1995F4- AMENDING CODE OF ORDINANCES CH. 7 1/2 SEC. 46; 47; 63 AND AMENDING TITLE OF ARTICLE V f s:-;:' - Lj ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CITY OF SCHERTZ, CHAPTER 7 1/2, SECTION 46, SECTION 47, SECTION 63, AND AMENDING THE TITLE OF ARTICLE V, AND PRESCRIBING PENALTIES. City MSW; WHEREAS, of Schertz and, a clarification is needed to define the nature of curb-side recycling program and the ownership of WHEREAS, for pilfering THEREFORE there is an apparent need to outline the penalties or scavenging of recyclable materials; NOW BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS: THAT Article V of Chapter 7 1/2 of the Code of Ordinances is retitled "Garbage Collection and Curbside Recycling"; THAT the first sentence of Chapter 7 1/2, Section 46 be amended to read as follows: "This Article is to provide guidance relating to (i) the award of a franchise for the collection and disposal of municipal solid waste, and (ii) related matters." THAT Chapter 7 1/2, Section 47 be amended to add paragraphs (e) and (f) as follows; "(e) Curb-side Recycling. Curb-side recycling is defined as the source separation of recyclable materials (as defined in the city's recycling franchise agreement), and placement of those materials in a bin provided by the designated Franchisee, and setting out of that bin at the residential curb-side for collection by an authorized agent of the City of Schertz." "(f) Pilfering/Scavenging. Pilfering or scavenging is defined as the unauthorized tampering with or removal of recyclable material or the provided bin placed at a residential curb-side intended for collection by an authorized agent of the City of Schertz. That Chapter 7 1/2, Section 63 be amended to add paragraph (c) as follows; "(c) Any person, association, organization, company or corporation, excepting the homeowner, resident, their authorized agent, or authorized agent of the city of Schertz, who pilfers, scavenges, or otherwise tampers with any recyclable material in bins, bags, or cans or the provided bins set at curb-side for the purpose of collection is subject to prosecution under the laws of the State of Texas, and upon conviction, a fine by the City of Schertz in an amount not to exceed $200 per occurrence. PAS~D, APPROVED AND !ff:;A,t,u~Iu.Y ,1995 (/ /i) / the ~ of ~il-UL{[/, 1995. ADOPTED this the r2! d day of Approved on first reading ATTEST: / ~. \....:'.. r ~cU-/c4A,l c--,' :-) '" .,' / .4:- -;;;k ' Mlayor, City of SCh~rtz, Texa teo IE.m , Y:;H~ tlL'::iA'-H-L.<J-e ./ City Secretary, City of Schertz (SEAL OF CITY) SENT BY:FULBRIGHT&JAWORSKI 2- 3-95 9: 35 FULBRIGHT&JAWORSKI~ 659 3204:# 1 , FUI.BRIGHT & JAWORSKI L.L.P. ... RIGIST!flII!D L.IMlTED l'....ILI'... P...~NEIII.HI~ HCUSToN 300 CONVENT ST~EET. SUITE 2200 WASIoIIWOTON. C,CO AU.TIN SAN ANTONIO. Te:XA$ '7li1iiCS SAN A....TONIO o..U....S 'TII.EP ONI: l!IOIe<<.S~mi NEW YOlllk ,....C..l 11.1:: J:IO/i!M..