03-03-1959 22 Regular aeeting or the Ci t)" Councilor Scherb, Texas, held Jlarch ), 1959, vas called to ord.r b)" JIayor H.P.'l'bul...... and the following Aldernan .... present: Klgin Beck, Geo. P.Bolton, W.B.Ebert, A.8.8perhlr and Walter A.Scherta. tlJ Marsbal A.cke~ vu allp preeent. Minutes or last meeting read and apprcwed. ~~.olb On lIlOtion of Gee. P.RaMon, ..~ b)" B1g1nBeck, and ordinance adopt1Dl ltVt a Corporate Seal was unaniJlouel1' adopt,ed as follon; vr \(Q r BE IT ORDAIUNED BY TlB CI'l'Y COOKCn, rI '!'HE Cl'l'Y CP 8:BER'l'Z. TBIAS. That the Corponte Sea1 of the Cit)" ot Sebert., 'eas, .un be circular, with an appropriate design thereon, with such inscriptlOJl as ..,. be neceS8&1'7 to indicate that s.. 1s the corporate seal ot the City of Seherts, Texas. The Cit)" Secretary of the Clty of Scherb, Texas. shall be custodian of the Corperat. 8ea1. "ssed and apprcwed tb1e )rd de:- or March, 19.59. ~~.D\l, \1-\ A tte.t: II.C.locb, Ci t)" Secretar:r. The fea.ibilit)" and constrnctioD or a Sanit&17 Sewer SJrste. vas discussed and on aot.1on of W.B.Bbert, seconded. by Ilg1n Beck, lt vas agreed to 811plo7 Karl J ,Wentworth, ~. ir a satisractory contract could be _de with hia. H.P.Thu.e18r )fqor There beinl no turtber basiness OD !lOtion or V.E.Bbert. the .-.1DI adjourned. ' o ~~ City 8ecreta17 J't9~~~ Mayor 'l'be recular Meting of the C1ty Council beld AprU 6, 19.59. was called to order b)" 1faJOr R.P.Tlml.eM)" and the following Ald~ were present: Blcin Beck 0.0. P.BoltoD, W.B.Bbert, A.O.&.erlab and Walter A.Schertz. Warshal Hugo V.Ackeran was also present, Minutes or laat Meting read and apprond. On !lOtion of Geo. P.Bolton. seeonded. b7 Elgin Beck, tbe fol.lOlr1Dc blll8 vere ordered paid; South "'exas PubUshing Co" nection Ballot., Steck C01lp&n7, Bl.ction Sappl1es, 8.50 6.)7 011 -'loa of Oeo. '.Boltoa, aeccmded b7 W.J:.Ibert. ta. petitio. of Ala 0 ~~;D't Ida 8""'. lit 11, to p.-.tt petiti.... to neoN ceI"ta1D ..... 111 a DUJI)er \ 0\. ot loW loeatecl in AYlaU_ ......ta, ... ....td~-.l7 adapted. O~~ 011 .uoa of .l.O.IMerJ$. secoaded 10" ml1" Beck. aD 0I'd1Dan0e fttbor1s1Dc ~~'o~ pveIIue of .. n.r. 8tat1oD, !NOt &ad ~I LLJt owed by tM 80herta Yol....r \ ,"" ~t. IDe.... ..wd.._~ adepUlau tol18n; ~'" "U.' .....