06-16-1987 PLANDTNG AND ZONING MINUTES The Scher•tz P 1 ann i ng and Zoning Cornrn i ss i on convened n a r•egu 1 ar• sessiorti an Tuesday, June l~, 1987 at 7:OQ P. M. in the Municipal Cornpl e:~c Conference Roorn. Those present ~=~er•e as fal 1 oc=~s: PLANNING u ZONING COMMISSION OTHERS PRESENT THOMAS YARLING, CHAIRMAN EcARRY MOLTZ, E:C7E. ANDREWS, VICE-CHAIRMAN MC~i T NNEY HOMES JAMS HARDEN, SECRETARY MR. ~ MRS. ALFONSO HUC)SON MERW I N W I L_L.MAN TY E~R T SG I LL. CITY S1"AFF 1•<E I TH VAN DINE STEVE SIMONSONq MEM~~ERS AE~SENT ASST. CITY MANAGER NORMA AL_THOUSE, DAVID ALLEN RECORDING SEG'Y. FCEN C~REENWAL.D, COUNCIL...MAN #1 CALL TO ORDER C:ha i r•rnan Yar• 1 i ng ea 1 1 ed the meet i ng to or•der• at 7: Od P . M. #8 APPROVAL OF MINU`i°ES: A. Spec i a 1 Sees i can May i9, i987 E~ob Andreraas pointed out that on page 3, ITEM #7, Paragraph .cJq the statement that "Mr•. Davis had tr• i ed to comp 1 y t=~ i th the ordinance but c=gas unable to" ~=ras not totally correct. E~ob Andres=~s suggested i t be rec=corded to say that "Mr• . Davis had tr• i ed to ccrrnp l y t=~ i th tl-~e ar•d i Hance but, of ter• one and one-half year•sq because the visibility of his signs from Jack Hays E,oulevard ccyuld not attract enough business, he had requested a sigr7 var• i once. Ty E~r• i sC.7 i 1 l made a rnot i on to approve the rn i nutes, as amended q for the Special Session May 19q 1987. Freith Van. Dine seconded the rnot i on and the vote i=gas unan i rnous i n favor. Motion car•r• i ed. E:, Regular Session May 26, 1987 E:ob Andr•ec=as made a rnot i on to approve the rn i nutes far• the Regul ar• Session May 26, 1987, Ty E:risgill seconded the motion and the vote c=gas unar~~ i rnous favor. Motion ear•r• i ed. #3 CITIZENS' INPUT OTHER THAN AGENDA ITEMS There. i=gas none. #4 CQIVSIDER Ahln TAFCE APPRdPRIATE ACTIQIV: Mcttinney Hornes Request far• Rear• Yard Sr~tback Var• i ante to the Zoning Clr•di~ance on Lat 9, E1ock 1 {3913 Wrn Scar•br•ough) and Lat 7,. E.1 ack 1 {3916 Wrn Scar•~ir•ough Savannah Square Subdivision E~ar•r-y Mol t~ ri~as .at the meet i ng to r•epr•esent Mci•f i nney Hornes. Cha i r•rnan Yar•1 i ng asked Steve S i rnonson for• Staff input. Steve S i rnansan r•epor•ted that the houses ar•e a 1 ready bu i'1 t and Mci•< i nney Hornes shori~s a 1 ~ ` r•ear• yard setback on ti~h i ch they are basing the i r• var• i once. Mr-. S i rnansan said he had checked thr•augh a 1 1 the r•ecor•ds and tau 1 d find northing to shoria that t=ore had .ever gr•arited thorn a 15' rear yard setback variance. F:ob Andresi~s carnrnented he 1 i ked the 1 ester Steve S i rnanson had ~•+r• i tten to the Carnrn i ss i on with Hates about i terns on the agenda. E:ob Andr-erias al sa carnrnented an •the 10' front yard setback shori~n arrd Steve S i rnanson said rise had gr•artted them that var• i once. Steve S i rnar•~san a 1 so painted out he had made a reap sharii i ng the Cornrn i ss i on ri~here the 1 ass ri~ere 1 ocated and the rnember•s of the Cornrn i ss i on e::•::pr-essed •l:he i r• appr•ec i at i on. J~:~mes Har••den stated he has a r•ea i pr•ab 1 ern at i th the c 1 aseness of the trees to the houses. Mr-. Harden said he needs to get sarneone ri~ith credentials and authority to speak riiith the City and developers about the pr•ab l erns this closeness of trees ria i l l