01-05-1959 12 ..pIaI" ...t1Dl of the ctt7 COUCU of Schertz. ,..., _1Al Ja_r7 5, 19.59, ... 0-"'" to order b.r Xa10r B.P.TIm1.a.,.'aIId tM foUov1ag alde~ weN ~ata o Blc1D Beck, Oeo. P.BolteD. V.....--t, A.O.Baftrlala aDd Va1ter A.Sebert.. lIaNha1.11ap V.Ackeram'l w.. also preMat. ltlDute. or called -.tiDe held >>ece"r 18.19.58 WN NIul. On .tioa of V...lbert, .conde b7 o.o.PaBoltoa, aaid m.-tes a.re appNnd. ' I) , On .tiOD ot 0-..1 .Bolto_, MCOIIdecl by B1g11l Beck the ronc.s.c ~ ,0 ol'd1DaDoe ... pu....&. . \\)). ,~\\~ Be it .rd.1McJ that llanhal .... V.Ackeram be paid a mntbl.7 . . . aalar.r ot rtft7C$50.00) DDllara per .nth aDd to be b r1'd for aD __t to be detend.nect at the nat .It'. or the Couaal1. . 001' .~~, of)r I ~v~ On _ti_ ~ 0.0. P .Boltarl, HooDCled b7 W...lbert, the tonc.s.c reso1ati_ ... pu8edr . Reeo1.. tllat the Cit7 ot ScMrts ate app11catiOD for -.benb1p 1D the r..pe ot Tau lIan1c1pal1tl_. ~J T ..~ apprond. JIfotion _Jute b7 Walter B.$c_rts, .ecoaded by Bleill Beck, it vas agreed to hold uaot.t.l" -ttnc at 8tGO P .If. aD JanU&17 19, 1959. 1Iot1.. ... to adjOGrD carl"1ed. ~ Ctt7 SeCNtal7 o Jt!?~: -4'f::'- llaJW o :t:i