2005S49-REZONING 853.68 ORDINANCE NO. 05-$-49 AN ORDINANCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS AMENDING THE UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE (UDC) ORDINANCE 96-S-28 BY REZONING 853.68:t ACRES OUT OF THE JULIAN DIAZ SURVEY NO. 66, ABSTRACT NO. 187, THE E.R. EVANS SURVEY NO. 80, ABSTRACT NO. 216, AND THE GERONIMO LEAL SURVEY NO. 79, ABSTRACT NO. 424, BEXAR COUNTY, SCHERTZ, TEXAS FROM RESIDENTIAL/ AGRICUL TURAL (R-A) AND GENERAL BUSINESS (GB) TO PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT (PUD); PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS: THAT, UDC Ordinance No. 96-S-28 of the City of Schertz, Texas is hereby amended in the following manner. SECTION I "Rezone 853.68:t acres ofland out of the Julian Diaz Survey No. 66, Abstract No. 187, the E.R. Evans Survey No. 80, Abstract No. 216, and the Geronimo Leal Survey No. 79, Abstract No. 424, Bexar County, Schertz, Texas, being more particularly described in the Field Notes attached and made part hereof Exhibit 'A", from Residential/Agricultural (R-A) and General Business (GB) to Planned Unit Development District (PUD), as noted in Exhibit 'B"', according to the guidelines set forth in Ordinance No. 05-S-40, as noted in Exhibit "C". SECTION II THAT, The Zoning District Map described and referred to in Article III, of the UDC, Ordinance 96-S-28 shall be changed to reflect the above amendments. D Me Don McCrary & Associates. Inc. EXHIBIT A Engineers and Surveyors Date 08117105 Job No. 04037 784.482 acre Metes & Bounds Description Ofa 784.482 Acre of Land BEING 784.482 ACRES OF LAND MORE OR LESS, COMPRISED OF 395.706 ACRES OF LAND SITUATED IN THE JULIAN DlAZ SURVEY NO. 66. ABSTRACT 187. COUNTY BLOCK 5059. CITY OF SCHERTZ, BEXAR COUNTY. TEXAS AND BEING OUT OF THOSE TRACTS CAlLED 145.427 ACRES DESCRIBED IN VOLUME 11492, PAGE 63 REAL PROPERTY RECORDS OF BEXAR COUNTY, TEXAS AND 100.966 ACRE TRACT DESCRIBED IN VOlUME 11465. PAGE 348 REAl PROPERTY RECORDS OF BEXAR COUNTY; TEXAS. CONVEYED TO SCHERTZ 1518 ltd., AND THE REMAINDER OF THOSE TRACTS CAlLED 145.na ACRES DESCRIBED IN VOLUME 6300, PAGE 439 REAL PROPERTY RECORDS OF BEXAR COUNTY. TEXAS. AND 52.593 ACRES DESCRIBED IN. VOLUME 5491, PAGE 0740 REAL PROPERTY RECORDS OF BEXAR COUNTY, TEXAS, AND AlL OF THE THOSE TRACTS CALLED 10.00 ACRES DESCRIBED IN VOlUME 3314, PAGE 1721 REAl PROPERTY RECORDS OF BEXAR COUNTY, TEXAS. AND 15.00 ACRES DESCRIBED IN VOLUME 3062. PAGE 1721 REAL PROPERTY RECORDS OF BEXAR COUNTY. TEXAS. ALL OF WHICH CONVEYED TO RICHARD AND JANICE KEMP, AND AlSO BEING COMPRISED OF 311.633 ACRES OF LAND SITUATED IN THE E.R. EVANS SURVEY NO. 80, ABSTRACT 216, COUNTY BLOCK 5060, CITY OF SCHERTZ, BEXAR COUNTY, TEXAS. AND BEING OUT OF THOSE CERTAIN 156.21 ACRE TRACTS DESCRIBED IN VOlUME 1897. PAGE 94. AND VOlUME 4331, PAGE 503 DEEO RECORDS OF BEXAR COUNTY. TEXAS AlL OF WHICH CONVEYED TO MELBERT AND BOBBIE HILLERT. AND ALSO BEING COMPRISED OF 77.143 ACRES OF LAND SITUATED IN THE GERONIMO LEAL SURVEY NO. 79, ABSTRACT 424, COUNTY BlOCK 5058. CITY OF SCHERTZ, BEXAR COUNTY; TEXAS AND BEING ALL OF A 0.738 ACRE TRACT OF LAND AS DESCRIBED VOlUME 4802, PAGE 1184 REAL PROPERTY RECORDS OF BEXAR COUNTY, TEXAS AND 76.405 ACRES OF LAND OUT OF A CALLED n.19 ACRE TRACT OF lAND DESCRIBED IN VOLUME 4721, PAGE 1066 REAl,. PROPERTY RECORDS OF BEXAR COUNTY. TEXAS AlL OF WHICH CONVEYED TO MELBERT HlllERT. AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: Beginning at a found ~" rebar in the southwest right.of.way line of FM 1518 for the east comer of this tract herein described, and the north comer of a 10.00 acre tract 8S described In Volume 6371, Page 1639. OffIcial Records of Bexar Coulty , Texas; Thence leaving the southwest right-of-way line of FM 1518 along the north line of said 10.00 acra tract and the south line of this tract herEm described S 5~20'1r W, a distance of 1745.70 feet to a found~" rebarfor the west comer of said 10.00 acre tract and being north corner of a 9.968 acre tract described in Volume 10054, Page 1692, Official Records of Bexar County. Texas; Thence S 511 40' 52" W. a distance of 509.73 feet to a found post for an interior comer of this tract and the west comer of said 9.968 acre nct; Thence With fence and the west line of said 9.968 acre tract S 2St18' 31" E. 8 distance of 1598.70 feet to a found ~" rebar for the south southeast comer of this tract herein described and being the south comer of said 9.968 acre tract in the northwest right-of-way line of Ware Seguin Road; Thence With the northwest right-of-way fine of Ware Seguin Road the follooMng calls: 55150' 3O"W, 8 distance of 1198.13 feat to a found W rebar; 5 5ffOS' 45" W, 8 distance of 249.12 feet to a found ~n mbar; 5 5!f44' 57"W. a distance of 1053.65 feet to a found %" rebarforthe south comer of this tract herein described; Thenes Leaving the northwest right-of-way line of Ware Seguin Road with fence N 21109' 16- W, .a distance of 2725.35 feet to a fomd ~" rebar for a comer of this tract and being the north comer of a 77.856 acre tract as described In Volume 4719, Page 327, Real Property Records of Bexar County, Texas; Thence With fence N 5ff5T 51- E, a distance of 225.68 feet to a found Post for an interior comer of this tract hemin described and being the east comer of a 98.629 acre tract described In Volume 9585, Page 52, Real Property Records of Bexar County, Texas; Thence With fence N 2f159' 350 W. 8 distance of 2989.96 feet to a found Post for 8n interior comer of this tract herein described and being the north comer of said 98.629 acre tract In the southeast line of said 77.19 acre tract; Page 1 of 3 F:\DOCS\04037\784.482 acre 323 Breeaport St. San Antonio. TeX88 78216-2602 Phone (210) 349-2651 F8X(210)349-2653 D Me Don McCrary & Associates. Inc. Engineers and Surveyors Thence With fence S 5{f39' or W, a distance of 925.46 feet to 8 found ~" rebar with cap mar1<ed KoIodzie in the northeast line of a 228.851 acre tract described in Volume 9972. Page 324, Real Property Records of Bexar County, Texas; Thence With fence N 3(139' 3rw, 8 distanceof20n.86 feet to a found~" rebarfor the west northwest corner of this tract herein described and being the south comer of 840.218 acre tract described In Volume 8237, Page 1538, Real Property Records of 8exar County, Texas; Thence With fence and the north line of said 77.19 acre tract: N 5{f45' 24" E, a distance of 1619.90 feet to a set ~" rebar capped and marked 3403 for the north comer of this tract herein de8crlbed In the west line of 8 16.49 acre tract described in Volume 10728, Page 1295, Real Property Records of Bexar County, Texas; Thence With fence and the west line of said 16.49 acre tract S 3(136' 04" E, a distance of 611.67 feet to a found 1" pipe for a comer of this tract herein described and being the south comer of said 16.49 aae tract and the west comer of a 7.0992 acre tract described In Volume 9127, Page 291. Real- Property Records of Bexar County , Texas;. Thence S 59'48' 44"W, 8 distance of 30.00 faetto 8 set %" reb8rcapped and marked 3403 In fence-fora corner of this tract herein described and being the west corner of a 53.618 acre tract recorded in Volume 8237, Page 1538, Real Property Records of Bexar County, Texas; Thence With fence and the west line of said 53.618 acre tract S 3(133' 53" E, 8 distance of 1037.24 feet to a set W rebar capped and marked 3403 at a fence post for an angle point of this tract herein described; Thence WIth fence S 56'38' 41" E, a distance of 473.14 feet to a found %" rebar for an angle point of this tract herein described and being the south comer of said 53.618 acre tract; Thence With fence N 59' 44' 25" E, 8 distance of 587.31 feet to 8 found W rebar and being the south comer of a 2.656 acre tract described in Volume 7928. Page 563, Real Property Records of Bexar County. Texas; Thence N 59'33' 54" E, a distance of 317.65 feet to afomd W reberforthe east comarofsald.2.656 acre tract; . Thence N 59'49' 33- E, 8 distance of 507.02 feet to a found ~" rebar for an interior comer of this tract herein described and being the east comer of said 53.618 acre nct; Thence ~49'02'W. 8 distance of 1462.02 feet with the northeast Ins of said 53.618 acre tract to a found Cedar Post for the north comer of said 53.618 acre tract; Thence S60"24'38"W, a c:IIstance of 17.90 feet to a found %" iron pin for a comer of said 145.776 acre tract and the east comerofa 45.68 acre tract de8crlbed in Vokme 3930, Page 1135 Real Property Records of BexarCounty, Texas; Thence N29"4 7'44"W. a distance of 2266.29 feet wtth the common li'te of said 145. na acre tract and said 45.68 acre tract to a set %" iron pin with yellow plastic cap stamped 3403 for the northwest comer of this tract herein de6crlbed; N59<'34'OO"E, a distance of 2195.96 feet along the southeast right-of-way line of Lower Seguin to a found %" Iron pin with yellow plastic cap stamped 3403 and being the north comer of said 100.966 acre tract; Thence S30016'00"E, a distance of 798.59 feet to a found %" iron pin for an angle point of this tract herein described; Thence S23024'58"E, a distance of 118.78 feet to a found %"Iron pin for Mangle point; Thence S30045'26"E, a distance of 170.25 feet to a found Yz" iron pin for an angle point; Thence S27056'12"E, a distance of 166.40 feet to 8 found W iron pin for an angle point; Thence S34044'05"E, a distance of 186.57 feet to a found ~" Iron pin for an angle point in the southeast right-of-way line of F.M.1518: Thence S30"20'21"E, a distance of 2496,39 feet to a foood %"Iron pin with yellow plastic cap stamped 3403 and being the east comer of said 100.966 acre tract; . Thence S30"20'56"E, a distance of 411.24 feet to a found %" Iron pin for the north comer of a 1.50 acre tract descrlbed In Volume 9485. Page 534 Real Property Records of Bexar County, Texas and a corner of this tract her8ln d88Cl'lbed; Thence S59"41'07"W, a distance of 192.44 feet to 8 found %" Iron pin for an Interior comer of this tract herein descnbed and being the west corner of said 1.50 acre tract; Thence S30018'53"E, a distance of34Q.oo feet to a found %"Iron pin for an interior comer of this tract herein described and being the south comer of said 1.50 acre tract; Thence N59041 'OrE. a distance of 192.65 feet to a found %" iron pin for a comer of this tract herein descrtbed and being the east corner of said 1.50 acre tract; Page 2 of 3 F:\DOCS\04037\784.482 acre 323 ereesport St. San Antonio, T4xas 78216.2602 Phone (210) 349-2851 Fax (210) 349-2853 D Me Don McCrary & ~ciates, Inc, Engineers and Surveyors Thence S30"20'S6"E, 8 distance of 306.08 feet to 8 found W iron pin and being the north comer of 8 26.732 acre tract described in Volume 6737, Page 1289 Real Property Records ofBexar County, Texas; Thence S30016'S2''E, a distance of 1070,52 feet to a found W iron pin and being the east comer of said 26.732 acre tract and the north comer of said 145.427 aae tract; Thence S30016'OO"E. 8 distance of 1739.47 feet to the Point of Beginning and containing 784.482 acres of land more or less. Page 3 of 3 F:\OOCS\04037\784.482 acre 323 Bressport St. San Antonio. Texe. 78216-2602 Phone (210) 349-2851 Fax (210) 34$.2653 Date 8117105 Job No. 04037 69.196 acres Metes and Bounds Description or 69.196 ACRES OF LAND Being 69.196 acres of land more or less out of the Jeronimo leal Survey No. 79, Abstract 424, County Block 5058, City of Schertz, Bexar County, Texas, and comprised of those tract called 34.007 acres described in Volume 11492, Page 57 Real Property Records of Bexar County, Texas, and 35.182 acres described in Volume 11492, Page 69 Real Property Records of Bexar County, Texas, conveyed to Schertz 1518 ltd., and being more particularty described as follows: Beginning at a found aluminum disk a TxDOT monument for the east southeast comer of this tract herein described in the north right-of-way of Lower Seguin for the east comer of this tract herein described and the south comer of a called 13.52 acre tract recorded in Volume 1412, Page 627, Deed Records, Bexar County, Texas; Thence S 590 56' 15" W, a distance of 24.64 feet to a found aluminum disk a TxDOT monument in the north right-of- way line of Lower Seguin for an angle point of this tract herein described; Thence S 590 07' 36" W, a distance of 800.04 feet to a found aluminum disk a TxOOT monument for the south comer of this tract herein described, and the east comer of a called 4.494 acre tract recorded in Volume 2249, Page 801, Official Public Records, Bexar County, Texas; Thence N 300 16' 14" W, a distance of 1874.88 feet along the common line of said 4.494 acre tract, a called 1.537 acre tract recorded in Volume 3162, Page 937, Official Public Records, Bexar County, Texas, a called 1.04 acre tract recorded in Volume 8830, Page 1933, Official Public Records, Bexar County, Texas, a called 2.16 