said a 1 1 we're doing i s p 1 ann i ng an dog=in the road and being cans i ster7t i th other major road nett=corks i n the City. DC7v i d Al 1 en carnrnented i t seems like the an l y 1 og i ca 1 thing to do i th the 1 and since t!•ie majority of i t ~=i i 1 1 pr•ohab 1 y tie cc::yrnrner•c ial someday. i•teith Van Dine asked what effect it has an the businesses and homes a 1 ready •i;her•e as far as the ta; hose and was i n for•rned Wane. Mr-• . Van Dine asked i f somebody a 1 ready has a harne there and ~=pants to sell it can it be sold as a home or• does it have to he sold as Y}r a business and Esob Andr•e~=is said as a business. Mr• . Van Dine a 1 so asked i=shat has to be done i f someone wants to bu i 1 d a home r•ati-ser tl-~an a bus i nes~s and was i nfor•rned they t=1au1 d need to apply for• a specific use permit. Ecvha Andrei=as said an e:.::arnp 1 e of .that ~=eau ] d be S i 1 ver• tree Subdivision. Mr•. A~-~dret=~s said a 1 Ong Jack Hays Esau 1 evar•d from FM 7'£3 to IH 3S it's coned General Lusiness, but the developer of S i l ver• tree felt i t would he a good place for a res i den t i a l s~..ibd i v i s i ar~? and had carne before P l af`in i ng and Zan i ng i th h i s request . tre i th Vari Dine i nfar•rned the Gornrn i ss i an .there ~=ias a: 1 at of concern about this r•ezon i ng fr•orn the penp 1 e i n the Sch i r•rnerv i 1 1 e ar•~-~a and he d i:dn' t ~aian t the Carnrn i ss i an to get the ~=ir•ang idea just because ti•,ey didn't send i n a 1 of of written r•espon<.~es. Steve S i rnanson e:.•;p 1 a i Wed that sornet i roes the 1 and of thane t=oho ar•e sent letters doesn't even touch the area pr•opased for rezoning, but the 1 a~=~ r•equ i r•es that letters be serif to anyone o~=m i ng property ~=i i th i n S00 feet of the proposed r•e~on i ng. E,nl~ Andrei=is once again stated that the change of pan i ng has no effect an i=shat the person is doing on the land now, if he is farming he can continue to faun, i=~e are-just trying to plan at~nad . -3- ~ y~, t„ y Mer•w i n W i l l roan pointed out that the region i ng t=~ i l l i rnrned i atel y increase the: value of. the land. Mr. Willman also said the reason far the 7~U-feet is that roost big developers regti.~ire that much i and for their part i cu 1 ar• Bevel aprnent. David Al 1 er~~ cornrnented we shoo 1 d r•ernernber• that Predevel oprnent i s the roost restrictive aan i ng and Mer•w i n W i 1 1 roan added we need to c 1 ar• i f-y that i n Pr•edevel oprner~t it's not that you can `t do anytfi i ng, i t `s that you need per•rn i ss i on to do i t. Mer~•w i n Willman made a motion to r•ecornrnend to City Counc i 1 the approval of Zoning Change #85, the r-ezon ing of ti•ie frontage of IH ' ].D fr•orn We i chol d Road to FM f r18 for a depth of ?,°.~C) feet, frarn Predevel oprnen t to Genera 1 ~:us i Hess. t<e i th Van Dine seconded ti•7e root i or~~ and the vote ~=ias unan i rnaus i n favor. Mot i or~~ car•r i ed. #8 CONS I I.