07-14-1987 PLANNTNC~ AND ZONING MTNUTE.S \ The Scher• t z P 1 ann i ng and Zan i ng Cornrn i ss i on canvenc~d i n a r•egu 1 ar• 5e~~~r~ i on on l-uesday, Ju 1 y 14•, 19£37 a t 7:00 P. M. i n the Mun i c i pa 1 C~~rnp i e:~i Con fernnce Room, 1400 Scher• t ~ Parkway. Tha~:ae pr•esen t r=rE~re a~-, fol 1 ours: PLANNING AND ZONING COh11~liSSION_ OTHERS Pf•~ESE`.1'J7.. E:C]8 ANQRLt~JS, C}~AIRI`'!AN ROSS B'E'RRY, 4-0 GRAf'1-iICS ME::}~W]:N WTL.L.MAN E:R[~:NDA TERRY, 4~-~-D GRAPI-IJ:CS ']"Y C::R I SG i 1.._L MARY MAR ~~}•i }`F. ];']'h VP.N DINE: DAV T D JACKSON RANDY GROSSr°IAN r~lEMS~:1=f2S AC:`~;ENT JOE PCI"1"EMPA JAMES 1-IARDf.-=N, SECRCTARY S•1"E.VE S I hICiNSON, ASST, CITY MGf~ . NORMA ACTHOI.lSE, RECr.~RDiNG SECY. #l~ 1 CALL... TO ORDER Cha i r•rnan Andrei=rs cal 1 ed tl-ie meeting to ar•der• at 7:00 P. M. #2 APPROVAt_ OF MINU7"ES: A, Regul ar• Sess i ors June 23, 1.987 Mer•w i n W i 1 T marl made a rnot i on to approve the rn i nutes for tY~ie regular session June 23, 1987. }ceith Van Dine seconded the rnc:rt i on and the vote was unan i rnous i n favor. Motion car•r• i ed. E.. Special S~ssian July 7, 1987 Merw i n W i 1 1 rnan made a rnot i on to approve the rn i nute~'a for the special session July 7, 1987. Keith Van Dine seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor. Motion carried. #3 CITIZr=1VS' INPUT OTHER THAN AGENOA ITEMS There was none. . #4 CONSIDER AND TAKE APPROPRIATE- ACTION: Request.frorn 4--D Graphics, on ~.ehalf of U. S. Home Corp., . for• -the fol i ow i ng: .A. Sign Var• once far• Scenic Hills B i l l baar•d Along IH 3~ Rays and E~r•enda Ter•r•y were at the meeting to r•epr•es~nt 4•-D Graphics. Rasp, "fer•r•y e:>cpl a i Wed that they r=roul d 1 i ke to change the pr•e sent billboard from a 12` 80` sign to a 24` 80' sign. iYlr•. Terry s<::r i d they' ar•e a 1 so p 1 ann i ng to change the col ar• scheme and had a d i agrarn with h i rn of ti-~e prapa•:~ed sign. Part of the pr•apased sign i s a c i r•cu 1 ar• area ~=~h i ch pr•otr•udes above the rest of the b i 1 1 board and Cha i rrnan Andrei=~s asked i f the c i r•c 1 e ~=~a1..~ 1 d be h i ghee than 24 feet.. Ross 1"er-r•y r•ep 1 i ed yes i t would. Gha i rrnan Andrei=~s asked hot=r much higher and E:renda Terry rep 1 i ed appr•o::•ti i rnal;el y four to s i:.:: feet h i ghee, but i t could be al ter•ed i f n~ice~G.~ar-y. Ras}s Terry tal d tF7e C;ornrn i ss i an the Wei=~1 y designed b i 1 1 board should help attr•ac~t buyers so the subdivision can be built out. Ct-+a i r-rnr,ri Andrei=~s commented the cur•r•er~it b i 1 1 board i s t~=~ i ce ti°Ee size authorized by the Sign Or-di~ance and the proposed billboard ~=~a~.~l d bar three t i rues the authar• i zed size. Ross Terry pointed out there is too much inf-or•mation on the present billbaar•d and it is Hat as aesthetically pleasar7t as the pr•capo~-~ed sign . Gha i rrnan Andrei=~s asked i f there ~=ras any Staff input aryd Steve S i rnonsan said no. I~er•r=r i n W i l l rnan asked ~=shat the present height of the b i l l board i s fr•orn the ground and Ross Terry reel i ed thirty-s i:rc feet. F`e i th Van G i ne asked ~=that height i s al 1 owed acid Steve S i rnonsan replied fifty feet along the interstate. Rass 1"er•r•y pointed out they r=soul d not be replacing the' s i gn, ,just rebuilding ar remodeling it. Ty Br• i sg i 1 1 said according to the or•d i Hance the rr+ i n i rnurn height si7ould be forty feet. Ct"•ia i rrnan Andrews camrnented he t=gas not cancer•ned with the height but with the overall size of the billboard since it is three t i rues 1 ar~ger• .than authorized by the or-d i Hance. - Cha i r•man .Andrews a 1 so i nfor•med Ross and Erenda Ter•r~y that (i) as is, the. billbaarci would need a variance past 1990 and (2) they need to. prove on what grounds the. variance is needed .