acre tract recorded in Volume 9433, Page 1793, Official Public Records, Bexar County, Texas, Lots 20, 19, 18 of Windy Acres Subdivision recorded in Volume 6800, Page 47-50, Plat Records, Bexar County, Texas, a called 1.58 acre tract recorded in Volume 7814, Page 1919, Official Public Records, Bexar County, Texas, and a called 2.248 acre tract recorded in Volume 7876, Page 1399, Official Public Records, Bexar County, Texas to a found %" rebar for the west comer of this tract herein described and being the south comer of a called 25.62 acre tract recorded in Volume 6105, Page 511, Deed Records, Bexar County, Texas; Thence N 590 48' 36" E, a distance of 814.44 feet to a found Mag Nail in post for a comer of this tract herein described and being the west comer of a 6.00 acre tract recorded in Volume 3044, Page 290, Official Public Records, Bexar County, Texas; Thence S 300 35' 02" E, a distance of 351.16 feet to a found %" rebar for an interior comer of this tract along the common line of said 6.00 acre tract of land, 6.00 acre tract recorded in Volume 3044, Page 2010, Official Public Records, Baxar County, Texas, a total of 12.0 acres conveyed to Arthur W. Hillert Jr., Thence N 590 44' 22" E, a distance of 1482.74 feet along the north of 34.007 found Y2" rebar on the southwest right- of -way line of FM 1518, for the north comer of this tract herein described and being the east comer of a 6.00 acre tract described in Volume 3044, Page 290, Official Public Records, Bexar County, Texas; Thence S 300 08' 54" E, a distance of 301.32 feet to a set %" rebar with yellow plastic cap marked 3403 for the beginning of a curve to the right; Thence 728.49 feet along arc of said curve to the right having a chord bearing of S 210 47' 03" E, a distance of 725.93 feet, a radius of 2505.28 feet, a central angle of 16039'03", to a found %" rebar for the east comer of this tract herein described and being north comer of a said13.52 acre tract; Thence Leaving the southwest line of FM 1518 along the common line of this tract and said 13.52 acre tract S 59046' 52" W, a distance of 1369.41 feet to a found %" rebar for an interior comer of this tract herein described and being the west comer of said 13.52 acre tract and being on the east line of said 35.182 acre tract; Thence S30035'02"E, a distance of 495.94 feet to the Point of Beginning and containing 69.196 acres of land more or less. Don McCrary R.P.L.S. 3403 S:Vobs\Schertz FM 1518\engineer files\08-19'{)5 metes n bounds desc\mts & bds 69[1].196 Acres.doc "i" J-- "'" i........ -~I \ '--- ..... \ l"-- . . '-- '" I -J'\ \ . OJ"",,- \ I 8.;:.. 8 '" "- ~~~ ~~ \" '- II>",OJ Il'~ " g~N Q~ '" "'" '" " '--- ~~> u :~n fll~ ~~!;:tl ~'" ","t:rj ~~ gJ!l U1 g'" ~~ I ~~ " f;1- ~o; ~~ '" '" '" n :' r ~ ; ~- ~ "';: " ~. ~ c' ~ , ~ : ,- nC~'.10~ . c ~:~~~~ ~~E~~~ t,~ '".;~ ~~ ........... ~ -~ ~g ~ cO 0'. r I ~ ~: I 80 ) ~~ !8S~!~! I \ ~\ ~~~;~~: ~Ii ;~~~~: I "l ~~~m I \ II ~~ .~~~:~ . Y "~9 ~ ;;~;~;) \ ~~~ Jtl~. 5 mS~ '" I. ')\""-.-1; i'~-~ ;:w I ' ,,~ ~ "- ~S! , ~~U~ ~~~~~U ~, -..J~__ ;~~~~ ~~~~lr~" ~-- "", ''";'' ~ ---- ,. "- mmmmi!!i(:~~ -. -~ -~;:- :, "~'o'J,,~,",,~J I 8~ 'I i !!;!11!mml!!; "I' I ! ~~~:~~8:"~:~!~~~: ~~ s I !lillliliil!!!lli ! II:~ I ! ~:~~~~~~5~ ~~~~ i J ~\ <>R ..~~...~<> :.,~...~ \. "I.;:; ~~8~:~;<1~ :~~~ ~ ~~"';:!~......C!t:: ..~ f !!~~~~::~~ ::;: ~ ~~"''''~E~''~ ::!:!~ 3 ;~~~~;:~~~ ~~; i ::..,....,:a~~i: ~~ ~ fg~i~~.~~~ ~; 1 ........~~~gi:j~ ~~~ I i ~~~~S~~:~;: ~~ r ~ ~. ~ I . I t. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4IC"~~ I I I I I I . i ~ l ~ ~ . 1 ~~ ~~ I ,~;~~~ I 2~.~~"~ ~~k,~~ >~~G~~~ I ~ ~ I I m X I OJ -i )> I jj i< ~ . I ~ } t"t:. ~~1~1 ! : 2 ~ ZONING MAP SCHERTZ 1518 CITY OF SCHERTZ BEXAR COUNTY. TEXAS DON MCCRARY e. AssOCIATES, INC. 1M: ENGINEERS e. SURVEYORS :I238~ SAH A/lTONIO, Tnu 71216-2602 (210) :Ilot}..Z6~1 ad! ~~II .....~~I =1= .._~- I I , I :un coc O:u C:u fT]CO (j)z -j-j r N-< o ZN -0 Zz Oco -,,0 C:u- 01 . l>_ ,.,..iJ'" "'~.~. ~~ :::::;...,.-- ::::,~ CHECKED o""~ :~~ I / :un coc O:u C;lJ COfT] cO Z -j;::! N-< o ZN -0 Zz OfT] o -" CoD 01 l>. " o OJ. II (2 IN,, ~I ~~ IDm 0..... I~ =01 lit Qt-!t II ~"~- ~~ &..a I =-.::- ~~ 1!,I,lll! UU'; IW l!I'.' "\IlI~"'" I'sl oil tt " !ltl!1 lUli!' l E- hkN[1'I BGUZUAN , o 200 400 --" ' , SCoIIL[;1~.400' 100 I 100 h /.E!i.ElilJ RP.B.C- REAL PROPERTY BEXAR COUNTY --__ D ~:...2.E.!!J..!'ECORDS Bf.!.:!!!...c.<!!!....NTr.-_ k ~ ~:;r:::: =:r-:.=\=~]-.::: ;:.\ r= r,;:. - ::::::-0J- :::.~ i =-1" -~~::'-- ~ --,~ I ,.~- =:~-;-: !!~~. ZONING I ( ~~IUS ; II~ :.=.:=:.:-- ~ s ~ t ~ ~ ~ I :-k:.-::...- >~a~~-~.. =~..._- ~~h h~ .. =-Oll' ~lt'NJ'1CTlllrtJ_ .O.B. AIONDM...e.,AZ~ 89 De AC. VOLU1~:::::::"r'JK:,_ faI/f..DNtJ.Of'ffOIf ZONror-A ~...,.,..- ---... ...-ro.n__ ,- ----=-==- Cl ~ o N ~ ~ i ~i~ ~!~ il! Ill! ij~!~~h !.!flll ~ ~tt~~ ~ ~ Jln.3 . '''f?Nil"E ~~~~f~;l ;O~~N"<fDp~DA'/GB' ': ~69.196 i" ~ ~ ~ ACRESI I NJ018'14.W Jo'~r._"1 III:r.c...._lII:llPOOl. _1t..ou......,..,.1IIlCI 110."'>> _....~r_l '= """""''''''''' """W<<r!!J<<1UN~. L-.z;g;;~ YOC-1'>fe,r"8.ozsr,1JG. __".__ rt.IlL~~ ::E=- 200' ZONING :;::=.- RADIUS SZI'lll'3Tt ,,.,"" ,., ! \~ fi ' IJ ~t . 'Irth5p- . , - lenh~ ~=p- r- , . - ., - ' . - . , - . , - ..~ ~ ~ @ CURVE DATA (:, - 16'39'38" R : 2505.28' T - 366.83' L - 728.49' CB = S 21'47'03" 725.93 ~ ~'4'.W 241.12' IN2i'(KI'UI-W 21n.J" ..........,....1fI.U!Il.... 1UI>wt~~Jl'I)_ ~1.,.,1I8P:W ..."""" -- ..............- IONlIJr'A / I t..- OWNf P /=,f v; , ~p, ~ S(n~'tl lS1~ to IJ. :....'J~ ,."",~':J ",l:Jfl""",~",~ B, J't{~', M'J"(;~~fT'e~_' I..~q~-,",;tu\'o' (t l~.(!;, (_or~(>,-::,or G~r'~rl) ~I)r'''t"' L '1' r, ~ '" I.~"'. ;'-'{',>,ce"',' A"1"";~ ~',~ ~'_' EXHIBIT A p~''-)WtP, I-~ ::',IR;:;'Uil~ 201.,t:~ 'R-!. l-it:'.:.iL,'E'::Tlt,(, ?(,I'-Mi(, P Li~' (PLANEl! UNll DE"~L ~,~,~: ,. -,.l1 E~ W1-' .....'J(, '11v'~':'l :t';~ ~ i Zoning Exhibit c!wglzonlng exhlblt.dwg, 8/19/2005 Ulll:50 AM. ho _ 9600_ ': ',: :Jh:'_ It! ~ o z ~ /. ~~ ~~ ;:w .,~ ~1 u z iii l!! 00[ u o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ .- a:: : ~11l ~ ~~I;~ ~~!I~ g~~~B b ~I ~ : ~~~: ~ o Ot) N 005a a:l SHEC EXHIBIT C ORDINANCE NO, {)..5 - 5 - <1-0 AN ORDINANCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS AMENDING THE UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE (UDC) ORDINANCE 96-S-28 BY AMENDING ARTICLE VII (SPECIAL DISTRICTS), ADDING SECTION 7 (PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT). PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS: SECTION I THAT, Ordinance No. 96-S-28 of the City of Schertz, Texas is hereby amended, adding Section 7 (Planned Unit Development) to Article VII (Special Districts), in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A. SECTION II THAT this Ordinance shall be effective from and after its final passage and any publication required by the City of Schertz. SECTION III THAT all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed. Approved on first reading the 2nd day of August, 2005. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED the 16th day of ArrEST: (SEAL OF THE CITY) 20139294.1 ARTICLE VII, SECTION 7: PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT ~.__.._'M~M~'~.'_W_"_"___'__"__"___"'_"____"""__...----,..--.---......-......-........--....-..----...---------.................---........---...-.........................-..---..........."..--..-.--.---.-..--.............-.-..--........-.."............. SUB-SECTION 7.1 PURPOSE AND INTENT SUB-SECTION 7.2 DEFINITIONS FOR THE PURPOSES OF THIS SECTION SUB-SECTION 7.3 REZONING AND MINIMUM SITE AREA SUB-SECTION 7.4 ApPLICATION REQUIREMENTS SUB-SECTION 7.5 PERMITTED USES SUB-SECTION 7.6 OPEN SPACE REQUIREMENTS AND ARCHITECTURAL CONTROLS SUB-SECTION 7.7 ApPROVAL OF PLAN AND STANDARDS SUB-SECTION 7.8 RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS SUB-SECTION 7.9 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS SUB-SECTION 7.10 INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS SUB-SECTION 7.11 MODIFICATION OF MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS -- ---------------------------- SUB-SECTION 7.1 PURPOSE AND INTENT The purpose and intent of the Planned Unit Development ("PUD") is to provide design flexibility, thereby enabling the applicant to capitalize on a site's desirable features in ways that would be prohibited under the otherwise applicable standard zoning. Under the PUD approach, land may be developed in ways that would not be possible under a strict application of standard zoning and subdivision regulations, while providing for quality controls. It is intended to reduce the cost of infrastructure necessary to serve the new development while better promoting land use efficiency and environmental protection. A PUD will promote excellence in design, site arrangements cognizant of the natural environment and integration of uses and structures, and will protect the integrity of surrounding environment and development. A. The rezoning of property to the PUD classification may be deemed appropriate if the development proposed for the PUD can accomplish four or more of the following goals: (a) Provides an orderly and creative arrangement of land uses that are harmonious and beneficial to the community and the natural environment; (b) Provides a variety of housing types, employment opportunities or commercial or industrial services, or any combination thereof, to ___..________..__..__.._____..___________...._..__________.__H_.._____"_____"___~_..~~_~~.R"__H_R.____H____.~H~H._._....~~~_.__R"_____"H_R.__.R~H Page 1 of 31 achieve variety and integration of economic and redevelopment opportunities; (c) Provides flexibility in land uses, development density, and in other matters typically regulated in zoning districts; (d) Provides cultural, civic, educational, medical, ecumenical, or recreational facilities, or any combination thereof, in a planned or a unique setting and design; (e) Provides redevelopment of areas where depreciation of any type has occurred or where historic structures or landmarks exist; (f) Provides revitalization of designated areas; (g) Provides area-sensitive site planning and design by preserving native trees and topographic features of the land; (h) Promotes or allows development to occur in accordance with a uniform set of PUD development standards which reflect specific circumstances of the site and its related design standards; (i) Avoids premature or inappropriate development that would result in incompatible uses or would create traffic and public service demands that exceed the capacity of existing or planned facilities; (j) Contributes to health, safety and general welfare of the community and provides development compatible with the City's goals and objectives as stated within the Unified Development Code and Comprehensive Land Plan; (k) Includes building and development which meet at least fifty percent (50%) of the U.S, Green Building Council (USGBC) 1 LEED standards for certification and/or the National Institute of Building Science's "Whole Building Design Guidelines."2 Examples of these principles and techniques may include: (1) Sustainable development principles; (2) Operable insulated windows and deepened roof overhangs, breezeways, and/or access to natural light and fresh air through building orientation; 1 U.S. Green Building Council, http://www.usabc.org/ 2 National Institute of Building Science's "Whole Building Design Guidelines", http://www,wbdg.org/ _..~~~"-"-------------------------------------"-----------..-------------------------------.-..---..-------------------- Page 2 of 31 (3) Use of technologies and building materials that reduce the use of fossil fuels for energy consumption and techniques that reduce global warming; (4) Rainwater capture and infiltration systems and bio-swales around and within parking lots and development areas; (5) Permeable pavement materials; (6) Air filtration systems; and (7) Energy efficient products such as air conditioners, water heaters and lighting. B. Relationship to other ordinances and criteria: The PUD is a Special District contained within the UDC. The PUD shall comply with all applicable Overlay or Special District, Parking and Loading, Landscape, Procedures and Administration, Use Regulations, Subdivision, Engineering Criteria, and other related City Code of Ordinances unless otherwise noted or amended in this Section 7. Compliance with the intent, goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Land Plan is necessary for the success of a PUD application. SUB-SECTION 7.2 DEFINITIONS FOR THE PURPOSES OF THIS SECTION 7 ------_. - -. AASHTO STANDARDS: Standards that are published by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.3 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: Generally, the minimum standards for development in the PUD, as adopted by the City Council, including but not limited to standards for intensity and type of use; densities, building and setback requirements; provision for utilities; topography and drainage patterns; signage; open space and landscaping; on-site vehicular and pedestrian circulation and parking; architectural features and controls; urban design elements and features; site amenities and landscaping; and, any written development agreements with the City, other governmental agency, or utility. MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN: In general, specific development standards and accompanying plans adopted by the City Council, which identify, with respect to 3 American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), http://www .aashto.org/aashto/home. nsf/FrontPage --~-----'------'-"-----"._---------------------"--------------------------.