~ER AND 'TAt<E APPRl71'R I ATE ACTION: Pr•e 1 't rn i nary P 1 a t Appr~•oval {Job IVo. 03b2.04) { 11-b-8b) Waodl and Gaits Subdivision Unit 4 Torn Flores was at the meeting to represent Woodland Oaks. Cha i r•rnan Yar• 1 i rig as1•<ed i f ti-~er•e alas any Staff i r•iiaut . Steve S i rnor•yson stated ti-~er•e were severe 1 tl•~ i ngs: { 1) The si~eet ti•iat a~as given to Mr. F1 arcs, the eng i neer-• on t1~ i s pr••a,jec t, stated cons i der•ab 1 e i nfor-rnat i an that w i 1 1 need to be required before final plat approval. Steve Simonson fur•ther• said according to his conver•sat i ons as i th Mr•. F1 ores they had been war•k i ng on thane i ~i:erns. { ~w') We a 1 sa had further discussion an the pr•aposed e::c.tens i on of D i rnr•ock and haw that's going to be worked out becacase of tine quest i ens on center l i ne change, ,jogs i n streets, setbacks, drainage and all those items. Mr•. Simonson also said that outside of this vein he haci been talking to Ron Jar•aszeaisi~ i about Ci:~dar Lane - i t has a f 1 at spat and does net dr•a i n pr•oper• 1 y ar7d Rcrri Jaras~ewski is going back in there, on his awn, and make it a , -faun fast c~+rnent swa i l rather than a two foot :cement sale i l . Mr• . S i rnonson said this peel i rn i nary p 1 at has to have a 1 1 thcase i terns answered iaefor•e a final plat coo l d be approved . Steve S i rnonsor~ camrnented tl'ie drainage Brig i Weer i ng st i 1 1 has to be addressed, but they seem to be an the right track. David Allen asked if the filing of Chapter•.11 by hIPC has anything to do with this subdivision and Steve Sirnansan said na it dons nat. David Al 1 en ~sa i d he wanted to cl ar• i fy t=shat Steve S i rnar~san had ,just said about the dr•ainaye - the engineering sti11 has to be adclres4aed. Steve S i rnonson said that i s cor•r-ec t but i t i sn' t -4- j needed. until the final plat approval and. what Tarn Flores is asking for here is preliminary plat approval. 0~~v i d Al 1 en said the question of i=rhy i t f 1 aads a t the cor•ner• of Start i ght and D i rnr•ack i s st i 1 1 : gnawing at him. - Steve S i rnonsan said the pr•opased r•ea 1 i gnrnen is 1 aok .rnucl°? more favgr•able but, we cannot give final appr•aval until the City Eng 'i neer• says i t `s okay. Oav i d Al 1 en r•ernar•ked that unt i 1 the City Eng i neer• appr•aves i t, he doesn't want to see a shovel of dirt turned. E:c~b Andr•e~=rs stated once again i=~e are 1 oak i ng here at the peel icninar•y plat. Nlerw i n W i l l rnan said we have a i i st i n our and i trance of t=that the pr•e l i rn i nary plat requ i r•es for appr•ova 1 . Nlert=~ i n W i 1 1 rnan cornrnented he had tt=ra things to rnent i an: (1) Lot S0, E,lack 9, Unit PC will have to be vacated and r•eplated~ and the Warne of V i 1 1 a ©ak cannot stay. Torn F1 ar•es stated our• or•d i nar~ce does nat addr•c~xss tt~ie ver•bage to be used i n a vacate anti r•ep 1 at so they hats talked to Ed Ford about r=that ?=gas needed to da this. (E,ob Andr•er=rs said this cc~u 1 d be done bets=teen the prei i rn i nary and f i na 1 p 1 at appr•ova 1 Nlr•. F1 nr•es a 1 so said they ~=r i 1 1 change the Llak i n V i t 1 a Dak, but ti~ey are ci-?eck i ng to see what names are ava i 1 abl a and ~=aoul d be appr•aved by the Past Office. Tarn Flores said he had checked an Borne of the setbacks that Nler•win Willman had questioned. There ~=ras a brief discussian an this, specifically lots 3? and 33. Ty E:r• i sg i l i asked i f he understands corr•ec. t l y that r=re ar-e assurn i rig Lots 3? and 33 ar•e okay i f the ~U facet ~=ride 1 of bu i 1 d i ng l i ne, na rna t ter r=there i t i s, i s car•r•ec t and E.ab Andr•ears r•ep t i rid yer.