1996S36-REZONING APPROX. 370' OF LAND ORDINARCE NO. 9t,-.5-3t. AN ORDINANCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS, AMENDING THE UDC ORDINARCE NO. 96-S-28 BY REZONING APPROXIMATELY 370' OF LAND OUT OF GUADALUPE COUNTY AND REFLECTING SUCH CHANGES ON CERTAIN ZONING MAPS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SCHERTZ UDC ORDINANCE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS: SECTION I THAT, the UDC Ordinance No. 96-S-28 of the City of Schertz, Texas, is hereby amended in the following manner: "Rezone approximately 370' of land out of Guadalupe County, Texas, being more particularly described on the Field Notes attached, and made a part hereof, from General Business (GB), to Manufacturing District - Light (M-1)." SECTION II THAT the Zoning District Maps described and referred to in Article III, Sections 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3 of the City of Schertz UDC Ordinance No. 96-S-28 shall be changed to reflect the above amendments. Approved on first reading the /1f:i day of ~, 1996. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this the~ day of ~, 1996. Mayor, C ty of Schertz, Texas ATTEST: ~~ City Secretary, City of Schertz (SEAL OF CITY) . '---'~.--~------------'---"'----- -- >::EW mcc'w a:(.).~ W CI)': CJ >wz OCt w ML. res ANf} BOUND:, r'I:SCRlP TlOIJ F()H ti 05() AChtf~ .. (1)" ~ .~ , ~."f!) Q?~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "(1)"'-' V')h..;j' t. . I::: Q3::3 .~8 ~ q Q.) 0 t::! ',..,. ~:~ ~ ~ o.~o ~".1:""'1 ~(1) ~:S 'b '''~ f(tfflb,o l/~rr.1t() Leo'jIJ(.:. SlIn'(!I' No. 68. GfJoda:upe County. Itf'<us and ~ot cerloin J.04:> acre tracl recorded in Volume 660, Page 6JJ, 01/ of that acre Iroct recorded in Volume oJ2, Poqe 1.98. and the rnmoinilJt} portion ('If 5.000 ocre troct recorded in Vt;lIIJf"e 585, P09~ 528 all of the Deed R"cords of unly. Te"'<Js. Said 8.050 acres 0/:.:;0 being a porI/on of Beacon Circle [nst 'it-I (}s recorded in Volume 4. Pag,.] 123 of the Plot Records of Guadalupe Said 8.050 oc",s being more particularly descrihed os folio..s: o set 1/2" iron pin with a red cap stamped Overby Descomps on Ihe 1/-ol-INay line of Inlerstot,.! Nif}hwvy 35 ond the Soulhem mosl corner of said ael. soid iron pin being oppr(J~imatfJly 1296.6 feet in a Northeasterly direction .thwest righl-of-way line of 'nt~rsl"te Highway ..15 from the fostern end of a to Lookout Rood; liny said right-of-way line afld ufow; the Southwest line of said 3.049 acre J4' J.,J" ~ a distance of 299.92 fet:t to a found 1/2" iron pin ot the Western )f soM 3.049 ocre tract .and '''e SOfltlwast line of said 0.223 acre tract; said Soulheost IIi,., S 62' Ill' 09" IV. " dislonce of 2,00 feel 10 a set 1/2" o rcd cop stomped Overby Dl'scamps 01 Ihe Soulhern mas I cornt'r of said ,ct and the p(l;nl of curvalure of a non-tangent curve, concave to the Eosl, IS of 172.J9 feel, 0 cenlral onqle of J3' 01' 18~ and 0 cloonJ of 97.fl9 feet 16' 56" w.. t110ng said curve and the Southwest line of said 0.22J acre troel, a distance 10 0 set 1/2" iron pin with '1 rcd C<1p slomped O~by Ocscomps: luing oIong said Soulh..cst line, N 02' IJ' 4J" E, 0 distance of JO.26 feel , iron pin wilh a red enp slomped Overh y Oescomps at the point of curvature of ve, concave to the West, having a radius of 2,..12.J9 (eel and r:I centraf ongle of along said Cll"'" and said Salllh..esl linc, 0 dislance of IJJ.95 feet to 0 sel witll a red cop stomped Overby LJfJscomps at lite Western most corner of sdid 'cre troct tJnd being on the Southwest line of said 5.000 acre trael and also Northwest line of Beacon Circle Eo...' Subdivision Unit-I; the southwest line of said 5.000 acre tract, N 30. 