---------------------------..------- Page 3 of 31 a PUD development, the proposed location and size of development parcels, land uses, densities, and lot coverage; transportation plans and a traffic impact analysis; environmental assessment with indication of flood plains, wetlands, tree survey, and other environmental factors; open space, community facilities and amenity plans; architectural and aesthetic features; and, the specific development and design standards. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: Considers development impacts based upon principles that meet and integrate existing environmental, economic, and social needs without compromising the well-being of future generations. USGBC LEED STANDARDS: Standards published by the U.S. Green Building Council. WHOLE BUILDING DESIGN GUIDELINES: Guidelines published by the National Institute of Building Science. SUB-SECTION 7.3 REZONING AND MINIMUM SITE AREA A. Property may be rezoned to the PUD by the City Council in accordance with the requirements of this Section 7, the UDC, and other applicable City ordinances and criteria. Each use area shall be described separately by acreage and general location, with specific uses, design and development standards. The rezoning shall include the adoption of a specific master development plan and development standards. A development agreement is encouraged between the City and the developer. B. The minimum site area for a PUD is twenty (20) acres. C. Exceptions to the minimum site area requirement: (a) The City Council may waive this requirement when proper planning justification is shown where the site is: (1) a redevelopment; (2) a designated historic structure or monument site; (3) encumbered by fifty percent (50%) or more of its gross lot area within a 100-year floodplain and the development . intent is to preserve that 100-year floodplain in its natural state; (4) located within an area developed prior to the incorporation of the City; or, _M_________________________.____..____________.________________________________....___________________________________. Page 4 of 31 (5) designated as a revitalization project, neighborhood or special area plan. (b) Where the property is surrounded on three (3) sides by existing development, the minimum acreage requirement for a PUD application is waived outright. __M_MMMM_MMM.._M..MM..__.......__...___........____.__....____.........__......__.....__.._.___..___......___............._...".__........__.._........__.__...._....___..__....__.......... ~UB-SECTIO ~_ 7 .~_~~PL_~CA_'!'IO N RE_qU~~E~_~~T.~__...__.__._.___.___.___._.___.__.______.__.______. In addition to the application requirements of the UDC and any associated submittal/application checklists, the following must accompany an application for PUD rezoning submitted by the property owner(s): A. A metes and bounds description of the proposed PUD as a whole; B. A proposed master development plan for the entire site; C. Proposed development standards to be applied to the development; D. Any proposed conditions, covenants and restrictions for the development, including easements and grants for public utility purposes; E. The location of primary and secondary thoroughfares proposed for the development, including right-of-way widths and the location of access points to abutting streets; F. Identification of all rights-of-way, easements, open spaces or other areas to be dedicated, deeded or otherwise transferred to the City; G. A plan for the extension of any necessary public services and facilities, including sewer facilities and facilities for flood control and drainage; H. Guidelines for the physical development of the property, including illustrations of proposed architectural, urban design, landscape, open space and signage concepts. I. The location and description of all buffering that is proposed between the development site and adjacent properties; J. Additional information and detail as may be required in order to respond to the unique characteristics of the site and its location. ---..--.-.........-------...-....-..----....-.....-.......----..----..-----------....--.-........--......-----.------...------------ Page 5 of 31 "'~"~"~~"_'''''''''_~....~-.",.~"..~...._.._..~,,,,~..,,......_..,....~~....,"_........~",.".._......",."........",~.."..~,-".......,...._..-,.................................,.................~..,....~............""-,,..........~....".."..,......"....~.~..........~................~..",..~..",. SUB-SECTION 7.5 PERMITTED USES ..._....."..___.."""_~_~"""~~.~___...._.~.._..'.._m.__..........,,...__~".""..._."..~".."__.H_~_.'~~"~~....H"..._~.."...._.................................~~~__..............._.~.~......~.,,~~....................,,_........,,".._.......~............,_,."............"."......~__".~'.~..~.._.__........... A. Any combination of residential, commercial, industrial or public uses may be permitted within a specific PUD to the extent they are consistent with the Master Development Plan and Development Standards for that PUD. The uses to be permitted within the PUD must be specified in the adopted Master Development Plan for the PUD. Because of the nature and purpose of the PUD, notwithstanding any other provision of this Section 7: (a) An application to rezone PUD property may be denied by the City Council, at its complete discretion, if it finds that the proposed development is incompatible or out of harmony with surrounding uses or the pattern of development within the area and when the development does not meet the stated intent of this Section 7; (b) An application to allow a particular use, type of development, or development standard within the PUD may be denied if it is not compatible or is out of harmony with the surrounding uses or pattern of development and, (c) No use, type of development, or development standard is presumptively permitted within the PUD. B. AICUZ APPLICABILITY. A PUD that is located in whole or in part in an Air Installation Compatible Use Zone relating to Randolph Air Force Base and adopted by the United States Air Force, described in Article VII, Section 4 of the UDC (the "AICUZ Area") shall include in its Master Development Plan land uses and densities within the portion of the PUD in such AICUZ Area that are wholly compatible with the recommended land uses and densities within the AICUZ Area that are in effect on the date the Master Development Plan is presented to the City for approval. -.._-~-____........_..~"__..__..__H_..___.._____.._...._..__~__...._........__..___....._..._..........__......____....__ ~~B-~EC!IO~_.7 .~_~PE~__S~~~~_!tEq~_~~M ~_~TS__~N~ AI!.CH~!EC!!J~_~~~N!~O~!_____ A. Open Space Provision And Design Criteria: (a) Common open space must be set aside for the use and benefit of the residents of the PUD. Common open space may use up to 25 percent of any 100-year floodplain acreage to calculate the overall common open space requirement, but ---..-..-"....-.."...."--~-....-~-~..--~....-........-........--..-..~~..__,,__~.__..~_...._.___HH__..H......_"....~_~_~~~__~....__~~"..._~_ Page 6 of 31 in no case shall floodplain exceed 50 percent of the common open space requirement. (b) All significant natural features shall be preserved and, where necessary, protected by setbacks and easements from development. (c) Development shall be designed and sited to preserve and protect the lOO-year floodplain. (d) Significant stands of native trees and any other areas of substantial vegetation shall be preserved and protected from alteration and destruction. (e) The UDC tree preservation and parkland dedication requirements shall apply to this Section 7 to the extent this Section 7 as not amended the UDC requirements, (f) No parking areas, storage areas, or required park acreage shall be computed as open space. Landscape buffers may be included in open space computations. B. Ownership and Maintenance of Common Open Space: (a) The PUD must be organized as a common-interest community in one of the forms permitted by the Texas Local Government Code. All private open space and facilities must be maintained by a homeowner's association or community- interest community. (b) The PUD association may not dissolve or dispose of any common open space by sale or otherwise unless dedication is accepted by the City as community-wide parkland by action of the City Council relative to existing PUD developments or City Council otherwise agrees. C. Open Space Dedication: The City may, in its discretion, accept dedication of common open space, or any interest therein, for public use and maintenance as parkland. All land and facilities must be dedicated without cost to the City. D. General Architectural Design and Controls: (a) All PUD applications must either adopt the general sign restrictions in the City or be accompanied by a sign package program to be included in the Development Standards and which substantially comply with the UDC. Alternative sign _~~"M~_W_MW__"__W__M~_M'_"_"__'_.",,______________,W"_____________________________._.________.__________.._________________ Page 7 of 31 programs may be considered where creativity and material use is above the quality generally featured in other similar developments within the City. (b) Structures may contain multiple uses, except as otherwise provided in this Section 7. ~__RR___HM_M___N""MH""_H_'''''_'_'''_''H__.''H_''''_"''_''__...._..____.._____.___....____...____.._____.____............__........__...._...._._._........__......_._.........____...._.._.._...... SUB-SECTION 7.7 ApPROVAL OF PLAN AND STANDARDS '..--......-.......--.---............----....-.....-............-................---..........--.........--.---..----...----..-..--.....-.-.........---.----......-.--..--....---.-....------............-.--...............--.................................----.....-....-.-............ In connection with any approval of a PUD, the City Council shall adopt a Master Development Plan and Development Standards, which will thereafter govern the development of the property within the PUD. All application packages, including application checklists, shall apply and may be amended and become effective after a 10-day notice posted at City Hall by the Director of Planning and Zoning. A. In considering the approval of a Master Development Plan and Development Standards for a PUD, the City Council shall be guided by the following objectives, and may impose such conditions and requirements deemed necessary to meet the following objectives: (a) Consistency of the proposed development with the Comprehensive Land Plan, this Section 7, and other applicable plans, policies, standards and regulations; (b) Compatibility of the proposed development with the requirements of Section 7.5B and adjacent and surrounding development; (c) The purpose and intent of this Section 7; (d) Minimization of the development's impact upon adjacent roadways and neighborhood traffic, and upon other public facilities and infrastructure; (e) Protection of the public health, safety and general welfare. B. If the City Council approves the PUD Master Development Plan and Development Standards, it shall, after the public hearing, make a finding of fact regarding the particularities the development and to what extent the development would be in the public interest, including, but not limited to: (a) In what respects the proposed development is consistent with the stated purpose, intent, goals and/or objectives of the -~~-~~---------------..--_...__.----.._--.._---,--_.._-_..-__________n__..________......________...._..__....__________....