~, as 1 ong as you meet the other setback r•eq~.i i r•err?en ts. There i=ras further discussian an this. Oar••w i n Peep then asked per•rn i ss i on to speak ar?d i t ~=ras gr•arited. t~1r. Pc:.~ek said he has 1~?00 feet i n cornrnon bor•der• with th i s pr•aper• ty ar~?d his rna i n cancer•r? has a 1 urays beers being ne-;t to a subd i v i s i an with no aut ] et. Nir•. Peek fur• ther• stated that he believes Dirnrack extends dawn to a dead-end cul-de-sac and e::ceeds the 1 ength a 1 1 a~=red far a street i=r i th no out 1 et. Nit-. Peek said one of the ear• 1 i er• Nlaster• P t ans has tr=ra stutr-outs an t1~e southeast side and i t i~ad been indicated tl-ier•e tvau 1 d be a stub-out at the end of the cul-de-sac an Dirnr•ack. Nit-. Peek said i f that happened he r=rau i d be happy pr•esurn i ng i t wau 1 d be a f i ri i shed stub-aut rather than a right-of--•i=ray. Nlr•. Peek a 1 sa sa i d he r=r i shes they t=rou l d open up t°iaske Road bec:.ause i i 1 ega 1 tr•af f i t -5- j tir i 1 l eont i nue through there anyt•~ay, sa i t might as i=rel 1 be opened up (right now he has a lot of people taking a path through his pr••oper• ty) . Darwin Peek ; a 1 sa stated t.ha t i f there i s a stub-out ` a t the end of the cu 1 -d~-sac an O i rnroc k he p 1 ans to dove 1 ap i t ory to Macke Raad . Tarn F l ores said the i r• ar i g i na 1 p 1 ans had not i nr_ i uded stubbing ` au t O i rnroc k, but because of _ a 1 1 the pr•ob 1 erns they have er~counter•ed and al i the cornrnents they have heard, they ar•e cons i der• i ng i t. David Al 1 en i nfar•rnec-i Torn F 1 arcs they have created a closed subdivision and ti7at isn't rihat ~=re t=rant. " Merin i n W i 1 l rnan noted that has nothing to do i th Unit 4. Steve S i rnonson said we had aslted thern to pr•ov i de an e:r, i t to the sr::ruth and they ar•e shay=ring us one to the south, and fr•arn the i r• point of view ti-~ey ar•e shortening the 1 eng th of the cu 1 •-de-sac • ar~ci pray i d i ng a stub-•out to Dari=r i n Peek's pr•aper•ty. There t=ras fur• ti~~er• discussion on the posy i b 1 e 1 ocat i on of stub-nuts. Cha i rrnan Yar• 1 i ng asl~ed ~=rher•e the roast natura 1 p 1 ace, accar•d i ng to tr.~pogr•aphy, i s far- a stub--out and Steve S i rnonson r•epl i ed a l roost ar•yypl ace. Tarn F1 ar•es r•ern i nded tl-?e Cormn i s=r i an Mr. Peen has made a r•eyuest far a stub-ant and said he needs to knot=r i f tk~e Gomrn i ss i on gran •i:s #i i t . Cha i rrnan Yar• 1 i ng cornrnen red i t 1 oaks 1 i ke .oat=r t=that we need to sett 1 e i s i f i=re r=rant to des i gr7a to this road on the peel i rn i nary plat. ~.ob Andrews r•ernar•ked he i s l oak i ng at a prel i rn i nary p 1 at, but hearing i t t=ron't be the carne i=then he 1 oaks at a final because the roads ar•e wrong. Merw i n W i 1 1 rnan asked E,ab Andr•e~=rs ~=that r•nadry are r=rrang and Mr•. Andrei=rs said the stub-out t=rcan' t be corning off of Cotton t~ i ng - they don't i=rant i t there because O i rnr•ack i s too 1 ong fr•arn i t dorArn to the end. So ti~en Merw i n W i 1 1 rnan asked E~ob Andrer=rs hai=r tkie stub-out rlr i 1 1 effect the over•a 1 1 1 engtk7 of D i rnr•ock and Mr. Andrer=rs said i t won't, and Mr. W i 1 1 rnan said that's my point. ME~r•w i n W i l l rnan said where the stub-out i s - that's ar~ybady's guess - Just