1996S24- REZONING APPROX. 30 ACRES I ORDINANCE NO. ft,-5-/?'-J AN ORDINANCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS, AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 87-S-l BY REZONING APPROXIMATELY 30 ACRES OF LAND OUT OF BEXAR COUNTY AND REFLECTING SUCH CHANGES ON CERTAIN ZONING MAPS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SCHERTZ ZONING ORDINANCE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS: SECTION I THAT, Zoning Ordinance No. 87-S-l of the City of Schertz, Texas, is hereby amended in the following manner: "Rezone approximately 30 acres of land out of Bexar County, Texas, being more particularly described on the Field Notes attached and made a part hereof, from R/A (Residential/Agriculture) to MH (Mobile Home Dwelling District)." SECTION II THAT the Zoning District Maps Article II, Section 3.1 and Zoning Ordinance No. 87-S-l the above amendments. Approved on first reading the /~ day of described and referred to in 3.2 of the City of Schertz shall be changed to reflect 1996. CA'1 ' 1996. day of ~;(;, PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this the ;; Mayor, City of Schertz, Texas ATTEST: ~)UJ !ZL:t:--kla..e...-) City Secretary, City of Schertz (SEAL OF CITY) r ~,"--<1'~:';"":'."""'" " .. . ","\....""....,.." ":..;_', ...~:",;,: :";'.,:)::'_~" ."-",-..... .,t.:, .;__~ .; ~I \? , ,1;'-,' ,.-,1 :~J.':t>- ~:.: ~~:~':'..'! \ \\i> ~ '>. - - ~:.r-- ,,-~., ,- .~;~ ,...1";~A ,,'~ co I .,.. o - ... ..... \1:,~. _'f-_i.~,:;,-< WAIlRANTY DBBll lflTH VIIIlDOa', LX IDI STATE or nXAB ComITY or IlEXAR I , JQIOW ALL IlBII BY '\'IIESE PltS8UTIII \: , ,,<:::(,;,~:'J>;;(/,::~1;., .' ':~~i;.~~i~~;:;f{~u':{~2(:[J!Y:\hi.::;0t~~ij(~~;l;:!ii~~1~~~.;kj THAT WE, B. LEE OERLOFF .~tl... .1.0 known.. ELMER LEE GER[,(,FF and ALFREU ADAIR Gl:RLOJP,. ao.aet i... .1.0 known .. ALFREO A. GERLOFF, the pra.i... ber..ttar conveyed and d..crl~d conatitutln9 no part of .ither Grantor'. b~.t..d, of tbe County of B..ar and State of Tax.., for and in conaidaration of the aUM of TEN AND KO/IOO DOLLARS ($10.00) and other 9~ ~nd valuable oona.deratlon to \:., in hand paid 1:ly CLIFFORU JOHNSON an" wit., PAMELA A. JOHNSON. the Grantee. hereinafter na..d, the receipt and .uttjo1.ncy of which con.ideration 1. hereby acknowledged and cont....d, and the further cone1deration ot the .xecution ard delivery by the Or.nte~~ herein ot their one certain Proml..ory Not. ot even date h.rewith, in the orig(nal principal .u. ot ONE HUYOREO TEN THOUSAND AND NO/IOO DOLLARS <$110.000.00) b..rlng Intor..t ond poy.bl. .. ~h.r.ln provided. the pa~nt of vhich note 1. .ecured by the VeAdor". Ll.~ b.r~in retained. and 1. additionally .ecured by Deed or Truet of even date herevith, given to KAYO J. GALINDO, Tru.t.., have GRANTED, SOLD and CONVEYED, and by the.e pr...nte do GRANT, SELL .nd CONVEY unto tho ..id CLIPFORD JOHNSON and wite, PAMELA. A. JOHNSON. of the County of Bexar and State of Texa.. all of the ~ ... following four (4) tract. of real property .1tuated in B_xar .. tollow.. to-wit. Coun~y, ~.xa., de.cribed a. 02/10/86 900332 ,. $lS.OOY'1 230 .