09-16-1959 42' Rep1at' ..-t1Di or the Cit~ CoaDcU or ScbU't_. Texa., held Sept.16.19.59, ~as c~~ to order by ",.r B.P.'ftl1lle.1V. . , !be foUOIdnI Aldenn were present: B1I1n Beet. Oeo. P.Bolton, V.J.Ibert, A.O.B*.rlah aDl Walter A.Sebert.. Mar8ha1 B.W.Ac~ aDd LcMts Saegert. Cit7 .lttOl'Da7 _re alao pneeDt. II1nat_ of last replar -ttnc were read. 011 ~t1oa ade b7 In It" B.et, seconded b7 Oeo.P'.Boltoa, the ~ _n ~ approNd. fJJ~' On .ot1cm -- b7 Walter A.Sebert_, .econded. b7 V.I.Ibert, aD ordiDance ~, ". ..ttinc speed liIIlta O.l" certata 8treeste. was ..""....17 p..... .. t.n.. J \ ~IJ\( ~ ~ce..~. Il ~ BB IT ORNta!) BY 'fll CITY COUICIL or TBI crn C'I 8C8ktZ, TBXAS: It 1. here. deterld.Mct vpon the bul. of aD 8DI1fteed1ll aDd trattic imruti,ation that "thIa speed peN\tted b~ state MW as app11eable... the ton.rtac .tNet 18 ereaWr thu i. rea.onable or eate lIDder the cOlld1U_ to'aDd to .net 1IpOD ... .treets am it 1. _.tel declared that tbe prta facte speed 11111 t .baU be 10 IIllM per hour .. Hreu set torth.. tho_ streets or parts of streets herein d.a1pated it. the u.. here1D apec1ftecl ft. e1p are erect_ C1riIW .uce tblNOt. 1- of SVeet . PIlDa P'ACD .-D A'f .tLL ,:0.1 (OR) LDI1'r(XII.U PIll ROtIl) (DURnIl Dl!1'mt AYlatl_ Aftne MitcMU AftII1Ie Aero A..._ BNOb A.... 1f1DbvII A..... Wrlcht AftINI Cwti_ ..... ~. A..- 1111 ae...t Beaooa 8tI"Mt W1l11aa 8trMt Pfeil Street Beck street PiNt etl'Ht Second atI'Ht tee stre.t an 8trMt Cbveh Street ZlIIbl Read Doaua atreet 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 At .u ts..e At all u... At all u.. At all u.e At aU tba. At all 'fUN At all 'fs..e .t all T1JIIe At aU Tt.. At all 'fbu At all !t.8 At all Tt.8fAt all ""- At all ft-. At all Tt.e At aU 'fi_ At all ,"- At aU ,bee At aU !~ At all 'ft.u fJ I .,.... another peaalt7 18 .,.~ prerlded b7 law, ...,. p.... oaan.CNd 01' a Ylolatt_ of' &D7 prwt810D ot thi. cmI1DaDce 8hall be p~ *" '7. ftnI tit DOt ... tban !w ~ (tzOO.OO) DoUal"8. !Id.. ord1naftce eball take .rteet after 18 ,..... and actaptiOll by the Cit7 CouftcU ot Soberta. 'f.... &lid ita appNftl by the ~ ot the aa1d CltT et Sehwt. and ita )Nbl1oatioD .. Nq1I1Nd b7 law. PASSD AID APPbJd) !Ida tM 16th dq of' ~. 19.59. APPROfID , o Atteet ..C.Io_. Clt7 Secretar,r B.P.T1nIl...,.r, ~ ,,',t "~:Ji: .43 r- I i i I Oft _tiOD ad. b1 Geo. '.Bolton, ..conded by Walter A.Scberta, aD ord1DaDce J, pertainiDa to the pvobue or ll'1J"e Bnc1ne, 'lre Bouse and other 411P1iP-at vas 6 q 0 ~ ~ unani.usl7 pa.sed as foU_: ' lO'1 "fI~ Ord1nance 10. 27. II 1'1' 0Rnu;lIBD BY ftB CI'l'Y COUNCIL (:I T5 Crty ar SCIBRft, TlDS. ~~, ......ON. UDder dated. of 11&7". 