______._____________ Page 8 of 31 Master Development Plan and Development Standards of the PUD; (b) Extent to which the proposed Master Development Plan meets the Development Standards of the PUD and applicable regulations of the UDC; (c) Extent to which the proposed development departs from the Master Development Plan and Development Standards of the PUD and any applicable regulations within the UDC; (d) Method by which the proposed Master Development Plan makes adequate provision for public services and facilities, provides adequate control over vehicular traffic, provides for an protects designated common open space, and furthers the protection of environmental site features; (e) Relationship and compatibility of the proposed development to adjacent development; (f) Desirability of the development relative to physical development and provision of utilities and infrastructure, tax base, and the economic well-being of the City. SUB-SECTION 7.8 RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Residential districts in a PUD shall follow the standard subdivision procedures and related requirements, as outlined in the UDC or as provided in the Texas Local Government Code. Individual Site Plans are required for each lot of a PUD, except for single- or two-family uses on individual lots. Setback and building lot area standards shall be provided in the Development Standards for the application and will be included on each plat. The site plan shall generally include the public and private street design and dimension, lot design and dimension, location of driveways, buildings, walls, fences, walkways, open space areas, park and recreation areas, parking areas, drainage information, street names and location of utilities, and all calculations of quantities as required. All application packages, including application checklists, shall apply and may be amended and become effective after notice posted at the City Hall by the Director of Planning and Zoning. Amended site plans and plats may be approved administratively by the Director of Planning and Zoning when the significance of the change is minimal, a correction, or as required by State law. _w.._.._...._MW_____......________...._______.._.._.__..___..______--..-----..------------..--..-.--..--........-----....--- Page 9 of 31 The Director of Planning and Zoning may elect to place the amendment on the City Council agenda for its consideration at any time. Appeals to the City Council of administrative decisions must be made within ten (10) days of the applicant's receipt of notice of the Director's decision and will be placed on a future agenda for consideration by the City Council. A. Applicable Uses: Permitted and accessory uses shall be as generally designated in the UDC. Non-designated uses may be included subject to City Council approval subject to the limitations set forth in the UDC. Applicants may apply for any non-designated uses through the PUD process, but such uses may be conditioned, limited, or prohibited at the City Council's discretion. Structures may contain multiple uses. A PUD may contain single-family, multi- family, mixed-use flats, live-work dwellings, cottages attached dwellings, garden home, or conservation developments, clustered developments, flag-lot or private court developments containing residential uses with the majority of land owned in common by the residents of the development. All residential components of the PUD shall be governed by overall density. Quality of development and increased density are closely tied together in PUDs. Higher densities equate to increased quality standards for the development. Interconnectivity of development is required. No development shall be created in isolation, one from the other, unless physical constra ints necessitate such isolation. B. Park Acreage Requirement: A PUD must provide five (5) acres of park per one-thousand (1,000) persons (a ratio of one (1) acre per two-hundred (200) people or approximately one (1) acre per seventy (70) dwellings). The City Council may reject parkland dedication, at its sole discretion, at any time. In lieu of parkland dedication, the applicant shall pay a parkland dedication fee as described within the UDC, but shall pay the fee based upon the acreage requirement of this Section 7. If the development does not have one thousand (1,000) persons, the park area required will be based on a ratio: five hundred (500) persons will equal 2.5 acres of park, and so forth. The persons per household figure from the _"~"~M_~___~"______________________..________..__________________________________.__________________________ Page 10 of 31 Census Bureau in combination with population will determine the assumed number of people per unit.4 C. Common Open Space Requirements: (a) A minimum of twenty percent (20%) of the gross land area must be preserved as overall common or public open space. (b) In addition to the required base amount of common open space, a minimum of five percent (5%) of the gross land area must be provided as private open space for exclusive use of the development as a whole for recreation, clubhouses, meeting facilities, gardens and other similar uses. (c) The location and character of PUD common open space shall be as follows: (1) Common open space areas shall be linked to existing and planned public open space areas to provide an overall open space system, wherever possible; (2) Common open space areas shall be arranged so as to maximize access and utilization by residents of the PUD; (3) Common open space may not include the required parking lot landscaping, except where hardwood trees, six inches (6") DBH or greater are preserved. (4) Every single- or two-family lot shall contain no less than forty percent (40%) of its lot area in open space. (5) Private open space shall be situated on each residential lot and/or development envelope or immediately adjacent to each unit. Common open space will not be considered in the measurement of private open space; (6) Where open space improvements are to be provided, a safe, secure and barrier-free system of trails, paths and walkways shall be designed. The walkway system shall link residences with recreation areas, schools, commercial areas and public facilities; 4 For example: There are 2.8 persons per household according to the U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000. http://factfinder . census. gOY /serylet/ AGSGeoAddressSerylet? MapEyent=showResult& category=& subcateaory=& stateSelect ed FromDrooDown = Texas&context=ags&proaramYear= SO%3A420&street= 1400+Schertz+ Parkway&c1ty=Schertz&states= Texas ~12=Zlli4& geD id_,:,.!lQ.QQQ.llSZlU.s.~"LQJ.8.5.Q'l'R.JA6.Q.QQQJ.lS:Z.ll1S4&geD Id~l.lS.7..B.1S~ramYear=SO& treelct':'. 420& lang=en&tree Id=420&bucket Id=50 Page 11 of 31 (7) Physical improvements that are permitted within common open space areas may include, but are not limited to: a. Pedestrian paths, located in street rights-of-way or pedestrian easements, at a minimum width of five feet (5') with a paved surface, b. Paved bike paths located in street rights-of-way or other open space per AASHTO standards, c. Trails, for equestrian, exercise circuits, joggers or bikers, paved with materials such as wood chips or gravel, per AASHTO standards, d. Riding stables, e. Tennis courts, f. Swimming pools, g. Golf courses, h. Club houses, and i. Athletic fields. D. Building Regulations: (a) Building Height: No building or structure may be more than two and one-half (2-1/2) stories or exceed a total height of thirty-five feet (35') and attached dwellings no more than three (3) stories, not to exceed forty feet (40'). (b) Building Setbacks: Due to the flexibility of the PUD concept, it is impractical to define an exact pattern for the arrangement of group dwellings. It is the intent of this Section 7, however, to provide a functional and nonmonotonous orientation of units with a maximum of open space. Actual setbacks shall be established through PUD Master Development Plan adoption, with the design standards for the development and the tentative map process. The minimum spacing between buildings in a residential PUD shall comply with all Fire and Building Code regulations governing spacing. In the event that an approved PUD does not have adopted design standards, the setbacks standards for the PUD will be as listed below: (1) All buildings shall have a setback of at least fifty feet (50') from a perimeter lot line of the PUD. (2) Side yards abutting a street (public or private) shall not be less than fifteen feet (15') without extenuating circumstances. Exceptions must be approved with the _'_~~_'_RRW____W____'Mk"_'____"______M_______M____________.___________..__..____________.._______.____.______ Page 12 of 31 General Exam 40' width lot 60' width lot 70' width lot 80' width lot 90' width lot 100' width lot 120' width lot original rezoning or through amendment to the design standards. (3) The minimum spacing between buildings in a residential PUD shall comply with all Fire Code and Building Code regulations governing spacing. In addition, the following minimum setbacks are required between structures: 1. Front to Street: The front setback of residential buildings is fifteen feet (15') from the back of sidewalk or front property line, whichever is greater. Stoops and covered front porches may intrude into the front yard setback by five feet (5'). The garage must be a minimum of twenty feet (20') from the back of sidewalk or front yard property line, whichever is greater. 2. Front to Front: Buildings that have a front to front relationship across a landscaped area or open courtyard must maintain a minimum setback between buildings of fifty feet (50'). 3. Side to Side: Building separation is determined by the proportionality of the lot width ratio in which ten percent (10%) of the median lot width will apply to each side yard; for example, an eighty feet (80') wide lot requires an eight feet (8') wide side yard on each side of the lot, or in the case of zero lot line, 16 feet side yard to one side of that lot and zero feet on the other side yard, There shall be a minimum separation of twelve feet (12') and a maximum requirement of twenty feet (20') between residential structures. 12' buildin 12' buildin 14' buildin 16' buildin 18' buildin 20' buildin 20' buildin minimum threshold maximum threshold _"~___""_"HM""_M___"_"HH_'_HM.M'__"M__.___"_M""M_____..__..___....____.__..___........___..______._.........._.......____.______.._,." Page 13 of 31 4. Side To Rear: Buildings that have a side to rear yard relationship must maintain a minimum setback of twenty-five feet (25'). 5. Rear To Rear: Buildings that have a rear yard to rear yard relationship must maintain a minimum setback of forty feet (40'). Where patio or garden homes have a zero-lot line arrangement, this provision shall not apply. (4) Exceptions: A patio or deck may encroach into the rear setback requirements as long as it is not enclosed and closer than ten feet (10') to the rear property line, (5) Multi-family Uses: Buildings in excess of thirty-five feet (35') in height require minimum setbacks with an additional ten feet (10') to those listed above. (6) Lot Coverage: No single- or two-family dwelling may cover an individual lot by more than fifty percent of its lot area. (c) Parking Requirements: All buildings and uses shall comply with the parking requirements of the UDC: shared parking may be allowed where non-residential uses are combined within the same structure as residential uses, in which case, a shared parking analysis is required. (d) Road Requirements: (1) All roads, including private roads, shall be built to minimum standards as required by the UDC and this Section 7 and further detailed by the City Engineer, except that: 1. When alleys serve residential lots, the pavement section may be reduced to a width no less than twenty-six feet (26') and a right-of-way width of thirty-six feet (36'). Sidewalks, five feet (5') wide, are required within the right-of-way and located at the outer perimeters of the right-of- ways width. In this instance, garages and driveways must load from the alley and utilities will connect from the alley in paired joint easements. Alleys shall be twenty feet (20') in width and paved per City standards at 15 feet width. All driveway depths shall be maintained at _~Mh_'_~~M_MM__M_'_~MMMM__M__M_M_"_____M""M_____M___________________.