(such as f i Want- i a 1 har•dsh i p cir• ter•r•a i n. har•dsh i p, etc. E:renda Terry i n formed the Comrn i ss i on i t wou 1 d cast appr•o:~ i ma tel y t~=~o acid one-half times more money to put up a new sign than what -2- i t t=could cast to r•ernadel the cur•r•ent one. Ms. Ter•.r•y stated she t•~as sure, due to economics, U. S. Horner t~aou 1 d be i n favor• of r•ernodel i ng the cur•r•ent s i grt. Esr•enda Ter•r-y said the current sign i s cr•eat i ng a hazard because i t i s i n need of repairs. She gt.aoted a f i gur•~= of 000 to pu t ut:r a netli sign and a figure of ~9, 000 tra upgrade the current one. h1s. Terry also pointed out the current sign i s i°tar•d to read and tt-te r•emaclel ed one t=iau 1 d be rnor-•e p 1 e«-ts i ng to the eye. Gha i r•man Andr•etlis Hated that on the sign var• i ante request for•rn, #:I~~:i E::=:p1 anat i or•t t=shy sign cannot cor•ifor•rn to pr•ese~nt S i gri Qr•d i Hance - t=gas Hat filled i n. -r•y E:r• i sr! i l l r•ernar•ked he tt~to~.sght i t t=car ccyrnrnendabl e tl-tey t=canter; to upgrade the sign, but the pr•aposed remodeling is Hat in ccirnp 1 i ante txc i th the S i gri Clr•d i Hance. t~lerw i n 4! i t 1 roan said i•7e agreed t.c i th lhr. Gr• i sg i 1 1 . Fie i th Van L~ i ne asked i f tFiey caul dn't remodel as txcel 1 a~, ccampl y. TF~er•e txcas a br• i of d i sctass i on on this. Ty E:r- i sg i 1 1 made a rnat i af-i to deny the request fr•orn 4•_O Gra~.,h i cs, on beha 1 f of U. S. Horne Gorp . , for• a sign var• i ante for• the Seen i c Hills billboard along IH 3S because the proposed size is three times gr•ea ter• than that autF7or- i zed i n the Sign Ord i nar7ce and there t=cas no e:~•rpl anat i ort on the request for••rn of t=chy they. cannot con form to tl-te present Sign Qr•d i Hance. r~ler•w i n W i 1 1 rnan seconded tl'ie rnat i ors and the vote t=car unan i rnous i n favor•. h1at i on car•r• i ed. Gha i r•man Andr•et=is i nfarmed Ross and E:r-enda Terry they due have r•ecaur•se tl-tr•ough the E~oar•d of AdJustrnent i f they so choose. E:. Erect i an of Taco Devel oprnent Signs (an 8' 1`' Sing 1 e Face Sign on North End af- Pr•aper• ty and a 4' 8' Sign on the South Side), Scenic Hills Subdivision. Steve S i manson reported there i s na pr•abl ern i th these ttaco signs. lher•w i n W i 1 1 rnan comrnented he sate no reason for the sign an the north end because i t tlcaul d be behind the r•aads i de park and he a 1 so felt the one on the south side tcou 1 d tae dotcn bel aw the overpass and tcauldn't serve any purpose. There was a brief discussion nn the e~::act location of the signs. There was also-discussion on the distance between these ttvo signs and the billboard (Ross Terry said appro~.,imately 13?0 feet) and thte spat i ng . between the tt=ia signs themselves (the ar•d i Hance specifies X00 feet). Ty hr• i sg i l l r•emar•ked there i s a little Scenic Hit 1 s sign an FC1 1103 and E~renda Terry informed him that sign would be coming dawn . -3- Ross l''er•r•y i nfor•rned the Cornrn i ss i an tF?ese two signs ar-e not for• advert i sernent, they are ,just to indicate the property 1 i ne. \ Cl-?