06-01-1959 n Ii '. I I " It ~ The rep1ar _etiDI of the Cit7 CftDc11 of Sehert., Texaa. held June 1,1959 waa calJ.ed to order by IIa1'or B.P.Thule-1'tp. '.l'he foUowing l1de~ wen present: ElIln Beck, Gee. P.Bolton, W.I.Ebert. A.O.Baywlah and tfa1ter A.Scherts. KaI'8ha1 R.V.AeketW.M and Clt7 Attorne7, Louis aaecert..re also preaent. Jlinutea of la8t .etiDI are read and 01'1 MUon _de b7 aep,r.BoltGll, seconded by A.O.Baverlah, were IIpprcwed. Ordinance drawn up by Mr.Saegert. t.o coyer croaaing pipe line owned by ~ f,()), Uftlted Gas Pipe Line Co. ln the Clt7 of Scherb vas approved b1 the C01lJ'leU and /bd Mr.~egert wa. inatructed to subJd:t~.lt to the Un1.t.ed Gas P1.pe 14._ co.ror their IV f appranl before final pusace. 6 1i=.. On .-tl0D _de by Walter A.Sebert.. seconded b7 W.B.lbert, an ordinance Lei, ()f). "II regulating cats and dogs W8S unanillOU817 passed as roll.a: ;; v I ;7 , -H ;;3 DClO AID ClT ORDnwtCE eRDINAICB 10.23. BB IT ORDANDD BY 'ftB CITY COUlCIL ('Jf THE CITY ('Jf 5:HERTZ, '!'DAB: SECTIOB 1. Deftnation of te~, 18 used in this ordinance, unless the context otherwi.. 1Dd1cateJl. a. -Doc- shall be intended to .an both ale and feale. b. 'Cat' shall be intended to .. botla ale and feale. c. -Owneri' shall be intended to 118&11 &D7 pel'llOD or persons. fin, ..soclation or corporatlon ovn1nc, keep1~. or barbor1.DC a dOC. or cat. "At hl'l8w ahall be iDteDCled to --.n off the prend.... of the OIIDer, ud not UJder the control of t.he CMl8r or _JIi)er of it.s l' "'~1_te tandly either by leaab, cord. chain or otherwi.e. SlCTIOI I. I4.cense am Rec1atration Requind. AU dOlS arrJ/or cats kept, harbored. or ainta11Wd b7 their OImere in the City of ~ert.. shall be licensed and registered if oyer tiTe (5) aonth8 of age. Doc arid/or cat licensee shall be issued b,. the Clt,. Secretar;y upon ,..,..,t of their license tax of $1.00 for Mch ale or feale doc amI or cat. The owner sball "'.e at the tt. of application 1s .-de for such 11cen.e and upon fo~ pl"OY1ded tor such purpos... his 1'1_ aDd addra.8 aM __, breed, color am sex of each dOC __lor cat owned by hi.. The provisions or this Section shall not be intended to apply to docs and/~ cats. whose owners are nOD-R.ldents, tellpOrarUy within the City, not to dogs am/or cats brought into the City for the purpose ot participat.ing iD any dog am/ or cat show, not to · seeinc-8J9' dogs proper~' trained to assist bUa4 persoDS when such doga are actua1l.7 *_ u.ed by blind persona tor the purpose ot aid1Dc the. iIl,Oingfroa place to place. Sl!'.CTIOB'. T...and coller. ~on pa,-nt of tbe license fee the Clt7 Secretal7 sballisaue to the CMler a llcense cert1tloate and a _tallic tag tor each dOC ami or cat ao lleeued. !he shape of tal tac sball be chaDCed .-q and shall haft a stop thereon ahowinc the Jear for which i. ... iaSlled and the muber COrNapcmd1ng with DWlber on the certlflcate. .e17 owner shall be required to prorlde _eb dog and/or car with a collar to whieb the lieense tag _st be aft1Dd and sbBll s.. that the collar and tag are constant~ worn. In case a dOC a:tJJ1/ or cat tag i. lost or de.troyed, a duplicate vUl be taned by tbe Clt7 Secret&17 upOD pre.entatiOft of a receipt shOlldDg the pa,-nt or the 11cen.. f.. for the current, ,ear and the pa,.