07-07-1987 PLANNING AND ZONING MINUTES The Schertz Planning and Zoning Cornrnission and City Council ccanducted a Joint Public Hearing an Tuesday, July 7, 19037 at 7:00 P. M. i n the Mun i c i pa 1 Cornp 1 er; Caunc i 1 Charnber•s, 1400 Schert,~ Parkway. Those present ~aer•e as fal 1 ows: PLANNING ? ZC]N I NG CCIi''IM I SS I C)N C T TY CC7UNC I I_ E.GF ANDREWS, CHAIRMAN EARL W. SAWYER, MAYC]R JAMES HARDEN, SECRETARY CHUCM SHARi='E ME::C;WTN WILLMAN HAt_ E:ALDWIN •l"Y EcRISGILI.. RAY STANHC]PE ECk:: 7: TH VAN DINE ADULP i-i AGU T LAR Fis*N GREENWAI_D CITY S_ TAf= F 07`HERS PRESENT JIMMY G I LMC7RF, CITY MGR . Jt..1NE: F~RAUSE:, CITY SECr'Y. l`HC]MAS YARLING S1°EVE S I MCINSON, ASST, CITY MGR . MAI~f~ LA CC]MGE NC7RMA ALTHOt_iSE, RECClRD 1 NG SEC' Y. PATR T Ci•< L.A GCIME,E: # 1 CAI.._L To ORDER Mayor Sawyer called the meeting to or•der• at 7:00 P. M. and turned ti7e meet i ng over to P 1 ann i ng and Zoning Cha i r•rnan E:ob Andr•e~as. #2 PUQLIC HEAR TNG - Specific Use Per•rn i t #87--1 To receive input from the public an the request by Te>;as Car~~str•uct i on Systems, Inc. on beha 1 f of the F`n i ghts of Cal urnbus, far a Specific Use Per•rn i t r•egar•d i ng the three-phase development, ic~r_ated an Schertz Parkway - Phase I, the Assembly ~:uilding/Community Hall; Phase II, Day Care Genter• and Phase III, future cornrner•c i al Bevel oprnent, Cha i r•man Andrews a>ip 1 a i Wed the r•u 1 es of procedure for a pub t i c hear• i ng. Steve Sirnonsan, Assistant City Manager, gave a brief presentation an tl~e 1 scat i an of the pr•apased Bevel oprnent. Mr. S i rnonsan r•epar•ted that 31 letters had been sent out and that one had been returned in favor and Wane returned against the proposed Bevel oprnent. Patr• i ck La Cornbe of Tea~as Construction Systems, Inc, then gave a brief presentation and showed a diagram of the proposed Assembly Ha 1 1 , Day Care Center and the area of . future carnrner•c i al development. Mr. La Cornbe said they tail 1 .construct a road fr•arn Schertz Parkway to Pfeil. Street which will be dedicated to the City. Chuck Sharpe i nqu i r•ed as to hay=r many parking spaces ar•e p 1 anned for• the Assernb 1 y Ha 1 1 and Patrick La Cornbe rep 1 ied there ar•e 134 s~races p 1 anned. Ray Stanhope asked ~=ahat the build-out time i s estimated at for• the Assernb 1 y Ha 1 1 and Patrick La Cornbe rep 1 ied four to s i rnrar7ths. Cha i r•rnan Andr•e~=is asked Patr• i ck La Cornbe i f he i s requesting the Specific Use Per•rn i t far both the Assernb 1 y Ha 1 1 and the day Care Ger~iter and Mr•. La Cornbe r•epl ied yes. Ha 1 E:a 1 d~=i i n questioned r=~hether or• not the Assernb l y Ha 1 1 will be o~~er? to the gener•ai public ar• only to rnernbers of the t<n i ghts c?f Gol urnbus. Marty Martinet, Grand F<n i ght of the F<n i ghts of Col urnbus, reel ied that the Assernb i y Ha 1 1 i l l be used for the genera 1 rnernber•sh i p meetings and activities of the t`nights and, vn occasion, may be rented aut for an everyt such as a wedding reception. Mr•. Mart i nee did point aut, hou~ever•, that the Assernbl y Hal 1 r=~ i 1 1 not be open unless there is an activity scheduled there. Mr••. Gillis Carroll of 816 E.r•aoks Avenue asked about beer and i f this ~=gas gv i ng to operate much the same as tl7e V.F.W. and was i nfor•rned no i t ~=ias not. Lorene R i ffel 1 of 71b E:r•ooks Avenue e::•,pr•essed concern about the ` need far adequate parking facilities because of the already cc:yngested parking conditions that exist ~=hen there is a ball game at the school. Oclo Riedel of 10;0 FM 78 asked Patrick La Cornbe i f