~+ i r•rnan Andrews cornrner•?ted i t i s their property and they are i n c.:arnp 1 i ant_e. Ty E:r• i sg i 1 1 made a root i or? to appr-•ave the request fr•arn 4•-D Gr• 3ph i cs, an beha 1 f of U. S. Home Corp. for• er-•ec t i on of two dE:~a~~el cprnent s i gr?s (an 8' 12` single face sign an north erid of pr~aper--ty and a 4' 8' sign an the south side Scenic M i 1 1 s St..?hd i v i s i an. F<e i tF~? Van Dine seccanded the snot i on and the vote was unan i rnaus i n fav~~r•. Mat i on r~-arr i ed. #F~ COfVSi:DE:R AND MANE. RE.f.~'OMMENDAI"TON: Passible Changes to the F_.:a?°?d i t Sign Ri?gu l a t i ans i n tt7e Over 1 a}~ Districts Gha i r-•rnan Ar?dr•ew=_. said that Jack Hays E:oul evar•d had 1 poked goad tl~ie past ttwo tt>>=ekends. . Mr-• . Per?dr•etws twer~tt or? to say he thou 1 d 1 i ke for• the Garnrn i ss i an to think about tt~e bandit sign regulations in three respects: ~1> tF~?c~ tdrar•k i t creates far the Staff, (2) being fa i r• to bath the 1 ar•ge and srna 1 1 bu i 1 der, and (3 7 being too rests i r. t i ve abvu t scarneth~i i ng that i s and y ternparary. Mer-tw i n N i 1 1 roan carnrner~tted he thougt-?t order caul d be rna i nta i ned as long as twe have control over the spacing bettw~=en bandit signs and tf•?e time el ernent during twh i ch they are displayed. Cha i r•rnan Andrews a 1 so said twe war7t the aesti~?et i c value for Jack Heys E:oul evar•d to r•erna i n. Meru! i n W i l l roan r•ernar•ked twe need to cooperate tw i tl-~ the bu i 1 der•s. Ty E,r i sg i 1 1 stated that we have (aught for• enfor•cernent far• the past two years, and tiJhen i t 1 oaks like t=~e f i na 1 1 y have i t, he hates to see all the work lost. Mr•. E:r•isgill`s r•ecarnmendatian twos that each builder be allowed ten signs on Jack Hays E.aulevar•d and then be allowed one sign an each side of the entrance to tt•?e i r• subdivision t i f two entrances, one an each side of each entrance) and those signs at the entrance not be counted in the or• i g i nal tern. Ty E~r•isgill further stated twe need continuity, and if it is working natty, he can't see any r•:eason for a change.. . Cha i r•rnan Andrews. said he could foresee pr•obl erns i n :the future. Keith Van D i c?e suggested we stay, ty i th the current: pol. i cy natty, but make. a.definite plan we can change to: in the future..- . Steve Simonson commented, the future is here - he has a request f r•orn Vaughan Horner far an add i t i ono 1 ten signs for Gr•eensh i r•e (Vaughan Horner has .ten signs for• S i 1 ver tree) . -4- Mr. S.i rnonson al sa said i t i s pr•o,jected that, the Scher•t~ Parkway from IH 35 to Macke Road will be ready sometime in October which t=!caul d mean other• bu i 1 der•s, such as Marton, wau 1 d be el i g i b i e for• signs for• rnor•e than. one subdivision. Steve S i rnonson observed that Ty E~r• i sg i 1 1 's idea rn i gt,t be t=~or• kab 1 e. Gha i rrnan Andrews asked about the pons i b i 1 i ty af- staying t=i i th the ten signs for• Jack Hays E:oulevard but lifting the 30~ font distance on er,tr•ances. Mr•. Andr•etrs said he's st i 1 l hung up on fairness to small and large builders and on too much reatr i ct i venes=~ for a ternpor•ar•y situation. There