cc 08-12-1971 16. MINUTES OF mE MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF SCHERTZ TEXAS, HELD ON AUGUST 11, 1971 A special session of the City Council was called to order at the direction of Mayor lloy W. Richard at 7: 40 PM in the Ci ty Hall. Aldermen in . t tend.nce were Mr. Jt.aie V. Dunh.., Mra. Bobbie L. Koch, Mr. Robert E. Schw.rtz and Mr. Leon ll. Chambleu. o Mr. Floyd Westermann, City Financi.l Advisor, discu..ed the forthcoming bond election for Park Development, Street Improv...nts .nd W.ter Revenue. The projected $550,000 tot.l is.ue would increa.e the tax rate $.60 per 100 ......ed evaluation les. .ny p.rticip.tioqin project., or rev.nue. .ccruing from park operations. 1/ Ordinance #238, .nnex.tion of 3 .cre. (P.ul D. Potter) w.. read .nd approved unantmou.ly IO~ following motion by Mr. Dunham,.econded by Mr.. Koch. Ordinance #238 follows: ANNBnNG mB HBIlEIMAFTER DUCnBE>> TERllITORY TO mB CITY OF SalaTZ, GUADALUPB COUNTY, TEXAS, AND UTIRDING THB BOUNDARY LIMITS OF SAID CITY SO AS TO INCLUDE SAID HEUlNAPTD D!SCllIBED PROPERTY WITHIN SAID CITY LIMITS, AND mE RIGHTS AND PR.IVILEGES OF OmEIt CITIZERS AND BIRDING SAID INHABITANTS BY ALL OF THE ACTS, ORDINANCES, RESOLUTIONS AND UGULATIONS OF SAID CIT!. Being three .cre. of l.nd situated in the T. Herr.r. .urvey in Guadalupe County, Tex.s, .nd being th.t cert.in 3 .cres th.t h.s been .urveyed by J. D. Jones, . ci~l en,ineer, and de.cribed by mete. .nd bound. .s follow.: BEGINNING .t an iron rod on the northwe.t ROW line of Live O.k Road, the .outh corner of A.i..l G. Suttles property .s recorded in the deed records of Guad.lupe County, Texas, in Vol. 385 on p.ge. 564-5; THENCE N. 300 00' W 722.25 feet to .n iron rod .t . fence the we.t corner of ..id Suttle. property; THERCE S. 590 38' W. 181.00 feet with the fence to an iron rod; THENCE S. 300 00' E. 721.55 feet to an iron rod in the northwest ROV line of Live Oak Ro.d; THENCE N. 590 51' E. 181.00 feet with said northwest ROW line to the BEGINNING, con- taining 3.00 acres. Thi. being the .ame property conveyed by deed d.ted December 30, 1970, of record in Volume 436, p.ge. 379-80, Deed Record., Guad.lupe County, Texa.. WHEIElS, Said territory is .djoining the City of Schertz, and WRERBlS, s.id petition, de.iring and requesting the .nn.xation of s.id territory of s.id City has been presented to the City Council and h.. attached to it the affidavit of two (2) applic.nts to the effect th.t ..id petition is silned by . majority of t&e qualified.voter. within such property: NOW THBREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CIT! COUNCIL OF THE CIT! OF SalBRTZ, TEXAS: That the following de.cribed property, to-wit: Being three acres of land situated in the T. Herrera survey in Guadalupe County, Texas, .nd being th.t cert.in 3 .cre. th.t h.. been surveyed by J. D. Jone., . civil engineer, .nd described by mete. and bound. as follows: BEGINlUNG at .n iron rod on the northwest ROW line of Live O.k Road, the .outh corner of Asida G. Suttle. property a. recorded in the deed records of Guad.lupe County, Tex.s, in Vol. 385 on p.!e 564~5; THERCE~iN. 30 00' W 722.25 feet to an iron rod .t fence the west corner of s.id Suttles property; THERC! S. 590 38' W. 181.00 feet with the fence to an iron rod; THENCE S. 300 00' E. 721.55 feet to an iron rod in the northwe.t ROW ltne of Live Oak Road; THENCE N. S9P 51' E. 181.00 feet with s.id northwe.t ROW line to the BEGINNING, cont.ining 3.00 .cre.. Thi. being the s..e property conveyed by deed d.ted December 30, 1970 of record in o 01 .. .