-t ot a 501 fee for such duplicate. Dog amI or cat tag. shall Dot be tranaferable froll one dog amI or cat to another and no retuDd shall be _de on alQ" dog and/or cat license fee because of death ot the dog andlor cat or the owner(alearlng the Clt7 before expiration of the license. ,g ." J4 SIC'l'IClf 4. T_onM'hw., The Clt711arshall 8hall de81pate .. spectal officer to be ban ... desipatecl as the DOG Cl'fCIIIR, vboae du't7 it shall be to eaJ'I"T out the teNs ot tb18 ord1DaDC4t. IJ . . It shall be the d1at7 of the DOG CA'l'CJml t~ apprebeDd &lIT doc aDd/or cat f....ran1ng at larce coRtrar7 to the pronsions of this ordillan.. aDd to ~ neb dCII and/or cat in the clt1' pound or other nitable place. The peIDcl ..ter upoB rece1Y1nc aDJ" dOC aDd/or oat 8hall uke a cOllpl.te reg1atry, .ntering the .,... color aDd au of sllcb dOl aDd/or cat whether l10eHJJ8ed. If 1108__,,_ Di:i1. eater the __ aDd address of the CMler and . the IlUMr' of the 11e... tac. SlCTIOI 5. .t.1oe t. -.r _M Nd--'t\aa. lot later than three da1a arter the ~ ot aay dOC aDd/or cat the owner 8ball be 8Ot1fiedor it the aner or the dOC aDd/ or cat i. 1UIJmGIm wr1 tten 'Dottce .hall be poetecl tor three dQ8 at a COD8PiCftl~ plaee 1a the Clt1' JJal1 d..cr1.bilw the dOl aDd/or cat and the pla.. &Dei to. ef ...... The .... ot the dOC ../ or cat so iIIpoalIed ~ c1da neh ... aM/ or cat 1IPGIl p&71'18nt of the 11ceDH tee, it updd, aDd ot aU costa aad charges iDcarrecl b7 t. C1V of Sebert. for illp01lDd1nc aDd .a1ntaaace of said, dOl arr4/ or cat. tolloriDc charges eball be paid to the A.....~Uect.r for ll1t)oand1nc aay' dOl amJor cat: 'or keeplnc &D7 dOC ard/.or cat --- $1.00 'or pring notice ------~--------- 2.00 SIC'l'I0I6. Dt~"tiOll ot -~,-..-' qr iftf'ected' tI~ -~ ca~. It shall be the chlt7 ef the pCNDd ..ter to IcMp aU doc. or oats 80 ' ll1pomclecl tor a. perlod ot fift da18. It at the ap1rat1OD ot tift days fre. the date of Dotice to the OIft'ler or the po.~. or Dottce neb deliS artd./or cats shall DOt ...... been NCl.... they .,. be deetro,-. AD7 unlicensed dOC &D1/ or eat NCpIired b7 law to be li08--', or &f17 dOC a_/ or cat wb1ch appearII to be nttertltl troll... or affected with ~ropho~, ....e or other Wectiou or daJC.rou di__ shall DOt be reI_sect. bat .7 be tortmrith d..tl"01M~ o SlCTIOJ,.e.,...__nt ~ ftM"t.at. d... -nd/fW oab... 10 Deli n.tber l108nsed 01' _ and .....o.t 1a heat, wbet.taer l1ceMed or not 8baU be an..a to raa at larp ... "POll the preal... of o. otbn- tW tIl. ....... It .., .. doc .rrdjor oat is tClllDCll"alDliDc at larae 1a -401atiOD et tIIM ~ it 8JIall be w.a up and ~ and aball DOt 1M re3M_ .xepat 1IIpGl appl'lOft1 of tM Cit7 Secretarr after p~Dt or the ~... prondecl ill Seott_ 5', pNYlde4. tat It .. doc arrIl/or cat so toaad at lal'&e cumot b. s&felT takea . &lid iIIpouDdecl neb dOC, artd/ or cat ~ be slatn by &By pol1ceM1l. . scrI~ 8. ..._14... Whe.... lt be~ ..08..