06-23-1987 PLANNING AND ZONING MINUTES T1~~e Schert~ P 1 ar~n i ng and Zoning Carnm i ss i an convened i n a r•egu 1 ar• session are Tuesday, June 23, 1987 at 7:00 P. M. in the Municipal Cornpl e:~ Conferenr_e Raorn, Those present were as fol 1 ows: P L..ANI~I I NG ~ ZONING COMMISSION OTHERS PRESENT" THOMAS YARL I NG, CHAIRMAN CURT" I S J . GARRE"f'T, BCJE: ANDREWS, V T CE-CHAIRMAN PUL..TE HOMES JAMES I-lARDEN, SECRETARY MEttWIN WTL_L:MAN TY E:RISGILL CITY STA~'~F KEN GREENWALD, COUNCILMAN STEVE STMONSON, ASST. CITY MGR, MEM~.ERS A~:SF_NT NORMA ALTH01.lSE, RECORDING SEC'Y DAVID AI._I...EN t<E~' 1:1"H -VAN D T NE #1 CALL 7"0 ORDER Cha i r•mar7 Yar• 1 i ng ca 1 1 ed the meet i ng to or•der• at 7:00 P. M. #2 APPROVAL OF MINU1"ES: Regular Session June ib, 1987 E~ob Andrews painted out that on Page 4, Par•agr•aph v, "Cha i r•man Yar• 1 i ng asked" shou 1 d be changed to r~•ead "r~ob Andretais asked" . T`y E,r• i sg i 1 1 made a rnot i ari to apprave the rn i nutes, as amended, far• the Regular Session June ib, 1987. Mert+rin Willman seconded the motion and the vote t=gas unan i rnous i n favor. Mot i or-~ car•r• i ed. #3 CITIZENS' INPUT OTHER THAN AGENDA TT~EMS Curtis J. Gar•r•ett from Pul to Horner t=ras at the meeting and he asked to speak at this time. Mr. Garrett said he understands there have been a lot of pr•obterns tt~ i th the Pu 1 to bandit signs and guaranteed the Carnrn i ss i an that there a~au 1 d be no mare pr•ab 1 ems as 1 ong as he i s tl~ i th Pu 1 te. Mr. Garrett teas asked if he has a copy of the Special Over•tay District Ordinance and he replied not per•sanalTy, probably Pu1to does. Gab Andr•et=~s e:~p 1 a i ned a 1 i tt 1 e of the background of the pr•ob 1 erns with Puite to Mr. Garrett. Mr. Andrews went on to say it was he t•~ho t=gent against the Carnrn i ss i on and cane i nced them to 1 et Pu 1 to put up bandit signs even though Pulte t=gas not building an Jack Hays E~oulevar•d. Curtis Gar•r•ett cornrnented that the signs ar•e his 1 i vel i hood and he i s here tr•y i ng to get per•rn i ss i on to put them back up. E:crb Andrews told Mr•. Gar•r•ett he personally has na qualms about Pulte putting up bandit signs, but the ordinance was written ~=pith a specific purpose in rnind and it has constantly been abused by Pu i te. 1"y Er i sg i 1 1 i nfar•rned Gur•t i s Gar•r•ett the X00 foot spacing ,has been of cnncer•n to the Cornrn i ss i an. Mr•. E:r• i sg i 1 1 painted out, as an e::::arnp 1 e, the three and/or• four signs every weekend i n the area of 'Payless. Steve Sirnonson passed around a picture of the Pulte signs r•emaved by the City ,just 1 ast weekend - there ~irere thirteen. Ty E:risgill asked if there had been any cornrnunicatian with Pu1te and Steve S i rnonson r•ep 1 i ed Steve Ca 1 ver• 1 ey had ca 1'1 ed and i r•~for•rned us he had sent his 1 etter• to us using the wrong i et ter•head, and as a r•esu i t all nur• carnmun i ca t i on with h i rn has taken 1 anger because of going to the wr•arrg address f i r•st. Steve S i rnnnson said he had a 1 so r•ece i ved a ca 1 1 f rnrn Cur• t i s Gfi-ar•r•ett ar~rd had e::pl a i ned the situation and al 1 -the apt i ons to h i rn. Mr•. S i rnnnson said that i s why Curtis Gar•r•ett i s 1-~ere tern i ght. Cha i r•rnan Yar• 1 i ng inquired as to i=~hether ar• not this needs to be put on the agenda. T'y E:r• i sg i 1 1 camrnented he has no probl erns i=r i th granting