05-04-1959 25 I l '!'he replar':...-tinl of the ctt,. Council of Sebert.. !..., hel.d ..,. 4. 1959 vas called to order b7 Hqor B.p.Thul..,..r. The foll.oldJC Aldel"MD were present: I1c1D Beck, Geo.p.Bolton, V.'B.J.bert A.O.BaTerlah am Walter A.Scllerts. lIarahal B.W.AckerMD aDd Clq AttonMV' x.uu Sucert were &180 pn-," llt.Dute. of last regalar Meting aid speclal MetinC were read and OD -U- llade b7 Oeo'p.Solton, seconded by V.I.Ibert. were apprond. On Mtion _de b7l1c1n Beck, seconded b7 W.B.lbert. all ordinance to pl1"eba.ettbe fiN statlO1l Bu1'd11tl, the tire tnck, hose aDd other apparat_ .ff tj" I froJll the Scherts VoliDteer fire Depa.rt:.-Dt, Inc., was 1m8Id.IIoU17 passed: i ~ e. #11 OrdiDaDce 10.11 1I:.l.'f.~tU _~~"i'1W~Yt:."f..lVt.nl\lAI ,.. 81'.lTB at'l'EDS I C01Jtft'Y at GUADALUPlI I i ~. the ctt7 CoaoU of the CltT of Scherb. ,..... baa beretotON c:leterlllned the aclY1Mb111t7 aDd necessity of p~ fire ~ftAS, fire hose, an ..me hoUe aDd other appal'&tu for the ut1p1....nt of tiNS. ,..~., The O1t7,"Council of tJ. Clt7 of Scherts. Texa., has heretofore deteJoldned the adriaabUitT aad neee..lv of 1s8\l1Dl1Dtere8t bearinl t_ _MDt. acainst tb8 General ruDll of .said City of SeIlerta, Texa., to edd_ce a part of 'the -indebtedness to be iIlcurred in the t1&Cqul.itlon of the &bon ... it-a and - WBRId. 'PVnaDt to the p1"Of1810nl of Chapter 16" Acta of the 1lep1ar See810a of the 'ort7-second Texaa Lec1.1at.... the Xqor bas caaed noUce to btcldere for the aequid tion ot neb 1 te_. and notice of intention of the CitT CoaDcU to paea an order on th1.8 the ,. day of _, 1959. authOl"1siDC the lssuance of City of Scherts Warrant. for the pu11)08e herelDabOYe ....iCllleCl, to be publ18hed for the t1M aM in the amer requind b7 law. aDd WIIIWlEAS, this 'C011DcU affil'Mtivel7 f1nd8 that .aid notice to bldden and nOUce of inteDt10n to pa.. the order autbo1"1sinc tM issuance ot noh wanaats vae ~ giyen b7 poet.1Dc, in the aDDer and for the 't.De pNl'idecl b"law, then being no ~r pllbl1ahed ln the Cit7 of Schertl, 1'exaa. WBBlS. 110 pet1 tloD ha. been tiled b7 te. (l~) per cent ot the qu11t1ed property 'taJCPayinc ..ten of the City Pr&1iDC this CouncU to order.. electlOD for the plll'pOH of aubalttill the propoe1tiOD to 18e11e bORde for add parpoee to a vote of the .-utted prope!"t7 tupq1nc yoteN of thb Clt7. and thi. CouncU further tinde that Dot peti t1.on of ..,. Id.DIJ or character ta respect to the issuance of the proposed Warrants, has b_ tued with the Cit7 Seenta1"T or &IV .