1995S15- REZONING 14.57 ACRES I ORDINANCE NO. f.f'- ~s- / s- AN ORDINANCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS, AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 87-S-1 BY REZONING 14.57 ACRES OF LAND OUT OF GUADALUPE COUNTY AND REFLECTING SUCH CHANGES ON CERTAIN ZONING MAPS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SCHERTZ ZONING ORDINANCE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS: SECTION I THAT Zoning Ordinance No. 87-S-1 of the City of Schertz, Texas, is hereby amended in the following manner: "Rezone a 14.57 acre tract of land out of Guadalupe County, Texas, being more particularly described on the Field Notes attached and made a part hereof, from R-4 (Apartment/Multi-Family Dwelling District) to R-2 (Single-Family Dwelling District)." SECTION II THAT the Zoning District Maps Article II, Section 3.1 and Zoning Ordinance No. 87-S-1 the above amendments. Approved on first reading the L66(day of described and referred to in 3.2 of the City of Schertz shall be changed to reflect 1995. "- mill-v I' , PASSED, APPROVED AND ~< ILL, ,1995. ADO::'jI thi. th' (&~&JJ Mayor, City of Schertz, {rL day of Texas ATTEST: ~.~ tlLaa~/ City Secretary, City of Schertz (SEAL OF CITY) ..(.......... _.~~:.... \uLu, . U...,II . LL''';' ,I.J .)V V '--... -. '- ---- Al1 tha.t certa.in 16... 57 a.crQS of land situated in the T. Herrera Sl.lt'"vey "Abs.t... ~53, Guada1upe County, Texas. $ai.d 16.57 ~cre tract is that tract 't1ad the residue of 46 acras in conveyance from Robert Sei1er, et ux .Mauri.ce B. E~i.2=ondo, et. a.1 recorded in vo1ume .J25 at Page 386 of the De.ed Ftecords of l5aid county, a.nd ba.i.ng de.scr.1bed by metes and bounds, a.s .fo11ows: BEGINNING at an iron stake found at a fenCQ corn~r mark~n9 the south corner of the tract hereJ.n described, same being the: south corner of a trAct ca11ed '4'"6 acres 1n conveya.nce from Jacob Se.1~er, at ux to Robert Se.1.1er recorded in Vo1.ume 87 at Page. 564 of the Deed Records, said iron stake li.es .i.n the northwest l.i.ne of Live Oak Roa.d and marks the approxi.mate ~ocat.1.on of the. common li.nes of: the T_ Herrera. Survey. Abst. 1..53 a.nd the G... Mo1pez ~urvey, Abst. 221, 5a;i.d j.;r;on stake further deec;ribed as he.i.ng the east. corner of a tract called Second tract (1.0.. 5 acres) in conveyance from Adolph Eickmann to Bernard G. Lathrop, recorded in Volwne 229 at Paqe 448 further de.scribed a.5 being the east corner of a 13~. 5 acre w~11ia~ Fenske tract: THENCE with eo fence along the comman l.ine of the tract herein described and said 131..5 acre tract.. N 290 46"W 732.6 feet an iron stake found at a fence corner nla.rking the. Wt\8t COJCneX" of the tract herein descri.bed, 5ame baing the west corner of said 46 acre tract and be~ng the north corne~ of said ~31_5 acre tract; THENCE with a fence a~ong the northwest ~ina. N 5!lo 59'];: 995.5 feet to an .i.ron stake :found at' a f9nce corner marking the north corner of the. tra.ct here1.n described, same bei.ng the north corner of said residue of 46 acres, sai.d i.ron. stake bears a.pproxi.mate~y, S 600 W 2057.8 feet from the fe.nce a10nq the southwest ~ine of FM awy_ 3009 marki.ng th~ approximate 1ocati.on of the T. Herrera Survey, Abst... 153 and the D. Hernandez Survey, Abst. 1.64, said iron atake further described as baing the west corner of a. tract ca.11ed 12 _ 37 acres .1..n con.veya.nce from Robert Sei.~er, et Ux to Francisco Gut.1..arra2 recorded i~ Vo~ume 216 at Page 163: Tf'{-';;NCE with a fence a~on9 the common 1ine, S 290 34'E 7~9.7 feet to an j '1 stake found at a fence carner marki.ng the east corner of the tract h,--_Qin. described, s~e being the e.aat corner of said resi.due o~ 46 acree, said iron stake is: the sou.th corner of sai.d .1.2.37 acre tract and bears, S 5gv 52'W 748M1 feet from an iron stake .tound at a fence corner marki.ng the south corner of a tract cal.l.ed 22..l7 acres i.n convey~nce from Robert Sei1er, et ux to"aenry Guiterrez recorded in Vo1ume 216 at Page 184. THENCE with a fenc~ a~ong the northwest 1.i.ne of L~ve Oak Road, as fo11ows: S 590 ~4'W 6~1.7 feet to an iron stake set; THENCE cont.inui..nq wi.th &sa.i.d northwest .line, S 59v 1.4 'W 38~.5 faE'it to the PLACE OF BEGINNZNG and containing 16.57 acres of 1and; 6_/~-S5" ;i'.:L EXHIBIT 1\ o .. . - _.... _0_.