~ 17 /,i Volume 436. pagu 379-80. Deed R.ecords. Guadalupe County. Tex.., be and the same is hereby annexed to the City of Schertz, Guadalupe County, Texas, and that the boundary limits of the City of Schertz be and the same are hereby extended co include the above described ~I territory within the city limits of the City of Schertz, and the same shall hereafter be . included within ~he territorial limit. of said city, and the inhabitant. thereof shall hereafter be entitled to all rights and privileges 'of other citizens of the City of Schertz and they .hall be.bound by the act., ordinance., resolutions and regulation. of said City. PASSED by an affirmative vote of all members of the City Council, this the 12th day of August, A.D. 1971. APP.ROVED: ~~h "H) ATTEST: t:~ City Se retary (City Seal) IO.E- '7/ Ordinance #239, annexation of 2.49 acres (R.obert C. Bueker) was read and approved unanimous- ly following motion by Mr. Schwartz and seconded by Mr. Chambless. Ordinance #239 follows: ~!XING THE H~U~NAFTER DESCR.IBED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF SalERTZ, GUADALUPE OOUNTY, TEXAS, AND EXtENDING THE BOUNDARY LIMITS or SAID CITY Sft AS TO INCLUDE SAID HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPER.TY WI'l'HIN SAID CITY LIMITS, AND THE R.IGHTS AND PRIVILEGES OF CJCI'BER CITIZENS AND BINDING SAID INHABITANTS BY ALL OF THE ACTS, ORDINANCES, RESOLUTIONS AND REGULATIONS OF SAID CITY. ~I r Being 2.249 acre. of land in the T. Herrera Survey, Abstract #153, being part of the 12.37 acre tract conveyed to.F. Gutierrez by Robert Seiler et ux by deed dated April 10, 1946, recorded in Deed Records Vol. 216, page 188, and being the .ame land conveyed to Asisla Suttles by Merc~dez Gutierrez, by Two deeds, the fir.t dated March 15, 1966, recorded in Vol. 385, pages 564-4, conveying 2 acres of land, the second dated May 16, 1967, recorded in Vol. 398, pages 72-3, Deed Records of Guadalupe County, Texas, conveying a strip of land 15 feet wide by 722.74 feet long and containing 0.249 acres; said 2.249 acres is de- scribed by metes and bounds a8 follows: BEGINNING at the most easterly corner of said 12.37 acre tract in the NW line of Live Oak Road, which point is also the most easterly corner of the hereinbefore mentioned 15 foot strip; THENCE with the NW line of the Live Oak Road S. 590 53' W at 15 feet pass an iron pin set for common coruer of 15 foot strip and 2 acre tract and continuing along said NW line of Live Oak R.oad, 120.64 feet more for a total distance of 135.64 feet to an ~ron pin set for corner; THENCE N 300 W with the SW line of the 2 acre tract, 722.25 feet to an iron pin set for corner; , THENCE H 590 18' E along a fence on part of NW lane of 12.37 acre tract at 120.64' feet to an iron pin set for common corner of 2 acre tract and 15 foot strip, and continuing 15 feet more for total distance of 135.64 feet to the north corner of the 12.37 acre tract and nort~corner of this tract; THENCE with the HE line of said 12.37 acre tract. S 300 00' E, 722;74 feet to the place of be.inning, containing 2.249 acres of land. WHER.ElS, Said territory is adjoining the City of Schertz, and WHEREAS, said petition, desiring and requesting the annexation of said territory of said city has been presented to the City Council and has attached to it the affidavit of two (~) applicants to the effect that said petition i. signed by a majority of the qualified voters within such property; lR NOW THEllEFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY mE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS: That the followina deacribed property, to-wit: Being 2.249 acre. of land in the T. Herrera Survey, Abatract 1153, beina part of of tae 12.37 acre tract conveyed to F. Gutierrez by Robert Seiler et UK by deed dated April 10, 1946, recorded in Deed Recorda Vol. 216, pale 183, and beina the .... land conveyed to Aatala Suttlea by Mercedez