create. Mr•. h•lar•den ri~ent on to say tl-rat ria i th i n five years the slabs rig i l 1 be broken. James Harden said the Te::•::as I~ur•ser•yrnen's Assoc i at i an i s hearing that eight font is the closest distance being recamrnended far• trees in relationship to slabs, roads, curbs, etc. Mr•. Harden said any long life tree, if it can't grow deep, riiill spread out. T•y E:r• i sg i 1 1 questioned E~ar•r•y Mol tz regarding the 1 ocat i on of the tree an Lot 9 and Mr-. Moltz said they feel they can give c 1 ear-•ance. Ty E~r• i sg i l l then asked i f they ri~ou l d be using the current curb cut and E:ar-r•y Mol to said they ria i 1 1 probably have to e::::pand i t. There. ri~as some d i scuss i an abar..it the tree i n the dr• i veri~ay. Ci ~a i r•rnan Yar• 1 i ng observed that the pr•ab 1 ern i s the houses ar•e already built. James Harden asked if they need a permit for each house and rirhen i nfor-rned they do, questioned i f the Inspection i:3epar-trnent shouldn't catch an er~•r•or• in the setback. -2- There raras a br• i of d i scuss i an on this. E,ob Andrerars r•ernar•ked th.i s i s the fifth or s i s>::th var• i ante t=ie've had to grant Mcf~ i nney Harnes. T t aras quickly painted trot that this i s the f i r•st for• McF~ i nney Harnes4. -that. the ather•s rarere for Shepherd Harnes rarh i ch Mct~ i nneyg ra~hen tl-iey tank over, rams honest enough to bring to 'our attent i an. Steve S i rnansan a i so noted that the p 1 at p 1 an sr_rbrn i t led to the Inspect i on Department for• canstr•uct i on did nat shorar encr•oachrnent into the building setback. When i t ragas asked har=~ this pr•obl ern came about, E,arr•y h1a1 t z i•nfar•rned the Gomrn i ss i an the p 1 at p 1 ans ar•e des i gnrad i n Har_istan and they have to ad,jt_rst them to the l ats here. Mr•, hiol tz a l sa said tl-rey had been under the i rnpr•ess i an the r•ear• yard setlaack taus 1~`, trot narar they knorar it is 24', so there should be na fur•ther• pr•ob 1 erns. Steve S i rnansan said there had been no prab l erns unt i 1 norarg he had talked rarith the inspector-s and tald them to check carefully an tt7e setbacks, and said he did not anticipate any prab l erns i n the future. E;arr_v h1o1 t~~ said he had carat keel a 1 l the l at=.. today and didn't see any pr•ob l ern. E~ob Andrerars made a rnat i an to approve tl-~e request fr•orn McN< i nney Homes for a r•ear• yard setback var• i once of on Lot 9, E:lock 1 (3913 Wrn Scar•br•augh) and a r•ear• yard setback var• i ante of 5'- >=3" on Lot Flock 1 (391 Wrn Scar•br•augh) 9 Savannah Square Subd i v i s i an. Ty E~r• i sg i 1 1 seconded the rnat i on and the vote cocas unan i rnar.as i n favor. I~at i nn car•r• i ed. # CODS T L`}ER AtVD TAf<E' APPROPR T ATE ACl" T OBI: Pu 1 to Horner Carp . - Request for• Appr•ava 1 to Erect D i r•ect i ana 1 (Ecand i t) Signs Along Jack Hays E:aul evar•d There cocas no one at the meeting to r•epr•esent Pul to Harnes. E~ob F-lndr•erars r•ernar•ked that the and y thing trlr•. Cal ver•ey of Pul to Horner is doing in his letter is accepting r•espansibility far fat 1 arar i ng the gu i del i nes of the ordinance. E;at? Andr-erars ra~ent on to say Mr•. Calver•ey is requesting permission to continue the d i r•ec. t i ana 1 sign pr•ogr•arn grid that progr•arn, accar•d i ng to Pu 1 te's' interpretation of it and their