th7ern ' ternpnrar•y per•rn i ss i an as 1 ong as i t can be done within the par•arneters of tt~?e author i ty af- the Cornrn i ss i on. Steve S i rnonson :~aa i d the Cnrnm i ss i on has that au tiinr• i ty according to the ar~•d i Hance, but suggested i t be p 1 aced on a future agenda to rnake it legal. E:ab Andre~i~s r•ernar•ked i t ~x~oul d t-iave to be a consensus fr•orn tt•re Cornrn i ss i on . The Cornrn i ss i on agreed to the consensus giving Pul to ternpor•ar•y au •L-hor• i za t i can to p 1 ace ten t i O) bandit signs an Jack Hays E:oul evar•d contingent on r•ece i v i ng a far•rnal written request for• piacernent of these signs and no further violations of the ten tit)) sign 1 unit. Mere=a i n W i 1 1 roan, touching br• i of 1 y on sarneth i ng that had been rnentianed during the discussion with Curtis Garrett from Pulte, ccamrnented that i f Phase i i s al roast bu i 1 t out and there ar•e no p 1 ons for Phase then rnaybe the Th i st i e Greek Sign si-rou l d carne down. There was a br• i of discussion on this rnatter•. -2- #q• CONSIDER AND MAf<E RECOMMENDATION: Or•d i Hance Regulating tt•re Enclosure of a Junk or Salvage Yard and the Screening of Garbage Storage Areas There ryas Borne d i scuss i an on whether this or•d i Hance was to be applied only to cornrner•c i a l estab l i shrnen is or• whether i t a 1 so applied to residentiai dwellings, Steve S i rnorrson said he thought i t ryas i rnpl i ed as carnrner•c i al , but would give us leverage in cases of residential abuse. hler•w i n W i l l rnan Hated that the r•equ i r•ernent of a l i tense to operate a ,junkyard had been deleted and wondered why. Steve Sirnonsan s~rr id he would check on i t. Mer•r+a i n W i l l rnan a l sa r•eferr•ed to Section VIII which reads "When i t has been deter•rn i Wed by the Sct7er• tz P i ann i ng and Zan i ng Cornrn i ss i an that carnpliance with any section of this Ordinance r=could create an .undue hardship, a time e:}::tension or a variance may b:e granted". Mr•. Willman said he did not see this as pertaining to Planning and Zoning, strictly City Council. There ryas a brief discussion on the or•d i Hance rv i th no spec i f i c r•ecornrnendat i ons being rnade at this t i rne. E,ob Andrews rnade a root i an to r•ec:ornrnend any action on the ar•d i nanr_e r•c~gu 1 at i ng the enc 1 asur•e of a ,junk or sa t wage yard and t1-?e scr•eerr i ng of garbage storage areas be tabled until the Went r•~gu 1 ar• 1 y schedu 1 ed meeting or unt i 1 r•esear•ch can be Bane to see if tt•ris ordinance is supposed to stand on it's own or• if it is replacing another ordinance. Ty Er•isgill seconded the motion and tl••re vote ryas unan i rnous i n favor. Mot i an car•r• i ed. #1:5 Gi~NERAL O I SCUSS I ON Ty Ecr•'rsg i 1 t brought several rnatter•s to the anent can of the Cornrn i ss i an t a) 7her•e i s a Crasst~iopper• Larvn Ser•v i ce sign hanging on the Per•simmvn Hill sign at Live Oak Road and FM 3009. tb) Asked the City's pal icy r•egar•ding the cutting of grass on vacant 1 ors. tSteve S i rnanson said i f there ar•e comp 1 a i nts, the Inspection Depar•trnent sends the property owner a letter giving hirn ten days to rnaw the tot. If it is not mowed at the end of that tune, the City usually has someone rnaw it and rvi11 send the bill to the property owner.) tc) Mr•. Vaughan has moved the. pennants on the house in Silver•tree to the other