01-19-1959 13 Ii Called _etilW of the Cit7 CCRlDCU of Sebert., '.xu,. Mld .1-&17 19. 1959 __ can. to order b7l1ayor H.P.Thul_1V and the1'ollowilll A1der'Mll weN 'Present t l1.gin B.ck. Oep. P.Boltoa, V.B.lbert, A.O.llaftrlela aDd Walter A.~rt.. .l'lIballago W..leke~.. also present. MDate. of replar .eting held Ju. 5, 1959 were read and on .,tio~ ot Walter A.Scherta, .ecoDded b7 Oeo.p.Bolton are apprGnCl. On _tl_ ot Walter A.Scherb _conded b7 CJeqrce P.Boltoa aD ordillU1C8 :f1rCJtJ~3 setttrw up the Corporatlon Court .... \1II&JlO"'~ adOpted a. foll.clR J ';r/q BE rr CltlAI,lII"flY TIE CITY COUlIClL fJt T. Cl'fyat :l:1D'rZ, TIllS: d:t f? .. ' 1. 'the ~/ot thi. Clt7 ..n be ex-offto1o lleoorcler of t_ CorporatlOD C01d't lft'ScbertS. T..., &Dd as neb .han baye ,__ to 1..e vrita and proeea... nece88&17' to .nforce the jul"'led1ctiOll of .ald CorporatiOll Coart, and to p1ID18h all con:tellpt. IF suoh t1De and such MJmer a. 1. pre.cribed for Justices of the Peace ader the 1&.. ot th18 State. ' Ii 2. the CororatiOft Court of the Clt,. of Seberta lhall haft juriedlctlO1l ot aU Yiolatione of tbe ordinances of this Cl ty noW 1ft --tore. or hereinafter to be pas8ed, and shall al.o haft jur18d1ctloft CClIlcv.l"J'eId~ vith aD7Jut1ce 01' the Puc. tnJl1.tice PrecinCt .., of Quclalupe County, 'exaa. in all crbdDB1 c..... ll1"181ftg UDder the criJlinal lawe of thi_ State in which the pun18bJMnt 1. b7 ft.. oal7, and where the ax1Jml ot neb fl_ -y DOt exceed 'l'wo It1mdred ($200.00) Dollars and arisi. vith1D the territorial lilllta of tId.. Cit7: ad said Court Ihall be open at aU tt_s except Sundep, tor the transaction or baines8; . [I , Wbell8'f'er the title Mayor is oed in thi. OI'diD&llce it shal1i1lclucle the Recorder, aDd 1f'henner the title, Recorder, is 11_ therelllit .hall lDcl.e the ~... Wbenenr the title Clty Clerk 1.e 11M herein, it shall also t.lud. the City Secretary and vheMYer the title Cl ty Secreta17 i. 11_ herein lt .hall include the Ci t7 Clert.. Ia.. ......r the Recorder of the Corporation Court perrOrM aJV' chaty or .emae ordiDarilT ,.rto~ or to be pertormed b7 the Cit7 Clerk, tmt Recorder ahall remye the .... cOllptm8&Uon and t... wbicb the Clerk of said Court 1fO'Dl.d rece1Y8, payable and cone cUbe ml1ke ..".... . 5. All pJ'08eeutlona m .the CorporatloD Court aba1l be by CCIIplaiDt 1. wr1tUlc. dull' 8W01"Il to b7 c.. crecIi table person bet"ore the lIa10r or ... ott1cer dul7 atbor!sed b7 law to adllini8ter oatbll. 6. All peraone COII'f1ct.ed of UV' oftenee and puni.hed b7 fiM .hill be co.ltted into the ..... of tM City Jlar8hal utU the coats aDd tiDe are paid, or UDtU neb t1Re baa beeD d1sch&l'led in a IWlMr prorided 1>7 the la- of tM state of 'r.... III c.... where fl.. are d1.cbal'led in a -.mer other tbaD by pa,.ent in cuh. .tt1cel'll fees shall b. paid O11t at the general fUnd. 14 7. 'rbe Cit71fareMl, tOf' .emce. 111 the CorpOftt1oll COIU't 1D tide CltyeMU rece1.e the ... t.. aDd c.~tlO1l DO ttDd. or hereatter to be t1xed by law, ter C-.tablN tor 11b semon perf"eNMI 111 er1l1i Ml 08'" ill the 11J8t1ce Couri.8 ot tJda State. , 8. 