repeated history of violations acJa i nst i t, i s a cc~rrt i nu i ng prabl ern. S•4-eve S i rnanson i nfarrned the Carnrn i ss i an that Pu 1 to had been notified i n rarr- i t i ng that the authar• i ty to erect bandit signs had not been aut~~~rnat i ca 1 1 y transferred rarhen Rab Su 1 t asked to have his name r•ernoved and that they cacao 1 d have to carne befar•e P 1 ann i ng and Zoning and request per•rn i ss i on . Mr• . S i rnonsan a 1 sa said they _ r=rer•e i nfar•rned i n rarr i t i ng that there raraul d be tram rareekends rarhen they rarauld not be authorized to have bandit signs up because of the time fr•arne involved in requesting permission. -3- Steve S i rnanson said an the f i r•st weekend they had an 1 y tr=ro s i gnu up at Elbel and Jack Hays Eaulevard and he had allot=red them because the signs indicated turning into Dieu Raad and it t=ray tl ased due to a set=rer• cal 1 apse. Steve S i rnansan said then, 1 ast Fr- i day (6-12-~#7 1, he rete i ved a to 1 1 fr•arn the Adrn i n i str•atar• of the City of C i bbl a asking for• our• a=ss i stance i n a 1 1 o~=ring them to have signs up because of an open hawse they had been advertising. I~r. Sirnanson said, wanting to he 1 p them out, he gave. them appr•ava 1 for• five signs and ask .that they tancentr•ate them. t~r•. S i rnonson s;a i d upnn checking, he found tl-~~ey had put out seven or• e i gl-yt sign`s and had Hat tantentr-ated them. !~!r•. S i rnansan said ever•youne else: had rnet the r•equ i r•ernents. hlert=~ i n W i l l rnan stated he caul d verify Steve S i rnanson's appr•aval of the five signs and Hated ~=re r=rer•e tr•y i ng to ~ Ge kind •!:a tl-~ern. Mr. Willman stated he had taunted seven signs up by Pulte. Mr. W i 1 l rnan a 1 sa er::pr•essed the ap i n i an that ~=re have Gent over Gack~=tardy for• them, but they don't ~=rant to help us. Steve S i rnansan r•epar•ted he has had no to T 1 s ar• carnrnun i tat i ans fr•arn F'u 1 te, on 1 y this 1 otter. CI-~~ i r•rnan Yar-1 i ng asked i f i=re grant per•rn i ss i an, da ~=re have sarneone to rite them for violations. Steve S i rnansan e::::p l a i nod i=re ar•e Hat t i t i ng them any rnar•e and r•ev i e~=red the pal icy agreed upon at the thay ~6, 1937 meeting i=rh i ch w is, if they are in violation the signs should be pulled and appr•ava 1 revoked far that t=reel end acid the fal 1 o~;ring t=reekend. I f tt~e signs ar•e pu 1 1 ed ago i n ~ and appr•ava 1 r•evaked a second t i rne, then they must reapply to Planning and honing for• appr•aval. T'y E~r• i sg i 1 1 made a mat i on to deny the request fr•arn Pu 1 to Homes Car•por•at i an to er•ett d i r•ett i ana l (bandit } signs along Jack Hays E:aulevard until such time as a representative from their cor•par-a t i on appears a t a r•egu 1 ar• l y sthedu 1 ed meeting of the F' •i ann i ng and Z:an i ng Carnrn i ss i on to discuss this s i twat i an. t1e i th Van Dine seconded the rnot i an and the vote ~=ray as fa 1 1 a~=rs: Ayes: B. Andr-e~=rs, J. Harden, i''I. ~J i l 1 rnan, T. E:r• i sg i 1 l , f~. Van Dine Days: Mane AGstentians: T. Yar-1ing iriat i an car•r• i ed. After• the vote Mer•~=r i n W i 1 1 man suggested that a 1 etter• Ge sent to G i ty Gaunt i T e:>::p l a i n i ng tt~e s i tua t i an i=r i th Pu 1 to Harney and asking tt•7ern i f they cantor. !