~!~'Ji~.~~i{~' All of t~. t~1~owln9 d..crlbed real prop.rty in e..ar County, Text., tn-wit. 1!~;~t\;:~~;b~im~iIfl1~:S~'OCl ".. of land in the .;__;,.,):11910"'''Go'rt.:r~:'.8_UJ'Yey\:.No.~:2. Ab.tra"'t ..s. County ,.'._ '.-,~<-_aloak 5193.,' B.~.J":Co\ln.ty,-- T....,- .n4 being pert_,of .' ;.":th. AHreeS Wle4...t.!o.SI.03 .gr.' trGct.eS.."d_ .' 1n . _d.ed dated.,June26, 1920, J'f'corfjed1n V01WM '6D3,' Pages 362";'368~ Deed Reoord'- ot Be...r County, Te.... thi8 11.110 acr. tr.ct belng d..cr1bed by r . . \ -' ~ :":~"~:~;':'Zr".:~;~.;,) ~:~'\' '''';t: ~i'''h~.,,',,)'-''"'5'. ~r:'!-l:"'J";":~;o;" .... . . . -"-.-' -:"".' -. ( 'r;,;i:~~,~~'i ,\~ r'ri~t::i.~}:i i~::~~ .;~~~~~~;'-.}t -",' ," +>:,."".," ." ! .~' . . ':::/-:':'-.'~': . ~" ! .<f;:~1i,~~..:~.'~1t;>~.::~};:_;?\;-ij~,?~l"~~~-:*;;~'~'~'$~:~f:~~.<ii.~.~J;~1..fj}ii~1,gi~t.ft$,~;.;-~ . :..:....-",." :'_: ',: .-1,_,' ".....,t,,:...;>,...!W-.,-.:')o..;.~~',-;~.....,li'~t":,.:.t.....'l'O:.~#,"';j. . . ",,:0_._ .--J;-.. ~D/ {I' , ST...TIl or TIlXA8 w...JUWITY DIlIlD WI'I'II VIlIlDOa" LIlli! COU1ITY or IlEXAR I , JQInlI ALL MIlII BY '1'11111l PQ.IIITlI. THAT WE, B. LEE GERLOFf' ac.etl... .1.0 1cnovn.. ELHEP. LEE GE~FF and ALPREU ADAIR G8RLOYP ao.eti... .l~ knovn .. ALFRED A. GERLOFP, the pre.i... her.atter conveyed an4 d..erlbe4 conatitutlnq no ~rt of either Grantor'. h~.t..d, of the COunty of 8...r end State ot Tex.., tor and in eon.ideration ot the .u. of TEN AND KO/IOO DOLLARS ($10.00) and other 9~ ~nd valuable con.~d.ration to U1 1n hand. paid ):'Iy CLIFFORD JOHHSON .nel vite, PAMELA A. JOllNSON. ~h. Grant.e. hereinatter oa-.4, the r.ceipt and. .uttiolency of which con.id.er.tion 1a hereby acknovled.ged and. cont....d., and the further coneid.eration of th. e.ecution ard d.elivery by the Orant_~_ herein of their one certain Pr~i..ory Note of even d.ate herevith, in ~he orig{nal principal .u. of ONE HUNDRED TEN THOUSAND AND NO/I00 DOLLARS 1$110.000.001 baarlng Intora.t and payabla a. ~her.ln provided, tbe pa~nt of vhlch note i. .ecured by the VeAdor'. L1eh berain retained., and. i. additionally .ecured by Deed of Tru.t ot even dat_ herewith. 9iven to MAYO J. GALINDO, Truet.., hove GRANTED, SOLD and. CONVEYED. and by th..e pr..ent. 40 GRANT, SELL and CONVEY unto tho ..id CLIFFORD JOHNSON .n4 wit., PAMELA A. JOHNSON, ot the County of Sexer and Stat. ot Te..., 811 of the ~ ... following four (4) tract. of real property aitu.ted in 8..ar .. .... tollow., to-wit. / Coun~y, ~.xa., d..cribed a. 02 10/86 900332 '. $15.00 ,T: I ~~~/,~~l~.;r~"~:~:' ..}l'a..../::'J\II. .l "':"J>:~=:I~,.."""'..~+'pi t' 23CJ , <J All ot t~. tol~owin9da.crlbed raal property in Sa.ar County,Te.~., t~vit'. ~~"~~"".'" ''''..,',....,'"."'--'''''"~. '"' . ~.ctif-2'Wo.;;~b.lIl9~.,.;l1:.110j.."I:GC~ 't. ot land in the 1:11910 t. Gorta:-1:!>t8IU"Yey'.)1o._:2. Abatra,..t Sf County -,.: alock 51~3, a.~.r. COunty,. "e..., and being part of ".-, , "the AUrad Wladarata~" 81.03 eore' tnot d..Oli_ ':,: :"10 . deed dated ,June 26.' 