&17 to aatepar4 the public troll the ......... cd ~1a. the __, it he ..... it It ,.SS&l7 sball is_ a pJ'OC1uatiOD 0IlMr1DI !/INr'T penoa 0IrIWIs or keepiDC a doc ardJor cat to ccmt1lle it _care17 on Id.8 pNlll._ 1lD1.e8S ftoh doc ud/or cat haft a --:&. III ntfloi.a' ~ to preftDt its bi~ &IV' ,..... I.D7 _u.cl doc arrdJor oat ftD'Ww at 1up dviJrc the u.. of U. Pl"OClaatloD shall be M1secl .. iIIpoIanded 1IDleu DOttceabq illteoted with nb1ea. All clop &DJ/ or cats so DOttcea~ tat.ctecl 111. rab1_ .-i cI18p1q1Jw Yic10u pl~lu... ~ be 1d.11ed b7 U7 pollee ,atftcer. ld:tAoIIt DGtlce to the ..... Dop u4/or cats iIIpoalIed durbc the perlod of ..ob pNClaat.1_ sball. it c]-iMd 1I1th1D tift ~. bit relaatd to tile ...... "'... 1ateoW with nble8. ... 'p&7Mat of .. iJItoundlJlc obargee pNt'1de4 tor ill Sectt_ 5. Itmc1 ."r~ after that perlod ncla dot ad/or oat ..,. be ~ deetNIH. o ~ "~..:'~~.~II, . . "J I: I I I: " ' I 35: SIC1'ION 9. hh!....et.ic.. It a doc and/or cat 18 be11end to haft rabi.. or has been bitten b7 a dOC aM/or oat supected of barlDI rabies, neb dOC arr.i/or cat aban be ccmf1MCl by .' leaah or cba1n 011 tM owner's preJl1se8 and 8hal1. be placec:1 md.r 'the ob.el'fttion ot a -....t.er.tanarian at the apeue of the owner for a period of two neb. Th. Owner sMllnot11'7 the City Se~ or the tact tha't his dog &ftI1/ or cat baa been apoeed to rabi.. and at h1a discretioil the CitT Secretal7 is upoerred to haYe neb d.t:e/am./or cat r~ troa tM CJlmer's pNJldses t.o a .,..wriDa!';y hospital aDd there placed UDder obserfttioll for a period or two weeb at the upenee of the emler. It shall be unlavf8l tor AIV' person knOlriDl or napectilC a dOC ard/'r cat to baye rabies to aU. sllch .. am/or cat to be taken oft Ids preJd.es or beJODd the l1a\ts of the C1V without the writt.en pel"IIlas10D or 'the City Secretal7. BYe17 OIID8r or other pere. lIpOD ucertaimlC a dOC aDd/or cat 11 rabld shall iJR'Id.1atelT 110t11'1 'the Cit7 JlaI'llba11fbo shall elther 1"8l1l'JYe the dog and/or ca't to 'the pcNDd If poulb1e. aDd it not, to ~ dest!"07 It. SlC'fICII 10. 1',~ftAti_. It sball be unla1thl for the ....1' of aD..T. ~ and/or cat to keep, aiDtalD, or au. neb clog ar>>/or cat to run at large _ UIIl... lt sball ha.... been ftcc1ftated by a licensed ....ter1nar1an vtth aat1-rabt.. yaCc1M. AU dOCS arrt1/or cats within the Cit7 of Scberts" ,..., are herelv requll"ed to be yacc1natecl calnst Nbles bT a liceDleel ....tel'1Dlr1lD 011 or b.foN 3ul.7 1, 1959, and each 7eal" thereafter at the owner's expenee. B.fore alV'deI &rill/or cat license shall be 18sued by the Clt7 SecNt&17 the owner ESt pree.ut a lice.. ....ter1DarlaD. s cert1t1cate to 'the ettect 'that the dOl ard/ or cat bas bee ftcc1nated with the preceding 90 da18. SIC'l'IOI n. ~~... aJ, Aff7 peNon w)>> shall w11.lta1.17 take trca &D7 dOC aMI 01' cat,a collai' or tac ahall be d.... pUt7 at a ....