02-19-1959 20 - . Regular ..ting or the City ~uncil or Seherts, T..., held 'eb..,l9S9 vas called to order b7 MaJOr H.P. Th1ll..-yer and as. toloowing Alde~D were present: Blgin Beck, Geo. P.Bolton, W.B.Ebert, A.O.Ba.erlah and Walter A. SchePtsl IJ Xinutes of lut ilHtinl read and approwd, I.q ,01 Y On IlOtlon. of WeB.Ebert, seeonded by A.O.Ha.erlah, and ordi~ce :J J t\i\ authorizing the Guadalupe Coun't7 Tax As....or-Coll8Ctor to a.sess and collect t l, taxes vae unani.Jllouq adopted as tollowel ~.\ BE 1'1' ORDANINED BY THE CITY COUHCn. (F THE CITY OF s:~, TEXAS. That the Tax A.sessor and Collector or Chladalupe County', Texas, be.and be 1s herebyauthorlMd to as.... and collect taxe. for the 91t7 of Sebert., Guadalupe County. Texas, iD accordance with and as he is required to do by Article. .lor.2B,Revt.ed Civil Stature. or the State of Taas, and be it turtber provi4lecl that the property aS88ssed in tbe City of Sebert., Texas, .hall be &S88S* at the saM .alue as it is a.....ed for Count)' and St.ate purposes and that such tax a.sessor and collector rece1" tor hi. 88I'YiC" the _xillllDl ree provided by law. all a. i. .re tull7 prort4led in Article 1042b. Sf" ct.ion 1 through 5. Rerised Clrtl Statutes of the State ot T.... PASSED AND APPROVED tbis tbe 19th day of February, 1959. A t.t.eat, R.c.loch, Secreta17 . i~~OI~ On l'IOtion of Oeo. P.Bolton, seconded by A.O.Baverlah, an ordinance I ~(, .dopti~ the IIIlIDMr In which City nection will be held vas unam..ous~ At,4 adopted as fon..: BI rr ORDIDED BY THE CITY COUlCIL OF TIE CITY rp SBSIIRl'Z, 'l'EDS: R.P.Tbul...,er Mayor o The lImd.cipal gcwenu.nt of the City shall consist ot a City Council COIlp08ed of the Jllqor and tift Alde~. a -jorit7 of .. shall constitute a ~. ak.~for transaction business, except at called ..t1l11s or _ttng ror the illpoai tion of tax... when two tbirds of a tull board shall constiture a quoraa. The other orticer8 of the Corporation shall be those a. .... bjeD heretofore or _y be hereinafter designated by ordinance of the City' CouncU of the City of Sehert., T""'X8.. The abon ~ ofticers shall be elected by the qualified electOI'll or said City. as hertnart.er provided tor and shall hold t'.lr ottice. for two years and until the election and quallf1catioD of their successors. At the first election under Title 28, Chapter 2, R.LS. or Texas beld in the City of Scherta, April 7, 19.59, tbree C1t7 CoIftcU.eD shall be elected, to rUl the posta now hel.cl by Klein Beck, W.B.Ebert aad Walter Schert_, am the ~or, R.P.Thuleae,.r, Counc1J..n, A.O.llaYerlah and aeo.p.Bolton, and tbe Marsbal, Rago Acke~nn shaU .erYe in the office. atore_ntioajd UDtU the First Tuesday in April 1960, and utU the election and qual1fication ot t t~eir succe.sors. Paasect and APPf'O"d this the 19th day ot 'ebraary, 1959. \ o Attest: II.C.loch, Secret&J7 R.P.Thule.yer .JOr ~, '-".'.,r:rl-~ ' i'It.', - I! l I II I ' l: I i j ". elf 21 It)' 1 :pI ,.., WIBIIlS, the la.. ot the State or ,au, pronde for the proe\l~t of fire emctnee aDd other apparat.' tor tM ext1npi8~t of t1Iu and pl'OY18iOD ot agine hOUM ror pneerrtDI the s_ b7 Kl1II1e1pal Corporrat1o. aDd Ordinance 10.11. .8I&S, the Clt7 of 8cherts...!.... a Jfan1ctpal. Corporati_ w1s~ to ~rot!1IN ftN MWiDM alii otller apparatu tor tbI .~ of t11"M aDd and to plWide aD end.ftI bou_ tor p....mmc the .... and WJBRJW3 the Clty c_aU ofthl Cl't7 of Soberts, d... it adnable and neceea&17 to 18.. intereat bearinc u.. W&JTaDts pqab:L. out of the tUDda of ..u Clt7 to edctenc.e the 1ndeb~" to be iacvred in pl'Orld1rc 811ch it_ as JUt~'" ..... if,r-. .at, and . WBlWtBS i'\ 1_ nov prop.r tJaat tbB City Co_aU &lYe notice to bidders tor the Pl'O~ of sdd It_, aDd VIIIRIAS, it ia propel" that the City Conc1lI1Ye _ti_ at the .... t4- or lta intention to l_.e its U. warrants aa aforuatdc 10 tlBRlFORI, be It ordanieel b7 the Cit7 C..cU of the City of Scherb. Tau' ,bat the ",or ot tlw Ct.t70t 8ohert.., be and he ls herebyauthon.eeI, . ord.... &lid iDIItncted to 40 all tb1... _08s_17 or connD1ent to ba.e peb'1,... the notice ~ b7 CIulpter 16', .Acts ot the Rep1ar s.saton of the ..2nd Legislature of ,.... (Art1ce1. 2368l, Vel'DORS Tau C1Y1l atatute_h that _aid DOtloe _ball apec1t7 the tt. aDd place 1Iben &lid where bids will be redeiftd, aDd W&r.BAS, there ls not 'MW8Papel" paWahed 1D Rob Cl't7. the notice of letttnc ot s.cIa cCllrtftot 8ball begl.... b7 cauiDC DOUoe thereof to be poeted at thF- ctt,. Ba11 tor fourteen daJ8 pr60r to the u.. ot lettilll neh contract. TIIlT aa1d notice whaU allO colIN)" tbB lnto~t1- that it ls the 1Dt.t1OD ot the City of Scherb to pq a part of the contraot pnce for the pro~ ot tbe heretofore .atiol*! 1 te. in 1ntereet bearlDg tt. warrants c tba t 1 t 1s tbelatentlon or the ctt7 CCNDcU of tM City or Soherts, '..a. to pus aD order _ tM fth dq of Xa7, 19t9, al1tJaor1s1ng tbB 18auance of tntereet bear1Dc ts.- WU'rUlta apt.-t the taDds of aald Clt)' in aD ..uat not. to exceed ,...l.e 'fbouand don.,.., bear1llg iJlteIoeat at . rate ~t to _~ ,. per ...... _tv1nc at .cIa ts.- as -1 be t1Dd by the C1V Oounc11 of tile Cit7 of. . leherts, Tezaa. aer1a1l7 or otherwise. with a "xl-- _turit1 not to excHd 12 ~rs fro. their date. tor tIMt. PUPO" of eY1deDc1nc . part of the 1Ddebtecl... to be t.Dcurred tor U. Pl'Ocure.nt of fire ena1Re8 ad other tpparatu for tile Gt1np1stu.at of tine aDd tbe Prorilt1op of an eactne bo.e tor pruet dBl the .... Tat aaid notice shall contaiD nd1 ackl1tioJal1Dtorat1oD that 8IIlI.ll be deected "'8&17, and that IlU.d noUce sball 1M _~ 1D worda and tipree .. tollowe J