~;)e LOS "'NaIL!. I.ON CON WIltITI:,III'. OIfll:tCT QIAL HUM SEA: ZUfIlilCH 0/870-71.. HOhlG tcONG To: NAlIII: FAll8IlOLIl PHallIC No. PHon No. iii' ~ 01' 'l'IWllIIP88IoK DDTlC1l1Il'l' (1) terry Sweatt 659-3204 668-7477 (2) (8) (4) (5) (8) ........ \ii.baol L, S1>&ln ...lIL TaooIK...otP__ .....:L I!loL (lzadudbojr eo.... BhMt) k .hettzlRe<:vcllnl! _Ko-: 815094 -..,K.... 0782 -. e 3, 1995 RETUE N TRANSMrrrED FAX'lU: MRlr.iR Wilson 1I1f.V.l.1fIfII ,t,,"""'^ If..ou e:al.rimc. em.. D>'Oblemo with thU tr<mBmi..io,. or MU' "".. au..tio,.., Dlea6. caU (210)270-11846. CO.l'lJ!, JJENTIAIJTY NOTICE: UnI... otherwi.oe indicated or obYloua !rom the nature or the transmittal, the inro mation oontlli.ned in this r.....;~n. meaage la attorney privileged and confidential information intendecl Car the 118 or the individual or entity named above, If the reader or thie m~ ia not the intended recipient, or the '"' oployee or agent responaibls to deliver it to the intended recipient, you are h.....by notlflsd that any tion, cI1atrlbution or oopyinr or thie communication ia otricily prohibited. If you have xeolived thie commu~ IcationlJ1 enor, please immediately notify tha ..ndor by telephone and return the original m_ to :rulbrl.,d, .. Jawomki at the above ac!drIl8s via the U.S, Postal Setvkle at our ""penae. Tbauk you. FOR RECEPTIONISTS ONLY DClEP'1'IC ~ DOORD: DA.M. IlII ,~ a.DC: I I ---'-- OPoM, IlZCEIVED BY: FOR PRINT COMMUNICATIONS ONLY TION TIllE; o All. OPERATOR: : o P.M. ------- -- _________m_____________ SENT BY:FULBRIGHT&JAWORSKI ; 2- 3-95 9: 35 ; FULBRIGHT&JAWORSKI ~ 659 3204:# 2 O~/02 88 Oa:88 !tSS8 3204 CITY OF SCIlER.TZ H~ FIl1JRI "JAW01Sl: 1iI0W003 OIU)IIQJICE 110. AIr OIU)IHArCI AX ORDIIWICE >>a:!IIlIIIO 'l'HE CODl!: or ORJ)IJOoSCES, CI'rT or SCBIRTZ, CWU'TlR 7 1/2, BECTIO. 45, BICTtOX 47, SECTtCl '3, AX!) 1lJII!:lmIHG TIll: TI'1'I.o1 OF ARTICLE V, A!Il) PRlScaIBIIIG PEIIALTItS. , WHlRCA', a ol~iflcation ia D88ded to define the nature of City of Iche~t. curb-.i~e ~ecyc11ng program and the ownezwhlp of X8WJ aneS, WHilllAliI, there 18 an appa:wnt new to eyeline the p....l ti.. fOr pilfering o~ scavenging of recyclable material a , BOW 'l'KI FORI: Article V of Chapter 7 1/2 of the Code of ordlnances ls led "Gar~age Collect10n and C\lrll.1~e Recycling"; the first sentence of Ch&pte~ 7 1/2, section 41 >>8 _ndIlel. to eael as follows I "TnU Article 11 to provide pi~anCle _1 Ung to (i) tlle awarel. of a franc:lhi.e fo~ the collacticm &ftd dls osal of IIllIniCipal so11lS "an., and. (H) related _tun," THP4 Ch.pte~ 7 1/2, section 47 be &lll8nc1ecl to add. paragraph. Ie) and. (f) a. l:Slowa J "If( cur~-dd.e RecyCling. C=~-lS1de cec:ycl1ng is clIIfinecl. - a. the source separation of recyclable material. (as ~efined in tho Clity'. r8cyclin'l franchi.e aqreement), and. place.ent. of thoe. ue la1. in a bin provided. by the cleliqnaUd Franchilee, aJll1 .et ing out of that I:lJ.n at tll.e l'el1denUal ourb-dde fClZ' 001 ection(~ an authorisad agent of the City of Schert.." ..r-:' P1Uering/SClavengin!J.. .11fering or Icav9DgllLg' 18 - def..ed as the Wlauthor1aed tupering wi tll. or r_yal of re la~l. material plaead at a r..idential curb-aide 1ftt.n~~ -' .. fOk' coU...