-qDOr aDl1JpCll cOlW'ictl_ shall be tined 1a uq ..llOt to ...ed $100.00. . b. AIV' pen- Yiolattnc &D7 prot'islOft of tb18 ordinance sball b. d..-cl p1lt7 of a lliad_anor and upon CODYictlon sball be tined in aD7 .- not exceeding $100.00. 'his ordinance shall take etrect after 1 ts pasace and adoption b7 the Cit;r CouncU aM its apPrOYal b7 the Mayor of the Clt7 of Sebert., and ita publicatioa as required b7 Article 1013, Rw. ctIY.stat. T... (1925). PASSID AJU) APPROVED th18 1st dq of June 1959. R.P. '1'hule_~r JIa70r Attee\t JI.C.looh Cl t7 Secretar7.. On .et.1_ -.cle b;r Qeo.p .Bolton, .conded b7 JQc1D Beck the toUawillg bill was ordered paid: Sargeat..SclnU, , IDe. for _tal dOC tags, $16.)2 A o~ttee was appointed b7 lIa10r H.P.Th1l1lJu~r. coaa1.tiDI of Walter A. /.II O~ Scherts, .l.O.l1aYerlah 8DI1 W.I.Ebert to cietel'll1ne OIl which streets speed 1.1Id.t .?~~I I slgna shoUld be plaC4td. I.. '? r Hatton .... b7 Walter A.......... MConcled b7 W.I..-rt, to accept .5.... S1.~ ')f as oftered b7 8...&U1 tel... Co. to conr . Gross Receipts Tax tor the 2t J~ ~ ..tba period endirw Ded.)1.19S8, was 1m.""~~ pus.. On _t1on _de b;r V.J.Bbert, aedODded b7 Oeo.P.Bol't Cit, Secreta17 ~ ,_. ..' 86 Regular ..tine of _ Clt7 COUllCU of Seberta, Texas, held J~ 6. 19.59. .. called to order b7 Mqor R.P. Thule...r. The f01lelr1nc J.lde1WD nJ'e pneeatl JJa1n Beck, Gee. P.B01toD, V.LEbert. A.O.BaYerlah and Vutero A.Sebert.. Marshal R.V.Acke1WUUl aDd City Attomt17 loui. Seegert wre also preMllt. JI1nutes ot last recular -.tine were read and OD mUon ade by V.B.Dert, .econded by 0.0. P .Bol ton, were appl'OYed. o .!/& o1J 0 On 1IIOt10D -.de by IlI1n BlIok. .econded b7 Val ter A.Scherta, and Arson ....rd \~lf va. ~~ puMd as fo1lclnr 'd~ ' ~ ~nM~.~. BE IT ~pm BY TBB CM, COUX::IL ~ ,.. em (]I ~imIth, TIDS. 1. That the Clty of Soherts, Te.., hereb7 paY. a ~ ot One IIandred Dollars <$100.00) for the arrest and collYict1OD ot any person or" persona found pl1t7 of co.d tttDI the crt. of Arson wi thlD the corporate l1Jd. ta of .aid City of Scherts,. 'eaa. Th1e ~rd 1a a atand1nc officer, aDd .ball be paid out of tha OenerallP1md of the Clty of Scherts. 'a:u. ' 2. 'l'hat the foUOIId.DI notice be posted at neb placeead 1D .1Ich ....r a. to ..cured a credit iD let Rate tor tire 1Ds1iraDCe, and nch notice readine a. fo11..; AJS)R 8AHD The C1V of Schert.. Texu, herebyon.1'8 a n.Iard of One IIaDdrecl Dollara <$100.00) for the arrut and ccmrl.ct1oD of &IQ" person or pVSOM found cuUt7 of ~ttl_ the crt. of .ARSC111d.th1n the corporate liId.'t8 of said Clq ot ' Scherb. ,.... 'l'b1a rward 1. a .t....t. otfer, and shall be paid 01lt of the General PaIld of tM Ci~ of SCMrts, Texaa. . . B.P. 'l'bul_~r 1Ia1or o Attest: X.C.Xoch City Secreta17. Pa.s" aDd approncl thi. 6th day of J~, 1959. Attest: II.C.~h Ci ty Secreta.,.. 01;)\ On lIOtion _de by Geo. P.BoltoD -.de by 0.0. P.Boltcmseccaleci by W.E.Bbert. ~ ~ 't;lf tilt ftre Karshal Ordinance ... ""'111"'''17 pas.ed JS. fol18a: ~ '1~ Ordinance 10.25. ,'I' d I!ItJ)IRANCI creatine the office ot ,ire Marshal. Preacr1binc the duties thereof, Proridinc for It. _iIltenanee. and Pr.crlb1Jw penaltles for violatiaU. B.P . 