________________._________________________ Page 14 of 31 least twenty feet (20') from the rear property line. Alleys shall be owned and maintained by the homeowner's association. (2) A traffic impact analysis shall be required for any proposed site development that can be reasonably expected to generate more than 1,000 vehicle trip ends during a single day and/or more than 100 vehicle trip ends during a single hour. (e) Screening and Buffering Standards: Where appropriate and not in conflict with this Section 7, the supplemental standards set forth in the UDC shall apply to all structures and uses authorized by the PUD designation. In residential projects, solid screening will be required where appropriate; however, no wall shall exceed six feet (6') in height. Where additional buffering is necessary, a combination of wall, berms, and vertical landscape material will be utilized to provide a noise and visual barrier. (f) Access between adjacent businesses and similar uses is required unless a hardship prevents such interconnectivity. The Director of Planning and Zoning may waive this requirement where the Director determines that a demonstrated hardship exists preventing such inter- connectivity. (g) All trash enclosures shall comply with the UDC or as otherwise required for alley-loaded structures. (h) Commercial vehicles are prohibited from parking anywhere on residential streets or districts except as otherwise provided in the City's Code of Ordinances. (i) No lot for building use shall be created that is unbuildable. E. Other: Court yard- or flag-lots shall be developed as approved by City Council. In no case shall courtyard or private flag-lot drives serve more than eight (8) single- or two-family lots. Private driveways serving these lot systems shall be no less than twenty- four feet (24') in width and shall consist of concrete or concrete paving products. Alternatives to concrete/concrete products, other than asphalt paving, may be submitted for consideration, No flag or court private drive that serves these lots shall be more than three- hundred-fifty feet (350') in length or as allowed by the Fire Chief. All private courts and drives must be maintained by the Page 15 of 31 homeowner's association. In addition, one-half parking space per lot is required and shall be convenient to the private drive for visitor parking. F. Single-family Architectural and Site Design Standards: (a) Buildings shall utilize at least three of the following design features to provide visual relief along the front of the residence: (1) Dormers. (2) Gables. (3) Recessed entries, a minimum of three feet (3') deep. (4) Covered front porches. (5) Cupolas. (6) Architectural Pillars or Posts. (7) Bay window, a minimum twenty four inch (24") projection. (b) Garages may occupy no more than 40% of the total building frontage. This measurement does not apply to garages facing an alley or courtyard entrance. No garage may extend beyond the building front. Garages that are at least thirty feet (30') behind the house front may exceed the forty percent (40%) building frontage minimum. (c) The same elevation may not be used within any ten-lot grouping. (d) Two-family buildings shall be designed to appear as a single unit. (e) All walls, except gabled roof areas, which face a street other than an alley, must contain at least twenty five percent (25%) of the wall space in windows or doors. (f) Primary entrances shall face the public street and sidewalk. (g) Windows shall be provided with trim or shall be recessed. Windows shall not be flush with exterior wall treatment. Windows shall be provided with an architectural surround at the jamb. _~"~W~__~"__W__"_'WMMMM__M__"_"H"_________M______...___..__..________________________.__________.____________ Page 16 of 31 (h) Exterior finishes shall be of wood, masonry, stone, stucco, HOG board or other high quality material customarily used for the building style. (i) At least fifty percent (50%) of the front yard frontage shall have buildings at the minimum front yard setback, except for single-family lots greater than one-half acre in size. G. Multi-family/Attached Dwelling Architectural and Site Design Standards: (a) Buildings shall utilize at least three of the following design features to provide visual relief along the front of the residence: (1) Dormers. (2) Gables. (3) Recessed entries, a minimum of three feet (3') deep. (4) Covered front porches or patios. (5) Cupolas. (6) Architectural Pillars or Posts. (7) Bay windows, a minimum 24" projection. (b) All walls, except gabled roof areas, which face a street other than an alley, must contain at least 25% of the wall space in windows or doors. (c) Primary entrances shall face the public street and sidewalk to the extent possible when adjacent to a public right-of-way and at least 50% of the front yards frontage shall have bUildings within 30 feet of the front property line. (d) Windows shall be provided with trim or shall be recessed. Windows shall not be flush with exterior wall treatment. Windows shall be provided with an architectural surround at the jamb. (e) Exterior finishes shall be of wood, masonry, stone, stucco, HOG board or other high quality material customarily used for the building style. __MM.__.____~__""___._________,__________________________________________.________.._______._______________ Page 17 of 31 (f) Building frontages greater than 60 feet in length shall have recesses, projections, windows, arcades or other distinctive features to interrupt the length of the building fa~ade, (g) At least fifty percent (50%) of the front yard frontage shall have buildings at the minimum front yard setback. (h) Fronts and street sides of buildings visible from the public right of way shall include changes in relief such as columns, cornices, bases, fenestration, and fluted masonry, for at least fifteen percent (15%) of the exterior wall area. (i) The top floor of any building rising over two (2) stories must contain a distinctive finish, consisting of a cornice, banding or other architectural termination. (j) Parking areas shall not be located between buildings and the street where the site is adjacent to a public right-of-way. Parking lots may be located on the sides and behind the buildings. (k) Trash Enclosures: All trash enclosures shall comply with adopted City standards. (I) Trash storage areas, mechanical equipment, and similar areas are not permitted to be visible from a public right-of- way. (m) Special Standards for Large Scale Multi-family/Attached Developments (greater than 30 units and/or more than three (3) buildings): A variety of compatible exterior materials' use and type, building styles, massing, composition, and prominent architectural features, such as door and window openings, porches, and rooflines, shall be used. H. The PUD applicant must demonstrate that, as compared with the situation that would have existed on the site without the development, no phase of the PUD results in an increase of the peak rate of storm water run-off at the parcel boundary for the development as a whole for the 100-year and 50-year design storm, and that there will be no net loss in storage capacities. _M_~~__M~M_M"'W_"M""M________."__________"__,,________,,_..._.___._._______.__..____________.________________......__._________ Page 18 of 31 ...._N*_N..__._.N....~H_.._*__".~....*......N.._..._...................N..."........._~N~..~._._....."..._...."..H~"_..."......_._"..H"........__...N...._............'N..~_._..._N..*"N..'~""..H..._NN_........_.........,......................,_.~.."...._,..,...,.."~...................,,...._...."."'N..~....__...."..... SUB-SECTION 7.9 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS ".*......""N.._~........__..._..._..................._._..........._......N......~..____...._*........_._..._N_....~......__N.."N..".._...........N....._.....N..N_................._..'''........_.''N''..............."....................,............__....................."................._..........._.._........... Commercial uses in a PUD shall follow the standard subdivision procedures and requirements, as outlined in the UDC. Individual site plans are required for each lot of a PUD. The site plan package shall generally include the public and private street design and dimensions, lot design and dimension, location of driveways, buildings, walls, fences, walkways, open space areas, park and recreation areas, parking areas, landscaping and buffering, architectural features and materials, drainage information, street names and location of utilities, and all calculations of quantities as required. All application packages, including application checklists, shall apply and may be amended and become effective after notice is posted at City Hall by the Director of Planning and Zoning. Amended site plans and plats may be approved administratively by the Director of Planning and Zoning when the significance of the change is minimal, a correction, or as required by State law. The Director of Planning and Zoning may elect to place the amendment on the City Councils agenda for their consideration at any time. Appeals to the City Council of administrative decisions must be made within ten (10) days of the applicant's receipt of notice of the Director's decision and will be placed on a future agenda for consideration by the City Council. A. Applicable Uses: Permitted and accessory uses shall be as designated in the commercial districts of the UDC. Any additional uses, designated as planned, may be included subject to City Council approval. Applicants may apply for any non-designated uses through the PUD process, but such uses may be conditioned, limited, or prohibited at the City Council's discretion. Structures may contain multiple uses. B. Common Open Space Requirements: (a) A minimum of twenty percent (20%) of the gross site area shall be in common open space. (b) Common open space shall not have any dimension less than ten feet (10') nor be less than three hundred (300) square feet in area in order be considered open space. (c) Common open space may not include the required parking lot landscaping, except where hardwood trees, six inches (6") DBH or greater are preserved. -..-.._.....___..__....N"__...._.._.._.._......_...._.......__..____.._...._____N...__..___......__....___......__..~~...._..~~_ Page 19 of 31 (d) Common open space shall be arranged to maximize access and utilization by site users. (e) Common open space shall be linked to existing and planned public open space areas to provide an overall open space system. (f) Where open space improvements are to be provided, a safe, secure and barrier-free system of trails, paths and walkways shall be designed. The walkway system shall link the site with schools, recreation areas, other commercial areas and public facilities. C. Building Regulations: (a) Building Height: No building or structure may be more than two and one-half (2-1/2) stories or exceed a total height of thirty-five feet (35') for neighborhood or service related uses. Otherwise, no building or structure may be more than four (4) stories or exceed a total height of fifty feet (50'). (b) Building Setbacks: Due to the flexibility of the PUD concept, it is impractical to define an exact pattern for the arrangement of buildings. It is the intent of this Section 7, however, to provide a functional orientation of buildings with a maximum of open space. (c) All buildings shall have a setback of at least fifty feet (50') from a perimeter lot line of the PUD. (d) Side yards abutting a street (private or public) shall not be less than twenty feet (20'). (e) The minimum spacing between buildings in a commercial PUD shall comply with all Fire Code and Building Code regulations governing spacing. In addition, the following minimum setbacks are required between structures: (1) Front Yard Setback: A building fronting on a street must be located a minimum of twenty feet (20') from the back of sidewalk, or property line, whichever is greater. (2) Side Yard Setback: 1. Side yard setbacks between commercial structures, or between commercial and industrial structures, are not required on internal lots. _~'_R__R'_._________"___'____M________.....____..__..__________.._______......__....________..____........_...._________________ Page 20 of 31 2. If a side yard abuts a residentially zoned property or use, a public or private street, a continuous landscaped side yard of twenty feet (20') is required. 3. This setback shall not be used for parking and shall be landscaped. (3) Rear Yard Setback: 1. If a rear yard abuts a commercial or industrial use or zoning district, a minimum rear yard setback of ten feet (10') is required. 2. If a rear yard abuts a residential use or residentially zoned property, a rear yard setback of twenty feet (20') shall be provided. 3. This setback shall not be used for parking or drives and shall be landscaped. (4) Screening Requirements: 1. Where appropriate and where not in conflict with this Section 7, the supplemental standards set forth in the UDC shall apply to all structures and uses authorized by the PUD provisions, 2. All commercial projects shall provide a solid screen fence or wall not less than six feet (6') in height along all rear and side property lines which are common to property zoned for residential purposes, except where buildings and parking are more than one hundred feet (100') from the setback line, or within a flood plain. In the case of a flood plain, the solid wall or fence may be replaced by a wrought iron structure where appropriate. However, no wall shall exceed six feet (6') in height. Where additional buffering is necessary, a combination of wall, berms, and vertical landscape material will be utilized to provide a noise and visual barrier. 