19.59, tM C1V ComacU of the Cit7 of Soherts. ,.... d1.d _tbOr1H the receipt of COIIP8tetlft b1d8 by the JIqor of tb8 01t1 of Scbll'ts, Texaa. for the sale to salcl C1V f4 1500 teet of tiN boN. One 19.56 ll'ord Pire BaI1De with eqa1p.-t and ac0e8sor1.., d mN ta1l7 eet out in .uch order,' aDd 1.nance of iIlterest 11ear1D1 to. . warrants of the City of 8cMrt.. '...s, in ~nt for .... .. i. mre f~ .et oat in 8\lch order: AID VJImIlS. thereafter ae .et oat in Ord1DaDce 10. 18 of the C1t7 of Sebert., ,.... dated lIa7..., 1959, the C1t7 Coacu of the Cit7 of Scherb, ,..., d1d ntllorlH the unance of 2IJ interest beaJ"iDC U- warraata. lNIIbeNCl 1 tbro1llb fA incl.ulft, in the .-aDt of $500.00 each,aafep.tiDC the ... o~ $12,000.00: . AND 1ISIIIS. a. .et oat 111 0rd1JaaIace 10.18 of the C1t1 of Scberta. datectllq ...., 19:59. the C1t1' CoacUof the Clt1' of Seberts, texa., d1d aecept the b1cl ot th8 Scherts Vo1Dteer Fire Depal'We1lt for the purchase aDd .al. ot 1500 teet 'ot tiN boN, aM 1956 rOrd F1re BnPne with equ1p..ut aDd .co...or1.., and one eIII1ne houea and 1Ibetw.. DO bid8 nre rece1Ted tor' aD7 otber 1-- of equ1p-.t a. .et out iJl the ol'diDances aforesaid and whereas ea1d -- I1aYerMt. been patd am none ot the interest beaJ"iDC tl_ warrants "e reterncl to baye been iened and IIbou1d be cancelled, aDd the .a1cl Seherta Vol_tee!' riN Depart..m baa BOt beeD pa1d: WBlRBA.S, the C1t7 CIiIDlcU of the C1t7 of Sebert., 'exas. baa detel'llt.Ded the adYi..b1U. t;y ".1Id ....ai\7 ot i.su1~ interest beartnc tt. warraata acatnet the Oeaeral hncl of .aid Cit7 of Seh.rt_, T FDa t to evidence a part of the 1Ddebtedness to be iDC\U"l"ed ln the acqu1sitlon of the abo9'e .-d 1 te_ ; AID WRIRBAS, this C<*ftc11 hereb,. atttrat1ftly t1Dd8 and .tjucJc.. that the ftDanceU condition of said Cit7 is ncti that 1t wU1 pe1"llit the p~nt of ..1d warI"&IIta In. tM wtal' --nta or _turttl.s. as bereinafter set out vi t.hout makiIIC .. unjust bUl"den ot tuatioD to support the ...: &lid WBBRIAS, 1 t is b,. this CouncU considered and dete1"lllDed to be to the beat interest alld adYantace of said City of Sebert., to authoi'1.. the 18auance of .atd Wan"aDts. and it 18 DOW the deaN of the Council to authorbe the i.suance of neb vaJI'1"&Dta and whereas all pN8.qai.it.. required by lav tor the i.nanoe of neb varreDb baye been cOIIpUed with, and i~ is IIOW the desire of the CouncU to autlaorl.e the lssaance ot neb V8'I'I'aJlts ill accordance with the Conatit.u_ am t... of the State of t...: I , I i I 10 f'IImIP'ORI, BE IT 0RDdIID. ADJtJlXJBD .AND DICB.EI8 BY 1'BE ClTY cClJJCIL C1t ~.' '1'BXlS: !bat the Clqot Sebert. 