'l'bul_;,v MaJOr BE 1'1' ORDlDflD BY THE ClTY Cuu.w, C'J1 THB cm CF ~IDTZ, TUlI. " , . Section 1. !he otttce, of nre "1"811&11s be~ creat.-d. 8Rch office .hall be 1rldependeDt of ot.her Clt7 ~rtMDta, tJie 'ire Xanhal NpO~ ~ to the IIa70r and City Ccnmcll. Bach office aball be fUl~ b7 appo1n~ by the Kqor. by and with the COftHft.t or the Cit7 Coanc11. wi tId.n one day after th18 ordinance sball take effect. The ea1d rire Jlarehal .hall be r....ed at the pl.sure of the Clt7 Coancil. &. .hall recelftdan aDDUl .ala17 of .,60.00, payable 1D _nthq 1D8t--'1-1lt8, aa t1lll cO-.__tion for Id..8 ...n~. o .... II I' I I I ' 31 Sect1on2. The I'lre Maraba1 shall inYe8ticate the caus., ortitn and cirC'UllStaDc-. of tJYery fire oCCllft'inC within ,this City b1' which property bas been de8t.ro,.s 01" daaced. and shall especially _Ite 1m'est.1gat1ons a8 to whether such fire was the renlt of carele.8I18sS or de.1CD. Bach inYe.t1gaUoD sball. be beca w1.thin twenty-tour hoU1"8. not including S~. 0," the occvranee of r:.ch rlre. The 'lre JlaJ"8bal .ball k.ep in hi8 office a record of all fire., teee r with all facts, 8tatistic8 aDd cir~tance8, includinc the origin of the tires and the8llOunt of the loss, which 1I8Y be det.e1'lll1ned byinYe8tigat.1on required by thi8 ordinance. SIC'1'IOlf 3. The Fire Barshal, when in his opinion further iDYe.t1gation is necessal'7, shall take or cause to be tWD the te.U...,-, on oath, of all per80ns suppo.ed to be cogJd.aant of ay fact. or to haye -.an. of knowledge in relation to tbe _tt8l' UDder lmre.tigat1on, and shall cau.e the s_ to be reduced to .writing: and it he .hall be of the opln10D that thfl're i8 erldence sutf1c1ent to charge &JQ' person with the cri. of aNOD or with tbe attelllpt to coJllldt the en.- ot ar.OR, or of conspirtcy to defraud, or crillinal conduct in connection with .uch fire, he .hall cau.. neb person to be lawtullyarre.ted and charged with such ottense or elther of thea, and shall t'umish to the proper pro.ecuting attomey all .uch evidenc., together, together with the na.s of witne.8e. aDd all of the 1nt'orau.tion obtained by hi.. inclu.1.ng a copy ot aU pertinent and _terial testbloU;Y taken in the cas.. SBC'l'ION 4. 'l'he Fire Harshal shall haYe the power to &SUmOn witness.. betore hi. to testify in relation to any _tter which i._the provisions of thi. ordinance a 8ubject ot inqu11'7 and inYestigat101l, and _y require the production ot any book, pap.r or document d..med pertinmlt. thereto. The .aid Fire Mars~ is hereby authorized and eDpowered to adldnister oaths and attirtlations to any person s app.arinl as v1 tn..... before hla. SECrIOB 5: Any witness who refuses to be ... , or who refuses to appear or testif7, or who disobeys any lawtal order of said Flre Marshal, or who fails or rerues to produce any book, paper or dOCUMnt touch1~ any _tter under examinatloD, or who is gaUty of any con~t\1Olllll conduct during any ot the proceedinC. of the 'ire MAJ"8ha1in the -.tt.er