- .____.. ,- p. ." - ,. ~.."':_....-.;..... '..-__~. .~~.............. . ...... 0 _.'_.__'0 .___ THE STATE OF TEXAS, J. ~r~J#\ fpJ. / L 'I~ q5'd 1)8 q~ f}/1 I PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT County of Guadalupe Before me, the undersigned authority, on this date personally appeared r.. 1\ _ REYNOLDS known to me, who, being by me duly sworn, on his oath deposes and says that he is the Publisher of The Seguin Gazette-Enterprise, a newspaper published in said county; that a copy of the within and foregoing notice was published in said newspaper ;< Sworn to and subscribed before me, this )(0 !t times before the return day named therein, such ORDINA~" .s-15 ORDINANCE 95-5-15 BY THE ci;tr COUNCIL BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF RjEV CITY OF OF THE. C}TY OF SCHI?RT?,. . TEXAS, SCHERTZ, TEXAS, . AMENOII'lqTHE ZONING AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINP.Ncli'. NO. 87-S-1 ORDINANCE NO. 87-S-1 BY REZONING 14.57 BY REZONING 14.57 ACRESj)flAND OUT OF ACRES OF LAND OUT OF GUADALUPE COUNTY GUADALUPE COUNTY AND REFWcTING SUCH AND REFLECTING SUCH CHANGEll'GlN CERTAIN CHANGES ON CERTAIN ZONING J,lAPS IN AC- ZONING MAPS IN AC. . CORDANCE WITH THE CORDANCE WITH THE SCHERTZ ZONING OR- SCHERTZ ZONING OR- DINANCE. DINANCE. . Pa~ed"apprQ,vedand Passed. approved and adoptlld the lllh day of lldoptlld the 6th day of June, June, r", ", 1995. 1995. ___ " Nonna Althouse, Norma Althouse. ~_ ~ Secretary Ci1ySecretary ~ ::.....- --..... - -'> day of ~ J.-v..-J- w~ publications being on the following dates: ~ ~~~ 9 /L1Q5' , I S-. ISC, S- . and a newspaper copy of which is hereto attached. / A.D., 19 qs . J-~' /.....~-~-"-,~tJ/... f.~ '/f.!: ;0\ MARGARET L CLARKSON 'L', -'1,..-. ~ NotlJY ptJb\ic,Sta\l! of Texas l_\ ',- ,'J MyCommiSSionExpiresJan.14,199B "',,'~)'~------~"'''l' "":~~:":;;"'-- ~- M~~'/ U~~/ Notary Public, Guadalupe County, Texas PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT I L L {Cf 'J L,tC (: ., J- JV'. u . YV'rfl / ~ ~/r F J, I i) (j(,FY! F. .'1~' ',.J 11 I ' THE STATE OF TEXAS, County of Guadalupe Before me, the undersigned authority, on this date personally appeared T. A. REYNOLDS known to me, who, being by me duly swom, on his oath deposes and says that he is the Publisher of The Seguin Gazette-Enterprise, a newspaper published in said county; that a copy of the within and foregoing notice was published in said newspaper :< times before the return day named therein, such publications being on the following dates: AN. ORDINANCE By the City Council 01 the City 01 Schertz, Texas, amending the ZQ9ing ordi- nanca NO, 87-S-1 by rezon. ing 14.57 acres of land out 01 Guadalupe County and re- flecting such changes on certain zoning maps in ac- cordance with the Schertz zoning ordinance. Approved on first reading the 16th day of May, 1995. Norma Ahhouse, City Secretary ~O~I )qq 5' 'v1Yi~ dS, I c,q r; w~ d Sworn to and subscribed before me, thisJ -- c-') c-~ / ',., m" ..___ ..'- -J ~. ....e~~ ~ and a newspaper copy of which is hereto attached. AN ORDINANCE By the City Council of lhe City of Schertz, Texas, amending the zoning ordt- nanca No, 87-5.1 by rezon- ing 14.57 acres of land out 01 GlJlldah.p County end re- flecting such changes on certain zoning maps in ac- cordance with the Schertz zoning ordinance. Approved on first reading the 16th day of May, 1995. Norma Althouse. City Secretary day of A.D., 19 crt)'. /fF~111 f~~~~*"": "~~r.t'\, MARGARE. TL.CLAAKSON \'" (T;'~- : -i Nola~Public,S.ta\eolTel"lS \. - '/ ; My CornmtSSiOfl El'ilrresJan 14,\99B "~"..._,-,,.,..-.,.....,... li~r"Of \~.-j./ .....~- 'f-r1 a ^o~~' t ~~~ Notary Public, Guadalupe County, Texas