1IIt.ere8t beari.nc U. arrant. IcnoIm as Clt,. of Sebert. Warrants, Seri.. of 1959, being D1DIbered fro. 1 to ~ incluiY., ill the dencid.nation of $500.00 eacb, aancatilll $12,000.00 and beal"1JW. interest .. .m.de..s b7 proper c~ attacbed to said warrants, be tocether with all of ftcb.1nterest caapoDS cocelled, de.troyed and held for naught and the Mayor of the Ci q of Scherts is aDd shall be authorised to do aU thiDI. aec"-17 to cancel said warrants and coup0D8 in the amer required b7 law, 44 II !hat there shall be issued. aDd b7 rirtl1e c4 the' COIlati tuU.on aDd l.awe f4 the State of ,.... &lid ... part1C8lar~ Cbapter 16), Acta ot the 'orv-secoad Lec1slatve, Replar Ses81on, 19)1, iDtereat ~ U... _rranta of said Cit7 ot Seberta. 0 to be kIlOWD .8 C1V ot Seherta, Warrallta, Series A of 1959, against the I' aeneral f'uDda of said Cl ty, for the ~ of mdenctnc a part of the indebtedness ~ be incarrecl .~ the i~ of properv &hcwe listed. III !bat said Wal"l"allts sball be _de pqable to bearer aDd sIaall be Il1IIbered tro.l to 1.5, lIIcl'U1.., sball be 1ft the dellCllllnaUon of'l.. IIuDdred aDl 10/100 ($.500.00) Do1.lar8, _ell, acgrept1nc SenD'rbo-.nd nm amdred aDd 10/100 (1..500.00) Dollan. 19' '!'hat aa1d warrants 8ba11 be dated October 1, 1959, aDd sball be~ clue and payable Mrlal1T as tOl:!_: ~ lIt1JfkN 1&2 '1e4 ,., '7 Ie 8 9 AI0 11612 13, >> .. 15 ..,.~Y Dl1B8 October 1, 1960 October 1, 1961 October 1, 1962 'October 1, 196' October 1, 19611- October 1, 1. October 1, 1966 V AIDft8 $1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 A 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,500.00 Sa1d arrant. sbaU bear interest fro. date l1nttl paid at the rate of roUl" (,..) per cent per aDDUll, payable April 1, 1960, and ..1d.-armaall7 the~rter em AprU 1, and October 1 ill _.~ JIIIlr. vld.ch 1Dte....t 8ball be eri.denced by praper c01lpODs attacbed to _oil of aald arNDta. !J VI '!'hat pr!Dc1pal aDd tDter.t of Aid W&lftIIt8 8hall be pa,.ble upon preaeatatlon and ~nl1lj. of WU'l"Ulta and PNpel" caapons at the Office of the City SeCNtaJ7. Scherts. !__. VII !bat said warrants shall be s1pecl b7 the JIqor, and IIiI1atered b7 the Cl t7 SecNt&l7, aDd the seal of the 01 V of Scherta, texas, be bpreased 'IpOJI _ell of 8a1d W&lftIIt8. !he iDteMat coapoD8 attacbecl to 8a1d arrante ~ be ..catec! b7 tM face1.ue dpat1lN8 of the Irqor a. C1V,.....nrer and .hall h.... the sa. effect .. if they bad been s1&- b7 aa1d otttcere. VIII That said ..-rams sball be dell..NCl to and accepted by cl.t_~ta, or thelr ..81Ifteee, tD r.u . ettl_at of the 1.bttldDess c:hae the. b7 t,M Cl V or Sebert_, Teas. at'ter neb clatal be.. been d,.q apprond'tT tile 1Iqor, and haft been da17 a1ld1ted and a1loRcl by the Ctt7 ~ ot tbis Clt7. [J , ~f i 45 IX That the fona of said W&1'"Nnt. .ball be nbetaDt1a1.lT .. tou...: I 10. $.500.00 r tJJIl"fII) STA'T'IS at dlRICA STAB C1I 'rIDS crn " ~z, TID.S cm f8 9::BUl'Z WARRAltTS ,SSRDS A ~ 19Jt fJmJ IS '1'0 C5M.1P'! that the Cit7 of Schert., 1D the State of 'rexa., umeraDII b7 rirt. of YUld and nb81.tinl c1&1_. 