as long as ~xre say i=re ~=rant a stub-out in the area. E:c-,k:~ Andrei=rs said. then yau'r•e saying it's okay as 1 ong as i t i s there and Mr. Willman said yes. Ty >~r• i sg i 1 1 asked i f City Count i 1 had ~ i ven us per•rn i ss i an to proceed tv i th approves 1 of the peel i rn i nary plat even though the dr•a i r?age pr•ob 1 ern has not been col ved and Mer•t=r i n W i 1 1 rnan said the restriction had been ternpar•ar• i l y l i f red at the Count i 1 W~~r•kshop. -6- y Mr•. M. Sr• i nl,er•hof f was present and asked permission to speak and i t was granl;ed. Mr•. L'r• i nker•hoff began by saying he had choser~i his harne because of the i at 1 dcat i on and ti-iat he had many other 1 of 1 acat i or•is available to h~irn which he could have chosen but didn't. Mr. Br• i nker•hoff went on to .say ghat at no time i n ti-ie sales pr•esen tat i an did they say D i mr•ack wou 1 d be a thr•au~gl~~i street, there i s en t i r•e l y too much tr•a f f i c, especially tr•uc ks, going a t taa fast a speed narai. Mr . E:r• i nker••hof f a 1 sa stressed he did not think we shoo 1 d 1 et ti-ie developer get ai=iay t=~ i th t-rpen i ng i.ap D i rnr•ack ,just because i't's th7e eas i e~;t solution to the prab 1 ern. Cha i r•rnan Yar• 1 i ng asked Mr. Sr• i nker•hof-f i f i-ie isn't or7e of ti-ie property aia~ners suffering fr•arn ti-ie f 1 oad i ng and Mr•. E:r• i nker•i~af f said yes he is. Steve Sirnansan carnrnerited that thie develaper~• has to build the street and an underground culvert, that we've already gone past the paint of peel i rn i nary and both the City and Tarn F 1 ores are naiji waiting on the eng i rii^Yer• i ng comments. Ty E~r• i sg i 1 l , directing his carm•nerits to Mr•. E:r• i nker•haf f , said he rxias syrnpa thet i c to his situation and a i so painted out tha t tt•iraugh the meetings of the Homeatrrier•s' assac i at i an i t has beers deterrn i ned that there are a 1 at of things the i7arn~=ot~aners i=sere not told by Gerncr•aft. ix~ Steve S i manson i nfarrned Mr•. Sr• i nker•haf f the City Staff has been 1 ook •r ng into i+iha t can be dor•ie to solve ti•ie f l ood i i~g prob 1 ern and ai sa iaahat can be darie to help rna i nta i n tr•aff i c safety i n the area. Mr. S i rnonson said as far as traffic _~Safety, one thing ti-ie City i s cans i der• i ng i s putting up a Stap s i gr•i. David Allen said the problem of flooding is a main concern and asked Mr•. E:r• i nker•F7aff i f i t talaul dn't be i~iar••th i t to have ti-sat salved even if he loses •L-he cul-de-sac. Mr•. E:r•inl,er•haff responded to that by saying he has hear~•d all that is being considered by the City and the developer and all i:hat the City Eng i neer• i s r•ev i ei=~ i ng, but wants to kna~x~, i n case that doesn't solve the problem, is there a Plan E:. E:a1:~ Andrews quest i ar~iecl rs~ha's ga i ng to carne up t•~ i th p1 ans A, E:, and C and str•es:~ed the P 1 ann i ng and Zoning Cornrn i ss i an i s cc7rnpr• i sed of vol unteer-s. Mr•. Andr•ei=is ij~ent or7 to say the guy that has to cor•r•ect •i:he pr•rab 1 ern i s the one it~ha i s going to carne up w i ti-i the plans. Mr•. Aridr-er=as said ti~?e P i ann i ng and Zan i ng Carnrn i ss i on i~as to r•el y on the e-::per•ts i n any given field far• _ tt•ie i r• advice .and can an i y make their dec i s i on fa^orn