47' 48" ~ a distance of ) " found 1/2" iron pin at the Western most corner of said rt!nl'1ining portion re tract; the NorlhM'e!it line of sa;<I remoining portion of a 5.000 acre tract, N 62' II' 51" E, J86.IZ (eel It' a found 1/2" iron pin at the northern most corner 01 said 'ion,' Ihe Northeasl line of said remoi,lIilq porUan of a 5.000 acre lract, S JO' OS' 58" E. 544.20 feel to 0 found 1/2" /rOil pin at Ihe Eastern mosl corner of said let and the Eostem most comel of said Beacon Circle [osl Subdivision Unit-l Vorthi!rn most conler of said .1049 acr(' tract; the north llile of said J.049 (]CN! tract,S 29.44' 4/" E~ t7 diMonce of a found 1/2" iron pin on !he NorlllK'esl riglJt-of- way Une of Interstate Ihe Eostern most corner (If said 3.049 acre tract,- Ihe Northwesl rigllt-of-wo)" '''Ie of interstate Highway J5, S 60' 02' 00. W. 4.54,90 'eel In the POINT OF EJr:CINNlNG and conloinino 8.050 acre" re fp.et) of land, more or les.o::. ~ '"\:1" q <\:1. ~ <\:1 '"\:1 q ...... -----~--------- --~-...,......_----_._--- ---- ~ o "\0.) ~ o C/J (1) 8 ~ Q.l .~ "-t ~( ~ .(\1 ::3 ~ J:.iI' ...... ~ ~ Cr) c:o~ <:0 "~ ~" \1). ~ -~ I. J ~~.; I LOOKOUT ROAO , .;lB :* ::7 % ~.~ ')'. "'{: .:'t. ~' . , " ,. , &- :).. ~ ~ ~ ~ CI) ~ ~ '- "- ~ :::! " J. , ''t I '~. ",' {:;~; ..'t .,~ :<<i x.: '( :;:, :/ I ii \ \ "- , "- -" ') ( --... ~ ) ~ < ru \ . " \ ru \ I ~ "- ./ (D "- " . . '" 't~ ~ ~ ~ \ iu ;f \ 01 'r \ tiJ \ .:J \./ '-- r' \.... _/ - \ \ ~ () \ \.........".,- ./ "./"" iff! \ I I \ I \ I Cl) \1 ~ . 1\ q~(\t" ~ ~ \ \ oS ~'~ ) \ l~. 'I I "" I I I I I \ . \ 1:././ ..,. \ \ \ ./ ~, \ \ I ,,_ <' \ I ;'//;/ f",,\ I I i \ \ I ,: / :;" _~ SYJ ~2 !!"- ~7' . 6 z~____e;"'2&:- 2'8{77' ., ~ "- .~ ~ "- " . l ., ,,0 C> / ./ / - ~ ~ , , i ::t f\ ~ () ~. Q. (b " o '" G) Cl ~ U, ~ 190 I (A~ DC! ,c,; z) t;~' 1-1'1 r"''''~ S'sn,>"V "~ ,n bIJ!.lP.'t/ .1<)/ :.'lI.l1 .snu "/"11 ,o[,,/,q/" '.I. .r----. , M"OO.lO.r)9~ 10 I P_l)_ ':0 '" .. ,p l JU. --- u, '. 'n " ,. .. rli " t',: f', ,I. ~ ~:: 'J) "'" .~ I', , " "J" ~~ ~ , ~~ , :.~ 1 , ~ , ./ \~ " " " \ -.j,',. ..^"n" "" lid ~I I' , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 1_-" ""1'- , /.'0.1/ iU)tf, 6;.Ol' puu 1'.....I<~"l;} l ,Of f JOI..a~ JUI"J(lS lMi"""1/ /)() t 0 (t9i 6d 'O,.~ IVIl) M -~..........._.................~.... - IWIo/.Iof'''J -"s ,(J()I'~ ti ", [_\.'1'0n ~'",pq". ".] ""-' ",:::'-'"=~='.~-::--=- \Jl~rrn-::--]-==rTrrf \--:r .,~1 V" ...-...............--..;.--- -rn=nll---.--.---...--.h--- ..:I.-Ll ._..-\ _.~__,~ I : : 'Il -------_~~-./ --:: - -(~-h-.;;g -/;,;)- J : : r~ __\ " " f IS l\ ----<>- \ J/OI./"v "-0 I I :..: S ,."0.:) ',- ~ .~ / , , , , .' " " ---.. -, " ------~-- ;~ , c, '0 " , :l 'J '. " " " " " " ,> .. l( " . " ~/1 . , , , , l~l ,-'I. , , , , ~ : , , " , , , , , , , ,. .); :1.: /,,(,,"'/I/'!1 .'" (m!') '''J '~~6 'I'Mo) 1IO!,;....!pqn$ ,Sf;] .'''!:) 1JQ:nJ(JH PI'/) P"'J,j "J~'( 61'0 '( alii ua6l.tljllll PW1)0 dillS ,~ . i , " ")8 /' ~~~ JU';' . >{'- )Uo)J \11".11 ...ljn.14 -. . .,'-- tr.Y ~N'<I ',IY9 awn/v,., ," ! .';'J)V 6,O'r ~,_:'~II"~'Zt' :::'''1(:,:, ,oJ"", I .... / / ----._-.~ -.-'--.. , -~- '-- , , " ...~.za)' " ',', :'-'.. ,'.... , ,,;l. ~ ,'::1., , , , , , , , , " .:/1 '1'''1 , , , , , , , , , , , , . , , , : . . , , . . , , , , , , , , o OI'''itl('>l ' ",;I PiJ''OJ;': /UlnIC'N /a'OJ!) r "', \ ('..... .'"'J ,( "~~~~'~" ~l,(J;) P{)J!).''';J (JUIPltnU a}{)J)l"':J t!VlI~/~".J .. ) I -/10M -3"''''. ,n.VI jlO$ C:} /J"MJ.l"M 1/1/'" P~l/S '" " ." ~ c ~ .., 0, " / /' iN:r; .