18 just17 iDdebted to bearer ill the priDc1pal ... of rm BONDRED DOIURS .500.00), in lawftl m.,. of the United States of bWica, tocether with tntere.t thereon fro. date hereot, at the rate ot fOUP (4~) per cent per annaa, payable April 1, 1960. and .e.4.....111' thereatter on April 1, and October 1 in eacb ,ear; both pl"1Dc1pal aDd iDtere.t payable 1IpOD presentatioD and InII"reJder of warrant or proper coupon, at tM ott1.ce of the 'l'rea...... Sebert-. 'r"'J aDd the T....nrer of said City 18 hereby al1thmsed, orderW aDd directed to p8T to bearer" the of 19'''':' . the atvtv date of tb1. warrant, the sua ot 11ye . ....... (t.500.00) Dellare, in Ml .ettle..t of the iDllebtedneas herebT eri.deneed, _t ot aDd tJroa the epec1al .C1tl of &cherts Warrants, Seri.. A of 1959"""", of .aid Clt7, len.ed, .....MCl and oreated for tbat purpose. !hia warnnt 1. ODe ot a series of 15 warrant., n1llberecl cODMC1ltl~ tro. 1 to 15, iDcll1siye, ln the deDOlllnation of I'ift BUDdNd (.500.00)...., anrecatiltl .1,500.00 Dollars, issued for the purpose of .n.deDelDc a part of the 1DdebtedDes. of the Ci t7 of Seberta, 'rexaa, aaquiriDC of fiN encines, tire h..., and an e1Wlne house 1UIl1er and by rirtue otth. COMtitutloD aDd x.va of tbl St.ate of ,... and ill p....nce of an ordinance passed b7 the C1V coacU of the Cltl of Scherts,. Te.s, wld-cb 18 recorded in the MimatAe of Mid CCIlUcU. !he date of tld.. .rraDt, 18 CGfttol'll1t7 with said ""t.-ae 18 October 1, 19.59. All) rr IS RBREBY utCM'I'~ lIDRICl1lD that aU acta, coad1t10D8 and things required to be done precedent. to aDd 1n t.be lsauance of thi. warrant baye been proper17 done, haY. happened aDd beeR perf01"!l8d ln replar and due tt_, fora aDd -.nner a. required by law, and that the total1DdebtedneN of said City, lncludiDI this warrant. does not exceed aJ17 conatitattoaal or st&tum7 1111ltatioft, III 'rUfOOlY _.t.", the Clt7 CoUIlCU ot Sche~. 'r..., baa caused the eea1..of laid Clt1' to be hereto a.tn.xed, and th18 warrant. to be .iped by the MaJor. eountera1gned b7 the Cl V Secretal"1 and reclsterecl b7 the CltJ "realRlNl', aDd tM interest CCWlp0D8 bereto attached '0 be executed b7 the faca1llllle a1patllrM of the ~ and Clt7 Secretal"1. a. of the date abow. wr1 tt.rl. lIqor,Scherta, T.... counteraJPed Ci t7 Secretar;y. Schert&, 're-.e. Recist8red. Clty'rreasurer, Scherta, 'e.a. 48 I !he fOl"ll ot interest C01lpODS sball be nbetaDt1.al.q as tollovs: 10. .. l --.J OJ.