3. Service or storage yards shall be behind structures and screened from view through a combination of fencing, berms, and landscaping. No wall or fence shall exceed eight feet (8') in height. The use of razor wire is absolutely prohibited. _"_~RR__R"R_~"~___R"__WWMR_________M_______________________._________________..____________..__________..____ Page 21 of 31 4. Where appropriate and not in conflict with this Section 7, standards set forth in the UDC shall apply to all structures and uses authorized by the PUD Master Development Plan. (5) Trash Enclosures: All trash enclosures shall comply with adopted City standards. (6) Parking Requirements: All buildings and uses shall comply with the parking requirements of the UDC. Shared parking studies may be approved by the City Council as an exception to this requirement. In no case shall parking exceed that required by more than ten percent (10%). Parking bays shall be grouped so as not to exceed one hundred (100) spaces without landscape separation. In addition, one landscape tree is required for every twelve (12) parking spaces and shall be placed within the parking lot area. Parking facing the street is discouraged. (7) Road Requirements: 1. All roads, drives and parking areas shall be built to minimum standards as required by the UDC and this Section 7 and by the City Engineer. A waiver of parking and private drive standards is encouraged where a reduction in impermeable surface is achieved by onsite permeable structures, pavement materials, and landscape elements. Permeable surface products such as grass block or other permeable products and design, such as linear parking medians serving as drainage and capture areas, must meet sixty (60) percent minimum permeable ratios to receive any waiver of the standards. Such permeable surface, when achieved may receive a reduction in open space requirements of three percent (3%). 2. A traffic impact analysis shall be required for any proposed site development that can be reasonably expected to generate more than 1,000 vehicle trip ends during a single day and/or more than 100 vehicle trip ends during a single hour. ____~W_M~__M________.__________________________________________________.___..____________________________ Page 22 of 31 3. Access between adjacent businesses and similar uses is required. The Director of Planning and Zoning may waive this requirement where the Director determines that a demonstrated hardship exists preventing such interconnectivity. (8) All utilities shall be underground except for major transmission lines, whose size makes such facilities impractical, or as otherwise required by the City Engineer. (9) No lot for building use shall be created that is unbuildable. D. Architectural and Site Design Standards: (a) Building frontages greater than one-hundred feet (100') in length shall have offsets, jogs, or other distinctive changes in the building facade creating at least four distinct building planes for each one-hundred feet (100') of length. (b) Buildings shall incorporate arcades, roofs, alcoves, porticoes and awnings as a design element of the facade. The planting of trees may be used in place of these architectural features. (c) The primary entrance of a building shall have a clearly defined, highly visible entrance with distinguishing features such as a canopy, portico or other prominent element of the architectural design. (d) Buildings shall have their primary orientation toward the street rather than the parking area. (e) Buildings that are within 30 feet of the street shall have an entrance for pedestrians from the street to the building interior. (f) Trash storage areas, mechanical equipment, and similar areas are not permitted to be visible from a public right-of- way. (g) Loading docks are not permitted to be visible from the street, and may not be accessed directly from the street. (h) Parking areas shall be located behind buildings or on one or both sides, except along an interstate highway or where ___"_W__M_WWM'~_'W"_W___________.________________________________________..___....M..___..____.._._________.._______________ Page 23 of 31 planned or existing right-of-ways exceed eighty feet (80') in width. Where this exception exists, a minimum fifteen feet (15') additional landscape area will be required along parking areas to mitigate views of the parking area. These requirements may be waived by the Director of Planning and Zoning if the building is not accessed by pedestrians, such as warehouses and industrial buildings where the office space is 20 percent (20%) or less of the overall structure gross square footage, automotive service uses such as gasoline sales and automobile sales. (i) Windows shall be provided with trim. Windows shall not be flush with exterior wall treatment. (j) Windows shall be provided with an architectural surround at the jamb. (k) Fronts and street sides of buildings visible from the public right-of-way shall be non-reflective and shall be of wood, masonry, stone, decorative block, stucco, HDO board or other high quality material customarily used for the building style. Corrugated metal is prohibited. (I) Buildings are required to provide no less than twenty percent (20%) of the front building fa<;ade or any building facade adjacent to a right-of-way with twenty glass, but may not incorporate glass for more than sixty percent (60%) of each building facade. E. The PUD applicant must demonstrate that, as compared with the situation that would have existed on the site without the development, no phase of the PUD results in an increase of the peak rate of storm water run-off at the parcel boundary for the development as a whole for the 100-year and 50-year design storm, and that there will be no net loss in storage capacities. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------..--------- SUB-SECTION 7.10 INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS -.--------------------...------------------------.----------------....--------------... Industrial uses in a PUD shall follow the standard subdivision procedures and requirements, as outlined in the UDC. Individual site plans are required for each lot of a PUD. The site plan shall generally include the public and private street design and dimensions, lot design and dimension, location of driveways, ---------------.---------------.----------------------------------------------------------------..-------- Page 24 of 31 buildings, walls, fences, walkways, open space areas, park and recreation areas, parking areas, drainage information, street names and location of utilities, and all calculations of quantities as required. All application packages, including application checklists, shall apply and may be amended and become effective after notice is posted at City Hall by the Director of Planning and Zoning. Amended site plans and plats may be approved administratively by the Director of Planning and Zoning when the significance of the change is minimal, a correction, or as required by State law. The Director of Planning and Zoning may elect to place the amendment on the City Council agenda for their consideration at any time or due to the quantity or quality of the amendment proposed. Appeals to the City Council of administrative decisions must be made within ten (10) days of the applicant's receipt of notice of the Director's decision and will be placed on a future agenda for consideration by the City Council. A. Applicable Uses: Permitted and accessory uses shall be as designated in the industrial districts of the UDC. Any additional uses, designated as planned, may be included subject to City Council approval. Applicants may apply for any non-designated uses through the PUD process, but such uses may be conditioned, limited, or prohibited at the City Council's discretion. Structures may contain multiple uses. B. Common Open Space Requirements: (a) Fifteen percent (15%) of the gross site area shall be in common open space. (b) Common open space shall not have any dimension less than ten feet (10') nor be less than three hundred (300) square feet in area. (c) Common open space may not include the required parking lot landscaping, except where hardwood trees, six inches (6") DBH or greater are preserved. (d) Common open space shall be arranged to maximize access and utilization by site users. (e) Common open space shall be linked to existing and planned public open space areas to provide an overall open space system, wherever possible. (f) Where open space improvements are to be provided, a safe, secure and barrier-free system of trails, paths and walkways shall be designed. The walkway system shall link the site -"-_~___~__MM.MM___"W_____MMM_.___.___.._M__________.__.________,.___...__._...____.....________.__________"___.. Page 25 of 31 with schools, recreation areas, other commercial and industrial areas and public facilities. (9) Access between adjacent businesses and similar uses is required unless a hardship prevents such interconnectivity. C. Building Regulations: (a) Building Height: In general, no industrial building or structure which manufactures, assembles, produces or stores goods for wholesale or distribution or other use that is clearly industrial in nature may exceed a total height of thirty-five feet (35'). All other uses which are primarily commercial in nature shall use commercial standards. (b) Building Setbacks: Due to the flexibility of the PUD concept, it is impractical to define an exact pattern for the arrangement of buildings. It is the intent of this Section 7, however, to provide a functional orientation of buildings with a maximum of open space. (1) All buildings shall have a setback of at least fifty feet (50') from a perimeter lot line of the PUD. (2) Side yards abutting a street (private or public) shall not be less than twenty feet (20'). (3)The minimum spacing between buildings in an industrial PUD shall comply will all Fire Code and Building Code regulations governing spacing. In addition, the following minimum setbacks are required between structures: 1. Front Yard Setback: A building fronting on a street must be located a minimum of ten feet (10') from the back of sidewalk, or back of curb if a sidewalk is not planned at the location. 2. Side Yard Setback: i. Side yard setbacks between commercial structures or between commercial and industrial structures are not required on internal lots; ii. If a side yard abuts a residential use, a continuously landscaped side yard of fifty feet (50') is required. This setback shall not be used for parking and shall only be broken at pOints of access to the site. Page 26 of 31 __~_.M.___._____M_.__._..__.__________"._.._.._._"____...___.... 3. Rear Yard Setback: i. If a rear yard abuts a commercial or industrial use or zoning district, a minimum rear yard setback of ten feet (10') is required. ii. If a rear yard abuts a residential use or residentially zoned property, a setback of fifty feet (50') shall be provided. This setback shall not be used for parking or drives and shall be landscaped. iii. Building Arrangement and Materials: Structures which contain truck docks shall to the fullest extent possible create shared truck courts. Truck bays or bay doors shall not be viewed from a public right-of- way by facing a public street. (c) Screening Requirements: (1) Where appropriate and where not in conflict with this Section 7, the supplemental standards set forth in Sections 8 and 9 of Article VIII of the UDC shall apply to all structures and uses authorized by the PUD provisions. (2) All industrial projects shall provide a solid screen fence or wall not less than six feet (6') in height along all rear and side property lines which are common to property zoned for residential purposes, except that such solid screening shall not extend in front of the front building line or though a flood plain but may be replaced by wrought iron structure where appropriate. (3) Service or storage yards shall be behind structures and screened from view through a combination of fencing, berms, and landscaping. No wall or fence shall exceed eight feet (8') in height. The use of razor wire is absolutely prohibited. (d) Trash Enclosures: All trash enclosures shall comply with adopted City standards. (e) Trash storage areas, mechanical equipment, and similar areas are not permitted to be visible From a public right-oF-way. (f) Loading docks are not permitted to be visible from the street, and may not be accessed directly from the street. --~MMW__MMM___________"_________________________M________________________________..