t=aas further d i scuss i an on ti-~e en tr•ar,ces. Chad rrnan Andret=~s made an ana 1 agy heft=seen bandit signs for• net=~ subd i v i s i ar,s and the i nr._onven i ence one must pint up t=i i th ~=hen r-•F~madel i nc1 ar• rook i ng an addition to a house. Mi°•. Andretrs said i t is one of the necessary evils one-must endur-•e, but it is only terripar•ar•y. Flier, G~^eent=~a 1 d said he didn't; buy that ana 1 agy because a r•ernoijel i ng ,Jab on a hawse usua 1 1 y an 1 y takes sever•a 1 n,on ti•,:s t=tt•ier•east the bandit signs far subdivisions ar•e cornet i rues necessary for five ar-- s i years. M~rr~=~ i n b! i l l roan asked the Carnrn i ss i an i f they wow l d like to take Ty E:r• i sg i 1 1 's suggest i ans and t=park out a col ut i an for• the entr•an~~e=_., The Comrn i ss i an members suggested Ty E:r• i sg i 1 1 t=pork up a sal ut i on ar7d bring i t i n. F~e~ i ti•'. Var, Dine made a root i ors to tab 1 e I tern ~~5 Pass i b 1 e Changes to the E:andit Sign Regulations in the Overlay Districts- until Ty E,r• i sg i l l t=.~or•ks up a passible sal ut i on and br• i ngs i t before the Cvrnrn i ss i on. Mer•t=i i n W i 1 1 roan seconded the motion and tl-~e vote was unanirnaus in favor. Motion carried. #b COtuSIDER AIVD MAME REGOMMEiVOATIOIV: Pr•opased Changes to t1•,e Sign Or-d i Hance A. Pr•ocedur•e for Processing of a Request for a Var• i once to the Sign Or•d i Hance Mert=~ i n W i 1 1 roan had given each rnernber• (at the 1 act meeting) a copy of the. pr•apased procedure for• request i.ng a sign var i anc:e. Mast of thee. discussion was.pr•ornpted by the idea in the proposed pr~acedu.re that Planning and Zoning not approve or disapprove a . var• i once, but r•ather~ make their r•ecornrnendat i on. to City Counc i 1 and City Council wowld make the decision. Cha i rrnan Andrews s.a i d he felt that u~ 1 ess t=~e keep the authorisation with the Planning and Zoning Commission, the -5- pet i t i orier• i s i n ,jeopardy because he has no place to go e~ccept the t~oard of Ad,justrnent i f he i s denied a var• i ance, and tt~e E:nard of Ad,justrnent i s the G i ty Caunc i l. •1"i•ie Carom i ss i on mernber•s agreed with Mr . Andr•ei=~s. Ty Br• i sg i 1 1 rnade a mot i ors to tab 1 e Item #b--~A - Pr•apaseci Changes to the Sign Ordinance: h'r•acedur•e far Processing of a i~eyu~=st for a Var• i ance to the 5 i gn C)r•d i Hance until Mere=i i n W i l l rnan caul d rewrite i t and subrn i t i t to the Cnrnm i ss i an. Fie i th Van Dine s~:acarided tl-ie rnat i ors and the vote ~=!as unan i rnaus i n favor. plot i an ~~arr i ed. F~. Shopping Center and hlal 1 Signs and D i r•ectar•y Signs Merw i n W i l l rnan had a 1 so given each rnernber• (a t tide i ast rneet i ng) a c:e::,py of these proposals. The rnernber•s rnade ti-,e i r- r-ec.arnrnendat i ores and s~.iggest i or'?s. t`e i th Van Dine rnade a mot i an to recc~rnrnend (as arnended) to City Cnunc i 1 appr-ova 1 of I tern #b-E. Pr•apased Changes to ti°ie Sign Ordinance: Shopping Center and Mall Signs and Directory Signs. Ty Esr i sg i 1 1 seconded the root i on and the vote ~s±as unan i rnous i n favor. Mat i an !:.ar•r• i ed. ~7 COfVSl:DER AI'dD MAF<E R~GOMMENDATIOIV: Or-d Hance Regulating the Enc 1 asur•~= of a Junk ar• Salvage Yard and the Screening of Garbage Storage Areas Ci~a i r•man Andr•et=as pointed out this i tern had been tab 1 ed at a