Gutierrez, by Two deeda, ;the firat dated March 15, 1966~ recorded in Vol. 3~, pagea 564-5, conveying 2 acrea of land, the second dated May 16, 1967, recorded in Vol. 398, pale. 72-3, Deed aecords of Guadalupe County, Tex.8, conveying a strip of land 15 feet wide by 722.74 feet long and containing 0.249 acres; said 2.249 acres f ia deacribed by metes aDd bounda aa fo11owa: o . .!.t\ BEGINNIBG at the moat eaaterly corner of aaid 12.37 acre tract in the HW line of Live Oak aoad, which piint is a1ao the mo.t easterly corner of the hereinb.fore .entioned 15 foot atrip; '!'HElICE with the NW line of the Live Oak Road S 590 53' W at lSfeet pa..- a. iron pin set for Com.Dn corner of 15 foot strip and 2 acre tract and continuing alons said MW line of Live Oak Road, 120.64 feet more for a total distance of 135.64 feet to an iron pia set for corner; 0 THENCE B 30 W with the SV line of the 2 acre tract, 722.25 feet to an iron pin set for conrer; '!'HENCE B 590 18' E along a fence on part of NW line of 12.37 acre tract at 120.64 feet to an iron pin set ~r common corner of 2 acre tract and 15 foot strip, and continuing 15 feet more for total distaace of 135.64 feet to the north corner of the 12.37 acre tract and aorth corner of this tract; o TRENCE with the BE line of .aid 12.37 acre tract, S 30 00' E, 722.74 feet to the place of beginning, containins 2.249 acres of land. be and the same is hereby annexed to the City of Schertz, Guadalupo County, Texas, and ::.0 that the boundary It.1ts of the City of Schertz be and the same are hereby extea~ed . to include the above described territory within the city 1iadts of the City of Schertz, and the same shall hereafterbo included within the territorial Itmits of said city, and the inhabitants thereof ahall hereafter be entitled to all rigkts a.d,~r~ileges of other citizena of the City of Schertz and they shan be bound by the acU, ,ordiDances, resolution. and reaulations of said City. PASSED by an affirmative vote of all meaebers of the City CoucH., this the l2ht day of August, A.D., 1971. APPBOVED: s/rl ~y w- I<-{~ Mayor ATTEST: S/-r/ j!,~~..,. c. ~~~ City Secretary (CITY SEAL) o 19 , /) '1-' 7/ . A letter and a uDeed of Gift" from the U.S. Air Force was read relating to the acceptance ! of an F-84 aircraft for the City Park. Motion was made by Mr, Schwartz. seconded by Mr, . Chamble.. and ,voted on unanimously to formally accept the aircraft upon conditions set forth. I ,--. Discullion wal held on location of st.ewalks in the Greenfield subdivision. Following dilcussion. it was motioned by Mr. Schwartz, seconded by Mrs. Koch and voted on unanimously 7} to amend the existing subdivilion ordinance to require 4 foot sidewalks on both sides of 105' all sibdivision streets. City Secretary was instructed to make a reque.t of Sunset Homes, Inc., developers of Greenfield subdivision to comply with the new amendment. A preliminary land-use plan, submitted by Planning Consultant Mr. Mok, was discussed. No action was taken. Resolution 1003, appointing Mr. Walter A. Schertz as city representative to the Randolph I AFB Subregion Thoroughfare Traffic Study Group was read and approved following a motionlo~7 by Mr. Chambless, seconded by Mr. Dunham and vote d on unanimously. Resolution 1003 reads a. fo1iowl: DECLAUNG PARTICIPATION BY THE CITY OF SCHERTZ IN THE llANDOLPH AD SUBR.EGION THOROUGHFARE STUDY GROUP AND APPOINTING A REPRESENTATIVE OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ TO THE GROUP. '--1 WHEREAS, the communities of Schertz, Universal City, Live Oak, Converse and Randolph Air Force Bale, Texas have experienced rapid growth and received a correspondingly heavy influx of traffic; and WHEREAS, future growth has been determined to continue at a