-her of thi. CoancU, to to ~ otMr ofttc1al thereof I and 1IHIARIlS. tb18 c.macU here'b7 affllWltiveq t1Dda and adjudpa that the tinancta1 condition of .aid Cit7 18 nch that lt vUl. pel'Jlit "be p~JIt of 8a1d Warrants in the iD8tal1e11nts or .tvltte. aa aaereiDatter set out vi thoat .utftc &IV' _just bud_ of taxation to aapport. the a_. aDd VBIAJtBlS, it is bT thi. CoancU ~erM and de~ to be to the best interest aDd edftntace of laid Cit7 of Scherb, to allthoJ'lle the 11 i I 26' iSSUance of aa1d WUTaDta, aDd it i. DGIr ....... d..t.re of tbeCOUDcU. ,to al1thorlse the lsnance of ReIl VQ'J"&IIta 1a _cordance with the eo.tltut1oD ancl Lan of the State of ,.... 'CJI.."~, BR.I! ~. lD.JtJDQII).AID ~It.m BY'1'JB em COUICn. or :l:IIIRft, !BlASt ;] I !hat there ahall be 1enecl UDder. aDd b7 ~ of tIMt e..t1tatiOD aJMllan of the State of ,.... &Dd Mr particna1ar17 CMptw 16,. Act.ot the 'ori7-HCOIMI ,... I~labre, 1ep1ar See.s._, 1"1. 1DteNft bear1Jtc U. VarrallU. Sertea of 19:59. ....,.-\ tM GeMal ,.... of add C1\7. for tlw parpose ot .sdenc1Dc a part of the 1Ddebt.dDeea to be ~ aoqdr1Jac the It.- of propel"t7 &bon lUted. n tbat saY.......... ... .., IIIde ~ to beuw .. abaU be ........ 1 to 24, iDel.... Ua11 be lD the d.,...tloll of ft... IIIDdred <$'00.00) Dollazw .eIl. accl....t1III twal... lJ.'bMa.. (112.000.00) Do"... III !bat SIll. Varraata aha1l be elated .. _,1919, andsball bedo_ c:h1e &lid ,.1&be18 88r.la117 aa toU.at 1I.AI1td'r IIIIIIMltR., KIlIl'llR'I'I'Y'Dl'" .&.~J~. 1 and 2 Ifarch 1, 1960 $1,000.00 0 JaDd~ lIarch 1, 1961- $1,000.00 , &lid 6 -.rch 1, 1962 $1,000.00 1 and 8 Ifarob 1. 196' $1,000.00 9 and 10 Karch 1. 196' $1.000.00 llud12 .roIl 1, 1965 $1,000.00 l' and ~ , Karch 1, 1966 $1.000.00 15-16 .JIaeOh 1, 1967 $1,000.00 11 aDd 18 .rch 1, 1968 $1.000.00 19 ani ZO Karch 1, 1969 $1,000.00 21 and 22 Karch 1,1910 $1.000.00 23 aDd 21+ IIarch 1, 19'1l $1,000.00 Said Warrau -.11 bear lDterest troll date 1UltU paid at t>> :rateot f.... <-.> per eent per ..... pqab1.e IIarch 1. 1960 and __-aIIJlU&lq tbereatter on .rcb :tat and SeptAllbw 1ft 111 .cIa ,.ar. which 1Jlt.Net S"'1,\ be eri.dencecl b7 praper coapoD8 .ttaclaed to ... ot .aid w&l"l"aJlta. ' IV that p~al aDd taterut of sdd _lftDta 8IIall be pqab18 1IpOD pres.titt. and 8VNDder of warrants or '111.... ~ at the otftce f4. tbe Clty Secretal7. Sebert_, '1'.... ' T 'hat sa1cllfarraDta 8hall be .!ped b7 tbe 1Ia1w, aDd Nltatawl b7 the Clt78ecretal7. ad the ..t of t1le 01117 of SoJaerb. !.... be lIpna." 111>>_ .eIl of ..w VarNata. !be 1IIteNet .... attached to add Vunata ~ be executed b7 the t...111d1a 8lpatvee of tbe IIQ8r aDd C1V ~ or Dlt7 8ecretal7 &nil aIIa11 haft 'the a_ effect as it tbe7 Ud __ dpecl b7 Mid ott1cera. o ,,~'I . ' , " ,27 '"VI II l I 'rbat .aid Wa1T8Dts shell be cleltyered to aDd accepted b7 claiMnta, 01" their Ur.\VT i8; in tu1l aettllF I.~tof the indebtedness d1ae tal. by the Clf.7 of Schertz, Te.., after neb eJ..1JIe have been du1.T IIpPl'Of'ed by the Jlqor, .Dd 1m been dalI' ad tAd aDd a1.loIIecI . tile City Council of tbis Cl t7. VII That tM toN of sdd Varrante shall be 8Ubatllr\t.