10 pneecdt. 1a -u. eorpoNttoD Coart .un be a-t..... .. cODd1ttoD that tI.- defendant ahall pq the C08t of Pl"Ment1ioD, Of' &IV" part tbeN01'. . 9. nat 111 all ease. t1W 1ft the cOl'pefttloa court ot the Clt7 ~ So_rta. .... coJW1ett.. 8ha1l be had. 'tlfe x.;,or .1Ia11 ...... costa aca1DBt tile 0CIIIIY1ctec1 partie. 1D ..ell Q01IIIta u .. be pronded b7 J,., tor JlIat1ce ColIrta. PrencW tllat the 1Iqw, wIdn 1ft 111. eplDlon jutlce ~ be .erne! ~ 1. Il87 cue order that De coeta be a.....ect aea1nat the OOII'f1cted pal"t7' aDd ill .uch ... DO t.. lIIIIU~be paid to u,y otftcer. 10. All t1Dea .. ooeta collected 1a crt~.l .... ru..ct 1D the COIp....t101l C01II"t aba1l 10 1Dto the ..-ral taDd or tbI C1V of ScIlerta, o.t of which .hall lie paid to the otttcera of the Court .uch t.. a. tiler _ be eDtltled to bT law .. o1'd1RaDCe. All tees eaI"Md by tile CltT -.nbal aba11 ~ paid to Ida. The Cit7 Secretarr .hall be paid tilt ...t pronded b7 l8 as the'rial ,. 1D Jat1~ Court..,pd tilt -,r *haU be paid'all --..t. allewed Jutice. of the Pea.. .. i. prucl"1bed tor lutlcee of the P.... 1DIder the lan ot tJd.. State. Pus'" &lid Apprond tills 19th _ of I~, 1959. AppI'OftCl: o AtteR, 0.. I \,. .ltord C.IoaIa, City Secretal7'. B.P.!Iml...,w, ""or o :"::.;;~.-I , , [i On JIOtion of W.E.Ebert, seconded by Elgin Beck, an ordinance setting bond ~ all officers. N4Uired to gi.e bond _s unaDiJIouq adopted as tolleNs; BE 1'f ORDdIID BY THE Crry COUNCIL c:F THE CITY OF 3:BlRTZ, TEXAS: !he bonds of aU ottlcers who are required to Cl.ebond, as hereinafter pr09'1decl for, shall be -.de payable to the Ha10r ot this City, aDd hi. nccessors in otflee, in $ch amunts as -7 in each case be prorided: and. all nch bonds shall be conditioDed that the officer giving -- will faltbtul.q pertol'll all the dlltles of b1a oftice that are, or -7 be 11p01ecl on h1a according to law and the ordinances or the City o~ Scherts, '1'exas, and will co~1)- with aU tbe lawtul orders of the Clty Co UDell of said Clty, and account tor and pay to the per.ons entitled to receiye the s_, &1l. ..... condng into his bands by rlrture of his office. PASSED AND 1PPROVID this the 19th day of Janua17, 1959. ltteat= "Maltord C.Koch, Secret.&l7. R.p.'l'huleaeyer Mayor an ordinance On IIOtion ot W.B.Ebert, secOnded by BlgiD Beck,/s.ttlng bond of the Clty Secreta17 and Clt,. 'l'reanrer, was .niJlOu~ adopted as foU-s; 15 57. 00 f Ic/' d7 $ '7, 005 )01 BE rr OlUWlIED BY!HE CITY COUNCIL or THE Cny OF SCHERTZ, 'fins: i:i / tJ ...I! 1. The Clt7 Secreta1'7 sball, before enteri~ upon the duties of his oftice giye bond in the S1Dl ot Twenty-tift ($2,500.00)Rlindred Dollars. 2. Before entering upon the dl1ties of hi. office the City 'l'1"eaaurer shall enter lato bond in . nil not less that "1ft ($5,000.00) Thousand Dollal"8. PASSID AID APPRoRD 'l'BI! 