07-06-1959 40 !';.c.n_ -.t1nc of the CiV CouaoU of Sehert., MlcIlulT 16. 1959 was c.l1Ad to OI'der bT KQer B.P .11n11eiia;,.r. ' ~ The fol1Gw1Jw Ude~ wwe preaentt Ua1n Beck, W .B.Ebert, l.O..ftl"lah j~ and Val ter A..Sebert.. AlcIenm 0e0.P.~ ton adriaed that he .... 1ID&ble to be {) pre8ellt. " . ~ S'\, The -t1JIc ... t!8l1'ed to consider the pvchue fit tile land occupled \' 'T b7 the rtre statloa and the fol.l.ow1Dc ruolut1oD w.. pu_1f ' ~ ~Q VRIRIlS, the Clt7 or Sebllrb. ,..., ft. 1t ~ to puObaae ~ tor t.. locatl.. ot a tire StatioD &lid Ctv Ikll ... that c.rta1a prapel'tJ attuated 1d.th1a the Cl~ or 3eMrt., ,_.s, deecr1bed 1D deed rr. V.B.1bert to It1claard Schert., dated Joy~19It6, recorded 1a Vol.222, pap 60a of t.. Deed Reoord. of Oawlu.p. ~. ,..., 1. adeqUate tor _ell puIIpOMt 8181' rr B80LVBD that tbe forecolac dMcrlbecl tract of 1aDd be pvcba.ed rr. R10bard Soherts tor a consideration of $1.500.00 and that tba Kqor ad SecNtarr eBft't. tbe pnm.1!J8017 DOt. of the ClV or Schertz. ,.... due and p&1able OIl Dec.l.1959 tor neb aMUt tllPther with Iff per a.. : . payable to the order of R1chard Sebert. ad del1..r ... in ~ t'or ncIa tract of laJIlI. Xoti. bT A.lcIeNU 1t'1~.. Beet, ..CODdecI by Aldenua Walter A.-....n.. that the foNCo1nc I'McWatiOR be ..t... PAS$IJ) AID A.PPJlOVBD THIS 16th dq of lvl:T, 195'. AttMtl II.C.loch Secreta.,. B.' . TImlI-1V IIa1w [l There be1nI DO fvther ba81..8 on _1. _de b7 B1c1D Beck seCODded 1>>7 W.B.Ibert. the ..tllw acljoumecl. 8eeretal7 . )~~ IIa10r , ~ o t 41 ,.-- ~ ...ung of the CitT Couc1l or Sch.rtz, 'l'exas, held Aupat 3,1959. was call- to order bylfqor R.p.'l'~r. 'J'he tol1.olr1nl Alde~n were pres.RZ Bl&1n' Beck, Geo.P.Bolton, W.B.D>ert, A.O.~~ and ~:ter A.Sehert.. MarabalI.W.Ack..... and Louil Sa..ert', Clt1 Attorne7 wre I18lt pl'Nd, X1rJ1tee et last rep1ar ..U. and caUed --till read.' On .u.- of Gee" .Bo1tCID,' seccnded b7 I1c1n Beck, the Jlbaatee wn ~ IIPProncl. . . On mti. __ b7 Walter Scberta, seconded b7 W.LEbert, the foUw1DI bllls were ordered paid out or the Oeneral Fund: I I , I I I C1AG eo..., 8011tb 'ea. PI"1nt1nl Co. hank ScbJlt.dt, Co.Clerk $67.50 V..25 ,.65 On .,tl_ _de b7 Walter A.Sebertz, seconded by Oeo.p.Bolton, the Marshal .a. tl'l8tNcted to re... the plaque pertaS n.. to Mcbal'd Scherb and L1 03:1 Beat1etta ScMrta, be rlluoftd tna the Bast sld. of the 'ire StatioD,... .7 (~ ;..) ~17 paseed. / I 'rhere being no tartbel' bU8ineu a mtion to adjOllrft .ade b7 W.E.Ebert seconded b7 O...P .Bolton, Va8 -anlJd-0u817 pas.ed. I: ! ' ~ Secreta17 /t!!~~ . Mayor I I ' I I