___________ Page 27 of 31 (g) Parking Requirements: All buildings and uses shall comply with the parking requirements of the UDC. Truck parking spaces are required for those uses that load and off-load from truck bays. (h) Road Requirements: (1) All roads, drives and parking areas shall be built to minimum standards as required by the UDC and this Section 7 and by the City Engineer. A waiver of parking and private drive standards is encouraged where a reduction in impermeable surface is achieved by onsite permeable structures, pavement materials, and landscape elements. Permeable surface products such as grass block or other permeable products and design, such as linear parking medians serving as drainage and capture areas, must meet sixty percent minimum permeable ratios to receive any waiver of the standards, Such permeable surface, when achieved may receive a reduction in open space requirements of three percent (3%). (2) A traffic impact analysis shall be required for any proposed site development that can be reasonably expected to generate more than 1,000 vehicle trip ends during a single day and/or more than 100 vehicle trip ends during a single hour. (3) Access between adjacent businesses and similar uses is required. The Director of Planning and Zoning may waive this requirement where the Director determines that a demonstrated hardship exists preventing such i nterconnectivity. (i) No lot for building use shall be created that is unbuildable. (j) Access between adjacent businesses and similar uses is required unless a hardship prevents such interconnectivity. D. Architectural and Site Design Standards: (a) Building frontages greater than one-hundred feet (100') in length shall have offsets, jogs, or other distinctive changes in the building facade creating at least four distinct building planes for each one-hundred feet (100') of length. _MMRH__H~H_"HRRM_HMMHM_RR__MH"RH___M_M____________H_________M_________________________________ Page 28 of 31 (b) Buildings shall incorporate arcades, roofs, alcoves, porticoes and awnings as a design element of the facade. The planting of trees may be used in place of these architectural features. (c) The primary entrance of a building shall have a clearly defined, highly visible entrance with distinguishing features such as a canopy, portico or other prominent element of the architectural design. (d) Buildings shall have their primary orientation toward the street rather than the parking area. (e) Buildings that are within 30 feet of the street shall have an entrance for pedestrians from the street to the building interior. (f) Trash storage areas, mechanical equipment, and similar areas are not permitted to be visible from the street. (g) Loading docks are not permitted to be visible from the street, and may not be accessed directly from the street. (h) Parking areas shall be located behind buildings or on one or both sides, except along an interstate highway or where planned or existing right-of-ways exceed eighty feet (80') in width. Where this exception exists, a minimum fifteen feet (15') additional landscape area will be required along parking areas to mitigate views of the parking area. These requirements may be waived by the Director of Planning and Zoning if the building is not accessed by pedestrians, such as warehouses and industrial buildings where the office space is 20 percent (20%) or less of the overall structure gross square footage, automotive service uses such as gasoline sales and automobile sales. (i) Windows shall not be flush with exterior wall treatment. (j) Fronts and street sides of buildings visible from the public right-of-way shall be non-reflective and shall be of wood, masonry, stone, decorative block, stucco, HOD board or other high quality material customarily used for the building style. Corrugated metal is prohibited. E. The PUD applicant must demonstrate that, as compared with the situation that would have existed on the site without the development, no phase of the PUD results in an increase of the peak rate of storm water run-off at the parcel boundary for the development as a whole for the iOO-year and 50-year design storm, and that there will be no net loss in storage capacities. _~_W___W'___WM___._.____~_____"_____________..______________________________________________________._____ Page 29 of 31 -~.""....,..._-.,..,.."....._"..""..._...".............._"........"_._""."'-.......,..-"'.,..-.,...""..".,....""..........-.........__..'''......__...'''........."__""..""__...""""n_...._..".........._..."........"....._..""""......._.".."............"..".........._._..............__........_............._.._.... SUB-SECTION 7.11 MODIFICATION OF MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS -...............---..-.-..........--...............-...-----....-..-,--.-.......-------........--..............-..---..........-.....-...."--"......--...........,.-....-........---........".........-......---.-..........-"-....-..--.."".." The development of property within the PUD may proceed only in strict accordance with the approved Master Development Plan and Development Standards for that PUD. Any request by or on behalf of the property owner, or any proposal by the City, to modify the approved Master Development Plan or Development Standards shall be filed with the Planning and Zoning Department. In accordance this Section 7, the Director of Planning and Zoning shall determine if the proposed modification is "minor" or "major," and the request or proposal shall be processed accordingly. A. Minor Modification: A minor modification is a modification which is requested or agreed to by the property owner and which is intended to accomplish one or more of the following: (a) A change in the location of a use from the location specified in the approved Master Development Plan, but only if the change in location will not have a significant impact on other uses in the area as determined by the Director; (b) The addition of uses that are comparable in intensity to those permitted in connection with the rezoning approval or the approval of a Master Development Plan for the PUD as determined by the Director; (c) A change in the parking lot layout, building location or other similar change that conforms with the intent of the previously approved Master Development Plan and Development Standards as determined by the Director; (d) A change in the landscape arrangement or species of plant material proposed for the PUD; (e) A decrease in the density or intensity of the development from that previously approved for the PUD as determined by the Director; (f) Any other change or modification of a similar nature which the Director determines will not have a significant impact on the PUD or its surroundings. (g) A minor modification shall be reviewed and acted upon administratively by the Director. An applicant who disagrees with the Director's decision may appeal that decision to the __w......_........_..........._..._...._""""..__.........._.."...._........__.._.._.._..___..___.._"_..___...._.."...._.._....__.._.._.._......_..__..._....__..___..__...._ Page 30 of 31 City Council by filing a written appeal with the Department no later than ten (10) days after the date the applicant receives notice of the Director's decision. B. Major Modification: A major modification includes any modification that does not qualify as a minor modification or which the Director deems necessary or appropriate for further review by the City Council. A major modification shall be processed in accordance with the procedures and standards applicable to a Master Development Plan application. * * * _______MW___W_____________W__..__...._......____.._..._____..__..__.._.._____.._........._..______ Page 31 of 31 \ jt)1b ~V'.:v PUBLISHER'SAFFIDAVIT ~~").IJ A,~ ~JJl O. fA~ THE STATE OF TEXAS, County of Guadalupe Before me, the undersigned authority, on this date personally appeared Gay Lynn Olsovsky, known to me, who, being by me duly sworn, on his oath Deposes and says that he is the Sales Manager of The Seguin Gazette- Enterprise a, a newspaper published in said county: that a copy of the within Foregoing notice was published in said newspaper _1~ time(s) before the Return day named therein, such publications being on the following dates: ~'N(ffib6r ') I )DO> - . "".- And a newspaper copy of which is hereto attached. ;J~~ {~~_ 10 day of Sworn to and subscribed before me this D~ ,A.D.,200S "-m~AAJ- L (I~ if Notary Public, Guadalupe County, Texas ~*~ -,- My c':::'" SIIlt.. Tool Ex,oIw 'Ill IS, lOO6 ORDINANCE \Z AN ORDINANCE BY- THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY' OF I SCHERTZ, TEXAS AMENDING THE ,UN/. flED DEVELOPMENT CODE (UDC) ordi- nance 96-8-28 BY RE- ZONING 853.68+ ACRES OUT OF THE J~UAN DIAZ SURVEY NO. 66. ABST.. NO. , 87. THE 'E.R. E\iANS SURVEY NO. 80. ABST. 'NO. 216 AND THE GERONIMO UEAL SURVEY NO. 79. ASST. NO. 424. BEX- AR COUNTY. SCHERTZ, TEXAS F' ROM RESIDENTIAUAGRI- CULTURAL (R-A) AND GENERAL BUSINESS (GB) TO PLANNED UNIT . DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT (PUDl. Approved ""'first read- ing the 1st day of November 2005 Judy TokeI. City Secre- tary Planned t a~~~ect / for JWD Development ~~onsultant: Don McCrary & Associates, Inc. L~l~ilsu v ~~~ „I D ~ OCT 3 2005 U ~~`r°% epa~ed'6yo vr1vCE~r ~~I~ARD AND AssoclA~ -- -~ ~ ~~ ~S TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................2 PURPOSE AND INTENT .....................................................................3-7 Ordinance Conformance (3) Overall Goals (4) Land Use Milestones (5) Community Facilities and Services Milestones (6) Traffic Circulation Milestones ('7) Recreation and Open Space Milestones (7) OWNERSI~IP .............................................................................................5 LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION .........................................................9 EXISTING COlITDITIONS ................................................................10-19 .Turisdictional Boundaries (11) Site Access (12) Topography (13) Drainage/Storm Water Detention (14) VVetlands/Floodpiain (1~ Site Vegetation (16) Ezisting Site Structures (17) Views/Noise (flll) Utilities (19) DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS .....................................................20-42 Land Use Categories (2a) Permitted Uses (21-25) Development Standards/Details ^ Single Family Residential (26-29) Zoning Ordinance Requirements Table (30) Density Table (31) Development StandardslDetails ^ Multifamily-Mixed Use Coanrnercial (32-39) Development Standards/Details ^ Other Standards (4Q-42) PARKS AND OPEN SPACE .............................................................43-47 s~~"° INTRODUCTION The purpose of these development standards is to enable Sedona creative flexibility within the master plan concept by providing additional details of design development standards necessary to insure quality product for the property owners, developers, and the community as a whole. This document will provide the development with visual order, privacy, and compatibility within the project with respect to the diverse residential products, as well as the commercial and mixed-use development. tt wit[ inspire a quality standard and tradition to each residence that will 'ensure a community of continuing value and pride. The development within the community may contain characteristics of historic smaii town or rural Elmerica, considered to be aesthetically pleasing. Efficient utilization of space and added cohesion to the surrounding environment encompass this project. Development may be placed into clusters with reduced impact upon the environment or may utilize Traditional Neighborhood Development to create a more urban character. A sense of homeownership pride and strong lasting neighborhood values will build this community, and these values will be designed and installed throughout this development for traditional details and building standards. ®pen space, parks, and amenities will be developed to a higher standard and provide new planning concepts to land uses that will bond this project as a community for years to come. 7riirii Jai"'l"fJ~fJ i~~i,Ci~~~'lrii ~;!iiCf'~ii- 2 s;.e SITE ~. `_ ~ ~w. ` 1 -i~ -f, l~ ~` t ~`~ i ~ LOCATION MAF N. 7. 5. USt 4;,kE-6t.5 RE9DL'<1fAL" 547.& aCRES C01,16fERCl4L 96.? 