they had considered putting buildings on either side of the Assembly Hall r•ather• than cutting up the 1 and. Mr•. Riedel said he owns 1 and on both sides. Patr• i ck La Cornbe said I'ie had been asked tv work up a package for• ti•ie Fcnights of Columbus and ~=gas not aware of any offer to use 1 and on e i ther• side of the proposed devel oprnent. Hal Baldwin asked Odo Riedel if r=shat he was considering is land s~=app i ng and Mr•. Riedel r•epl ied that i s correct. Marty Mart i ne4, at this. t i roe, e:::pr•essed the opinion that the ` tin i gh is of Col urnbus wish to use the i r• own 1 and and ~=you 1 d not be in interested in a land si=lapping deal. Lorene R i f fel 1 said she understands there ar•e carne kind of restrictions about serving alcohol within so many feet of a school and asked i f Scher•tz has an or•d i Hance to that effect. Cha i r•rnan Andrews i nfor•rned Mrs. R i ffel l i t i s a state 1 a~;~. -2- Patrick La Cornbe mentioned to Mr•s. Riffell alsn that unless the Knights of Galurnbus are in compliance with all the state and local regulations they cannot get a beer and ~•jine license. #3 GENERAi_ DTSGUSSTON l•~her•e ~a~as none. #4 ADJOURNh'IENT OF PUr?LTC HEARING Gha i r•man Andr•e~lis turned the meet i ng back over to Mayor• Sa~aayer• who ar_ijourned the public hearing at 7:17 P.M. •The Planning and Zoning Gornrn i ss i an reconvened i n a spec i a l sE:rss i on, ~af ter the pub t i c hearing, i n the Mun i c i pa 1 Carnp 1 e; Ganfer•ence Roarn. CALL. TO ORDER Cha i r•rnan Andreijis cal 1 ed the meeting to order at 7:23 P. M. #6 G T T T ZENS' T NPUT OTi-IER THAN PUE:1_ T C I••iE AR T NG T •1'EMS OIV AGENDA AND OTHER AGENDA ITEMS At this time Thomas Yarling asked to speak. Mi~•• . Yar• 1 ing i nfor•rned those present he had r•es i gned from the Cornrnission due to a confl ict of interest. Mr. Yar•1 ing went on to say he had thorough 1 y enjoyed his years ser•v i ng on the Cornrnission and wanted to let everyone know how much he had appreciated all their help. Those members present thanked Thomas Yarling for• his service to the Planning and Zoning Gornrn i ss i an. F•ol 1 ot~i i ng this, Cha i r•rnarr Andret•~s a 1 so i nfor•rned the Gocnrn i ss i on a 1 etter of r•es i gnat i on had been r•ece i ved fr•orn David Al 1 en. #7 CONSIDER AND MAKE REC:OMMENDATTON: Specific Use Per•rnit #87-1 James Harden asked about the frontage of the proposed development and t-iow far• back i t goes. Mere=i i n Willman r•epl i ed that the Genera l P:us i Hess zoning goes back 20q feet. Cha i r•rnan Andr e~•~s rernar•ked that the Specific Use Permit would be only far the area zoned R-2. There was Borne discussion about 1 i quor an the pr•ern i ses and Steve. S i rnoryson cornrnented they wou 1 d not be set 1 i.ng i t 1 i ke the V.F.W. -3- Cha i r•rnan Andrews asked the size of the road that i l l be bu i l t from Schertz Par•k~=gay to Pfeil Street and Steve S i manscin said i t r=rill have a ~0' r• i ght--of-t=gay t=~ i th a 30' driving surface. Gha i r•rnan Andrer=rs said he understands Mrs. R i ffel 1 's cancer•n about tF•?e parking fac i 1 i t ies far- bath the Assembly Hal 1 and the Day Care Center• because parking i n ti-re area i s very congested at t i roes especially r=hen there i s a bal 1 game. . Steve S i mor•tson i nfor•rned the Carnrn i ss i on the pr•opased parking sF:races for• the Bevel aprnent ar•e over the amount r•equ i r•ed. There was quite a lengthy discussion about the tune frame in ~=~t•~ i ch construct i an roust start after a sper_ i f i c use permit i s i sued t the or•d i Hance states r=~ i th i n s i months) and i f the f i r•st and secar•~d phases of the development must both be started within that time frame. There was also discussion can haw to go about making sure the pr•opased rand is finished and dedicated to the City. Meri=~ i n W i 1 1 roan made a rnat i on to r•ecarnrnend to City Caunc i 1 appr•ova 1 of Specific Use Perrn i t #8?