-ton l5Y n ut.horialllt agent of t.he City Of soll.ert.. ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUHCIL or TIll <;In or Scm:"TI, '1'UA1!I1 (' Tha CMpt,8Z' 7 fel owe, 1/2, t101\ 53 be _ended to a.dd parawraph (e) U f"''''' +~&. A I.... SENT BY:FULBRIGHT&JAWORSKI : 2- 3-95 I 02/02t9S 09:58 tt859 ~20' 9: 36. : .FULBRIGHT&JAWORSKI~ 659 3204;# 3 CITY OF SCHERTZ "... FIlWI l JAWOR!! 1iI00~/003 (c.) "/ Any person, ....ooLatlon, organl..~Lcm, calpllDY or c rporatioa, excepting the hom.owner, resident, their authoriaed .. eat, or lIutho:l:laed. agent. of tha Cl~y of Iohart., who pilf.rl, I avenge., or otherwis tuperll wlth any :r:ecycl&ble IUt.e:l:i.1 ill ~ n., ~.. or oan et.~ our~-sld. for the purpose of ec on . su lIC pros~tlon under the 1.w. oC the S1:at. TaxlI, IJ1l1 upon conviction, II Un. by the City of Sebena in emQunt not to exc.ed $200 per occurrence. - ..- rovld on f1rlt t'I~1ni the Q' APPROVED AID ADOPTED th1l the ,1994 , lufr l1Ily of Kayor, CLty of Sob.~., Tex.. TI itr SecrCIt:.a~, (lEAL 01 eZ'l'Y) I, SENT BY:FULBRIGHT&JAWORSKI ; 2- 3-95; 9:36 ; FULBRIGHT&JAWORSKI~ 6.59 3204;# 4 OZ/OZ S$ 0&:$2 1t85& 3204 CITY OF SCIIElTZ +1+ FIlLBRI . mORS! Iii OOZ/OO$ ORDlNAlfCB NO. lUIf OJU)IDJIl2 IY THJ: CIon CClURCII. OJ' 'rHIi CITY or Scm:RTI, TDAS, AVTROl.tl1RG clIlllJlAtX eI'1'Y or BCHERTZ lIXPLonBS, ALOJIG "19 eJ:RTAtB Of '1'KIIIl DlU'E1mD'l'S, WHO ILECT 'rO Rl'l!IRI '1'0 1'tJIlC:BASB COH'rIJlUBD IIEWoTH COVSRME AT UTIUMEIIT AIID 'ROVIDING AX EffECTIVE DATE WBBRIAI, t.he CUy of Sche:~1I curr.ntly clOIl not. hav. a l1cy ccme.rnin; the avai1a1:l11Ity of h.alth Ift8uz:ance rage for retir... and Cholr d.~nd.nt.IS' BOW THEREFORE 1'1' OIlElAIlfED BY THE CI'l'Y COUlICIL or THI CI'rY or SCDR'l'Z, SEC'1'I01f I T eIIIIll0Y8a. of the City ot! .chert. who shall retire aft.lI:' . .fhctlve d.te of thll o~.t.nanc. ahall b. allowed t.o ontlnue t.o be a ~r of ~. Cit.y'a Qroup H.alt.h In.~anae l&n under t.h. following condltloall A. SUch incUvIciual Slst be ,U.qlbll for ret1::emon~ ImCIt: the 'feu, lIIunic:Ipal .eUZ:llIIIIInt SYltell. ~ . B. 81&ch lnc11vJ.dual lhall, 1mIIIecUat.ly prior 1:0 ratlz:8III811 .- be partlclpat.lnq in the Ci~y'. ~h.n eKIatlng heelt lnaurance ben.fitl plan. C. such 1Dcllvldual .hall no1: ba eli;ibl. for h.alth ll11uranc. through any aull.equent omploya8nt or .ctually 1 insured WIder any other health insurance pllUJ oz: polley, I eKceJ:lt MtcllcU. U Bet torth llelow g~ r.t1recl. 1Il111ta:z:y l beMlfltl. ' n. Such 1ndivldua1 1lU8t. pay' all of the p:IIIl1U1118, plUS t.wo pe_ant. (U) of prllll1ua lllount. adlillni.t~&t.lve f..; or oth.r COlt. requir.d by tha C1ty of Schert8, '1'..... whotever the &llDUIlt. Of .uch III&Y be current.ly o:t 1n t.bI future, to conUJlllI .1 . 1181l11:le:t of the Clt.Y'a Qroup lIIIalU IZllurance Plan, wIthout. a11ow1ng the payment. of 11lCIh pz:em11111111 or coer.. U4 admln1.t.J:at.lve fe.. t.o beC_ delinquent. The fa1l~. t.o IlI&lW 'lIch paymant.. on e t.1aIly bUls ahall bit d...... to be te:m.t.nat.S.oZl of luab lndivldual'a part1clpatlon In the City'l Group Health IJl8uruc. plan. SENT BY:FULBRIGHT&JAWORSKI 02/02 sa . 