01-21-2010 MinutesMINUTES OF THE SCHERTZ-SEGUIN LOCAL GOVERNMENT CORPORATION THE STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF GUADALUPE § SCHERTZ-SEGUIN LOCAL § GOVERNMENT CORPORATION § On this the 21St day of January 2010, the Schertz-Seguin Local Government Corporation (SSLGC) convened at 1:35 p.m. in the City of Schertz Council Chambers located at 1400 Schertz Parkway, Building #4, Schertz, Texas. The following directors being present and in attendance: Robin Dwyer Secretary Jim Wolverton Treasurer Ken Greenwald Director Andrew Koenig Director and the following directors being absent: Patricia Ramirez Vice-President Hal Baldwin Ex-Officio Betty Ann Matthies Ex-Officio constituting a majority of the persons appointed to the Board and a quorum for the transaction of business, and notice of such meeting having been duly given in accordance with the provisions of Texas law. Also in attendance were: Alan Cockerell Douglas Faseler Johnny Bierschwale Shawn Shimek Emery Gallagher Georgia Hanks Crockett Camp Bill Klemt John Winkler Patrick Lindner Jack Fickessen General Manager Seguin City Manager Schertz Assistant City Manager Water System Superintendent Seguin Water Utility Manager Administrative Assistant Consultant/Project Manager Hydrologist Consultant COriSUltant (Walker Partners) COUrlsel (Davidson & Troilo) Legislative Consultant The first order of business was the Calling of the Meeting to Order. Secretary Robin Dwyer called the meeting to order at 1:35 p.m. The second order of business was Public Comment. No one addressed the Board during public comment. The third order of business was Approval of the Minutes for the Board Meeting held on December 17, 2009. Director Andrew Koenig made a motion to approve the December 17, 2009 minutes as written. Director Ken Greenwald seconded the motion. Upon a vote being called, the motion carried by unanimous decision. The fourth order of business was Election of Officers. Treasurer Jim Wolverton made a motion to take no action on election of officers at the meeting in progress. Director Koenig seconded the motion. Upon a vote being called, the motion carried by unanimous decision. Administrative Assistant Georgia Hanks was directed to include "Election of Offzcers" on the February 18, 2010 board meeting agenda. General Manager Cockerell commented that the position of president was the only one presently vacant, however, two other positions were due to be elected later in the year and he felt it appropriate to elect a new slate of officers at the February 2009 board meeting. He called attention to a schedule of "Officer's Terms and Offices Held" which was included in the board agenda packets. The fifth order of business was Presentation of the General Manager's Report - Alan Cockerell, General Manager. General Manager Cockerell's written report was included in the board agenda packets. He added the following items to his written report: o Water Production. Annual water pumpage and sales figures for 2009 were included in the board agenda packets. Water sales for 2009 were less than 2008. Although the Cities of Schertz and Seguin did not implement water restrictions in 2009, San Antonio did. With the drop in water sales, Mr. Cockerell felt that citizens of Guadalupe County voluntarily followed restrictions imposed on citizens of San Antonio. Because weather conditions were extraordinarily dry in the early part of the year, he believed many gave up on their yards and did not water as frequently. o Region L. A Region L meeting is scheduled February 4, 2010. Mr. Cockerell plans to attend the meeting. He is working with HDR, consultants for Region L, and John Winkler to define alternate SSLGC projects to include in the regional plan. These ventures will include a Carrizo project in Wilson County along with Wilcox wells in three counties to supplement existing projects. The initial prepared plan will be presented to Region L at its February meeting. A public comment period will be held afterwards. During this period Mr. Cockerell plans to have SSLGC's alternate projects defined and included in the plan later in the year. Region L recently adopted language which stated that any region relying on groundwater should have alternate projects. Although groundwater projects may be included in the plan, permits may not necessarily be readily obtained. Preliminary analysis prepared by the Corporation indicates that establishing a well field in Wilson County and/or developing Wilcox water would be a better fit for its operation at a lower cost rather than