1920, rfllcortJed.-in Volu.. *"603, Pages 362-_368~' Deed Record.- ot 8e..r County; Te.a.. thi.-l1.1l0 acre trect beIng d..cribed by t'.-";. "..',.... ;,~:,~~htl:~;~;i;t;it:~ti~;~~ ~:~t:'i~:: --~" I . ..... ~ <', ~ :,c.- ' 'SA- .: -~...': I ':' ca - - ,-..-" <<,.;, !~ .. t_:~~/ , _.,~',;('J(;"-. _,"~.. .n4 bO~n4. ...tollow.. .1!GIRVlNO at an iron pin ..t. in the 8Outhwe.t bound.ry of rara Road 1518, 1612.15 f.et, .:9 degree. 55' W of ~h. concrete ~nu..nt at ~b. lnt.r..c~ion of tb. ~outhw..t 11n.~ot Para Ro.4 1518 and the nort~.t l1ne of Interltate Highway 10, fHBNC! . 60 d.gre.. 22' 30. W, 3604.71 f.et to en iron pin in . f.noe l1ne lout h.. at corner ot tbl. trlct, THESCS alon9 ..id tence 11ne R 29 degre.. 50' W, 134.26 r..t to In iron pin tor the louthv..t corner, THENCS H 60 d.9ro.~ 22' 30. E. 3604.51 t..t to In iron pin 1n tb_ .outh~.t 11ne of Fara Road 1518, tor the northv.at cornlr ot thi. tract, THENCE 134.26 11.110 .10n9 ..1d louthveat f.et to the point acr.. of land. 11n. S 29 dig:... 55' E, of BEGINNI~G, containing .~.. . ~f~~~~~~.a~~::ro~~ l;~d ~~u~~; Block 5193, B.~.r County, T...., and being part ot the Alfred Wiederatein 81.03 ler. tract d..cribed in a d..d dated June 26, 1920, recorded 1n Vo1~ 603, Page. 362-368, Deed Record. of ee.ar County, Te.a., lbi.' 3.89 acre tract being d..cribed by .e~e._.n4 bound. a. f011ow.1 B!GtNtftNQ at"'.n iron pin in tbe .outhwe.t 11ne of- ra~ Road 1518, 1565.14 feet N 29 dogre.. 55' W of. the .v->'~", _ _,",' _ concr.t. IAOnument at tb. lnt.r..ct1on oi: the .outbve.t 1'~'~i,:,\,;;;;>:,lt... 'of.'.r.... !<oad \518 with.".th.llorth.....t.' 11ne.,' of> . ~~i~~:~-:;~~~;,;J._~;.::.,-, Int.r._t.t~,Jf,i9b..,~_y;;~?,: .;c:'r ~b~ ,~~,z;t~_~.,~~'; ,~~n~~:- of.",j't~l.;.-~" ,;' '-cr~':' "-- ~f~j;;j&:;WJ,',:., ;~~~~;fri~~~~~ft]S;~!.:~;~1f~;1~~!~t~;::.;~~:-';~~!_::'t':Sflr~;'t;.;:.~:{...:' , Thi. conv.yanee i. made and accepted .ubject to the following. 1. Ea..ment.. .et out in Volume 5351, Page 234, Deed Recorda ot Se.er County, Tex... 2. Any vieible and ap~rent roadv.~ or .aa.ment over or aaro:.. tIle eubject property, the .xi.tence ot whiob doee not .pp.a~ ot r.cord. 3. 011 end Hinera1 1.... d.t~ J.nuary 1, tro_ Alfred Wied.r.t.in and Leonie Wi,deret.in to H. Eddy, r.corded in Volume 4369, pogo 543, Recorda ot Se.ar County, Texaa. 1959. JllIm,. Deed ~ ... - ~; 4. Oil and Kinor.1 Ie... 1959, from Al~r.d Wiederateln .nd Jamae H. Eddy, recorded in ~olume aecord. of sox.r County, Texa.. dated Leoni. 4433. December 29, Wiederetein to pag_ 554, Deed Cl> jI - o .. ..;, ,4(l :I:'!:~-J?: "'!"-t:?;.J. ,-, "';;'" . ~d "~ 5. Oil and Hinera1 1e3ae dated Aprl~ 20, 1964, frON A1frad Wiederatein and Leonie Wiederatein to Edgar D. ~era,Jr., recorded 1n Vo1u~ 5147, pag_ 237, o.e4 aecorda ot Sexer County, Texae. ;.5~~~~',::t,.'l:<,~~.::,L,,::'tt:{~SS;i;/..,Ui:;ij,,:;Cf}!\t:y). '. . . ..... L... . .'.'If'2~j,''':. ..... .......,;"i ~.. .. . _.,'_....~',: '1"J~'. .",{" ," .,1" :Oli:j' '-~. ~'"~.'~%.."" ;..,.."..,-,.:-~,.- :.-.'"~.-'>:i~~~l~~.V~~.:.II;'..-~..._..."'