11-24-1987 PLANNING AND ZONING MINUTES The Sc!:ertz Planning and Zoning Commission convened in a regular scssicn on Tu`sday, November 24, 1987 at 7:00 P.M. in the Municipal Complex Ccrference Rc:;m, 1400 Schertz Parkway. Those present were as fc'.?.ows: PLA\?~?ING & ZONING MEMBERS OTHERS PRESENT BOB Al?DREtti'S, CHAIRMANv' RO?~' REDDEN, MOK?ARCH HOMES MER~tiTIN WILLMAN DAVE JACKSON RA~~DY GROSSMAN LEE LEWIS GEORGE VICK EDGvrARD J. HEADLEY, JR. KEN GREEK?WALD, COLNCILMAN CITY STAFF MEMBERS ABSEIL?T STEVE SIMONSON, TY BRISGILL, VICE-CHAIRMAN ASST. CITY MANAGER KEITH VAN DINE, SECRETARY NORMA ALTHOL'SE, MARY MARSH RECORDING SECRETARY #I CALL TO ORDER C?:airman Andrews called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. #2 APPROVAL OL' MINUTES: Regular Session November 10, 1987 George Vick made a motion to apr~rove the minutes for the regular sessicn November 10, 1987. Merwin Willman seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor. Motion carried. #3 CITIZENS' INPUT OTHER THAN AGENDA ITEMS There was none. #4 CONSIDER AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION: Request from Boyer Custom Homes, on Behalf cf Lee & Novella Lewis, for a Variance to Allow Construction of a Circular Drive at 4204 Crown Oak Lee Lewis was at the meeting to represent this request. Steve Simonson informed the Commission they had received his comments on this item - a precedence has been set in Oak Forest for circular drives and the Staff has no problem with this request. George Vick commented he had driven by the property and had noticed some circular drives already in the area. Mr. Vick further commented that from the diagram, the house and circular driveway seem to be very attractive. Merwin Willman had made copies of an ordinance on streets and sidewalks, specifically Article III - "Construction, Repair, Etc., of Sidewalks, Curbs and Driveways", so the Commission could read fcr themselves why a variance is needed to construct a circular drive. C?~airman Andrews asked abosat the distance of front yard width and Lee Lewis ~~:plied the front yard s~~idt}: is appx~oLirlately - 89` < ken Greenwald then pointed out that on the plot plan it lists the front ~>ard width as E°.E5`. Chairman Andrews then asked if the loft part of the apron is on the property line and Lee Lewis replied no it is net. Steve Simons:~n also said no it is not and went on to explain the Staff had looked ever the plot plan and fcand no problems. Randy Grossman made a motion to recommend approval of the request from Beyer Custom Homes, cn behalf of Lee & Novella Lewis, fcr a variance to allow construction of a circular drive at 4204 Crown Oalc, noting that precedence fcr circular drives has been set by other homes in the same subdivision. M`r~~,.in ih'illman questioned whether cr not the Planning & Zoning Commission could approve this request or merely make a recommendation to City Council fcr approval. Chairman Andrews said Planning ~ Zoning should make a recommendation to City Council for approval. Randy Grossman amended his motion to say he recommends approval t:: City Council cf the request from Beyer Custom Homes, cn behalf of Lee & Novella Lewis, for a variance to allow construction of a circular drive at 4204 Crewn Oa}r, noting that precedence for circular drives has been sot by other homes in the same s~~bdivision. Merwin Willman seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor. Motion carried. Lee Lewis asked what kind of time frame the Commission is talking about and Ken Greenwald said he would bring it up at the workshop tomorrow night in hopes it can be included on the City Council agenda for December lst. #5 CONSIDER AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION: Request from Monarch Homes, on Behalf of Mr. Lewis at 3725 Wm. Scarbrough, for a Variance to Cut the Driveway off Savannah Drive Ran Redden of Monarch Homes was at the meeting to represent this request. There are hundred year old oak trees (three of them) in front of the house where the driveway should be and some pictures of the house were passed around for the Commission to see. -2- Chairman Andrews asked if there isn't a one-foot non-access easement cn Wm. Scarbrcugh and Steve Simenscn replied no there is not and also not on Savannah Drive. ^1r. Simonson brought out the L?lat to show the Commission. Steve Simonson alsc said regardless of that fact, he still stands by the Staff ccmments recommending denial of th; entrance eff Savannah Drive. Steve Simonson ccmmented since Savannah Drive may very well be the first road connected to the Schertz Parkway, the Staff strongly recommends denial of this entrance off Savannah Drive. Mr. Simonsen went on to say it is a traffic safety hazard to have someone backing out on a major thoroughfare which is