( TBB DAYrI , J.t$f. !he City of Seberta, in the state of ,..., w11l be jutq iDdebted . to bearer iD the I!nIII of ($) Dollara, and the "Nanrer ot said City i..'tl....b7 .1Itbori.... ord.red aDd directed to pa7 to bearer oat of and troa the special .C1 ty of Scherts Warn.uts, Bert.. A of 1959 I'ucP ot said Cit7. at tile ott.t.ce ot tM Clt7 'fNuuow. Sohn'ta, 'nas, .aid .-.nt, the ... be1aI six amtha iDtereat Oft CiVof' Sebert. Warraat, Sen. A of 1959, dated October 1, 1959, 10. to wtd.cbtidJr CCNpClIls ls attached aDd is part thereof. Clt7 SeCftta!7 ..,... n ftat sdd w.J"J'aJlta .hall be ..cated &lid de1.1Y.red .. be~D&\toye prodded, in pa,.nt of c1a1_ app~" ~'tbe Ifa1W and chIl7 awd1ted and allowed 1>>7 the CitT CoaDcU of sa1d ctt7 and 8a1d Co1UlCll ia ..1Id1t1J11 ad al1ow1nc sald cla!.-. aball "!pate the .....,. of. warrante to. be d.U..... to evidence eaell of aa1d clai... so that the proceediJlp of tbb 80aIlcU .ball .... to whoa eaell of 881d warrants ... delt.wNCl and the paJ1)OM for wbloh ._ ws de11YeN. III It 1s' evth.. ordered that 1ft tile ..-t lt slaall net be D8cee.~17 to i.a. the tu11 ....... of' warrants heN1D coDW..,lated, then 1a Rob neat. ..ch d01mt of C1V ot Schert.. Varruts,. 8er1u A K 1959. as shall BOt be -...,poI"ted and baaed 1IpOft c1a1_ da1.7 appl"'OYed by the -,,:r ... dal7 a1ldlted aDd alltllNd b7 the OJ. t7 Co1mcU of ea1d Cl~, aball be caaceUed and d_tI"07*I. the IlUlbeI"8 aDd UI01IDt. of warrants so eaDCe1.W aDd ..~ to be ... . atter of record 1IPGft the JI1aDtea of the Cl. CClllDCl1. UII [J ftat a apee1al tt.d, to be deetpated .Clt7 of Seherta Varrute. 8er1_ A 1959, ..... sball be,.aDd the ... 18 IaeNb7 OlW.t.d ad set u1de oat of the General had of Schertll. ,..... which t-.cI __ colleoted, IIball be ... to pq the 1JItereet Oft aaid RrruU and.tbe prlDotpd tbereot at -tvltT. ... ,.,.. other pIIIpOS.t , ftat to create .aid IUd to pq the. ~ _ 8a1d ~, &lid to prw1de a 81Bk1Dc fUnd to pa7 .... pl"lw If. -1 tbereat at ..-a.. tbeN .ball be, aDd tben 18 HNb7 lm.. for tbe ,..r 1959 . tax ot and at * ...te of tUteen (l,U) cent,s 011 each $HO.GO nlu.b1e of t...w. p~ 1D Sch.rt., ,...., od ot the Ad Valorea &ad IWapertT tuN lwled b7 aa1d Clt7& and ' said _of and .t tM rat. of ttfteea (151) ceDt8, or .. _ell ~, or 80 _ell ..... it &87. _ 8ball be .....&17, 18 ........ ~ed oat ." tbe Ad Yalorn ..... pl.,.t;r taM lfttAId b7 sald Cit7 for _ch naceed1nc ~r [J thereatt.. wbU. aatd arrants or &D7 of the aN ftt8"'ndilll, _ ... $100.00 nl..~lOD ~ t.e_b1e ~\7 in Aid CltT of Sohwta, 't..., and ea1cl tax 8ball be a.-_ and collected tor _cia of' 8a1d ~ra, and lIpp1ied to tilt pnpoa_ ..-d, and to DO ...... PASSID AID AP,..,..I5II. till. the 16th dq of Slptellber, 19S9. Attest: I.P.TIN1.