cc-08-26-1971 20 APPBOVD: ~a~.~. Mayo o 2~ C ty Secretary MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CITY OOUNCIL, CITY OF SCHERTZ TEXAS, HEID ON AUGUST 26, 1971 The meeting was called to order by Mayor ProTem Raymond G. 'Koym. Aldermen ,in attendance were Jimmie V. Dunham, Robert E. Schwartz, Leon R. Chambless and Bobbie L. 'Koch. Mr. Nick Brewer, insurance agent for the City, outlined insurance policies for the coming year, new insurance legislatiq aftecting property damage insurance cover~ge by munici- palities, and cost differentials in existing policies. Mr. Brewer was asked to look into a, h~alth insurance program for next year. ....._.....1 Mayor Richard appeared at 8:00 p.m. and assumed leadership of the Council meeting. &\ {Motion was made by Mr. Schwartz, seconded by Mr. Chambless and voted on ~n1mously \0 to upgrade Ordinance I 53 relating to electrical wiring. A letter from Texas Municipal League answering the common questions concerning the wage-price freeze ediot as it pertains to municipalities was read and dis'cussed. ~~PPlication for electrical licensing of the Montalvo Electric Co. was read and i~ approved by unanimous vote folloWing motion by Mr. Chambless, and seconded by Mr. Koym. A letter from the Citizens Advisory Committee dated August 14, 1971 was read and dis- cussed. No action was taken. o The August 25, 1971 minutes of the Zoning and Planning Commission were read and dis- oussed. Zoning and Planning recommendation for ap8roval of the Parkland Village #2 plat was tabled pending City Engineer approva,. ~Mr. Sohwartz, Parks Commissioner, requested $100.00 be transferred to the Reereation ~ account to defray costs incurred during the summer season. Motion was made by Mr. ~ Dunham, seconded by Mr. Koym and voted on unanimously to transter the requested amount. Mayor Richard stated the Sohertz Chamber of Commerce desired support for the printing of a new brochure. City Secretary was requested to arrange representation .by the Col. C at a counoil meeting for general discussion. City Engineer, Charles (1. Cross. presented a proposal for a city park desi~ which was discussed. Following recommended changes, City Secretary was instructed to ha~e five color copies drawn and ready by Sept. 9. APPROVED, e:rv-~ 01 I Following motion by Mr. Koym, seconded by Mr. meeting adjourned at 10:45 p.m. ATTEST: a ~~.LA'..-../ ~cretary Chambless and voted on UJ'!inimousl,.,the .' ~.:,.