...."."..'"'..!.'''''.'.~'.''.~~.'''_.__''"'.-.,;.t'' . ,..,,'. ... .. ... ....... '. .:'?:'~,,':;:~.:,'~:0:~~~..,.-.. ~-:"'.. .,'c..'~. <-, _.' .' z.. . '. _" ;\I:: . ,.,.;~__3"""~...:_.;,, . ' .- '.", ,,:' '0" ' "" _ ' ,'. .' .' _. ' ." _,' ,i;o,.,,,,, ,.-.:"", <0'.' ". _ _...' _' '. ~ . '."-.\ \ I pin ,in .,ranoe line tor tb. ~tb..at corn.r oi tbl. tract r - . THDiCI::~lo~9 t..t to an tract: THENCE. 60 dagr... 22' 30. . pin in tb. aouthweat lina of Dorthwe.t corner, tbo t.ne. lin. . 29 d'9r... 50 W 47.01 l'ron pin tor tb. 50utbweat corner of tbi. 3604.71 f.at to r.~ Rood 1518 an iron f~r tb. THENCE .lon~ .aid aoutbw.at 1in., 8 29 d.gr... 5S1 . 47.01 f..t to th4 point of BEGINNING, containing 3.890 acr.. of land. Tb1. conv.yanc. 1a. mad. ..a.menta, conditiona and any. and accapted aubject to r.atrictiona of record, if '( '7'JIAC1' IV. ~:Tr.ct Four, being 3.890 acr.. of land in the ~El19io Gortarlsurvay No.2, Abatract 5, county Block 5193, 8e~ar County, Taxa., and being ~rt of tbe ~lfred Wiederatein 81.03 acra tract d..arihed in . ~eed (ated Jun. 26, 1920, record.d in Volu~ 603, Page. 362-369, Deed Record. of ~e~ar County, T.x... thia 3.89 acr. tract baing d..cribed by met.. and bound. .. to11owwI B~INNING at an' iron pin in the aouthw<<.t line ot 'ar. Roe.d 1518 at a poiut 1519.13 te.t If 29 degre.. 55. W, oftb. concret. ~numant at the inter..ction ot the aoutbweat line ot Farm Road 1515 with tb. nortbw..t 1in. of Inter. tate Highway 10J TH~C& S 60 degr..a 22' 33- W, 3604.94 teet to an iron 'pinin a t.nce line tor the .outhftaat corner of thi. tract, THENCE along aaid fence line N 29 degr... 50' W, 47,01 fe.t to an iron pin for the aouthw..t corn.r, THENCE H ~O degr... 22' 30. E, 3604.79 f..t to an iron pin!n the aouthwe.t line of Farm Road 1516 for the nortbw..t corner ot tbe tract, 'THENCE a1oP9 .aid aouthw..t 1in., S 29 degree. 551 S, .7.01'feet to tb. point of BEGINNING, containing 3.890 .:Icre.ot land. '~\f ..,....,.. ,v. .;,. ~ .... - CD I 0.,.' '. ':~h~~:::<L> ~ "" - - Al1'oftbe following de.cribe~_ real property in Bexer co~ty,_T.xaa, to-wit. '.m~e1!~~:~~~~~~~:-;~~:f;.~~ l;~d ~:u~~; .,~_,'. - "B1ock 5193, Bexar County, Texa., and being part ot the Alfred Wiederatein81.0J acr. tract d..crihed :'",'_"':,::'_,,,;;(:~:- >~' _X:,_:_:~in a d.ed dated June '26, 1920, r~cor4ed in \'olu.... :;';/~:\;::.t:giLJ\~,;:~>0' '::p:''',~:f~~:~03~,P.,9..362-368, _:,Dfotad . ,Record. _ of, B.xar County, :f:?Jf;?;:;;!::;?:~~::.:~?:>,,,,"'~~>>f;:...,thi.-,.11.110' ,.cr..- tract, baln9 -.~o.c:ribti4, by , ~?rA~Jfj"~~-~l- ..:.t.....nd- bound.'_.._~:fol1ow l<--;:~:;'",--'-:;": ,::'-. (~~~1;~~~~;;i!f1~;'h:~~(~{ro'i':'>":-;{ <:,':~- , . . ..<-; ~~i$ifl~t'i'.4t'~,li~,tk7~'!i.'~ I BEGIMNIHO at an iron pin in tbe aouthvaat line of rara Rbad 1518. r.t a point 1383.88 f..t _ 29 d_9r... 55' W ot the concrete .opu..nt ~t tbe lnteraeatlon of ~h. .outhv.at line of P.