~r•. W i 1 1 rnan e<:pr•essed the ap i n i ar-i that th i s par•tituiar• situation could end up in litigation. F<~y i th Van Dine questioned the Gas i s an i=rh i ch a l a~=r suit rn i ght be Cased and hlerur i n Willman r•ep 1 i ed pons i it l y the F i r•st Arnendrnent . -4- E:ab Andr•e~=rs carnrnented that i n the 1 etter• that ~=i i 1 1 be sent to them they can be informed they ar•e entitled to take their case befar•e -the E~oar•d of Adjustment. Gha i r•rnan Yar•1 i ng r•ecarnrnended that note be i nc1 sided i n 'the 1 etter. #6 CONSIDER AND TARE APPROPRIATE ACTIONa Alfonso Hudson - Request to Construct a Horne on P{=e i 1 Road Mr•. and Mr•s. Al fanso Hudson i=sere at the meet i ng to r•epr•esent the i r• request. Cha i r•rnan Yarl i ng asked for• any Staff input. Steve S i rnanson said the aiater• i s adequate, the bu i 1 d i ng p 1 ans have been 1 ookeci at and ar•e okay, and there ar•e no pr•abl erns. Cha i r-rnan Yar• 1 i ng asked about the see=gage and Steve S i rnonson sa i d i t i=i i 1 1 be an septic tank and i=you 1 d have to be approved by E~e::•~ar• County before a per•rn i t i s issued. Ty E:r• i sg i 1 1 asked 1~lr•. Hudson i f there i s a shed on the pr•aper•ty and Mr. Hudson rep l i ed yes. Ty E,r• i sg i 1 1 then asl~ed t=where i t t=~cyul d be i n r•el at i c?n to the I-iause~ anti Mr-. Hudson said the shed i s going to be r•ernoved. I''IE~r~=~ i n W i 1 1 rnan as!•;ed i the Hudsans ar•e a~=1ar•e of the AICUZ. and the Noise Zane and Steve S i rnansan r•ep 1 i ed they i=i i 1 1 tae i nfar•rned ~=~t-yen they come i n for• the per•rn i ts. Ty E:r• i sg i 1 1 made a rnot i an to approve the request fr•orn Al fansa Hudson to canstr•uc t a home an P fe i 1 Road . Fie i tl-r Van Dine seconded the rnat i on and the vote i=gas unan i rnous i n favor. plot i on carried. #7' C01`dSIDER AND TAFCE APPROPRIATE ALl'IONa Irnplernentatian of the Nei=aly Approved Planning e Zoning Ordinance No. 8 7-5-9 The rnernber•s had received a copy of the ordinance i n the i r• pacE,ages. Also • enclosed t=ias a 1 i st of suggested real i gnrnent of te~rrns for• present Carnrn i ss i aner•s to camp 1 y i tl-y the nee=fly passed ar•d i Hance. This process i s on a r•otat i on tags i s <<~hereby the terms of three rnernber•s e:~•cp i r•e on Clctober• f i r•st of odd-nurnber•ed years and the terms of four rnernber•s e~::p i r•e on Octaber• first of even- nurnber•ed years. There ~=gas a br• i of d i scuss i an an Borne of the pr•ov i s i ons of tl-re or-d i Hance such as the change that nay=i a 1 1 a~=~s the Vice-Cha i r•rnan to rnave up to Cha i unan . 1~terr=a i n W i 1 1 rnary pointed out the char~~ge by City Counc i i that no 1 onger• r•equ i r•es rnernber•s to be property at=~ner•s, on 1 y r•es i dents of t!-ie City and r•eg i ster•ed voters. Mr•. W i l l rnan said i t i s h i s understanding that i s the 1 a~=s. -5- E~ab Andr•e~=as Hated that on Page S under Section 5, i n t3) and t4 ) there ar•e r-efer•ences to Ar• t i c 1 es 1011 a to 101 l k, Revised C i v i l Statutes and Articles 974a and 970x, Revised Civil Statutes and said he thought a: copy of those specific Articles should be attached. Mere=~ i n Will-roan carnrnented rnaybe TML.. ~=eau l d have cap i es of tl-,ase Ar•t i c 1 es. E:ab Andr••et=~s said rnaybe at 1 east a condensed. ver•s i on cc:,ul d be pr•ov i ded ai-td Steve S i rnansan