pr••ev i aus meeting unt i 1 Steve S i rnansnn could check i nta i t ar~d ans~=per a few of the quest i nos brought up by ti'ie Comrn i ss i an a t that t i roe. Steve S i rnonson i nfar•rned the Cornrn i ss i an they now have t~=~o sheets before them c 1 ar i fy i ng sorne of the i terns can to i ned i n the pr•npased or•d i Hance. Mr. S i rnansan said the City i s 1 oak i ng for• a better tool in helping thern to clean up the City. Arnong the highlights of the discussion were the type af- fencing around ,funk ar• salvage yards, the provision of sorne access cl ear•ance to ,junk or• salvage yards for emergency veh i ei es, peapl e f i i ng up cars i n r•es i den t i a 1 areas and en forcernent of the ar•d i Hance. The Carnrn_i ss i on rnernber•a rnade the i r• suggest i nos anal recarnmendat i nos. . Mercy i n W i 1 1 man rnade a root i ©n ~ to r•ecvmrnend, as amended, to City Council approval of the proposed ordinance regulating the encl osur•e of a ,junk or• salvage yard and the screening of garbage storage areas. Keith Van Dine seconded the motion and the vote ~=gas unan i rnous . i n .favor. Mat i on care i ed. -6- . ..;iv,•. . 1M n+d,wy ¢ axw~aiq;,+ditq i ~ ~ \ . ,t: `~i~=i?t~rr~+?V~ #:Y it>: #8 CONSIDER AND IhAF<E RECOMMEI~tDATION: Rezoning a.f Och i r•rner•v i 1 1 e Area Pram PO to RA h1er•r=i i n W i l l roan made a rnat i an to r•ecornrnend to G i ty Gounc i 1 a pr.~bl i c hear i ng be scheduled for• the r•ezan i ng of- the Sct7 i r•rner-•v i 1 1 e ar•~'a fr'vm i'D to RA. Keith Van Dine seconded the motion and the vale r=ras unan i rnaus i n favar•. plot i on car•r• i ed. At this time the Carom i ss i an toak a si•~ort break. #S' CONSIDER AND I"IAFiE RECOMMENDAl"ION: A. App 1 icants far the P 1 ane i r7g and Tan i ng Cornrn i ss i nn Steve S i rnansan i nfar•rned the Carnrn.i ss i ar? tt~rere ar•e faur• app 1 icants far' ti'~¢ tr=ro vacant pas i t i ans on the P 1 ar7n i ng ar~d Zan i ng C:arnrn i ss i an. l"hey ar•e as fal 1 or=as: t9ar•y Marsh - 42DS' Spanish C1:~k Jae PalE~rnpa - X31.0 Ir•al a Dr• i ve Randy Cr•eassrnan ~'~17 Ft 1 i ne G i r•c 1 e Da:v i cl Jar_-ksari - ].24 Web sler• Dr• i ve Gi~iair•man Andrer=rs thanked the appl icants far attendir?g the rnee~L- i ng. I~ir-. Andrer=?s e::p 1 a i ned r=re have an aper-i daar pal icy and so i f they all ru i shed to r••erna i n i n tt•~e r•anrn r=rh i l e ant of them r=ras being questianed, they cauld da sa. Or, if they r=rished to leave ti-re r•anm r=rh i 1 e ane of there r=ras being questioned, that t=ras a 1 sa up to there. The appl icants ct~rose to 1 save the r•aarn and 1 et the per•sc~n being qugst i oned have a 1 i tt 1 e pr• i vacy. ~ Af-ter• the Comrn i ss i an questioned the appl icants and found out a little about each of there the fol 1 nr=~ i ng r•ecarnrnenda t i ons r=sere rnade: hlerr=r i n W i l l roan rnade a real i on to Horn i Hate Mary hlar•sh. E:ob Andrer=rs seconded the rent i on. The vote was as fol i or=rs: Ayes; E:ab Andrer=rs, hlerr=r i n W i l l roan Nays: Ty C-~r• i sg i 1 1 , Keith Van Dine Abstentions: None (l"here r=ras no one present to break the tie. ) Ty E:risgill made a motion to nominate David Jackson. Keith Van Dine seconded the teat i an. The vote r=jas as fal 1 or=~s: Ayes: Ty E~risgill, Keith Van Dine Nays: E~ob Andrer=rs, Mer•r=r i n W i l l roan Abstentions: None (7°her•e r=gas na ane pr•eserrt to break the