rapid pace and the adequacy of the present road network system in these communities will become obsolete; and WHEREAS, the City of Schertz is desirous of providing for future planning to prevent such an occurrence; now, therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY OOUNCIL .,. THE CITY OF SCHERTZ.: That Mr. Walter A. Schertz 'is hereby appointed as reprelentative from the City of Schertz to the Randolph AFB Subregion Thoroughfare Study Group and that funds in an amount not to exceed $1,000.00 are committed to the landolph AFB Subregion Thoroughfare Study Group as the City of Schertz pro-rata share to finance luch studies al may be recommended by the Study Group. PASSED AND APPROVED this 12th day of August 1971. ~/f/ MY W' ;UU/;4/C-R Mayor ATTEST: 5 fr I J't111at.;f (I. ~ l.l-E' ~ City Secretary ,-- \ Lwtters from Urban Renewal and a letter from Mr. Ralph Ikels concerning the Parkland Village signboard located on Main St. were read. Mr. Ikels protested the oversize sign as being in violation of the intent of Urban Renewal and of existing city ordinances. Previous council action permitted a temporary variance of city ordinance for this sign. No further action was taken. Meeting was adjourned at 10:15 PM following motion by Mr. Dunham, seconded by Mr. enamb1ess and voted on unanimously. 20 APPBOVD: ~a~.~. Mayo o 2~ C ty Secretary MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CITY OOUNCIL, CITY OF SCHERTZ TEXAS, HEID ON AUGUST 26, 1971 The meeting was called to order by Mayor ProTem Raymond G. 'Koym. Aldermen ,in attendance were Jimmie V. Dunham, Robert E. Schwartz, Leon R. Chambless and Bobbie L. 'Koch. Mr. Nick Brewer, insurance agent for the City, outlined insurance policies for the coming year, new insurance legislatiq aftecting property damage insurance cover~ge by munici- palities, and cost differentials in existing policies. Mr. Brewer was asked to look into a, h~alth insurance program for next year. ....._.....1 Mayor Richard appeared at 8:00 p.m. and assumed leadership of the Council meeting. &\ {Motion was made by Mr. Schwartz, seconded by Mr. Chambless and voted on ~n1mously \0 to upgrade Ordinance I 53 relating to electrical wiring. A letter from Texas Municipal League answering the common questions concerning the wage-price freeze ediot as it pertains to municipalities was read and dis'cussed. ~~PPlication for electrical licensing of the Montalvo Electric Co. was read and i~ approved by unanimous vote folloWing motion by Mr. Chambless, and seconded by Mr. Koym. A letter from the Citizens Advisory Committee dated August 14, 1971 was read and dis- cussed. No action was taken. o The August 25, 1971 minutes of the Zoning and Planning Commission were read and dis- oussed. Zoning and Planning recommendation for ap8roval of the Parkland Village #2 plat was tabled pending City Engineer approva,. ~Mr. Sohwartz, Parks Commissioner, requested $100.00 be transferred to the Reereation ~ account to defray costs incurred during the summer season. Motion was made by Mr. ~ Dunham, seconded by Mr. Koym and voted on unanimously to transter the requested amount. Mayor Richard stated the Sohertz Chamber of Commerce desired support for the printing of a new brochure. City Secretary was requested to arrange representation .by the Col. C at a counoil meeting for general discussion. City Engineer, Charles (1. Cross. presented a proposal for a city park desi~ which was discussed. Following recommended changes, City Secretary was instructed to ha~e five color copies drawn and ready by Sept. 9. APPROVED, e:rv-~ 01 I Following motion by Mr. Koym, seconded by Mr. meeting adjourned at 10:45 p.m. ATTEST: a ~~.LA'..-../ ~cretary Chambless and voted on UJ'!inimousl,.,the .' ~.:,.