-yer ..C.loch, 81t7 of Seherta. Secretarr Ifqor. ClV of SeIl.ru. ,.... f J~_ 47 II i l_ I On _tiOD _de b7 GeO. P.Bol~. ..conded b7 W.B.Sbv't. the p~ of aoceaDt due ~U. IDe. of $49.92". 1Ipp1'Oftd. On -.tiOD ... b7 W...lbert. seconded. b71lciD Bect, the _tiOD to adjovu ... ".I\t..a.ul1 pa... ~~ Secretal"J' 1f:5?~~'w- -7' - lCa1W Rep1.ar --iDe of the Ciq CotmcU ot Sebert.. 'a:a., October 5. 1959 Vas call.t to order bT!Iqor R.P.TIml-,er. ,.he tollowinl alcle~ were present; Blein Beck. Oeo. P .Bolton, A.O.~ and Walter Scherts. City Attome;y, Iloui. Seeeert tDd Manhal R.W.Ack..-n were alao present. IU.Jatee ot last ...una read. Motion ade b7 Walter Scberb. 'ecoDded b.r I1gln Beck, the IIlIlutea were ..ai-.0u8l.7 Ilppl'OYed. I' On _tion Mde b7 Walter Scherb seconded b7 Blein Beck, the MaJOr was ina'neted to enter into a contnct with Irrinc Se1irnn, u _iDeer, to to ftrn7 am plaata SeJd.ta17 Swer Sy8tea tor tbe City of Schertz, ... unaDl...~ approYed. On .u0ll _de b7 Geo.P.Boltoll, seccmded b7 A.O.BaverlaJl, the CCNncU after da1.7 auditiac the. .t~SOO.OO ot Cit:,y ot Schert.. Warrante, Serie. A itf. D37 ot 1959 ordered s_ to be turned GMJ" to the SobeJ"ts VollUlt..r Fire Dept.Inc. )0' ill pa,.nt or the fttecataUaIl Mi',," ;'tP1te1:eilCiDe.~e and eucb other appurtenances and equtp_nt thereto. .a '.1) 3(. ,c;lr Ii l _ I On .ot1on _de b70.. P.Bolt_. ..comed. by I1c1D Beck, the ordinance to P" tJoanch1ae to Soathvestem Bell TelllpboDe Co. was UJl8.Id.IMN81T apprond /<1 V~: as to11aw8; ~7,~~~ Ordinance 10. 28 ~~9 AI ORDINANCE WHERIBY THE CITY Of ~HERTZ, TEXAS, AND THI SOUl'1IIIS1'BRJ1 fELL 'fILBP1I8 COMPANY lGREI THAT THE TBIBPHORE CCMPAIY SHALL COlft'INOE '0 !RECT AND 8ID.lD ITS POI&S, WIRES, dCII>RS, CABlES, HAIHOIBS. COIIDUITS. AIm MBER PUNT CO!fS'l'RtJrrIOI .ABD APPUR'!'llWfClS ALONG, ACROSS. (It, ORR, THROmB, ABOVE AMD UNDER ALL PUBLIC~'l'S, AVDUES. AUBYS. PtJlIaIC GROUIDS lID PUr.IS 11 SlID CITY. UlOZR RECJtJLlTIORS AIID RBSl'RICTIORS dD TBA' T. CITY SHALL RlCEIVE AI ADtJAL PAYMENT AND THE RIGRl' TO USE CERTAII FACILITIES OF TBB TlWJI)D C<l4PARY. AlL AS HEREIN PROVImD: WlBRBA.S, the l&uthwe.tern Bell Telephone C~. heret.tter referred to a. the .'elllphOlle COllP&I11", is now and has been engaged in the telephone buin..s in the state of 'e.s. and in tu.rtberance thereof, bas erected aDd _lnta1ned cert,a1l1 i te_ of i te plant construet1on 111 the Ci t;y of Sebert., Texu. hereinatter reterred to as the .C1 t1". tor any ,ears pureuant to such J"i&bte as haft been granted it by and WIder the laws of the State of Texu, and nbject to the exercue of nch reasonable rights ot regulation UDder the police p.er as bave been al80 lavful.J.;y grented b:,y and uDder said laws of aid Ci t,.: and .