that as to whether or not i t tai i 1 1 work. -7- Mr•. .E:r• i nker•haff asked E:ob Ancir•ews i f the homeai=mers needed to hire a 1 awyer and Mr, Andr•er=is rep 1 i ed he did not know the answer tca ghat Guest i an.. David Al 1 en i nfar•rned Mr. E~:r• ! nker•hof f i=~e ar•e i n P 1 an E: r• i ght nay=~, i t t=gas P 1 an A that started the pr•ab 1 ern. Mr• . E:r i nker••ho_ f f asked i f there i•~er~e any ather• sol ut i ans being cans i der•ed. Steve S i rnonsan said way back Then - t=hen they f i r•st started getting camp 1 a i nts fr•am •L"he pr•aper•ty ar=ir~er•s dawnstr•earn - the City 1 aoked i nta sever•a 1 sal ut i ons. Mr•. S i rnansor~ said for• ane thing •L-1-rer•e ~=gas discussion about rebuilding D i rnrack but there were pauses a 1 ready sal d and same Karnes bu i 1 t that ~=~e cau 1 do ` t take aut. Ana•Lher• thing cans i dered ~=ias tr•y i ng to get water fr•orn tha t cu 1-de-"sac: dar•~n and ar•aund where i t ~=gas supposed to be, but the cast of the pre 1 i m i nary erg i Weer i ng was astr•anarn i ca 1 . Mr• . S i rnonson painted out that ~=hen the City Engineer rev ! et=~C p 1 ans he a 1 sa makes r•ecornmendat i ons - he may say this r=~ i 1 7 t=~ar•k, but ~=ahy dan't you try i t this t=gay i ns•i:ead. Steve S i rnansan said Tam F1 arcs i=gas h i r•ed ~=ihen the prab 1 ern was • d i scaver•ed ar~d l"arn F1 ores told Mr•. E?r• i nker-hof f this was his third effar•t at a sal ut ian. Steve S i rno~°isan did i nfor•rn Mr•. E:r• i nker•haf f and Mr•. Jackson i t 1 oaks 1 i ke there i 1 1 be a street ,jag an D i rnr•ack. After fur•ther• d i scr.ass i an, Mere=a i n W i l l rnan rnade a root i on to approve tl~e Pr•el irninary Plat tJob IVa. 07362.04) t11-6•-86) far• Woadlacid Dry ks Unit 4 with the pr•ov i sa 7 tt•ya t a f i na 1 dec i s i ory an the stub- au t between Star 1 i gh t and D i rnr•nc k be rnade by the time the f i na 1 plat i s presented. David Al 1 en seconded the root i or? and the vote ~=gas unan i rnaus i n favar•. Mat i an carried . #S' Sign Clr•d i Hance tD i scuss i on an Var• i ances i n Relation to the Sign Dr•d i Hance ) Mer•rai i n W i 1 1 rnan had given each Cornrn i ss i on rnernber• a copy of Borne verbage an variances and. h1r•. W i 1 1 rnan -asked them to i oak i t aver. Mr• . W i 1 1 rnar~ a i so said the Decernber• 1986 "Zoning Nerlrs Inde:.•~" r=ias very i n ter•est i ng i n that i t shay=red haw many cases i ova Z v i rig var i ancecc there had been 1 ast year. Mer•rt~ i n W i 1 1 man said r=re have been very 1 en i ent i n granting variances and, i n his op i n i an, sarnel: i roes too 1 en i ent. David Al 7 en e:pr•es~ed the Borne concern. h1r•. Al 1 en said i f ti•7e Sign Or•d i r~ance i s good and valid, then R=ae slioul d stand by i t, i f oat then i=~e should change the ar•d i Hance. -8- Y Merw i n W i 1 1 rnan cornrnented the Inspection Depar•trnent has been asked to snake a 1 i st of tine things they cannot 1 i ve ~=i i th and to mane suggest i ans ai°a hoar to i rnpr•ave tl7e ar•d i Hance. David Al 1 en ~ remarked that evar•ynne requesting a var• i ance ~ a 1 r=rays c 1 a i rns they have a good e:fcuse far• t=ranting i t, but ante you sta>'•t rnak i ng e:>:cept i ons, then ever•yar~e iaants tine sarne cons i der•at i can. - Meer=r i n W i 1 i rnan r•ernar•ked that t=then i=re say the per•scarr