1998D6-REVISING ARTICLE V ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERlZ, TEXAS PROVIDING THAT CHAPTER 18 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS BE AMENDED BY REVISING ARTICLE V, STOPPING, STANDING AND PARKING, SECTION 18-90, PARKING FOR CERTAIN PURPOSES PROHIBITED; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND A REPEALING CLAUSE. fi-])-~ SECTION 1 THAT, Section 18 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Schertz, Texas be amended by revising Section 18-90 to read as follows: "Section 18-90 Parking for certain purposes prohibited. ( c ) Parking in a 95 foot portion of the 500 block of Main Street shall be for no longer period of time than fifteen (15) minutes during the hours of 11:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday. ( d) The portion of the 500 block of Main Street from the east curb line of Lindbergh Avenue, 95 east on Main Street is hereby designated for limited parking and appropriate signs are authorized for placement and the City Manager is authorized to begin enforcement action upon final passage and publication of the Ordinance." SECTION 2 THAT this Ordinance shall be effective from and after its final passage and any publication required by the City Charter. SECTION 3 THAT all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed. Approved on first reading thedbi day of April, 1998. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this the~~f7l?tt.. ,1998. . .21.' /ar&A-- Mayor, City of Schertz, Texas ATTEST: Y::1t.~ dLrk{~ City Secretary, City of Schertz (SEAL OF CITY) PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT YJ~~ . ,{; j 11- ? I'A.I-/li h C""-~ - lrt~. il. ~. 15~PyJ:J H jJ1{lJ/f- j~ ~3f.1t THE STATE OF TEXAS, County of Guadalupe ..:";-;F:':.~j:~~:;ft1~f.l~~:~::~ I '~~""'. -~iC" ":.::\~?~1t,:,-.: '":':"'~~i~::::: Before me, the undersigned authority, on this date personally appeared L A REY~OLDS known to me, who, being by duly sworn, on his oath deposes and says that he/she is the Publisher of The Seguin Gazette-Enterprise, a newspaper published in said county; that a copy of the within and foregoing AD was published in said news- paper 2 times before the return day named therein, such publi- cations being on the following dates: AN ORDIN4NCE AN ORDINANCE Fiv THE CITY ~OUNCIL BY THE CITY COUNCIL 6. THE CITY OF OF . THIi CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS PRO- SCHERTZ: TEXAS PRO- VIDING THAT CHAPTER VIDING THAT CHAPTER 18 OF THE CODE OF OR- 18 OF THE CODE OF OR- DINANCES, CITY OF DINANCES, CITY OF ,SCHERTZ, TEXAS BE SCHERTZ TEXAS BE :AMENDED BY REVISINGAMENDED'BY REVISING :ARTICLE V, STOPPING'IARTICLE V, STOPPING, :STANDING AND PARK- STANDING AND PARK 'lNG, SECTION 18-90, - 'PARKING FOR CERTAIN lNG, SECTION 18-90, PURPOSES PROHIBITED; PARKING FOR CERTAIN ;AND PROVIDING AN EF- PURPOSES PROHIBITED; f'ECTIVE DATE AND A AND PROVIDING AN EF- and a new~paper copy of which is hereto attached~EPEALlNGCLAUSE. FECTlVE DATE AND A ~ :APProved on first reading !he REPEALING CLAUSE. ~ '21st day of April, 1998. Approved on first reading the 'Nonna Mhous., Cily Sec- 21st day of April, 1998. reta'Y. Norma A~, City Sec- retary. \ APRIL 26, 1998 APRIL 30, 1998 ~ Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 1 19~. day of MAY A.D., .....,-" /......."''i\~"f>IJ(J~\I~ ~~ . r.'~ ~~:j S:,:'~~~~:;'O . ;, V~ ! MyCommlsslOnExpinlB07.1n.2.001 . \,~" t"'E "\';:'~~~_~__'" Notary Public, Guadalupe County, Texas PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT ,:.:..~~.~t::. I THE STATE OF TEXAS, (; 1 ~~t~J /jP ~ D ~', ,J.ft-v/j / 17 f '1/ ~JivL , /tJ~ , Y11t)./+1 ' y, ;4/ 15ffi)+J t{iJ)~ # ~ {J , l County of Guadalupe Before me, the undersigned authority, on this date personally appeared L A Rn~OLDS known to me, who, being by duly sworn, on his oath deposes and says that he/she is the Publisher of The Seguin Gazette-Enterprise, a newspaper published in said county; that a copy of the within and foregoing AD was published in said news- paper 2 times before the return day named therein, such publi- ORDINANCE N~9B-D-6 cations being on the following dates: BY THE CITY UNCIL OF THE CI OF . SCHERTZ TEXAS PRO- ORDINANCE NO.~ VIDING THAT CHAPTER BY THE CITY C~NCIL 18 OF THE CODE OF OR- OF THE CITY OF D1NANCES, CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS PRO- SCHERTZ, TEXAS BE VIDING THAT CHAPTER AMENDED BY REVISING 18 OF THE CODE OF OR- ARTICLE V, STOPPING, DINANCES CITY OF STANDING AND PARK- ' . ING SECTION 18-90 SCHERTZ, TEXAS BE PARKING FOR CERTAIN AMENDED BY REVISING PURPOSI;S PROHIBITED; ARTICLE V, STOPPING, AND PROVIDING AN EF- STANDING AND PARK- FECTIVEQATE AND A lNG, SECTION 18-90, REPEALING CLAUSE. PARKING FOR CERTAIN PASSED, APPROVED PURPOSES PROHIBITED' and a newspaper copy of which is herelu i::llJedAND ADOPTED the 5th AND PROVIDING AN EF: , day of May, 1998. . FECTIVE DATE AND A \ Norma Althouse, City Sec- REPEALING CLAUSE. c~~ ~~ retary. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED the 5th ( - ..i" '<.50 -...: day of May, 1998. --- --Y' ... ----..-..... Nonna Althouse, City See- "~ retary, Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 1::8 _day of M:Y A.D., 98 11 0 Legal ~I tlCes MAY 13, 1998 MAY 14,1998 19 ............... ~~~,,&\I'l, ~~ ~"\"....,, (I '.1;~ "0", SARAH,' MEDRANO L -... - . ~ /iWyPubllc.StPJlTexas ~ '.:'. ; I>.1yCOOllTllSSOOExpires07-2HOJl \.1:,. '1-'0,/ '\,"'( 1\.""'" ) ,,~-..,.- Notary Public, Guadalupe County, Texas