~ .. to1lc:Jw.; No. .''''.00 l1lUT&J) S'1'A'tIS t7 ADRICl sr.i.TB Of TIIlS CrrY 01 ~Bl!2l'Z, TEXAS. crfY at ~RIR'l'Z _.lwrs Sericn of 1959. !RIB IS '0 carD'! That the City of Sehert., ill tbe State of T..., UDder and by drt1le of yaUd an4 "si8tbtg c1a1_, 1. j-tl7 indebted to bearer 1Jl the pr:lnc1al sua of II I i rm IIUIIIItID DOLlARS <'500.(0), in lawtal ...,. of the Ua1ted States of ...rica, tocetMr w.lth interest thereOD trGa date hereof, at the ~ of Fow (.,> per ceat per ...., pqab1.e Hal'Ch 1. 1960 am! sell1-ammall7 thereatter OD 8eptellber l8t and Karch lat in each 18arJ bothpr1Doipal aDlS interest payable vpon presentatiOD and n2"Nnder of Warrant or PNPer collpcm, at tt. oft'1ce of the Treanrer, Scherts, Texa.; aDd the Treuarer of .aid City 1. beteb7 ntbol"1Hd. ordered and directed. to pay to bearer on ,the -;r;-::- dq of 19_, tile _tur1t7 date ot thi. Warrant, 'the ... of n.. JluDdred ,.500.00) Dollars, in run .ettle_nt of tbe iDdebted11... bereb7 eftdeacecl, out of and tro. the apec1al .C1 V ot Schert. Wan'&Bt8, 8erl.. or 1959 hD1P, ot said City, ~erl.e4, ....ned and created tor tbat pIIl'pOH. fId,. Wawaat is one of a aer1.. of 24 Wal'l"8Jlta, nubered oon..cut1~ frca 1 to 24, lnclu81ye, in the dnollt.Datlon of 11.. JImldreclltsoo.oo) UOllaI'8 eacla, aggregating Twelve !bouaacl <'12,000.,,) and Ho/1.oo lJOllar8, 188Ued tor endencing a part of the lDdebtedneA of theClty of Sebert., Te.., acqu1r1Jw or f'1re eDg1ftee, tire hose. and eng1De house and other apparatu for the extinp1__nt of fire8 under and by rtrtue of the Conatl tutiClll and Law of The State ot !aaa and 1ft pruuance of an ordinance passed by the Clt7 COUllci1 of the Clt,. ot Scherb~ ,.... which III fecordedla tbe Ill_tee of .aid CoanoU. 'l'he date of this Warrant, 111 CODtol"ll1t7 with said Ordinance 1. Ma7 4,1959. .un IT IS tt1bB! CIR'l'D'IBD ARD DCrl'BD tbat all acta, ....tlC1118 and thiJII. required to be done precedent to and in the lssuance ofth1s Warrant h8ye been properly done, haye happened and been perfo~ ill rep1.ar and due t1l8, fOJ'll and .umer as riquired by law, and that the total1ndebteclness of slid C1t7, 1nc11ld1nc thill Warrant, doell not exceed aD1' consti t1Iltlonal or stat"to17 11a1 taU.. . .. 'l'IS'l'1JI)I! WBERlat, the City CoancU ot Seberta, rexas, has caued the se&1of sa1d ctt7 to be af'ftxed, and this Warrant to be s1gDecl b7 the BaJOr. COUDt...acneet b7 the Clt7 Secret&r7,and rec1stered b7 the City 'l'reanrer, and the 1ftte:rest coupons hereto attached to be exeellted by thetaca1aUe sipaturea of the ~ and City Secreta17, 8S of the date last written. ~r" Sellertl, 1'.... II l I evu~laaSIGRBD: City Secreta17. Schem, f.... City lrea.ver. Scherta. Texae. Rl'DIS!'BRID : 28 'nIl: Ie.. The to.. of lDtereat 00Ip0D8 .ball be nb8taDUa'q .. tollan, . da7 of 19_ !he Clt7 of Sebert., in the State ~f T.... will be jUllt17 1ncJebtecl to bearer lD the 8111I of \ <t ) Do1.laN, aDd t'- Treasurer of .dd City ta hereh7autbor1a-, ordenct aDd ~..to pq ,to bearer olt of _ fl'Oll the 8pec1al wet ty of SCherb 1IarrIdI6f, S81"1.. of 1959 PuDcP, ot add City. at the otticeof the City 'frea....r, Sellert., T..., .aid ......, tM ... betrc ..rt.ba 1nte..