r•~quest i ng a var• i ance i~~as to prove undue har•dsh i p that means t1•aey have to pr•ave there i s no at1-aer• use for• the 1 and and it's very hard tca prove that. David Al 1 en said he t=rants i t uncler•staad thaat he ~=rar•rts ever~•y business in Schertt to succeed, but he does. .not think that granting var i ances:~, for e::<:arnp 1 e, fr•a+•n a 3w; facet sign to a 38 foot sign i s the th i t-rg that t~~ i 1 1 rnai,e a taus i Hess. succe~=d. Steve S i rr?arasar'a said ti•~e biggest pr•ob 1 ern the Inspect i an Department i s having r=r i th the Sign Or•d i Hance i s the setback r•equ i r•emer7 t cc:aupl er_1 ~=r i th the height. Merl=~ i ry W i 1 1 rnan said ~=~e r•ea l i ~e t=re have a pr•ob 1 ern i n t1•ie setback area and wi 11 try to cor•r•ect i t. Mr-. Wi l lrnan further stat¢d ti-iat t=rh•y~sn the Sign Or•d i Hance i=ras r=rr• i tten, i nfar•rnat i on fr•arn l"ML. aricl saver•a 1 other cities t=ras used on 1 y as an e::arnp 1 c~. Mc:r•t=r i n W i l l rnan carnrnented maybe r=re si~~aou l d 1 oak at t=rha t i nfor•rnat i an s>f r=re have ava i 1 abl e and t=ra i t for• feedback ~'r•arn the Ir~spect i can Depar-tmerrt and decide fr•arn there an sorneth i ng benef i c i a 1 to the City and to file bus i nessrraen . Mer•t=r i n W i 1 1 rnan asi~ed i f ~=re can put a rnor•ator• i urn on s i gi,s unt i 1 ~=ie da sarne r•et=ar• i t i ng of the sign ar•d i Hance, but them aras~=acted h i s a~=rn gi.aest i an and said he d i di°~'t see hog=r ~=re caul d. David A 1 1 en sa i di n ti-ae meantime r=re need to stand by our arcs i Hance and consider a 1 1 requests for• variances ar•te a t a time based on their as=rn rner• i t. E.ob Andr•er=rs natecl ti-re reason he had asked that: the request fr•orn Johnson-Dempsey & Assoc i att~s for• the sign var• i ance at ti~~e p i c N Pac be tab 1 ed unt i 1 the March iatl-a meeting anci far tF~ i s discussion to be can the agenda tan i gh t r=ras sa t=re can deter•rn i ne {=rh i ch avenue r=re r=cant to take i n r•egar•d to grant i r-~g var• i ance{a. Gha i r•rnan Yar• l i ng said he ~L-h i n ks t=re t-~eed to r•ev i ei=a a 1 1 the i n •f=or•rna t i on given us by Mer•i=~ i n W i 1 1 rnan and put tl-~e. d i scuss i on of var i ar~ces on ti~~e agenda for- t1~~e ne;~t meeting. t<e i th Van Dine rnent i on~ed granting variances ~=r i th a r• i der•, but i t was decided that r=ras r-?~ot a raorkab 1 e sal ut i on. -9- y Cha i r•man Yar• 1. i ng tal d the Comrn i ss i on mernber•s the discussion of variances toi11 be an the agenda for the ne:>:t meeting, so to p 1 ease r•ev i et=~ al 1 the i nfar•rnat i an they have and be ready to make suggestions. E:crb Andr•et=as carnrnented he thought ~=ie need to send far some liter•atur•e for guidance and asked if discussion of that could be an the agenda. Chair•rnan Yarling said it can be an the agenda. #9a. CC]iVSII.7ER Ah1D TAitiE A~'PROi'RIA•1•~E ACTtOiV: E. ? J Lat=in rare = Request for Sign Variance Thor-e ~=gas na one at the meeting to r•epr•esent E. ? J 1...ai•~n Car-e. E•c~i:a Andrews asked ~=ihen Steve S i rnonsan had spoken to James Edwards and then Mr•. Andres=~s said he had spai,en i th h i rn yesterday ar~d kn~xr=~ t=shy he t=~as,ri't here tonight. E:ob Andrei=~s said he had told Jarnes Edt=~ar•ds fr•orn E. u J Lat=in Care that i f he ~=sere on the agenda for