of said l11ftst1gation as iloresaid, .hall be deemed guUtyof a lII1sde~; and it shall be the duty ot the Fire Marshal to caus. all such of tenders to be prosecuted. Any person being corwicted of any such d....nor sball b. fined in a au. not exceedi~ Twenty-five Dollar. ($25.00). Providecl, however, that any persoll so convicted sball haTe the r1&ht of appeal. seTIOR 6. AU inYe.tlgatlon8 beld by or under the direction of tM Fire Marshal -:r, in his discretlon. be prlYat., aDd ..rsons other then thos. required to be present _y be excluded from the place where 8IICh inyest1gation is held, and witnesses _y be kept separate and apart ,.,. eaeb other and not allowed to co..m.cate with each other untU they, haye laeen exaained. SBCTI(lf 1. The Fire Marshal shall have the authority at all times or day or n1iht, wh.n n8O...a17, iD the p.rto~nce of the duti.. i1lpOsed upon h1a by the provi8ions of this ordinance, to enter upcm and exam1ne Im:r build1~ or prem1.... wh.re any nre has oceurNd, and other building. and premises adjoining or bier the s.... which authority shall be exercised only with reason ,and good dl.cIetion. 38 SBCTIOI 8. 'fbe "ire 1IanIIIIU, lIpOD cOIlIplaint of a~ peNOn baving an interest In aDT bu1i(l1re at" Propert1 adjacent and without any co.J.aint, shall ba.... a right at aU reasonable hours, tor the purpose ot UII-tlUltioll, to enter iDto and upon all building and preises within the city, aDd it sball be bis cluty, mnth17 or MN otten, to enter upon aDd ate or caue to be entereel and _de, a thorough exud.natioD of a11..-cantUe, amatacturlng aDd PlIblic buildings, topther with the prM1ses belonging thereto. WheDeYer he shall ftnd aD7 building or other structure which, for want of repair, or b7 reason of age v dl1apldated condi tiOD, or for a~ cause, is e8pecialq liable to fire, and which is so 81 tuted as to endanger other buildings or porperty, or so occup1ed that' fin vould endanger pel'llons or property thereln, and whenever he shall find aa:i.llIpropel" or da..erous al'l"anC..-nt of stoYes, raJIC-, .turDaCM or other heating appliances' of ~ kind whatsoever, including ch111My8, tlll", aDd pipes Iltihhwh1c1a the s... ~ be connected, or a daDceroua arranceaent of lighting deY1ces or syst_, or a dangerous or 1mlavtwal storage of ap_i..., cOlI'ounda, petroleua. gaso1ene, Wll.... ~e1"OUS cheld.cal8. yegatalf].e pl"OChlcta. aabes, collbustible, tnn.a.Iab1e or rer.se ..ter1.ala, or other conditio_ which ay be d..er0u8 in character or liable to cause or prollDte fire or create conditions d&J1lerou to the n.....nt or occpants, IIhall order the s.. to be NJIIOYed or NMdiecl. and such ord.. 8hall be fora'-1th co.l1ed with b7~the owner or occupant of said bn't1diDg or prell1ses. Pl'Ori.ded.. ha.enr, that If .aid owner or occupant dee. hbulelt aarieyed by such order, he -1', within fi.. (5) days, appeal to the MaJOr, who shallinY_tigate the cause of the COJll)laiftt and unless by his authorit,r the order ls N"IOked, such order shall re_in in force and be forthwith COIlIplied