side. td) The streets in Savannah Square ar•e paved but there ar•e no signs up. Ar•e they in the City? tSteve Sirnonsan said they are about to be accepted, but because of all the problems with signs, they ar•e slow in putting them up,) -3- (e) The son of a fr• i end of his was r• i d i ng his d i r•t bike vn the hack r•caads of a subdivision where there ar•e no houses yet and. had an alter•catian with the police. Da the pal ice have the right to do this (Steve Sirnansan said all the developers have asked the pcal ice to patrol the i r• subd i v i s i vns. Mr•. S i rnonson also said the bike rider shau 1 d have per•rn i ss i on to ride an that pr•oper• ty from the pr- i vase property owner. ) There ~1as a brief d i scuss i vn vn Live Oak Hills and carne t=park that had been done there in the past. Jarne~:F Harden r•epor•ted tt~er•e i s a McF< i nney sign at TH 35 and the Yield Sign an Jack Hays E,oulevard, Ty E.r• i sg i 1 1 said there i s a1 so a McFf i nney sign at La Petite Academy and FM 3009. Mer•~=a i n W i l l rnan cornrnerited that back i n Apr• i 1 ~=~e had r•ecornrnendeci to City C~unc i l a rnor•atar• i um vn enforcement of thaw portions of the Sign Or•d i nar•ice having to da with pvr•tab 1 e s i gr7s. Mr•. W i 1 1 rnan asl<ed i f are had ever heard fr•orn Counc i ] on this matter. Steve S.i rnanson r•ept i ed na ~=~e had not. Merwin Willman asked i=rhen the public hearing is scheduled for the Specific U~,e Per•rn i t requested by the Knights of Col urnbus and t=gas informed it is scheduled for July 7. Mera=~ i n W i l l rnan asked about the F1 aodp l a i n Or•d i Hance, the Subd i v i s i vn Or•d i nancwe and the arnendrnen is to the 7_on i ng Ordinance. Steve Simonson said they had alt been approved ar~d Planning and Zoning shau 1 d be getting cap i es, Mr. S i rnonson said tl•~er•e are plans to have the Subdivision Or•di~ance pr•afessianalty printed. .Ken Greens=ra 1 d i n for•rned the Cornm i ss i an the Sau th Zone E~aseba 1 1 l"vur•narnent i s scheduled far- July ib, 17 and 18 and there ar•e appr•o>: i rnatel y b0 to 70 (earns from Lau i s i ana and Ok 1 ahama that t=~i I1 be participating. Steve S i rnanson asked tF"iat i f tl'ie Carnrn i ss i oner•s get comments fr•orn citizens on the r•aads and r• i gh is-af -t=lay, they i n form the citizens that Streets and Parks is i=corking to try and catch up. E~ob Andrei=rs said he t=rau 1 d 1 i ke i t to go on record that ~=re have a fantastic Pal ice Depar•trnent. Mr•. Andrews said he had a break- i n over the weekend .and was very impressed with the way the police ~=~er•e ab 1 e to deter•rn i ne what type of suspect they shou 1 d be looking for, and Mr. Andr•et=rs said he hopes they catch the guilty per•sori. The Cornrn i ss i an rnernber•s had r•ece i ved cap i es of some quest i nns posed by Lab Andrews and Merwin Willman about. the bandit signs -4- and aur• pol icy r•egar•d i ng them. Eah Andr•eivs asked far• discussion of this to be p 1 aced on the agenda of the r~e:~.t regu 1 ar l y sci-~eduled meeting, if possible. Cha i rrnan Yar•1 i ng asked i f there had been any feedback fr•arn the builders on bandit signs and Steve Sirnonsan replied he had not really had the time to check an it. Chair•rnan Yarling said he will be unable to attend the public hearing schedu 1 ed far• July 7. ' #b ADJQURIVt~rvIVT Cha i r•rnan Yar•1 i ng ad,jaur•ned the meeting at 8:23 P. hi. -5-