the Mar•r_h 3r•d spec i a 1 less i an his request ~=you 1 d be tab 1 ed. E,ob Andres=as made a rnot i an to tab 1 e the request from E ~ J Lot=~n t:,ar•e for• a ,sign variance unt i 1 the ne:~t r•egu 1 ar• 1 y scheduled rnE:r~~t i ng of March 10, 1987. David Al 1 erg seceanded the motion and the vote t=ias unan i rnaus i n favar•. Mot i an car•r• i t=d. U GE:iVE:RAL D I SCl.1SS I OIV l"y ~:r• i sg i l l asked Steve S i rnonsan i f Gerncr•aft needs approval to rep 1 are an o l d sign t=~ i th a net=r one ar~d Mr . S i rnonson said he t=ivu 1 d chc-~ck i nta i t. 7`y E.r• i sg i 1 1 a 1 sa asked about the street 1 i ght at D i rnr•ack artd W i ten and Steve S i rnanson said he t=eau 1 d have to get tagetl~7er• t=a i •L-h Rar~r Jar•as~et=isk i about i t. Ty E,r• i sg i l l asked who's r•espans i b l e far• rna i n to i n i ng Macke Roaci and Steve S i rnoi-tsan said part of i t i s the City's and par• t of i t i s the County's. Mr•. E:r• i sg i l l camrnented i t i s i n bad shape. Mert=iin Willman, carnrnenting on Mr. ~~r•iriker•hoff's r•emar•ks aiaout all ti°ye. truck tr•af f i c on D i rnr•ark, as>k i f there's any pas s i b i 1 i ty of gets i ng the trucks off that street. Mr•. Wi 1 loran said t=~e rrz~ed to talk to the developer and the sub-contractors. Steve Sirnansan ~~a i d he t=~ i l l try and talk to them. iier? Greens=~a l d remarked the only t=gay i t could be done i s i f they were over the 1 ego 1 1 oad 1 i rn i t far tine r•aad. FCeri Greerrt=ta 1 d asked i f anyone had checked an ti•~~e b 1 inking 1 i ghts at the irrantier saying they are distracting at night. -10- 1 Steve S i rnpnson said 1 et tees had bee.r~ - sent to E 1 Cue, True Performance and Sue's Stich-ht••-Sew, but he would have to send one of the inspectors to cheek on the Fr•ont:ier•. l~lc~r~=r i n W i 1 1 man cornrnented that, i n his opinion, i t il~as about time no~•~ for c i tat i Drys to be i ssuecl to E1 Cue aryd .True Per•forrnance. E,ob Ai-idre~t~s said i7e wou 1 d 1 i ke to thank l~ i ty Cour~c i 1 or wi~oever iias resporis i 1:~ 1 e for getting the dust urtider- control at the durnp. t~ir•. Andr~•eia~s a 1 so i n for•rned the Cornrn i ss i on that i f the durnp r•i:~rna f r7s a~~~ •L•• i ve, g"r~•ca~=~t!•~ tori~ard i t ~=a i 1 1 stop because VA and F'f-fA t=a i 1 1 no 1 anger approve any c~onstru~t i on c 1 oser• than ~=ii~at i t i s r- i gi~7t noiia. '~•I:.Eave 5 i rnanson said tP-ie f i na 1 closing of th-~e durnp i s sef-tic~du 1 ed . for July of •L-his year. i`7r. Sirnor•rson also pointed out the Gity h~yr.J gorse ~•a i th the 1 as>•t s i monti•~r e:>::tens i on for• the dump because oP a 1 1 the ar:,s i stance Nenry Cut i err•e~, not Waste t'lar7agerni~~-?t, has g i veri i n the f l ocacl i r?g of all of ~icf-~er•t~. Mr•. S i rnonsori said her. Cu t i erre~ has dos°ie a 1 of of i~~ork on the south side of his Borne tc:y ~=i i der•~ the ditch and the City fe1 t i t ~aaas i n tt•~e i r• beat i nter•est to ~t~or•k itf i '4-h h i rn. Steve S i rnon{son said, gas a matter of fact, SC)"/. of the Borne hay:, already t~ecn capped. Cha i r•rnan Yar• 1 i ng r•ern i nded tf•7e Comm i ss i on ~L-he ne::•::t r•egu 1 ar• 1 y sr.::f ~edu 1 ed meeting i s I"Ilar•cf-i 1Q, i.~'~~'7. 1#11 ADJQUfiZhit~lEh1T C!•~ra i r•rrian Yar 1 i ng adjourned tl-ie rne~=t i ng at 9: ~3 P . M. -11-