with by ..id.... or occupant. At the end of each IIOntb the 'ire XarahaU whall report to the State 'ire lfarshal all aistine hazardous conditlons, together with 8'Parate report on each fire in the Clq during the MOnth. SECTION 9. Arry OImer or occupant ot a bail.d1Dg or other stracture or prell1.s, who shaU keep or uintian the s.. when, for want of repair," by reason of age or dllapidated conditlon, or for any canse, it ia eapec1.all7 llable to fire, and which ls so situated as to endareer buUd1ng or praperty ot others, or ls eapecial~ liable to tire and which is so occupied. that tire would endanger other persons or their property therein, 8ball be p1U11ehed. b7 a tine of not less that ten dollsi'll <$10.00) nor lION tbai t1tty doll.ar8 <$50.00) SBCTIOR 18, Any OImer or occvpant of al\Y bu" 1 "1. or other structure, or preeNs,' who shall keep or alntaill the s.. with aD 1Ipnper a~_nt ~ a ston, rance, r.1"ft8ce, or other heating appliance of &D7 k1Dd wbatenr, 11Id1d1. cbillneys, fiu., and pip. with which the s.. -7 be connected, so as to be dal'llerou in the ..tter of fire, or health, or safety ot per80D8 or property of othel'll; or who aIIall keep or -.tntaln 8D7 bu1ld1nc. other structure or preatses with an illproper &r1"aJlP_Dt of a lighting deY1cefor s18tea, or with a-,storage of aplos1... , petrolwwa, lasoleDe, kel'08ene, cbell1cala, Netable products, ash.., COJlbutlbles, ~le atertal8, retase, or with &D7 ccmcllt1an wb1ch ahall be danproua ill character to the pe!'llODS, heal:th or prope$ of otbe1"8; or which shall be claDgero_ in the atter ot pro.ottte, a.-ntinc or causing fires: or vh1cb ahall create cond1 tioM dangerou to firlllua. ,or occupants of sl1ch building, stracture or pNlli..s other tlwa the.a.ntf..w thereof, 8hall . be punished b7 a tine of not less than teD doUars <$10.00) nor ~re tIum . t1tty dollal'll ($SO.OO). SlCTIOR ll. '0 proe..~U._ shall be broacht UDder Sections 9 and 10 of thls ordinance untU the '~'Ji"'1ded for in Section 8 be gi..n, and. the party notified sball fail or _tase to cOill)q with the s_. --------- !l o o 39 i: I I ~'fiOR 12. The penalties provided tor herein shall be reconred' b;y the cl ty in the sa- JI&JlMr as prorided' by lav tor the enrorce.nt ot tines, torfeitures. and punism.nts for offenses agalnst the cl ty. SECTIOI U. Ivery day's _inttpnance of, arJy ot the condi ti0D8' prohtbl ted in any of t.he foregoiDg sections shaUbe a distinct and separate oftenee. SEC'!'IOI14. A1l1l1ede.aDors herein prorlded tor shall be prosecuted, and aU tines and torteltures herein pl"O'lided for shall be reccwered and enrorc., in the s_ -.nner as pronded by law tor the entorc_ent ot tines, forfeitures, penalties and punisb~t for otfenses general13 against the city. SEC"rIOI15. All ordinances or parts of ordinances ln conflict herewith are herebY' rep_led. ApPl"O'Ied this 6th day ot ~ 19.59. Attest: X.C.loch, Secreta1'7. B.P . Thule.yer Mayor I' On mtion _de by W.B."rt, seconded b7 Oeo.P.Bolton the -.til'1l adjourned. ~ Seereta17 tt'<~ JIa10r r-- I I I I