-t Oft CJ.toy of Seherta Warnat.:,. SerDa of 19.59, dated ..... to which tb18 coupon i. aU,ached and 1. a part till J'llt. OIl the ~ Cit7 ~ IIa1vr IX 'bat aa1d ~ .ball be ..cut_ &lid del1ftNd as hereinaboye prw1ciecl. 1R,p~ ot ft1a'. apprwed by the MalOr aDd duq a1lCltted aDd .11....bT tile City CoaRoU of .ald City &lid Coanc1l in a1ld1t1Dc ad a11aIr1Dc 8a1d c'~t- 8ba1l deaipate the D"'n ot Val'l"8Dt8 to be de11..nd to wicleDce each ot .aid cUDs .0 tbat the prodeed1ng. ot tbt. C..c1l .hall ... to wboa eaell of .dd Warrant. ... de1lwred and the P1II'PO" tor WIdell ._ was de1.ly..... J: It 18 tuJotMr ord8J"ed that ill the fJftDt it 8ha1l not be DeON8&J7 to'18_ the tun .-ant fit Warranta blre1a ~ted, thE. in Rab went. nab uaant of City 01 Seb.... Varrant8. Ser1.. ot 1959, .. 8ba1l DOt. be agpported and based wpn. ft1a"" da1.7 lIppJ'Wecl bT tile ~ &lid ~ ad1ted' ud .u..d b7 the City CcnmcU of aid City. shall be Cd~1l" aDd dNt~. the nalll4n .. annta ot Warrurt8 a. cuaceddled and ~tJ'o1ed to be __ a -.tter of ncord upon the' IIimltM of the Ci V CcNnc1l. n o !hat a 8peCtal ~,to be ..1gnated .City .t Sebert. Varrante. SerUIt 19$9, J'WII, -.n be, ... t_ .- p ""'7 created &Ill Nt aa1de av.t of the aeneral. hnd of Scherb. ,.... _ell tad. whIIl con.cted. 8U1l be ued to p&7 the 1Dtereet OIl .aid warrants ad the pr1Dclpa1 tbereot at -tv1t7. aDd tor no ot.Ml" pup.... ~ That to create .aid taDd to pa7 tbe 1DteJoe8t on said nrraat.. &lid to p~de a 8bld.DI fund to pay tM pI'1DcSpal thereof at -tutt7, tMre 8bal1 be'. &Dll tbere ia hereby ~ed tOJ" the y,ear 1959 a tax ot &lid at the rate '01 n.ne. (15) ceDt8 Oft -cJl '100.00 ftl-.b1e of t..~le property ill Scherta. Tau, .. of the Ad TaloN. qd property tau lftted b,r.aid ClV~ aad .aid _ of and at tM rate 01 rift... (15) ~. or 80 _ell tMreot. .. 80 _ell ~' it ... .. eIIa1l be necee.s17, 18 berebY.ler1ed oat of the AdnloIW and Pl~ tuN leried bJ ea1d Cit7 for _ab nce..ft. JIt&l" th...atter .ue a1d WU'l"lDte 01" ..., _:.~ aft _tet...tM. __ala .1IOQOO ftluttoa ot taxable p~ ~ 1D u1d Cit7 of Scherts. Tau, and .aid ta .hall be a...... ad oollacted for _ell of aald ~. &Del -wUed ,to the p~ .-cl and te _ otber. PJ.SSID dD APJIIlOBD, tilt. the "'. dq f1I JIq, 19.59. AftEsf'; X.e.loch, C1ty t4 Scberts ~. o B.P .!bull r 171J' Jlvor ". '.:: I 29 r On mUoDade by Walter A.Sebert.. s.cODded by Oeo.f.Bolt-. aD ord1Danoe be~ 10.18 as set forth on pace. 25, 26. r/ and 28 of thMe II1l111tes, to ls.. .1'-cU;;J. $12.000.00 of fa. Warrants to pq tor tire statiOll bu1ld1111, tire eJII1De and / t)c. other ea11ip..nt nec....l'1 was UDI.IIbou11 paalld. =# i J OrdlJlaDC. 