1" .ql l;.-d g ~ ~f ~1 i ~1 -4- .~ l .. ~ .... S; ~ j ..t qJ i ~l ,g..a ~ d jj " i ~ ~ " ) ! ; 2- 3-95 9:37 ; FULBRIGHT&JAWORSKI~ 659 3204;# 5 09:52 em ~204 CITY OF SCBEIITZ ..... FllLBRI . JAWORSI liIowooa R. The continUAnce of all indivi4u.a1 a _lIlber of tJw OI:OUP Hlalth InlJ1U'anCI Plan 11 lubj ~ ~o any prOViBiol!. whioh ~erm1Datal ~ mod11!11' a perso Goverav, under ,uch progr&lll whe he 18 ~ could ba covered by KediCUI. 1'. '1'0 "eeive COl\tUI1ec1 coverage, the employee II\IlIt .l.nl!oz:m ~h. Cit.y, ilr ftOtUy.1nll the C.l.~1' __liar all:' da.i;na~ld lC'eplC'IB.nt..~ive, not. latlr t~1l the day on which the ~~'OD rlt1ree Crom the City tba~ thl person elect.. t.o continue covarsgl. G. It a perlloft eleQU to continua covenVI and. on lUlY lubeequent dat.I elect.. t.o dilcontinnl .uoh covlrave (o~ i, d.lemed to d.iloontUl.ue such coyeragl purlulni: to pQ:avraph D abo"I), thl per.oa .1.8 no long.r .1igibl. to rlletablilh neh ~Qftrl _ \t>.l !;, W. 1\''T t,"ti\\~\ H. 'rbs .1.1,.. f 00 ~ag'. eftlreel by tl111 0:d1D&nClI IN 1:be .... __ of coverave prClvidu tel CIU'ftJlt 1IIIP10Y.I. of ~ City frOll t1Jlle to tJJ1II. I . lothing in thll arl11nlnC8 .hall a ;oNltnecl to p~hibit tJll CUr from chang1nV vroup health lftll~anC!. plane or cOYlrage or d1lconUnuing luoh covlrava in t.he hture. J. In thl I"ent the city elllotl an 1nlur&1\C1 pro"idlZ', pool COVU.VI at' other fOnl oC gzoup he.1th insurance plan in the future that 1. not vl1l1nqlLbI. ~g provi41 ~l. coveraf. for ratire.., thi. covl~.9. will be d1.contiDaed. K. Th.l.. o~dlnanal dOl. not afflCt thl right of the City to offer thl coveraql at. an actual ratl, pia. administratlvl fie, I.tabli.hed fer retitel. that aay ~ gteatlt thin ~a rata offlred t.o activI .mploy.... 1.. A plre.., to Wll.ca d1b olC'll ce appJ.he 11I&1' peat. to continue ~Irage at a red ad 1lvel, if ofl!e~ ~ the City. rJ.'''' 'l'KlT cilpend.lnta of aployee. of the City of .chlrta ~ ahall ..._t.J.-'lJL aft.. '11.9 -f"ii.'-. ".b_ ~f td.J._ ....t..rTY ..., .11&11 be allowed to continue to bl . I118I11!)er of thl C1.tY'1 Group .1.1th Insuranae Plan under the fo1low1nV conditionl' A. auoh depend.ent ebaU haVI lNen a NllIbez: of the C1t.y'l Group Health In.urenol plan far . period of at 1.a.t twllve (12) ~nths prior to the employee'. rltirement. :S. 'uch 1ndi"i4ual .baU DOt be eU9ibl. for health 11!..uranc:. through lUl1' IUIl.lqulnt aploymant or actUally insurld under any other hl.lth insurance, eKelpt .edieare .s eet forth below or rltired military banefit.. "" .... - ...... ~ -- - SENT BY:FULBRIGHT&JAWORSKI ; 2- 3-95 9:37 : FULBRIGHT&JAWORSKI~ 659 3204:# 6 '''''.'''"'1'' 02/02 sa 08; 53 1tm 3Z04 CITY OF SCIlIlRTZ ...... F11LBRl . mORSI: ~oO&/ooe c. Such individual ~a~ pay all Qr ~ p~..tumB, pllla two po~c:ent (2') acbliniltrattvl fll, or othu COlt. ~'qu1ncs by the C;l.ty of schertz, whatever thl AIIQW1t of auch may H c:urrUltly or in the fllture, to c:onUnue .. a aembu of t:h8 city's Group 'Healt.h In.UZ'ance Plan, ,,It.t\.OQ~ allowing the payment. of IIIQh prem1UmI or COltl to ~.com. ~eli~nt.. The failure t.o make .uch pOym8nt. on .. 