~f.10J'r;~'f; 01""'1"11 PNJ ':u.)V flOCI'!; ,.' WIj.J('d bUIU!(lIJ.Nt/ i,. Ii" /' /' ,/ - --. .---- -.... ----------- ---------- ,k County of Guadalupe PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT '~ jf/ /)'3(; #.~ (JP-. :c, )101'y ~1~3,q+ I THE STATE OF TEXAS, Before me, the undersigned authomy, on this date personally appeared r.. A. E"!:lCr.OS known to me, who, being by me duly swam, on his oath deposes and says that he is the ;='Jbiisher of Tne Seguin Gazette-Enterprise, a newspaper pl.lclished in said county; that a cocy of the withir: and foregoing 2 times bercre the return ca'l ,1amed therein such ORDINANCE No. lIlI-S-$6 BY THE CITY ';OUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS, ORDINANCE NO. 98-&38 AMENDING THE UDC BY THE CITY COUNCil ORDINANCE NO. 96-S-28 OF THE CITY OF BY REZONING APPROX. SCHERTZ, TEXAS, IMATELY 370' OF LAND AMENDING THE UDC OUT OF GUADALUPE ORDINANCE NO. 96-S-28 BY REZONING APPROX- COUNTY AND REFlECT- IMATELY 370' OF LAND ING SUCH CHANGES IN OUT OF GUADALUPE CERTAIN ZONING MAPS COUNTY AND REFLECT- IN ACCORDANCE WITH ING SUCH CHANGES IN THE SCHERTZ UOC OR- CERTAIN ZONING MAPS DlNANCE. IN ACCORDANCE WITH Passed, Approved and THE SCHERTZ UDC OR- Adoptod the 3rd day of Do- DINANCE. cembor,l996. Passed, Approved and and a newspaper copy of which is hereto attached. (-----~ Nonna Anhouse, cny Sac- Adopted the 3rd day of Do- ",- retary cember, 1996. c::::~~* =-""- 'J . , - :'l.';"" was published in said newspaper 11 0 ~(.J<ll NoJlces ----- -~- publications beinc en the followinc cares: ~ - " DECEMBER 8, 1996 DECEMBER 12, 1996 Sworn to and subscribed before me this , 13th day of DECEMBER A.D., 1996 Notary Public, Guadalupe County, Texas .~ i~~ ,5/3~~ ~ Ail A. 1& 91b 1 U;;~ 11,& PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT THE STATE OF TEXAS, County of Guadalupe Befare me, the undersigned authorrty, on this date personally appeared 1.. A. '<:::"!'101.05 I known to me, who, being by me duly swam, on his oath deposes and says that he is the P'.lblisher of The Seguin Gazette-Enterprise, a newspaper pl.ltlished in said county; that a copy of the within and foregoing times befcre the return day named therein, such AN ORDINANCE By the City Council of the City 'of Schertz, Texas, amending the UDC Ordi- nance No. 96-$-28 by re- zoning approximately 37(1 of land out of Guadalupe County and reflecting such changes on certain zoning maps in accordance with the Schertz UOC ordinance. Approved on first reading the 19th day of November, 1996. Norma Anhouse City Secretary AJ was published in sale newspaper 2 publications being on the following daleS: " NnV~MRFR '4. lqq~ NOVEMBER 28, 1996 and a newspaper copy of which is hereto attached. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 6th day of DECEMBER A.D., 1996 11 0 ~egal Notices AN ORDINANCE By tho C~y Council of tho City of Schortz, Toxas, amending tho UDC Ordi- nance No. 9B-S-28 by re- zoning approximaIoIy 370' of I~nri nllt of Guadalupe County and reflecting ~ch changes on certain zoning maps in accorda~ with the Schertz UOC ordInance. Approved on first readin9 the 19th day ot,~O~?,~b~~~ '," 1996. ....",..".,. Nom,a AlttlOUr""~". ::..'.:t..;...~, City Secretary -~"'-" ;~,,~y ~U;>l, /,i!',""'" . -'--'-0\ , .. 1\'7 \ RUTH AYERS ~ . 1/-\' . ! Notary Pu/ll(;, State oj TeJQS 1," ""_ "', J MyComrnlSSlOnExprres12-2H999 \~i:i-OF ;~i-~::-'=- "'~w_"..r Notary Public, Guadalupe County, Texas