10.19. I: BB rr ~ BY THI crrY '" 5:BBRT'Z, 'l'BDS. . .~..ti~, at a ~ ot the ClV Couc1l of the Ci\7 of Scherta, 'ezas, on the 6th day of iprt1. A.D. 1959, aD ordtD&llee ... pasMCl . CI"" for bids tor tIw a"e1tlO1l of rtre B~_s, tire boae, all enctne haase and other apparat.u for the ext1Dgu1abMnt of ftNe, vb1ch Ordinance appeal'll in the HimatM of this cc:nmcU on ~ 21. and 22, and ~lS. sdd Ca\lDcU did call tor bids as required by J.rtlcle 2368, a.c.s. of !exas, whlall notlce to bidders appears lD tM Milmtes of aa1d . eoancU on page 24: aad on this the 4th da,. of Mq, A.D.19S9, publ1cl1' opened said b19 au l:IIl tted. lif'aRRJ.8 the b!abot the Seberts Volunteer rlre Depart.eDt in the bcmnt of $1.500.00 is the l..st ft8POne1ble bid. tor one fire ..... 1.500 f.et of flre hose and one e~rae hGUe, ladders aDd otheJl appurtenances thereto. It ls further ordered by this Council that the consideration sball be paid by the isau.nce and deUye17 to lowest and best bidder of Cl ty of Scherts Warrants, Serl_ of 1959, in accordance with the Ordinance of th18 CcnmcU al1thorisire the lsnanee of s.ch Warrants. Passed and ApplVt'ed this 4th clay of Kay, 1959. I.P. 'l"hul-18r Mayor Atte8t= B.C. loch, City Secret&1'7. Ordi_nee 10.20 HI n' ORDAINED BY TBI CITY ~ 8:1iIR'1'Z, TBDS: :5 9, 0 ;; 3 ~' , ~~~. 1)7 order enteNCl b7 tM Cit,. Council, of Scherb, 1'au, on the /6 (. I2nd dq of .&pm. ,1959, the acqa1s1tloll of tire eDC1n.., ftre, bo.., enctne -if;)'0 ho..., aDd other apparatu tor the ext1Dp1ahMnt ot tires and the p~ tor the s_ .s alltbor1secl 1)7 the lenance of Clty of Scherta, Warrants, Sed. or 1959, and . ii I i ~!I, said ite. have now been puoebaeed b,. the City of Scherta, Te:xae, at a total coat of $1.500.00 anch ' WBBRIAS, none of said ite. 80 purchased haft bee. paid tor b7 the Clt7 of Scherb, 'exu. Jaf. THl!.'UtORB, BE n' ORDAINED, ADJtJOOED AND IBCREBD Bf ,. City CouncU of Scherts. Taas: ' That tMre is new due to be paid to the said SchertB V ol,1mteer Fire Departaant the s. of $1.500.00. That s_be paid by the .xeeatlOD aDd deliyel'7 to the Sebert. Volunteer ,ire .J)epan.Dt ot Wamanta los. 1 th!'01lgh 15 of the said Ciq of Seherts, Warrants, Serles of 1959. PasSed and apprend thls 4th clay of .,., 1959. Attest; II.C.&ocb., Clt7 5ecreta.l7. B.P.Thu1e_yer Kayor 80 ,Ii .O(~ ~~ J~\ 8IC'l'IQI 1. That it lUll he1'e&tter be 1QJ1a1rh1 tor &IV pereOD to peddle aD7 ld.nd of _1"fWaD'tise, patnt -u.et., D08tna, faoa II"OIrft procl1act8 aDd other .umtactved arUcles up_ the streets, an.,. and public thorolllhtaru of Sebert_, T.... < Pecld1ers Ord1MJl08 OI"d1DaDce JIo.21 II IT amalJln BY TIll CrrY COUICIt at TRB Cl'l'Y at :l:ID1'A,DU8.: o SlCTIOlI,2. b7 penon .. sball dolate &I\Y prorielOD of tlds orc:I1aIaoe sball 1Ip0ll ~OD be t1Ded 18 a su. DOt lea that ~(.l.OO) Dollar aDd not .re thaD ~n... ($25.00) ])ollars. BM'IOI ,. AU ord1.ftaDce or parts of ord1Dances 1Ja contJJ.ct herew1th are ~ repeal... 