~ Road 1518 witb the 'DOrt~..t lina of Interatate Higbvay to. for tba oortbeaat coraer of th_ harein d..crlbed tract, THENCE S 60 d_gr... 22' 30. W, 3605.04 pin in a tenc. line tor tbe lnutb...t trect, t..t Ito an corner of irOD thl. ~':) ,~' tor.verl.ad we do hereby bind our..lv.., our baira, '~'cutor. and anywi.. belonging unto the .a1d Grant..., their haira and ...igna j( il .... ... CC> C> .... <<> ::.;.... ~.:_,~~-. )_,~._::. -:c-_' ;-"",._:/_:i;{;.'.:~(.":; ,;:' '._,t";--.,"" ,'_', _ ,,_..' :;)-~_:;:~::~2~:;<_....t~J/t: __~_, -,_~ _:-,.,' _ _ ,",:" _'i.:;-,~_ __ ", ..- -:, _ <:::,,,-;:';;"'<~;:-f;:-_\'<;-;'.-> ;'o/.~~~.'~1~""'~_;"':;'~::f;i","f:;.Fff-.;,~~~fi~~:t,':-. ~:~~~..:. '..--';~L~~Jl~~M~biii-'~i<" >-~~~<'""~ -'_:O.~J:'''~'',-~,/'\.~'-!~''<f.~'--- ~,-"." ".!~;:~..-, ~y.~x~~'~:1-u11Jr~~("i~)'~~~~iJi1t"~~~~if:~~~~'i~tJ~~1~~~..:. ~j.. '. ~1 THENCE .long .aid tenc. lin. W 29degr... 50' W, 134.25 t..t to an iron pin tor the .outh~.t corn.r, THENCE H 60 deqr... 22' 30. B, 3604.84 t..t to an iron pin in the .outhw..t line of Farm R04d 1518 for tb. northy..t corner of thi. tract, THENCE 134.25 11.110 .long .aid sOwthwe.l feet to the point acr.. of land. line 8 29 degre.. 55' E, ot BEGINNING, contain in? 'fl,i. conv.yance .;.. tude and accepted aubject to the folloying. 1. Eaaement.. set out in Volu~ 5~51. Page 234, Deed Recoras of Bexar County, Tex... 2. Any viaible and apparent roadway or eaa.ment over or acro.s the aubject property. the existence of which doe. not appear of record. 3. oil and Mineral 1ev.e dated January 1, 1959. fr~ Alfred and Leonie o. Wieder.tetn to Jame. H. ~dy. 'r.corded in Volumu 4369, Page 543. o-ed Record. of 8e~.r County, Texa.. 4. 011 and Hineral lea.e dated December 29. 1959, from Alfred and ~onie O. Hiederat.in to Jame. H. Eddy. recorded in Volume 4433, Page 554. Deed Record. of Bexar County. Te~a.. 5. Oil and Hineral laa.. dated April 20. 1964, from Alfred aod L&O~le o. Wi.d.r~te1n to Edgar a. Roger_. Jr.. recorded in Volume 5147. pag_ 237, De~ R.corda of Bexar County. Tex... TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above de.crlbed pr..ioe., together with .11 and .ingular the ri9h~. and appurtenance. thereto- in admlni.trator. to warrant and for.~.r def.c~ all and .1ngular the .~id pr_~ise. unto the .aid Gr.nt.... their h.ir. and a..ign., againat _v.~' ~r6on Whomaoever,. lawfully Claiming ~r to claim the ..me or any part ther.of. ". i '_' Uut-!t...i....pr...1y agr.ed tbat the V.ndor'.. Li.n, .. vell ~. 'r.; '..J"'..:...'.,'....-;,.-.-;...' '-"" .J,.~..,>.,-<-,__ ~~ - (, the,~ auparior ': t1 tie ~ in >an4 :'to"'tbe, .bov~ : cleacr1~ pr_he., '..,.,.-~,.,}/.<{::.{~:.:< ;:;,;f.-. retained avain.t the above d..crlhe6 property, pr..l... and 1eprovo..ntl,until tbe! .boYe do.orihed .ot. and all inter..t thoreon ,.re fully paid acoordin9 to tho taco, tonor, eftect and r..dln9 tbereof, Whon 'l'bi. oon\".y.nc. th1h D..d oholl i.1 ..d.e .1.b'oct be~ .b.olut.. to anJ tbe Orante.. ber.in 40 not a..u.. peya.nt of the unpaid principal balance of (1) nOte 1n tho orlvlno1 rrlnclpo1 ."",unt of 8EVEII TllOUSAHD AIID 110/100 DOLLAlIS (",000.00), dated March 5. 