said he ~=eau 1 d check i nta i t. Cha i r•man Yar• l i ng r•ern i nded the Camm i ss i an there i s a pr•ov i s i an i n the nei=~ and i Hance r•equ i r• i ng that each Octaber• f i r•st a pr•agr•ess r•epar•t be submitted to the City Caunc i 1 surnrnar• i z i ng the Carnrn i ss i an `s activities, rna,jar- accarnpl i shrnents far• the past year, and a pr•apased t=park pr•agr•arn far• the earning year. Mr•. Yar• 1 ing suggested this pra,jec t be p 7 aced on the agenda i n 1 ate Ju 1 y so r=ie can get started ~=gel 1 ahead of t i roe. At. this time there ~=fas a brief discussion an the suggested tea 1 i gnrnent of the Carnrn i ss i aners terms. A fey=i changes ~=aer-e re+carnrnented i n ar•der to have same cant i nu i ty and ba 1 once of nee=per and alder- rnernber•s ~=chose set-tos ~=r i i l be e::<:p i r• i ng i n 1987 and th7ose i=~1-~ose terms i 1 1 tae e::::p i r• i ng i n 1988. -The fal 1 ac=i i ng ~=gas agreed upon by the Carnrn i sst an a POSTT'tOhl TERM EXPIRES 1 tW i 1 1 roan } Oct. 1988 (Yar•1 ing) Oct. 1987 3 (Andres=~s } Oct. 1987 g• tHar•den } Oct. 1988 (E,r• i sg i 1 1 } Oct . 19::8 f} t A l 1 en) Oct . 1987 7 tVan Dine} Oct. 1.988 Jarne~z F-larden made a root i an to approve the above 1 i st of the realignment of the Carnrnissianers' terms based upon the continuity of alder and nee=~er• members. Ty E~r• i sg i 1 1 seconded the root i on and the va•te t=aas unan i rnaus i n favor. Mat i an carried. Ci-~a i rrnan Yar 1 ing tern i ndecl Steve St mansan ~=~e need a 1 et ter• sent to Caunc i l i th aur• r•ecommendat i on. #i~8 C0IVSTDE:1~ Al`~!D MAFCE RECOMMEI~DA"ETON: Overt ay District Ordinance (Discussion on E~andit Signs)s 4a} 3-Day Weekends (b} Should Develapes ~=iith Mare Than One Devel aprnent be Al 1 a~=red 1C~ Signs Per- Devel oprnent ta} 3-Day Weekends: E~at:i Andr•e~=~s carnrnented that nar•rnal 1 y 3-day ~=~eekends are b i g set l er•s. Af ter- scirne discussion i t tl~as decided that ti7e on l y -6- t i rues a 3-day ~=~eekend should apply ~=you l d be on feder•a l hol i days abser•ved by the G i ty as 3-day ~=weekends. Mer•w i n W i 1 1 man said, due to the hol i days tarn i ng up fa i r•1 y soon such as the 4th of July, t=~e should get the Council's verbal appr•ova 1 an this since this time frame for• of f i c i a 1 apprava 1 t=~ i 1 1 run past the 4th of July because of having to hold a public hearing. E:ob Andrei=as made a rnot i on to r•ecornrnend City Caunc i 1 schedu 1 e a public hearing far cansider•atian of changes to the Jack Hays E:.aul evar-d Over•1 ay Or-d i Hance (Sect i an ~ . 3 {e } } and the Scher•t~ Par-ki=gay Overlay Ordinance iSect i an 4. 3 E:. 1 1. } by adding to the sercarid sentence fat 10<<~ i ng iq: O{} A. M. Monday "hai=~ever•, signs may r•erna i n. i n p 1 ace dur• i ng feder•a 1 hal i days t=~h i ch the City abserv~=s a~=. a th7r•ee (3 } 'day r=ieekend" . Jaynes F-lar-den secaridecJ the rnat i an and the vote ~=gas unan i rnaus i n favor. {tr } Sho~.il d a Qevel aper• r=t i th More Than One Devel aprnent be Al 1 at=red iC} Signs Per Devel aprnent: James Har•der•i carnrnentec9, that as far• as bandit signs, he didn't think a deve 1 aper• ria i th tt=to sud i v i s i ons a 1 ang Jack Hays E:au 1 evar•d needs 10 additional signs, ,just ~ additional ones. Steve S i manson r•epar•ted that he already Has a 1 eater- fr•orn Vaughan Name=s requesting 1Q bandit signs far• Greensh i r•e Oal•is. (Vaugl-ian Karnes a l ready has apprava l far 10 bandit signs far S i l ver-tr•ee Subdivision.