1:i..ly ~.sis shall 1>8 eSe_ad to ~e tendnation Qf lIuc:h 1ncl1vlc!ual's :~rt.l:::at:::~::~::eC::Y~: :::::l::.~:th I~~:: ::an~ Group Health ItllllI:taBCI PIe 11 lubj t to any prGYUiQll., vbic:h terminate. or .odifie. a per.o c:overaqe under BUch p~09ralll when ba i8 or cl)Ulcl. Jle eovu8d by Xaeiic:ar.. I. I'll receive c:onuni&ecl. covera;e, the 8IlPloyee limit 1nfol'lll tha city, by notifying the C1ty Mlnlglr 0:: eielignated ~epre.ant.ativI, nQt later than the day on which tha perlQn retirel fro~ the city that the employee'l eSe~ndent ellct. to continul cQvera;e. F. If an employee'l dllpend.ent Ilecta tQ cQntinu. cOVerolJ'l anei on any lub.equent date electl to d1.continUA .uch Qoverage (Qr il d....c1. to discontinue such covarage pureu&nt. to puavraph C a~ovel, tha perlon is no 101lger el1vible to :te-..tlbl1 lIuch coveralJ'l. I '/\ok "' \ .r >I ~ ' ......... ~.f~ V - G. The level of c ...ng. offer"" by t.h1l oretin.ncl w&:1 ' be the lUIe :LIve f covenge ."ai1u18 to 8lIIPloy... Of - the Clty from tilllll 0 tu.. ..., . H. Nothln; in th11 ordinanca .hall be construed to prohibit the Cit.y from chang1n; g%QUP h.u!:rh lJl1urllLC. plan. Qr coverage n the future, or ~1.con~lnuin9 any luch cov.rag.. t. In ~he 8vant tha City .elect. an inlurano. provider, pool cove raga Qr Qtbe~ form of group h..lth in.urenae pleD in the tut.ure that is not willing/Able to prQvid8 ~1. coveragl fo: dependant. of retir..., th11 coveraga will be ell.contin.ued.. J. 'l'hie ordinance doe. not eUeat. tobe right of the C1ty to oUer the coverage at u actual rata, pJ.u.. adminilltrative f.., e.tabliehecS for c!.pende~ts of ~el that may bl great.r than the rate ot~.recl. to aati.. 8lIIPloy.... n to whom this inanee appli.. covarage at a eSuced level, it 0 SENT BY:FULBRloHT&JAWORSKI ; 2- 3-95 : I .. 02/02 95 09:S3 1tes. 3Z04 9:36 ; FULBRloHT&JAWORSKI~ 659 3204:# 7 CITY OF SCIlERTZ ~~'t FOWl . JAWORSI lilIoOS/OOI L. Thie ordinance .hell. not tie delllUld CO eUIICt tJl.II definition of clepllndent oz eligibility l'equirlllUnu fOZ'_. cl.lpenc1lnt unl1lt I 'itoUp hoaltb iU1U:anC8 pI.., exelept 1UI .pecifically provided herein. BBC'l!I01f IU ~. ordinance .hall bo 1n f~rcs and efrlct frca And If tar 'the date of ita a40p'ti '" lopprOVM _ fiZ'. t. Z'W dlft1 t:he , 1815. cl.ay Of fASSED, Al'PROVG AIm ADOMID the , U!I!l. day of ; Kayal', C:i ty of Sohart., Texall ATTEST I City se<:ratuy, C ty of Be x-tll (SIAL 01 CITI) o.MA. e.'u\\ ~~y ~\~ -\" ~~ ll.)\I.,b ri1\C1! ~~ ~ ~>t\\)o/l ~ ~ ~:. "'~. :'-CW.~ o..J... o.\o\..a. ~~.~<t$. o~ -.,\,)c.\.I.. ~\Oj-oA1a THE STATE OF TEXAS, PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT "JLbp1 J!