'I'll: J.tt1i d.,. of J 1IlU17, 1959. B.P.Thule.,.., Mayor Attestr Malford C.Xoch, Secretar,r . On JIOtlon of Oep. P.Bolton, secoJlded b7 Walter A.Sebert., .an ordinance .ettinl bond ot the Cit;y Ma"bal, was unarWlol1sq adopted ae fellows; DB 1'1' 0RDAlttBD BY TBB CITY cOOlcn (R THE CITY 0' ~IERTZ, 1.'DAS: The City Ilarsba1 shall, before eDter1nc upoft tbe dutles of his ottice, Ii" bCInd 1D the _ of Three 'houaand ($,,000.00) Dollars, conditiOD8d 8S required by law aDd ordincances of the Clt7 of Scherts, Texas. [i PASSED AID APPRCRID this 19th day of J 8D1l817, 1959. H.P . Thule.,... JIqor Attest: MalfoN C.loch, City 8ecretal7. ..51./.IOa J a ~ -t:I )/ 16 ~q,Do1 l~t\. I'} ~\ . "db 0~'1D I ~ \'? " OIl _tlon of W.I.lbert. !t\,onded b7 Walter A.Scherts an ordinance setting the tax rate at one (~) per c_t or the a.s..... valuation va. UD8n11aoU8~ apprcwed .. follen; . BE 1'l' ()Jm&.... BY THE CITY COtJRCIL ~ TBB CITY 01 a:HBRft, '.rBXAB: 1. '!'here .hall be lened and collected for tba currnt 1M!" o~ 1959, the folloviJlc taea .n aU properl7. both real aDd personal. vi-tb1D tbe corporate 1111lts of the City of Scherts, to be oed ~or the parpo.. of IId.nta~ t-Cit7, ita goye~t, streets, ane,., parka, ... for the J ,~..e of p&11JIIiIlterest and siDk1Dc hDd8 upon ita 1Dd~.. as prori.ded h7 law: that there IM1l b. leri.ed and collected a tax upon all pereona1 aad real Pl"GJlU'J7 the .. of one (l~) per cent of each dollar 1IpOD all taxable pnperv. 2. The lawe of this atete require that a Tax Ordl...e .ball be adopted at the first regular -t1Dc of tM Cit7 ComcU of the C1V of Sebert. iD JaDUa17 ot each JNr. for the purpose of as...me the neees8&J7 tax tor the parpoae ot -fntalld.. the City 1000MllWlt., and lt is .0 ordained. PASSBD AID APPROVED this 19th day of J UlUaI7, 1959. o Attm: . Halford C.loch Cit;y SecretarJ' B.P . 'l'hu1e.e,v. .)'Or On MUon of 0.0. P.Boltoa, ..conded byV.I.Ebert. aD ordinance aettilll'salarles was 1D'I8n1~u.q appl'Dnd aa ~OUOlfS; o BE IT 0RDlIDD Br 'fIB CITY COtDfCIL rP mE CITY (7 :EBlRft, UUth' '!'he .al.a17 to be paid to the Jla1Qr 18 bereb7 set at $12.00 per ~ and that ot Alde!'IIItD at $6.00 per yur, and the salaJ7 of the Jlarahal at $600.00 per ,..r to be paid __thq. PASSIm AND APPROfBD this 19th day of J anuar;y, 1959. Attest: Jlaltord C.Ieeh. Cl ty Secretal7. " B.P.Tbule~. Jla70r ~ Qq On .,-tlon of Walter A.Seberta, seconded by V.B.Bbert, an ordinance fi, ,e. desicnatilll tM City Depoaltol7, was unan1.u17 apprwed as tollova: \\\0 ~ vI) II 1'1' OJm4DJn BY TIE cm COUEIL 01 THE CITY 01 SCBBRft, TIXA8: The Sellerta State Bat, Schert., Texas. is d_1pated .. the dep081t017 of the Clt7 o~ SOherts. '1'.... PASSID AID APPROVED this 19th day of January, 19.59. B.P.Th1l1_81W, .101' o Attest I Raltord C.loch Cl ty Secret&l7. ,~~ . II i I I. Ii. .. "' Ii Oft _tion _de by Gee. P .Bolton, seconded by W.B.lbert, an ordinance desiCnatiJ'll the Mayor Pre T"lIIpore, was unanilllOUs~ apprwed a8 t.n....; BB IT CImlDED BY'BE CITY COURClL CF 'HI cm or 3:HERTI, nuS: .Alde~ Wal:ter A.Sebert. is hereb7 designated Ifa10r pro t4lllp0re. PASSD AID.lPPRarED thi. 19th day ot JallWlry, 1959. R.P.Thul_,er Kayor Attest Maltord C.Ioch. City Secretal7. On lIOt.ion of W.B.Ebert, seconded 1>7 Walter A.Seherta ~Ordinance