8tC'I~,.. '1'b18 ordiDaftoe 8bal1 takl ettect atter ita PUlICe and adopt1oD b7 tbe C1 t7 Ccnmc1l &lid 1\8 appl'Vft1 of the ..,.. of the C1V ot SCherb. Tau,' and its p1lbl1cation as recpa1rlId..bT law. Passed and approYed this the 4th dq of JIq, 1959. Apprcwed Attest: II.C.loch C1 t7 8ecret&J7. B.P.Tbal-..,.r, Xa10r o ..' o L;l~. ~ Ii Ii Ii 31 ~1oD,. Where the epplieati_ tor neb permt.t and or lie...e herein p~ ~t tba applicant .v1U DOt de-.nd , receive or accept p~nt.. aDd or depoeit or ...,. in adyanee of tina1 de1i"el'7 of s.cIlg00U, waru, .erebaDdi.., or arttclee to be sold, and or solicited by such applicant, it shill be .the duty or the Clt,. Secretar,r of the City of Scherts, to 1a8Ue to such appl1.caDt a pend. t to sol1cl t, sell aDd tate orden tor such goods, warea, Mrchand18e, and or articles set out iD such applicant' s appli2atloD for such pend. t within the Cl ty of Seberta tor a period or twelve _nths. except that or itinerant _rchants, troa the date ot the issuance ot such pend.t. It the applicaUoD'" that sUch applicant sball receive, tte.aDd, aDd or 'accept pa,.-nt ~or dep081t ot _1181' ill ad'YaDCe of tinal deliy.,. of goods, varea. _rchand18e, am/or artlele .old., then neh application shall be aCCOllPaDled bT a bond in the penal .. ot Fi.. Bundrecl <'500.00) Dollan eDouted 117 such applicant a. principal and a surety eOlllp8D7 licensed to do business in the ..- ot Tau. or b,. two tinanc1al17 reapoDld.b~ ownel'll or propert7 situated in the: State ot 1... subject to exeCution of the yalue in double of the &Eat or said boDlh cond1tionM 1IP08 aaJdnc fiDal de11..1'1 or nch goods, warea, Mrcband1.., ..,utnea~ DMr8papers, plate., tiJ.s and photographs and artlel.. iD aocordance with the te~ of such order and./or ordeN obtatMd and which boDd IIhal1 be for the ue and beneflt of all persoD8. ~ or corporatioDS who ..,. pay in aciYance or -.te arrr advance depoei t on the purcbale price ot .aid orden, and sball stipulate "in 1ts te~. . Sect10D 4. ,he Clt,. SecNtar.T of the City ot Seberta shalllasue licen.e upon the ~t of the follolr1Dc t....to.w9t: Por It.....rrt _rchaDts otferiDC tor .ale bUalcrapt~.tock. tire aDd water da-.gH stock, or goods, wares, .rcband1... or auy :.tber c~V for a l1Id.ted t1M of one .:mtll or le8s.'50.00. , 'or _ch acld1tioD&l _nth for _eh ot the Dext tift .-nths of traction, '10.00 It ..-chant liable to aboYe ... fee re.a1na JIOre tbaD.1.x ..tb8 &Del up to twelw acmth8 tor _ch IIddit1cmalllOl1th or traction thereof - '5.00 For tranllrw ...s1c:lDe "~ ................................. . 