-1 r=r i th tl-re fol l o~=~ i ng pr•av i s i Drys: t 1) construction orr Phase T tAssernbl y Hal 1) roust begin r=~ i th i n s i rnon tl-rs fr•orn the time tl-re Specific Use Perrn i t i s au thor• i zed by City Council; t2) the road fr•orn Scher-tz Parkway to Pfeil Street must be completed and dedicated to the City before a Certificate of Occupancy i 1 1 be issued for the Assernb 1 y Ha 1 1 ; and t 3) upon comp 1 et i an of Phase T there i s a s i :y;•-rnon th time limit to start construct i an an Phase T T tDay Gar•e Center•) i f i t has not already started. Ty Er• i sg i 1 1 seconded the root i an and the vote ~=gas as fol l o~=rs: Ayes: J. Harden, M. Willman, T. Sr•isgill, h. Van Dine Nays: Kane Abstentions: E.. Andr•e~=rs Motion carried. #S GENERAL OTSCUSSTON Meith Van Dirie brought up several matters: ta) carnrnented he i=ras glad .Pfe i 1 Road had been patched; (b) rnent i aned same property that the or=mer claims i s supposed. to be kept clean by the Air• Force, but Steve Simonson said he hadn't seen any paperwork yet to prove it; -4- (e) said he had r•efer•r•ed Steve S i rnanson's Warne to a gentl ernan wha ?+ias asking about the pr•acedur•es far putting a rnob i 1 e home on h i s pr'aF1e?"'tY- Ty E~r• i sg i 1 1 asked cl~hat's happening ?x~ i th the Lean Par•ker• 1 a?=~su i t and Steve S i rnonsan r•ep 1 i ed nothing. Mr•. ~:r• i sg i 1 1 a 1 sc? asked i f anyone had to 1 ked to Vaughan Harnec., about their pennants on the hou4.~e on Cher•r•ywood and ?i?as i nfar•rned by Steve S i rnonsan a l etter• will be sent. James Harden i n f or•rned the Cornrn i ss i an he w i i 1 be unab 1 e to attend tl••?e meeting an July 14tF~?. h1erw i n W i l l rnan br•ough t up the fol 1 aw i ng: ta) the questions about the bandit signs and our• policy regard i ng them need to be on the ne>::t agenda far• d i scus.~s i an tb) the selection of tc=~a new rnernber•s far• the Cornrn i ss i an needs to be an the ne:.;t agenda (c) the ordinance on ,junkyards needs to be an an upcarning agenda td) need to r•ecarnrnend a pub t i c hear i ng to r•e.~ane Sch i r•rner•v i 1 1 e area f-earn PD to RA tit ?b~as suggested this be an the nest agenda ) (e) gave the Cornrn i ss i on rnernbers cap i es of Borne recomrnendat i ons he had ?=~r• i tten up per•ta i n i ng to shopping center and rnal 1 signs and d i r•ec Lary signs, and a 1 so on pr•ocedur•es for• process i ng a request far• a var• i once to the Sign Ordinance tit t=gas sugge~-~ted tF7e Cornrn i ss i an mernber•s 1 aok them over and they be on the ne:>::t agenda far• d i scuss i an) . Steve S?rnonson r•epar•ted that the City's ?=iater• package to FHA for a 1. ~ rn i 1 1 i on dal 1 ar• grant has gone through AAC©G and ?=?e'r•e na?=a waiting to hear. Mer~-cxi i n Willman i nfar•rned the Cornrn i ss i an that City Counc i 1 made a decision last week on Planning ? Zoning's request far a rnc~r•ator• i urn on the enforcement of those parts of the Sign Ordinance pertaining to portable signs. Mr. Willman said they decided t=~e shau 1 d enforce the Sign Qrd i Hance as i s until sarneane challenges us in caur•t. #9 ADJLIURI~I"fE1ti1T • Cha. i r•rnan Andrews adjourned the meeting at 8:09 P. I~. The ne:}zt reguiar•ly scheduled meeting is July 14,' 1987. -5-