04-16-1959 I: At a called -flt1lC ot tbe Cit7 Coanc1l held AprU 11,1959" was oalled to order by IaJor B.P. Tbal-7V aDd tile tollCIId.DI aldenea _re pre..tt , B1cin B.ck, (]eo. P.Bo1toD, V.I.Ibert, A....BanrlAt.. Walter A. Sebert_. lIa!'IIbal Ackeram as &1.. present. !lie ru1llt of the election held April ?, 1959 wa. cannaaed ~ the follGftftC .l1de1Wd were dec1aNd .1eeted tor the enn1Dg two years. main Beck W.I.Ebert Walter A.Seherta 161 V otea 135 V0te8 113 Votes. ni1n Beck, W.I.Sbert and Walter A.8cherts were tb..... in b7 JIaJor B.P. ftm1 JRI.,.r . There betre no1 fWr'tbeIr ....... a JlDtlon to adjOU1l carr1ed. I, I I , : ;tJ~ JlQ'or Attest I /?U'4~ Cit7 leoretal7. I' : I ( , 23 J1. t> J 1 Ie- (. J),,# :!4 ')t:! tj~O U \\) Lm&L lorICI (lOrD '0 BIIDRS. "eaW prepo-'. ecIdN..... to 8.P."-" (AI,.r, ~r, ot tbe C1V tJ6 &cherts. ,.... top the prW{doa ot 1 .; ~"J'ord tire eac1De. 1500 tNt ot ..... &Del -ob other ~t.. top the abpta-.at ot ftne as are Nqdred and the prwtatClll er an e~ !loue t. .....I'rinc tile --, wt.U be NOd." at the .rt1ce of the JIqor of tile Clt7 of ........ ta the eit)" Ball of the City of ..... ,.... -.u ,.OO ~ p.x. 1IIpOD tbe 22Dd cIa7 ot AprU. *,. aDd ptIb11cl7 opeI*I ... ,.... after wIdob tM bida w1l1 be 00D8tdeN4 hi' tile OIV et.acl1 ot the CU7 ot Scherb, aDd award of contact _de .. 800Ia tbeNatter a. practicable. eit)" Co_ct.1 et tJle Clt)" ot 8oberts. ,__. ree..... the rlaht to reject &D7 aDd all bld8 aDd wUft &IV' or all toNlllU_. BpectftoattOM and nqdre.at. of ..ell artiCles and 1 t..- heretoto~ 11ated a)' be obt..t., troll R.P.TJm1..,.... Xa10r ot the Clty of Scherb, ,.... ~ice 1a a1ao 11.- tbat it 1e the 1Dteat1oa of the Cit)" c....u ot tlae Clt7 of Barts. T.... to P&7 a part of the c-uaet price 18 iDtereat bearlnc u. walftllta. aDd it 18 the 1DteatteD of the Clt)" Co_ell ot tIIiI City ot 8eberta. "..., to pas. aD Older an tJle 4t1t dtq of .7, ~,. na.rt.s1Dc tile lanaoe or 1Dtere8t bMr1IIc tt. warruta --r'.-t the ,... of said ctt7 1D .. ~ _t to ~.... '-1... TIao.... Doll.N. bearlDI 1Ilt.ereat at, a rate DOt to ao_ ~ per -. alii -villi at ftcla U. a. ~ be tiDd bI t. ctt7 CaaacU of t.. C1V of 80M...." ".... -~ or otherw1... with a -".t- -tvlt7 BOt to aceed 12 ~ hoa tIIdP date. top till ,..,... ot ~ a part of the iDdebtedM.. to be ~,tor t. p~ of the at~ ite.a. JId.a DOUce 18 11" pvnaat to a IWOlftlcm at .. Clt)" COIIDcU or the Ct.Vof Sehert.. ,.... adapted an tbe 6th dq of AprU, 1959. ....ell and qPJ"'CW'ed tbl. 6th dq ot Apl"ll, 1959. Att..t, ....Ioch Clt)- s~. 8.P. !ha1..78r IIQv On -.t1OD of ..B.~. ..OODded b7. Walte.. A........ a -.u.. to adjoan oarrl", ~~~ C1 t7 SeoNtar.r. .~~ IIa7ar - '-.'~~l,l , ' ~ . , -,.k, '\ ] o , o