25.00 Por Mdical specialiSts ........................................ 25.00 'or .u1ng DecaUves, aposing plates or fn... or _kine photograps of plctarel .......................................~. For -culM or newspaper nbac11.pt1oD8 ........................ 'orpeddl1ng, ua1ng Bator Yehlcle .............................. 'or P8d'"'nc, u.ing horse drawn Yehlcle ....................... for toot peddlers .............................................. 25.00 5.00 25.00 7.50 5.00 Prwtded p8l'l1ona offering for sale agrioultrel. preducts, _ts, poultr,y. or other articles ot food grown or producell b,. such pel"llona shan DOt be required to PIO' the li~.. f... but li~_e .ball be issued to such persoD8 b7 the Clty Secret&17 \1POD .at18factOJ'1 pl'OOt that they bave produee&l or grom the products to be peddled and such lice.e shall so state. AU licenses to be lsned tor a period It twel.. (12) aonthe troa date or lssuance. Section 5. That neb licen..s shalllJaOt be i.ned to aIV' pel"llOD autbor1s1lt1 peddl1J1g in the fire l1Id. ts, and 8D1' aU peddling ls proh1bl tee! in the tire l1Jd.tt! ot tt. City of Scherta as now or that -7 heredter be establi.hed b7 ardinanae. Section (., That 1 t .hall be unlaIrtu.l foraD7 peddler to take a stand, or .top, or .tand his .,.hicle on an;y public .treet within the corporate l1J1dts of ,the Clty of Sebert., for a longer tt_ than tea (10) lIIinut... 32' Sect1o. 7. That all peddlers sball 1ft all respects OCIIIlply vlth all other ordinance. of the Cl V of Seherta, applicable to sllch pen_; aDd tb18 ord1naDCe shall DOt \:It COD8tned to repeal .. at tM health, sud.ta!7, or food ord1Danees of the CiV of Scherb, bat 8ha1l be e'6daUft tbereof. SectloD 8. That 8D7 penon riolati.. alV of the prot'181ana of tIIIa ord1Dance sba1lllpOll ccNt.etloa be tined ill &D7 InUI not __ tJwa One &mdncl <$100.00) DDl1ar8; and _ell aDd ...., _ &JI7 peNon 8ball peddle without a l1c... shall be a ....rate oft'.... Secti_ 9. !bat if ..,. aectloD, aubd.1Y181OD, c4ue, or pbraae of th18 ordiD8DCe i. tor &D7 naSOB held to be 1Dlconsti t1ltional or YOid, 81lch deci8i_ sball 'not affect the Yal1d1t7 of the r-atDiDgportiOl18 of th1a ordinance. This ordinance shall take ettect after 1 ta puaace and adoptioD b7 the Clt7 Council and lta appl'Oftl 1>7 the lIqor of the C1t7 of 8cherts. Tau, aDd ita pllbllcatloD as aqu1red b7 Article 1013, Rw,Ciy.St,at.State of Tex.u.. !l LJ -I rused aDd -WNYeCl, th18 tM 4th dq of .7, A.D.1959. J.PPROnD : A'l"l'EST : II.C.Ioch, City 8ecreta!7. R.P.Thul...,.r, .10" On mtion .de by V.s.Bbert, seconded by I1c1n Beck, bill due the Seca1D Printing Co tor "0,15 t",. pr1.llt1nc, ... ordeNd paid. A tt..t I . ~ ct't7 ~. Jfotion IIIlde b7 W.B.lbert, eeconded b7'WalterA.ScheJ"ts, the _ttng ~0VDed. /~,~ .1QI" . o o ..