} E:ar•r•y Mal t~ fr-•arn McF~ i nney Horner offered the crp i n i on that he fel t mare signs i=iau 1 d be helpful . Mch i nney Haynes i s i n ti=~o subdivisions currently - Savannah Square and Woaclland Oaks. Merl={ i n W i l l rnan remarked this had been rnent i aned a t City Gaunc i 1 1 ~-tst t=leek and he fe1 t the i r• general op i ri i on i=was to give the developers i=~ i th more than one Bevel aprnent t:en mare signs. E:ob Andrei=as asked i f ~=ae are not going to have to change tf ie Over• 1 ay Or•d i Hance i f i=ae qo i=a i th sorneth i ng other than 10. Ty E:r- i sg i 1 1 r•ep 1 i ed t=ae have to go to pub 1t c hearing anyiaay far tl-ie S-day t=weekends. Cho i r•rnan Yar• 1 i ng asked i f there had been any input from the ather• developers and if they are ai=pare of the situation. Mr•. Yarling r=gent on to say he thought i t ~=iaui d be a goad idea to get same feedback from them. Steve S i rnonsori cornrnerited ~=~e need to address this i ssue.- E:ob Andrews r-emar-ked he- real 1 y didn't see how i=~e cau 1 d tur-•n them , day=in unless we change the ar•d i Hance. i I -7- There ~=ras a br• i of d i scuss i an on hog=r the Cornrn i ss i on ar•r• i ved at the number iD in the first place, and it was rnentioned that, at the time i t ~=ras being cons i der•ed, the Bevel aper•s agreed i th the Cornrn i ss i an an 10 as the nurnber• of bandit signs per•rn i tted. Steve S i rnanson observed that Erato his persona 1 ez•::per• i ence i n talking with the developers., he finds that 5 additional i=rauld be enough far• those ~=r i th t~=ra subcl i v i s i ans. I t t=ras questioned t=rhether this t=rou l d a l sa app i y to Scher•t~ Parks=ray and if that or•di~ance should also be changed. The ~arnrn i ss i an agreed bath Over• 1 ay Or•d i nances (Jack Hays E.ou l evar-rJ and Scher-t~ Par-k~=ray) shawl d be cl-~anged. Ty E;r• i sg i l l rnacle a runt i an to r•ec:_arnrnerrd G i ty Gounc i 1 schedule a publ i c hearing . for• cans i der•at i an crf changes to the Jack Hays E.au 1 evar•d ar7d Schertz Par•kr=ray Over 1 ay Or•d i nar~ces r•ecornrnend i ng that ~=then there are rnu l t i p 1 e subd i v i s i nns b}~ tt-~e carne Bevel oper•, after the initial authari~.atian of ten sigr7s has been granted, ari 1 y five rnar-e signs ~=raw 1 d be author i .red far each nee=r subd i v i s i an . Mere=r i n W i l l roan seconded the root i an and the vote t=ras as fal l at=rs: • Ayese T'. Yar•1 i ng, J. Harden, M. W i 1 1 roan, T. E~r• i s>g i 1 1 , h~. Jan t?ine {~layso Nc:rne Abstent i nns: E.. Andr•et=rs Mat i an car•r• i ed. CEI~E.RAL D T SC:USS I OIV }~e -t tl-t Van Dine had severa 1 rnatters hc= brought to the Cornrn { ss i an's attention: t 1) F' fe i 1 Road needs a 1 nt of repair-. f Mr•. Van Dine i=ras i nfnr•rneri by Steve S i rnansan .that the City has gone out far- bids art equ i prnent that t=r i i 1 hapefu l l y help t=r { th that repair. ) (2) Lar=rer- Seguin and Ar-anda ~=rest has a f 1 aad i rig pr•ab 1 ern. (S-l.eve S i rnnr~~son sC~ i d i t appears the County f gas r•a i sed tl-ye r-aad i n spats around Lai=rer- Seguin and as such the City i s a~=rare that the area ' has no drainage.) F<e{th ~lan Dine Hated that a bar ditch is needed an bath sides. I`~{r-. Schr=tab, i=rhn 1{ ves i n t{-~~e Sch i r•rner•v i l l e area, rna i nta i ns that there i s a ~=rr• i tten agreement i=r i th Randolph AFE, ~=rher•eby the Erase i s supposed to keep the dr•a i Wage area near- I~arnan Hal 1 er- i ng Creek cleaned out. Asked i'f the r•es i dents cC-rn p~.