developing an entirely new project. o Gonzales County Underground Water Conservation District (GCUWCD). Mr. Cockerell attended the GCUWCD meeting held January 12, 2010. Normal business was conducted. A Public Hearing was held January 14, 2010, regarding new District rules. GCUWCD received substantial public comment in several areas which included the contiguous rule and monthly allocation of pumping. Significant changes to the previously posted rules are being considered and District Manager Greg Sengelmann is in the process of rewriting several segments. After the new rules are published a 20 day comment period is necessary. Another public hearing will be held before any rule changes are approved. January water level measurements were taken by Greg Sengelmann, Bill Klemt and Mr. Cockerell on January 4-5, 2010. Mr. Klemt's written report will be presented at the February board meeting, but he provided a brief summary of his report at the meeting in progress. For the period September 2002 -September 2009 the average drawdown of four wells routinely measured by the Corporation was 38 ft. From September 2002 until January 2010, the average rebound was 16 ft which was substantial because of the large amount of rain during the fall. Generally a 3-4 ft rebound is observed during the month of January. The Queen City aquifer remained constant. In comparison, Mr. Klemt observed that water level measurements were better than the models had predicted. Mr. Cockerell noted that a copy of GCUWCD's annual report which provides a summary of District activities was included in the board agenda packets. Discussion was held regarding GCUWCD's annexation of a portion of Caldwell County. GCUWCD plans to redistrict to include the annexed area, but will not add directors. The Attorney General's opinion on the annexed area will soon be published and will address a dispute between Plum Creek and GCUWCD regarding which entity properly annexed the area. o Guadalupe County Groundwater Conservation District (GCGCD). Mr. Cockerell was unable to attend the GCGCD meeting because of a Public Hearing in Gonzales. The agenda and latest contact information for directors were included in the board agenda packets. Normal business was conducted. o Operations Report. Mr. Cockerell reported that SSLGC operators have been in the process of performing preventative maintenance on the Corporation's water system. Smith Pump reinstalled Booster Pump #4 after pulling it and trimming the impellers. Booster Pump #5 has been pulled for the same repair. An anti-vortex was installed on Booster Pumps #4 and #5 to eliminate a hydraulic banging noise. In the future ananti- vortex will be installed on other pumps as they are pulled for service. Smith Pump installed new High Service Pump #3 at the Nixon Plant. Industrial Electric and Smith Pump will be on site January 22, 2010, to insure the shaft, pump and motor are all adjusted properly. Oil is leaking from the bottom of the motor and it may have to be sent back with Industrial Electric for repair. Siemans in coordination with Industrial Electric performed annual maintenance on the variable frequency drives. The sixth order of business was Contract between SSLGC and Crockett Camp -Alan Cockerell, General Manager Mr. Cockerell referenced the contract between SSLGC and Crockett Camp which was included in the board agenda packets. He stated there were no changes to the existing contract from the previous one except for the new term. Mr. Cockerell and staff recommended board approval for a two-year contract. Treasurer Jim Wolverton made a motion to accept the contract between SSLGC and Crockett Camp. Director Ken Greenwald seconded the motion. Upon a vote being called, the motion carried by unanimous decision. The seventh order of business was Legislative Update -Jack Fickessen, Legislative Consultant. Mr. Fickessen referenced several documents which were included in the board agenda packets. He discussed committee charges for the Senate and House Committees on Natural Resources and stated that the agendas for both committees would center on Desired Future Conditions (DFC's). He added that the Water Development Board will mandate that DFC's in each District be reasonable in comparison to the available groundwater in each respective District. Mr. Fickessen reported that the 81St Texas Legislature directed the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality to "conduct a study of the characteristics and impacts on groundwater planning in the Carrizo-Wilcox Aquifer." A Stakeholders Meeting