1981. ...outed by Z. ~ ~ERLOFr and payable to the order ot LEB J. WIEDERBTEIN ET ALS aecured by Vendor'a Lien recorded in Volu.. 2268. Pag. 665 ot tho R..l Property R.oord. ot B..ar County. T...., (2) contract indebt.dne.. in the ortvinal principal amount ot NINCTEEN THOUSAND AND NO/IOO DOLLARS ('19,000.00) dat.d March 13, 1981 fr~ ELMER L~E GERLOFF , who ~. the aeme peraon .a I. LEE GERLOFF who er. one and the aa~ p.raon to the Veterana Land ao.r.d of T..a., (3) note in the oriviJ"a1 principal e:aount of SEVEN THOUSAND AND NO/IOO DOLLARS. ($1,000.00) dated Harch 5. 1981, e.ecuted by A1~RED A. GERLOFF who 1. tbe .a~ p.r.on .. ALFRED ADAIR GERLOFF. pay.hle to LEE J. WIEDERSTIIN IT ALS, .ecured by V.ndor'. Lien .ecorded in Volume 2268, Pa9_, 686 ot the Real Property Record. of nex.r County. T.... and; "_(4) contract indebtedne:n in the alQOunt of NINETJ!:EN THOUSAND AND. NO/1l10 DOLLARS ($19,DOO.00), ...cutad by ALFRED ADAIR GERLOFF, payable to the Veteran. Land ao.rd ot TexQ. by contract d.ted Mareh 13, 19&1,' but Or.ntor.. a. well tha Grant...~ ONE HUNDRED TEN any other owner and holder of .. TII0USAIID AIID 110/100 DOLLAR ,',J obligated to pay any end all be In.te11..nta falling due thereon s. and vb.n due, end in the event Ii ;of dofault in the payment ~t any .uoh in.tall..nt .. end when CUft. then, (--,.~.o :"long' .. Grantee. ar. pot in default in the p8pent of Gront..o .tor..old ONE HUNDRED TENTHOU8AND AND NO/lOO DOLLAR ($l1C;~O().Q('l). nuto, or ln d.fault ln the perfurlOlInco ot the co~~n.~,~'. of_.the d.ed of tru.t. .ecuring' .aid note, Grant.e. .hell ,_",_"",-' ..;<:,~-'r,-:',-,_ ,_'-- :-,~:..:,-:~J.::~~., . >-_"b.'Y~~~tb,.)<,.:t.9ht -' -to pay,. any .auch delinquent. lnatalbMnt or ::'f),;'t<<~_:~-..", ~":":;~';;-';'; ....,~.:~~~~{:;~:~,~>;::~:.~ -'';-:::-', ':: -':,;.:..-;,"',' ,~,,-,-- ,~., ~ ::,;,~;~,,;; ..:{:,:-,..' ~~~!~;i~;\;di~;~r'~Z~~~r~~JF:ondt:.r.co1V. cro~l tuponGn~to.'~~~<~jREDTEN ~ .... - - ,0 .".. - CD CIa . /< -~.- :~~L,'~",~si:~~'~~*)Y:"";":'>,'>:,,~,'; 5., .......\..., . ......:.:.' ... ./ .', .H. ~~~~.;8t~~~i~l:,~t~'4'~~~~~;Y&~k.~~~}j~ ~l;~~:jJ~; ~~~;; ~~~#rlkl~ci .'1j,!,~o.'zr:">:':~~~: ~t ~.;,...~~*,{:rf;; .. , ,.,j,.~-..,;,;~-::-~-~ ....:, "''''''''~:%',f-.;~'+~;' .t.'; ~~~~~; ;.-~-:Jt,..... -Ltl~J f;~;\::~};;iI)0. . II ll.~:;';' f....;~-. ..~~~t.~ i~~~~:~". ~~" ,~~, ".~:;~.?'l;l~.. , ~'''..l~~~ ;.~". .l~, .<~.., -or""'''' (;'r!.rM/~::.?"?': tkt~~~jj~ ,~~.~~~~i,~~~~? :;)'~&!;'~~ :;;'~~):~~-i '.;)'}J;~:.~.~l~"'~~ il! Aj.( "~\~~:~,; J~~ ".- 'i.':..>-~ ;~i~~~I '":}Jt~" :~,~~t, :",5')~~.},~~.... ,-,,_ .~ ~~:~"" :l'" .:-~ THOUSAND AND NO/100 OOLLAR ('110,000.001 noU for .11 ..... ao palel, paf1Hnt. .n4 1n aucb ~nn.r .. Orant.. ahall dlrect, II of t~ ~t. of .uch EXECUTED thi. l.t d.y ot February, A.D.. 1986. "1111n9 Addr... ot each Grant... Name, Adoreflel Clifford John.on Route 1, Bo~ 226J Conver.., Taxa. 78109 STATE OP TEXAS f J COUNTY OP aEXAR J /~C?%~~ E. LEE GERLOFF /: :8io~iwx/~ Pamel. A. John.on Route 1, Boll' 226J ConVerao, T.