~t up. "{'da Parking" signs an IrJe i chal d Rnad - poop 1 e are fishing off •t{ ie br• i dge out there. Steve S i rnonsan said he ~=raw 1 d check ar7 i t . -8- - t Asked i f i t c:au 1 d be requested that the speed 1 i rn i t on Lai=~er• Seguin be r•a i red fr•am 35 to 45 rnph. • t~) L.ot=per Seguin also needs: "Curve" signs. (Steve Simonson i nfor-rned Mr•. Van Dine the sign budget i s shot unt i 1 tl-~e ne:>::t bc.~dget i s approved because of a l l the van.da l i stn and as a r•esu 1 t the-city is only maintaining traffic contr•al:signs.) i•~eith Van U i ne rnan( i vned that Mr•. Hoffer- i chter•, the rna i 1 rnan, could pass i bl y pint a radio in his car• so he cauld ca11 in any suspicious activity i n the area - he just needs sarneane fr•orn the City to speak ~=i i th tl-~e Converse Post Off i ce about permission to do sa. Ty E,r•isgiil also brought several matters to the attention of the' Cornrn i ss i on t i) .~f'•he reap i n the i r• packages that ~=~a~; made for• the Mcl• i nney Horner request ~=i~.as e::cel i ant and he I~opes the same r•~ i 1 1 be done i n the future - i t helps pinpoint tf}e e::::act 1 acct i on. tom) i-fe cow 1 d not find the pr•oper•ty on Pfe i 1 Road ~=iher•e Mr•. Hudson ~=pants to construct a house and asks that t=when people bring i n these r-equ~.~sts i n the future, they be r•equ i red to drat=a a map ~:F:;ec: i fy i ng tt•~e e::~;ac-t 1 ocat i on. tF<e i th Van Dine told Mr•. E,r• i sg i 1 1 to 1 oak him r.~p and 17e ~=you 1 d be i~ 1 ad •t:o shay=i h i rn any 1 oca t i on i n ti°ie area. Mr•. Vari Dine i nfor-med tl~e Camrn i ss i an tt7at the r•es i den is i n the Sch i r•rner•v i 1 ] e area ar•e very suspicious of ~->tr•anger•s and i f you ar•e out ther••e driving around, they are liable to ca11 in to the paiice to check you out.) Chair•rnan Yar•l i ng askecJ i f that area had ever been assigned the Scher•tz stickers for• tl••ie i r• czar bumpers and ~=ias informed their color i s 1=1 F•1 f t e . t3) Askecl if tl•~e "Stop" sign at Savannah Square can be raised to 1 ego 1 he i gl-rt. (Steve S i rnonson r•ep l i ed he i s checking on i t and a•Iso cm getting "I~o Parking" signs for the TH 3~ access road near- Jarnes Har•den's proper-ty. ) 4~) Can the Savarnah Sgi.Mar•e str••eet sign be rnoveci to th"ie ather- side of the road - there is such a congestion of signs all in the carne area. (Steve S i rnonsan said he i=soul d check on i t. ) } The S i l ver• tree sign bets=peen Realty War• l d on Jack Hays E~caul evar•d and the corner- by Payless i s half gone. fb) F1 ags have been up at the S i 1 ver•tr•ee entrance far t~=io ~=seeks and there are banners attached to a hawse an Cher•r•y~=~aod. (Ve i then of these are author i ed i n the Dver-1 ay Ctr•d i nance. E;ab Andrei=~s as{.ed hog=! ~=~e go about getting th~+ CDF~ sign dot=~n not=s that the company i s defunct. Met-~=r i n t~J i 1 i rnan said the City Shaul d be able. to take i t dog=~n. _ CI-,a i r-rnan Yar• i i ng askecl i f i