for the Carrizo Wilcox Aquifer study is scheduled January 28, 2010, from 1:00 - 5:00 p.m. in the Big Tex Auditorium located at the Commons Conference Center at J. Jake Pickle Research Campus in Austin, Texas. The study will seek to understand (1) the quality and quantity of scientific information that has been utilized by groundwater conservation districts that manage the Carrizo-Wilcox Aquifer, (2) the compatibility of different management approaches currently in place for the Carrizo-Wilcox Aquifer, and (3) predominant groundwater management and protection issues and concerns from stakeholders of the Carrizo-Wilcox Aquifer. Mr. Fickessen suggested that any one interested should attend. General Manager Cockerell said that he planned to go. Mr. Fickessen stated that he would like to approach the Texas Municipal League (TML) regarding groundwater issues and asked for the Board's thoughts and direction. He added that the TML had been silent on groundwater issues and thought it would be good to bring their network of cities into the process. Board members, staff members and consultants discussed the possibilities and approved Mr. Fickessen's decision to contact TML members to lobby their support. Mr. Fickessen concluded with a statement that by the end of next month he may have the opportunity to help Chairman Ritter outline his plan for how to approach groundwater issues during the next legislative session. He understands that Chairman Ritter wants to begin scheduling Public Hearings around the state to solicit stakeholder interest and participation. 4 The eighth order of business was Guadalupe County Expansion Proiect -Alan Cockerell, General Manager. Mr. Cockerell reported that John Winkler with Walker Partners continues to work on design and construction plans for the Guadalupe County project. The plans should be finalized by the end of March 2010. An operations meeting is scheduled January 26, 2010, to review specific design and construction plans. Mr. Cockerell referred to a timeline prepared by Mr. Winkler which provides a schedule of two options to obtain more water, the Gonzales and/or Guadalupe County projects. Mr. Cockerell stated that regardless of which option the Corporation decides to implement first, a cycle of two years will be necessary to complete construction. Funding for secondary storage tanks was also included in Mr. Winkler's timeline. Two tanks were installed when the Corporation began and are located at the Booster Pump Station and Nixon Water Treatment Plant. Tanks are usually due for repair in approximately ten years. New tanks have to be installed before either of the old tanks can be taken out of service for repair. If the Guadalupe project begins first, plans are to include both new storage tanks. If neither project begins soon, funds of $1.5 million for the Nixon Water Treatment Plant storage tank and $2.5 million for the Booster Pump Station storage tank will be required. The ninth order of business was Gonzales County Expansion Proiect -Alan Cockerell, General Manager. Secretary Dwyer deferred agenda item nine to Executive Session. Secretary Dwyer closed General Session at 2: 57 p. m. The tenth order of business was Executive Session called under Chapter 551 Government Code, Subsection 551.071, to seek the advice of its attorney on legal matters relating to the Board of Director's rights and liabilities under certain contracts, Section 551.072, to deliberate the purchase of and/or sale of certain real estate and Section 551.074, for deliberations regarding a specific officer or employee. Secretary Dwyer opened Executive Session at 3:09 p. m. Executive Session was held from 3:09 p. m. to 3: SS p. m. The eleventh order of business was to Consider and Take Action as a Result of Agenda Item #14. Secretary Dwyer opened General Session at 3:55 p. m. No action was taken as a result of Executive Session. The twelfth order of business was Consideration and/or Action on Questions and Possible Items to be placed on the next Agenda. Mrs. Hanks was reminded to include "Election of Officers" on the February 18, 2010 board meeting agenda. General Manager Cockerell stated that Sydney Bauer would be recognized in appreciation for his service to SSLGC at the February 18, 2010 board meeting. No additional discussion was held. The thirteenth order of business was Adiournment. Secretary Dwyer declared the meeting adjourned at 3:56 p.m. The next regular meeting was scheduled February 18, 2010, in Seguin. / r MINUTES APPROVED THIS j ~ h DAY OF ~'P~ I~~ , 2010. ~~ Robin Da Secretary