~a. 78109 Thi. In.t~ument yea ~cknowl.d9.d ~for..., the undersigned authority, by t~~ .aid E. LEE GERLQPP, to certify Which, vitnes. my . .barw!',.)l1d, ..al ot office this T.:::.. day of February. A.C., 1986. ./ \.s2.f~r""l."",>,:, A & ",~,.-.,t":-I''',\:I'.''''' ~ ,,~."," .,.,:~;..\,;.,.. . u.) .","0' (, -'-', ,~"I.r-('..t .};t':,' . .!! f,;-.c.t ";~',': ~..: '~,-il,l'..' Notary puhlic, Stat. of Texall )"~"....f: ;.. .,,'1:. . -.,; .,~,..., ~~;,r.t~'.~(.:t"..~.:", r:' i~,~ _', DOlORES lEAl! ,'.,<."t,. _.".,f,~/:l . I,';"" I.''-''''ry Publl S "~"''':;':.''-~;'i:');~' ,.: ,....-... ,;: nuUl Co tate of Texas ....~ ;-f'" .j..... ,'." ,~......" '.1vCommlsslol'l [xolres 12-22-1ge7 ':,~ i:ilT~t.a, 'tEXAs t ~::.;':.....". . ....... . t couirtY ~P BEXAR ~ ackn~1.d9.d before Me, the under.1qned ALFRE~ ADAIR GERLO~r to certify vhich. of offJc. thi. 7'i<<." day of F.bruary, Thi. in.trument va. :. .uthorlty, by the .aid I", '. vitr.... my hand and .eal , -"l\.. -,:,A..J)~. 1986. '/~. ~-t~ "", ;i.':, (.... ' . ~.. ~,."~"" ,-' " '.' .... ' "~l;';.l',~ < ".\\:;..' ._..'" :<~ '. .. V,, -"1,0.-.,.1, .,,' ,i7'{{':? .~: ':.'." . . -~-'. ~1.:..:~':;'~"~t't~~>~~rdi.~ Pt.... RftturQ TOI ".......~,....,:.\' ',,' Hr. Clifford John.or. Rout4 1, Box 2263 Conv.r.., Texa. 78109 .' 6 Notary ~~ ~t~TOX.. ooLORES lEAIl , Nototy Public. Stata 01 T_ 'Av COmm"""" ExW.. 12.22.1987 -." . .. ~'.i' . '. \ I ,;':~ ~, '~ {. . ,,;.:_~:v--::.,... :,1. ". ;(', " :. '\ '" \ '\.' , . ,. ./ . \, -' ~ 1"- ... :to: .... ,,' "':. .-1 " ..' ." ,..~, " ;~~ .~ 4" . .~ :-;. lit -.j:'" ~~, ~:~.~ ''-~ :EJ .1' ~ ;'1 ,", .~~~ . .'. " .'1" ,': ::' .;'. it .... - - ~ ..,. - r . ,. -t<. - ~ :'~:~__~-" ~tr",. . ~'~ ';";,-,,;~;~~ ~/-A ~.~..' "h,..t''''~'i " ";,\::j',!;,,',' {g.~;: ~ ......:~I.'t.;~}? ;.-. <';' 'It"'?~~',,, '..~ , ~}~~t'~if:'fj ",-;, ;,~. ~a~"" ~~ .~~' , ~~~ ~I ~;~ \: :l:;~,~i~(:,~~ . ,,' q :~,'~" ' ji~:;. . . :M~}i:r~~~:i!(3\:;' '~~~~?~f:tl:t7::'{~:_}-::', ',."...."....,,~~~..'):-.~.""{ ;tf~l;f{t: '~~:".~~'.i.;~/:; :,.' ~,., ,.., '~,~.w... '. ,~ ~ ~'I,-.. :~trf. 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N. -- N~ I"':... 0- :!:::, '-"'" "", ", }::; I)~, ~<- ., ~ , \ \ \ ~~\ " , '>$, i'( \ , \ \ \ , \ , \ \'\, L_ \ f \ + ~ , " ''''', ~~ ",,^ "'-."'~ , " ~, ~ N'J \~ PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT j >',1 t ' < i. ~ [' {iIY ,/1<1- '/1)1W ''J'rf . .- 5'. 9' ,.' ,y I.t, liu" A}.J. 1J6 (j/ J v I l' [I . "~. . I' . . v~ . I, - (' 'r> r1" . -(I l .,1.') 'I'. r R ~'I'wY ,I '1,,,,'1 t . AT ILl-' v' . .'../';, r1 ~ I 1,1 fl,l . if'1 I' ~ It../V'r f I THE STATE OF TEXAS, County of Guadalupe Before me, the undersigned authority, on this date personally appeared L . A. REYNOLDS known to me, who, being by me duly swom, on his oath deposes and says that he is the Publisher of The Seguin Gazette-Enterprise, a newspaper published in said county; that a copy of the within and foregoing AD was published in said newspaper 2 times before the return day named therein, such AN MlINANCE - By the City Council of the City of Schertz, Texas, amending the zoning ordi- nance No. 87-$-1 by rezon- ing