t .isn't covered i n the Sign Or•d i nance and fte i th Van Dine asked i f i t si-~ou 1 d' nt fa 1 1 under- the categar•y -9- of an abandoned sign. Mer~arin Willman replied that he thought it shawl d . James Harden crated tt••~at Pecan Grave I~ob i l e I-lame Park has f i 1 ed bankruptcy. JarneG> Harden a 1 so r•ernar•ked that he though•;t ~arher; the Austin C? i ner• sign Maras put up the gasvl i ne sign eras supposed to corns do~arn. t~lr•. (-iar•den said a 1 1 that's been r•ernoved fr•arn the gasol i ne sign i s the prices. and it looks shabby= l"hte last thing Mr•. Harden carnrnentecl or; Maras tl-re 1 arge chuck hal e corning off IH .:3~ onto the access road saying the G i ty rn i ght ~arant tc; f i l l i t i n ternpor•ar- i l y unt i 1 tl°;e county gets to i t. . t'ler•?ar i n W i 1 1 rnan asked i f there Maras any Garay the Cornrn i ss i an rnernber•s cc;u 1 r1 get a copy of the f 1 oodp 1 a i n rnap for• th'e "`area south of Randal ph AI=E: and east of P'lVf 1518. Greve S i rnor;son said he ~aroul d r•un crap i es of i t and they ~aroc.i l c} nave i t i n tl-;e i r• packages for• the rrer::t meet i ng. atevr::~ 5 i rnonsor~ e::•::p1 a i Wed that the or•d i Hance the Cornrn i ss i cn rnernhers had hr-_en given r.:ap i es of tonight ~;~as one he ~{~anted them tc; 1 oak aver and rnak~y suggest i ans an at the ne:~::t meet i ng. I t. i s the or••d i nan~,e r•egu 1 a t i rrg ti-;e enc 1 casur•e of a ,junk or• sa 1 wage yard ant} tP•;e screening of garbage storage areas. Mr•. 8 i monson said i t had been r•e~arr• i t•ten by the Inspect i can C~e}:aar•trnent trying tc add a little more teeth to i t for their enfor•cernent. Mr•. S i rnonson asked the Cornrn i ss i on rnernhers to take a 1 oak at i t and requested i t be an the ne::<:•t agenda. There eras a brief discussion an ti-re rzect i on caver• i ng the screen i nta of durnps•L"er•s. Steve 5 i monson said he t-,ad a quest i ar; for• t}-te Cornrn i ss i an. ~lr•. S i rnonson said most of the City has 2t~' r•ear• yard setbacks and ~aranted to knaiar the Garnrn i ss i on's feel i ng on the procedure to fvl l alai rarhen a per•rnanerrt e::~:tens i on~add i t i on •L-o •L"he house i s added and encr•oacl-;es an that setback. Af ter• a br• i of discussion, the Gory+r~ } s=.. i an agr•eecl they shau 1 d carne i n and r••equest a var• i once. E:c;b Andreiars i nformeci tl-;e Comrn i ss i on hr st i i i feels pare ar•e sitting tar } th Gemcr•af t, the carne as rare are iar i •th Pu 1 te, as for• as not having anyone tar i th them iarho hasa requested per•rn i ss i on to erect bandit signs. Mr•. Andreiars pointed out appr•ova 1 had been given Gerncr•aft rarhen Randy Gr-•assrnan rararked for• them and he i s no 1 anger assac i ated sari th them. BtevEa S i rnonsc;n said Rob Su 1 t asked tr-.; have his Warne r•ernoved fr•orn r-espans i b i 1 i ty for Pu l to hand i t signs, but no one fr•crm Gerncraft floc come i n and said they d i do ` t raran t to 1',anor the r•espons i b i l i ty assumed rarhen their or• i g i na 1 appr-ova 1 cocas given far hand i t signs. -10- The ne::::t r~egu 1 ar• 1 y schedu 1 ed meeting i s June 23, 1987. .Keith Van dine i nfor~rned the Cornrn i ss i on he ~•aau 1 d be unab 1 e to attend that meeting. 1 J AD~IOURiVMEI~°P Cha i r•rnan Yar• 1 i ng acJ,jo~.~r~•ned the rneet i ng at 9: 1~ P. h1. -11-