tie. l Ty Err•• i sg i 1 1 made a mat i on to norrt i Hate Randy Grossman. Keith Van Dine seconded the root i on. The vote :eras unan i rnous i n' favar•. I~'at i on care i ed. Joe Paterripa r•ece i ved no Horn i eat i on. -7- 1"he Cornet i ss i on needs to f i l l tr=!o .vacancies and on 1 y one app 1 i can t reeived a vote of approval. Chairman Andrer=!s said this situation ccauld be handled one of tr=!o ways - we could leave the decision up to City Council or we could table the approval of a second applicant until the nefi:t r•egu 1 ar• l y scl-redu 1 ed P l ar?n i ng and Zoning meeting r=then i t i s e:>~:pec ted enough rnernbers ri! i 1 1 be present to cast a deciding vote. 7"y E~r i sg i l l rnade a root i on to r•ecammend to City Caunc i 1 appr•ova 1 of Randy Gr-assman to fill ane of. the vacancies an the Planning and Zoning Cornrn i ss i an and to tab 1 e the recornrnendat i an of a second applicant until the rre>::t regularly scheduled tlanning and Zoning m~::*ci: i ng. fCe i th Van C} i ne seconded the rnot i on and the vote i=!as unanimous i n f-avor. Motion car-•r i ed. E.. V i ee-~-Cha i rrnan for• the P 1 ann i ng ar~~d Zoning Garnrn i ss i on C•9er•r~ i n 4J i l l man rnade a root i on to r•ecornrnend to G i ty Gounc i 1 appr•ova 1 of Ty E:r• i sg i 1 1 as Vice-Cha i r•rnan of the P i ann i ng ar?d Zan i ng Cornrn i as i an. t•~e i th Van Dine se~~onded the root i ~ ~n ar~d thQ vc,t_e ~=ias anon i roans i n favor. Riot i on carried. # 1 D !aCIV;~R A1~ D I SGU SS I GIV hie i tl°y Van Dine suggested that t=!hen there i s a 1 ang meet i ng, the Cornrn i ss i an tai<e a five rn i Hate break every hour. Ty E,r• i sg i 1 1 br•aught up the fol 1 aa! i ng: (a) The br i rige on Woodland Oaks Drive i n Gr•eensh i r•e has quite a dip. : Is i t under ~=!ar-ranty ~ (Steve S i monsan r•epl i ed yes i t i s. ) (b} Did the City do some street inspections in Greenshire today':' (Steve S i rnorisan said yes they did and there has been Borne discussion about the inspection.) ic} At FM 11x3 and the IH 35 access r•aad there ar•e at least five signs tacked onto the telephone pole. (Steve Sirnonsan said the City i s ac=!are of i t . ) <d) The cal-de-sac on Poplar doesn't have a street light. (Steve S i rnonson said i t t=!on' t have ane far a t=~h i t e. ) (e) Gan a Stop Sign be put up at Woodland Oaks and Star•lightc' There ar•e 4 homes in the area that are occupied not=!. (Steve St rnortson sa i.d he t=soul d check i nta i t. Gha i r•man Andrews i nfor~med the Commission a 1 et ter• (e:xpr•ess ma i 1 del i.ver~y) -had been received that inor•n i rig frarn Pu 1 to Homes making . a for•rnal request to place ten bandit signs .along Jack Hays Soul e.var•d i n accar•dance with the. Spec i a 1 Overlay Or•d i Hance.. f"Ir•. Andrews said nothing official could be done until the request is on the agenda, but the City needs Borne d i r•ect i on i n the meant i roe. -8- Steve Simonson r•epor•ted that Pulte had been obeying the regulations regarding the bandit signs. After a brief discussion, the Carnrn i ss i on rnernber•s agreed on a consensus to 1 et Pu1te continue putting out their bandit signs until this req~.acst can be put an the agenda for official action. #11 ADJfJUI"iIVMLIVT Cha i r•rnan Andr-•e~l~s ad,.Jaur•ned the meeting a t iQ::'7 P. M. The ne::•::t regu 1 ar• l y sch~~du 1 ed mt~et i ng i s July 28, 1 X787. -9-