}/~l T~ i (15' ~1 0 ~ ' , *t I ~ ,A/ , ".' . - . t jt~"~;rJi Jfi~ ~!t;flJ ~~ '~~vf;J, Before me, the undersigned authority, on this date personally appeared RON FUKINS known ... I County of Guadalupe to me, who, being by me duly swam, on his oath deposes and says that he is the Advertising Director of The Seguin Gazette-Enterprise, a newspaper published in said county; that a copy of the within and fore- going NOTICE was published in said newspaper 2 times before the retum day named therein, such publications being on the following dates: 11 0 H d, ' < . 110 .' " \ " , . II I ORlllNANCE _... ORDlNANCE_... AMENDlN~ THE CODE AMENDING THE CODE February 26 and March 2, 1995 OF ORDINANCES, CITY OF ORDI",,,NCES, CITY OF SCHERTZ, CHAPTER OF SCHERTZ, CHAPTER 7112. SiCTlON 46. SEC-7 112, SECTION 46, SEC. TION 47, SECTION 63,ITION 4Z. SECTION 63. AND AMENDING THE TI. AND AMENDING THE TI. TlE OF ARTICLE v, AND TLE OF ARTICLE v, AND PRESCRIBING PENAL. PRESCRIBING PENAL. TIES. TIES. PASSED, APPROVED PASSED. APPROVED' AND ADOPTED the 2151 AND ADOPTED the 2151 day of FebNary, 1995. day 01 February. 1995. Norma Althouse, Norma Althouse. -Q. ~-. ~- and a newspaper copy of which is hereto attached. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 3 day of March A.D., 19 95 /[~0 f~..!./ .'- .'--!;~.. MARGARET L, CLAAKSON ,. ,-' _-.SUllo_ \*\ I:~ j* _ConI'JlIIIlIllI~JIn,I.,t. \" . I. ",;,",,::."~ "'\~ 7Yl~~~ Notary Public, Guadalupe County, Texas ! PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT ^/~(+ II? /~Vll . A J I ; . ',lL.1I \ vi ~ 0-" (l i ;,jiY 1.!fJ,vj.~ .'. ~I}.\-Uf~.' '1~lf vV /1 F ,~~ ! ,~; f /p:/' lit"" . y; I THE STATE OF TEXAS, County of Guadalupe Before me, the undersigned authority, on this date personally appeared 1: o"v r, 'J k' /"vs known to me, who, being by me duly sworn, on his oath deposes and says that he is the Advertising Director of The Seguin Gazette-Enterprise, a newspaper published in said county; that a copy of the within and fore- going AJo IIC t: was published in said newspaper ~ times before the return day named therein, such publications being on the following dates: -:t~~ I 0 ~ ,(., ,I 'I '1 5' AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE By the City CouncIl of thel Br the City CouncH of the City of S~J~Texas.i City o.f:SC~,~~ Texas, amending me COde Of ordi.; amenchng the code of ordi- nances, City of Schertz, nsneas, City of 'Schertz, Chapter 7 1/2, Section 46. Chapter 7 1/2, Saction 46, Saction 47, Section 63, andl Section 47, Section 63. and amending the title of ~rticlel amending the title of article V. and prescribing penalties. V, and prescribing penalties. ~ on first reading the Approved on first reading the 7th day of FebnJary, 1995. 17th day of February. 1995. r\J Norma Ahhouse Norma Ahhouse, ~U-~". ~""- and a newspaper copy of which is hereto attached. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this d. 0 day of -::t~ 0 A.D., 19 '7 S . -,",~~;;7'~~;\\11 ~.~' .", ",.<-c~I'1 r ,.A~ . \MARGARETLClAAKSON ~. '" ') ,I ( .'. ~ NolaryPuhlk:.Stlt~dTcns \ '. 1/"1 . 1 MyCumn~~sionEJl't!;resJ~r.14i998 \,0;.". ,,_'~'<-,r , 1\\,tfcfJF1C':.':''==- '\_""",~~ 7-no~ ;/ ~~ Notary Public, Guadalupe County, Texas