on a downhill slope and rear the entrance cf the subdivision. ~~Ierwin Tn'illman said it appears to him that Monarch obviously never intended to have the curb cut off Wm. Scarbrcugh or a real garage in the model home and Ron Redden assured the Commissicn this was net true. Ron Redden noted that La Petite has two curb cuts on Savannah Drive and Merwir~ tn~illman I?ointed cut tc him that La Petite is in an area zoned General Business and Mcrarch is in an area zoned residential. Chairman Andrews also mentioned the fact that La Petite has a circular drive so there will be ro back_ing out onto Savanna?: Drive. Ay Cl:airr:~an Andrews also said, nc backing cut onto Savannah Drive was the intent when the subdivision was originally= set up. Among the alternatives suggested by the Commissicn were a driveway cn the right, a driveway cn the left using part cf the vacant lot, or a small circular drive. Ron Redden said a driveway on the right would be too costly and that Monarch will r~ct give up the vacant lot on the left because plans are for a house to be built on it. Mr. Redden did say, however, they will look into the possibility of a small circular drive. Mervin Willman ccmmented he could not, in good conscience, vote for approval of a curb cut on Savannah Drive, it appears no ether alternatives have been investigated, and it looks like the problem was self-imposed when the house was built. Randy Grossman remarked it will be a shame to cut down the trees, but it would also be a shame to have someone killed. Randy Grossman made a motion to disapprove the the request, as written, from Monarch Homes, on behalf of Mr. Lewis at 3725 Wm. Scarbrough, for a variance to cut the driveway off Savannah Drive but stated the Commission will consider any alternatives brought in by Monarch Homes as a solution to this problem. George Vick seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor. Motion carried. -3- #C CONSIDER AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION: Request from Ed Headley, Jr. for a Variance tc the Sign Ordinance for a Business to be Located at X204 FM 78 ~d Hr~adl~y, Jr. was at +~hc meetin; tc r~presert this request. C?:airman. Andrews asked exactly c,.hat kind cf variance is being ~equested and Stew` Sir.::nsen said the question is not t]~ size but the uniformity (the color is not uniforml. Mervin G.'illr~an comr.;cnted t].e request is for a variarcc for the sign cn tree building because it is a national logo - Allstate Insurance. Chairman Andrews asked Nor. Headley if he would be utilizing the pylon sign also and he replied yes he would be, but he has no problems conforming to the ~clcrs ::n the pylon sign. Randy Grossman stated that in smite of the ordinance, ut~ifcrmity is boring, t~.ere should bo some freedom of choice. Mr. Grossman also said ~~o didn't fool the lack cf uniformity is important tc the City as far as being detrimental to health and welfare, but dotes feel it is important tc Mr. Headley as far as his starting a new business. M`rw.n Willmar .,cmmented that national logos didn't come uL when th.^ writing of the Sign Ordinance was being discussed. Ed Headley assured the Commission the sign will be professionally ccnstructcd and well maintained. Randy Grossman made a maticn to approve the request from Ed .~eadley, Jr. fer a variance tc tl.e Sign Ordinance for a business to be located at 1204 FM ?8. George Vick seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor. Motion carried. #7 GENERAE DISCIISSION Mervin Willman asked if it had been 90 days since Planning and Zoning renewed the extension for the proposed mobile home park on Schaefer Road and Steve Simonson said he would check on it. George Vick said at the last meeting there had-been discussion about making a decision on whether or nat to have a meeting on December 22nd depending on who would be able to attend. Mervin Willman suggested it be discussed at the December 8th meeting and Chairman Andrews asked to have discussion of it put on the agenda for December 8th. Randy Grossman wished everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. George Vick announced that, for what it's worth, he has a son who is getting married this Saturday. -4- Ken Greenwald reported there had been a meeting with the TML attorney regarding the Par;~er suit and he sl.ould be getting some informatics to the C:,mmissicn. £:e:, Grc:_'n~vald alsc brcug'~t with '.3.m a ..opy cf Seguin newspaper . article stating that the west. end of Guadalupe .county put three •eople ~n t'Ii~ aL~praisal b~:;.-~r-a. Steve Sim~.nsor. commented that Schcrtz Parkway is now mostly ast:halted ~r.d y;;u car. d~ ivc ~:n it . -fir Pi 11~JOL~RNA7f'ENT Ch.~irma.:, Andrews adjouz°ned the meeting at 7:4Q P.I. Tl:e nc>t regularly scheduled meeting is December 19°7. -5-