setting the tax rate at 1$ of the assessed n.luation was unaniJftOus17' adopted 8.8 follows; BllT ORDANIED BY THE C1TY COUNCIL (6 THE CITY OF ~HERTZ, TEXAS: 1. There shall be lerl.ed and collected ror the current year or 1959, the following t.xes upon all property, both real am personal, witbillr' the corporate 1.ilI1.ts of the City or Sehert., to be used for the purpoee or _intAin1ng'the City, its goverlUllltnt, streets, alleys and parIes, and fo the purpose or paying interest am sinking fums upon it indebtedness as prodded by law; That there shall be levied and col.lected 8 t.ax upon all per80hal and real property the SUIIl or one (1$) percent or each dollar upon all taxa~ property. 2. The laws of this state require that a Tax Ordinance shall be adopted at the first regular meeting of the City COlmcl1 of the Cl t,. of Sebert. in January ot e..ch year, tor the purpose or as.essing the necessary iax for the purpose or lIBintain1ng the City Goyemment, and it is 80 ordaned. PASSED AND APPROVED this 19th day or January, 19.59. H.P . Thulemepr May A t.teet REllford C.loe11, 01 t.y Secretary. 11.' ~.()Id I .':>0 :).<.' '::11 5~~ ,5'::1. CJe:) '/ lR &'et 0r;: 00 . On mtlon of Gee. P.Bo1.~ aeconded by W.I.lbert. an ordinance _tt1ng ealaJ"y' ot Ka70r at $12.00 per year, A~~n at $6.00 per year and Mar!'8bal's sala,. at $50.00 per JIIOnth waa ....~_.q adopted as toll_s; ,BE IT ORDAIDD BY 'tHE CITY COUlCIL r6 THE ClTYC1r S:BERTZ, TIDS: 1. The tel1iM11'11 aJW)un'ta shall be paid as cOlllpeneation for sem.c.. for the Ma,Jlmd o~t1cers of the Cl ty of Schertz, 1'exas. froll the next regular election, to-w1t: 2. 'he Mayor shaU receive $12.00 per year, payable in 1IDntb1.7 instal.lnllints of' $1.00 per JIIOnth, and such other fees end allowances wrd:bh .-toe of' --r be allowed by lav, ordinance or special contract with the C1 t7 Cluncil f'1"OIIl ti1l8 to ti.: :3. '.l'be City Cound.l.Jl8nt shall each be paid the 8liIIlof $6.00 oer year. to be psld in lIOnthl,. insta11Mnte of 50cents each per 1IDnth. ... 111e Ci t7 Marshal shall recel.. the su. ot $600.00 per year, payable JIIOn roonth1.y ineillment8 of $50.00 per WlOllth and such other teee and allowances whicb are or uy be allowed bylaw. ordinance or special contrAct with the Clty Comcil trolll t1_ to tt.. . PASSED .AND APPROVED 1'BIS THE .'H DlY OJ' J~, 19.59. R.P.Thu1e_yer MaJOr Attest: Maltord C . loch , City Secreta17. There being no f'urther business a IIOtlon to adjourn carried. J&~M~ . Mqor ...,..... n o o 19 II On .otion ot Elgin Beck, seconded by Gep. P.Bolton. the following bl1la vere ordered paid; Louis Seegert, Attomeys F... . Seguin Enterprise. publishing ordinance I Frank Schmidt, Co. ,Clerk, Recordine Fee $100.00 36.20 1.25 The construction of a Sanitary Sewer System wae d1suseed and Walter A.Sohertz was iMtructed to contact, E.J .Wentworth, engineer to see about _king a tavorable contract for eerrises. .f1~ t II 1;2.1 On motion or Walter Schertz, -.Lt_ adj..,med~ 77t;t!dCfl-8. 'Cit7 8ecreta17. seconded by Geo.P.Bolton, the J~~~'J6- . . Hayor' I: r I : l I