approximately 30 acres of land out of Bexar County and reflecting such changes on certain zoning maps in accordance with the Schertz zoning ordinance. Approved on first reading the 16th day of July, 1996. Norma Althouse, City Secretary 110 . :'lo'''e5 ---- - - publications being on the following dates: and a newspaper copy of which is hereto attached. ~~ AN ORDINANCE By lhe City Council of the City of Schertz. Texas. amending the zoning ordi- nance No. 87-S-1 by rezon- ing approximately 30 acres of land out of Bexar County and reflecting such changes on certain zoning maps in accordance with the Schertz zoning ordinance. Approved on first reading the 16th day of July, 1996. Norma Ahhouse, City Secretary JULY 2l, 996 JULY 25, 1996 Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 26th day of JULY A.D., 1996 ...",,,,~,,~1.J1i III 0,/ . "'"~',<""I ~! if' \0 " RUTH AYERS ~.: )',';,' ',. ~ NotafyPubllc,SiaIeOlTelas \ .,.\ j,- ' ,,,..~ j MyCommlssionExpires12-21-1GGG \~;~'o~' ~'~~'l '''''~~-'''' ~~ Notary Public, Guadalupe County, Texas PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT \ . It' "' ~f~,,~~{}/' jJ , . t! (, It. it t-iL- ( ~ J..... 'j: ,\.v/ (."j v ,\V . 1,,, iLL I)! ~ , ,I'~'" i., . , ~,,('L ,,)W' 'if-. ,J t.:" ,U 't-.}:'Ij) 'i,,-t ( 1, V'/ 1 ' \ "~!I r !.. f i-.' ..r ' , ,,)1.1 ' '14 ,h .,, I , \j / ") /),1 , \ f?:"'\ I THE STATE OF TEXAS, County of Guadalupe . Before me, the undersigned authority, on this date personally appeared L. A. REYNOLDS known to me, who, being by me duly sworn, on his oath deposes and says that he is the Publisher of The Seguin Gazette-Enterprise, a newspaper published in said county; that a copy of the within and foregoing and a newspaper copy of which is hereto attached. times before the return day named therein, such ORDINANCE NO. 96-5-24 ORDINANCE NO. 116-S-24 BY THE CITY COUNCIL BY THE ClOY COUNCIL OF THE C,TY OF OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ. TEXAS. SCHERTZ, TEXAS, AMENDING THE ZONING AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE NO, 87.S.1 ORDINANCE NO, 87-5-1 BY REZONING APPROX. BY REZONING APPROX- IMATELY 30 ACRES OF IIMATELY 30 ACRES OF LAND OUT OF BEXAR I LAND OUT OF BEXAR COUNTY AND REFLECT. 0 ING SUCH CHANGES ON COUNTY AND REFLECT. CERTAIN ZONING MAPS ING SUCH CHANGES ON IN ACCORDANCE WITH CERTAIN ZONING MAPS THE SCHERTZ ZONING IN ACCORDANCE WITH ORDINANCE, THE SCHERTZ ZONING Passed, Approved and ORDINANCE. Adopled the 6th day of Au- Passed, Approved end gust, 1996, Adopted the 6th day of Au- N?nna Althouse, gust. 1996. City Secretary Norma Ahhouse, ~ City Secretary AD was published in said newspaper 2 publications being on the following dates: AUGUST 9, 1996 AUGUST l5, 1996 Sworn to and subscribed before me, this l5th day of AUGUST A.D., 19 go /$i-~ ,..t'l'l Pue',! 0"'/""""""( '. f~/*'<0"\ RUTH AYERS i.' ~"_ . ~ Notary Publi:::, State olTem \ ',f ' ii ; MyCommtssion&pires12-2H9'E \,0)',.;".,",. . _ ./~..."'.! l,,'f:Of1(o_.fC" \,~~,-~", ~~ ~~,---- -- ~-- Notary Public, Guadalupe County, Texas :~ "