4CRE5 PARK/ROODPtAIN/C~EN '~4a,e ACRES SCHOGL '3.6 ACRcS P, BU:; SAFE`r i 5 ACRES A.O:lr./STREETS 48.2 ACRES TO"A-_: 8522 ~CG=S '2.200 Ufvl1S SEDONA MASTER PLAN viuceNr ~e~aae a associares LAND PLANNING & LAN-SCAPE -ESIGN I]]5 CAPIiAI 07 iEN15 NWC 50NH, 911NC 109, AVSiIN, 7IXA9 IWfb (612) ]20-2b93 - lPd-1011 (C4%) rmoll: rq~rarC011orh.nrf lEROY,B(tET SCHWAR fERpY 9RET SCNWAR (9.980 ACRES 50.00 ACRES `A1C. 9972, PG. 0321 Wl. A972. P5.'0324 s~~"° PURPQSE AND INTENT This project has established the fallowing goals and objectives in regard to Article VIi, Section 7 ordained by the City of Shertz: ^ The community will provide an orderly and creative arrangement of land uses that are harmonious and beneficial to the community and the natural environment. ^ The community will provide a variety of housing types, employment opportunities and commercial services to achieve variety and integration of economic and redevelopment opportunities. ° There will be flexibility in land uses, development density, and in other matters typically regulated in zoning districts. ° The community will provide cultural, civic, commercial, educational, medical, and recreational facilities i~a a planned unique setting and design. ° Area-sensitive site planning and design will be provided by preserving native trees and natural drainage features of the land. ^ The community will avoid premature or inappropriate development that would result in incompatible uses or would create traffic and public service demands that exceed the capacity of existing or planned facilities. ^ The community will contribute to health, safety and general welfare of the community and will provide development compatible with the City's goals and objectives as stated within the Unified Development Code and Comprehensive Land Plan. ^ The community commits to use as many of the U.S. Green Building Council LEED standard as possible by providing high energy efficient design techniques, install energy efficient products, investigate the use of impermeable pavers, and research the use of rainwater harvesting irr the core ~; c~Zrc~r~,l ~;rt~ community recreational areas. S~ PURPOSE AND INTENT The purpose for this Planned Unit Development is to blend the goals of the City of Schertz and Sedona into the standards that create the highest quality and most successful community in the region. The intent is to develop this project within the Schertz Planned Unit Development ordinance that varies from the established regulations of other zoning districts. This zoning will provide the opportunity for creative planning, design and the flezibiiity to respond to changing market conditions throughout the development process. This zoning will permit the security, private facilities, and ezten~ive amenities that are necessary for the success of a community. This Planned Unit Development is created to meet the following overall goals and milestones set forth by Sedonao ®~I~AI.I. G®ALS ^ Provide far the health, safety, and welfare of the residents of Sedona and the citizens of Bezar County by impiernenting orderly and efficient growth patterns. ^ Accommodate the growing market demand for all inclusive communities white providing for a variety of affordable housing with opportunities for the creation of a diversifed community that contributes positively to the quality of life in Begar County. ^ Provide for compatible future development to insure a cohesive community that is balanced in terms of land use, infrastructure, public services, transportation, recreation, and costs. In other words, no development would occur without the means to support that growth in a safe, economical, healthy, and equitable manner. ~~ _ _ . s_ . - - - ~ - -- 4 1~(.'~fi Fl; tIi l;!ii !f ~ ~~~`.'~ ,'~~.L~~Lt,'l~`1~(J f! ( ilii l.i'r; s~°"° PURPOSE AND INTENT LAND USE MILESTONES Milestone 1° To enhance the community through integrated phasing and expansion to promote aself-contained and self-sufficient character. o Policy la: Establish Land use restrictions and guidelines to limit incursion of non-compatible uses utilizing quality design elements that will endure market changes. o Policy Ib: Control and restrict the creation of undesirable fill-in areas within the community to allow a logical development progression. • a Milestone 2: Control and guide community design and aesthetics of all residential and commercial development within the planning sub-areas that is in ~~armony with the physical environment and the regional character. • o ItDolicy 2a: Achieve a range of residential densities and housing types, °ncluding typical residential products in combination with new ~ontradiNonal approaches. This range will reflect modern • development practices, safe and sufficient design, affordability, safety, buyer's choice, and compatibility within the community. o IPolicy 28: Maximize the use of open space and collector roadways to • separate different housing types as transitions. Milestone 3: Guide and control community design and aesthecs of all residential and commercial development within the planning sub-areas considering sensitivity to existing physical and environmental characteristics of the land. o Policy 3a: Provide guidelines for landscaping and architectural character, considering screening of permanent storage and maintenance areas and carry the development's theme through each design element o Policy 3b: Minimize impacts of the development on potential viewsheds with architectural design guidelines which addresses building heights, rooflines, placement of cooling units, building materials, textures and colors. o Policy 3c: Provide for recreational, community services, and commercial shopping needs speeifacally focused on the activities and routines of the community residents. ~ _ -, - - 5 PURPOSE AND INTENT COMMiJNITY FACILITIES AND SERVICES MI~.ESTONES Milestone 1• Position the community as a top destination for the active family, locating the facilities to serve as a focal point within Sedona by setting the standard for similar communities in Tezas. o Policy la: Develop centrally located recreation facilities to act as community gathering centers and commerciaUmi~ed use center locations to serve the needs of the property owners socially and efficiently. o Policy 1 b: Reserve an area for a potential school site to serve K ~ ~`lgrough 4~ grade within the community. Milestone 22• Coordinate the timing and phasing of the planning sub-areas to insure adequate provision of public services and facilities for new populations. • This includes, but is not limited to: sanitary sewers, wastewater treatment facilities, domestic water supply, power, telephone, gas, flood control, solid waste management, cable TV, police, f re protection, and . ~ennergency health services. 0 Policy 2a: Water and sewer services will be provided by the City of Schertz in accordance with a separate agreement between the YDeveloper and the City. Generally, the agreement provides that the • developer will connect to water supplies located within FM 1518. o Policy 2b: In conjunction with the City of Schertz and engineers, Sedona will construct a wastewater treatment facility adequate to serve the development and surrounding area at the developer's ezpense. ITnder a development agreement, all facilities shat! be turned over to the City of Schertz for operations immediately upon • completion and for ownership after reimbursement. • o Policy Zc: Effluent disposal from the Wastewater Treatment Plant may be utilized for open space/park/greenbeE'= ~.~•r°~ation. Milestone 3• A water conservatioP~ program to be implemented T.~. tl~e development phasing of Sedona. o Policy 3a: 1<Jtilize drought~tolerant plants for landscaping in open spaces and collection roadway landscaping. Encourage commercial tracts to practice water harvesting for irrigation of landscaping. o Policy 3b: Runoff detention facilities to be provided along washes to minimize development impacts to downstream flows. o Policy 3c: On~ite grading and drainage design will emphasize the detaining stormwater in ponds and drainage basins for metering flow from the site. -- - 6 j7_. ~~~ ~:7i.it~i% l~i~.~''rj,ii _ ~/1.,~~„~`Jj"lr5ir i nl.(?;7~_ S PURPOSE AND INTENT TRAFFIC CIRCULATION MILESTONES ^ Milestone 1• Establish a comprehensive and long range c°r°c~:~a:ti~i~, ~ye;~:~:= within the community. o Policy la: Set design development standards ffor collector roadways and local streets that emphasize safety, convenience, and efficiency for both residents and visitors. o Policy 18: Provide inter connectivity of street systems to facilitate optional travel routes and circulation.. ^ Milestone B• Present a quality image and sense of com~~ac~~tgT t® Lrc~~;'~'~~ts and visitors. o Policy 2a: Provide a quality visual ezperience along roadways 6y creating breaks in development providing views into drainage open spaces, pathway systems, parks, ect. o Policy 2b: Provide master landscape standards along all collectors, local streets, intersections, rotaries, entries, and islands. RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE MILESTONES ^ Milestone 1 Develop a coordinated opea~ space syste~~ to serve the full spectrum of recreational needs of the residents and guests of the community. o Policy la: provide for both active and passive recreational o facilities to serve the entire population of the community. o Policy 1 b: Design a pedestrian-friendly community that integrates identifiable neighborhoods and community facilities with transportation corridors and open space facilities. o Policy Ic: provide an integrated system of amenities and open space that will enhance the image and identity of the comrr~ur~ity and respects the physical and environmental charactea•istics of the land. 7 .. ., _~ ~ OWNERSHIP Sedona, an active family community, will be operated by a Homeowners Association (H.O.A.) and controlled by Covenants, Conditions, and . Restrictions (CC&R's). A draft version of the preliminary CC&R's are submitted concurrently with this P.U.D, submittal. The community structure will be operated by the Developer through the H.O.A. The Developer reserves the right to transfer ownership of assets such as limitation maintenance yards and open space, but any assets not transferred to the H.O.A. will be retained by the developer or conveyed to one or more • . • third parties. Any asset intended to be retained by the Developer or sold to a third party will be maintained by the owner of the asset, and assets conveyed to the H.O.A. will be maintained by the H.O.A. All single family hoes will lie ~-rembers of the H.O.A. ~~~e®tv~c~~r'~.A,~,~®caaf~€r~ ®ardldvte • ° The business, properly, and affairs of the Association shall be managed, controlled, and conducted by a Board of Directors. The Board shall have the powers and duties necessary for the administration of the affairs of the Association. ° The Board's responsibilities shall be to carry out the objectives of the Associafion • which include, bet shall not be limited to, the following: o administering, including providing administrative support required for the • Architectural Committee; o preparing and administering an operationafl budget that provides for the protection, administrafion and operation of the Common Areas, the • 'mprovements thereon and the property off the Association, far the performance of all of the Association's responsibilities hereunder and ender the i Association's Articles & Bylaws, and for other Haas permitted by the CC~R's; o scheduling and conducting the meetings of members; o collecting and enforcing the assessments and disbursing I~ana~N rec~3ve~'~ 'o:~ ire • • benefit of the Association and its lbiembers; o maintaining records and books, ad performing other ~eressar3r ~c~cas:~: ~:;g functions; o promulgating and enforcing of the Association's Rules; o maintaining the Common Areas; and • o all other duties imposed upon the Board pursuant to the CC&R's, the Bylaws, and Articles and the Association's Rules. ° The CC&R's will establish voting rights and membership guidelines for the H.O.A. ° The H.O.A. will establish an Architectural Control Committee for: o Review and approval of landscape plans . o Review and approval of additions and alterations to the exterior of existing homes fn addition to being members of the Master 1~.O.A., attached single family housing may be required to be members of a Sub•-Association in charge of yard maintenance and various compo*aents of the building exteriors. se~°"° + LOCATION & DESCRIPTION The site is bounded west of FM[ 151, south of Lower Seguin Road, and north of Ware Seguin Road. It is in the northeast quadrant of the intersection of Loop 1604 and Interstate 10 in Schertz, Texas. The proposed community consists of a total of g53 acres and has a green belt running through the center of it. 1Vlost of the site will consist of residential uses, while neighborhood service, commercial uses, commercial mixed-uses, parks and open space, and other civic uses such as schools and community recreational will iae appropriately located throughout the community. Location 1VIa~ ~~ Sale ,t. ~, ~;, ,._:. ~~. }\f.::. \~~ c:V.O / ~ i ~ ~ ~'~ ~ ~1 .~ 1 i1 ~ ~ / ^~ S ~ + ~ i~ `f \\~ ~~• '~i C 9 S~ EXISTING CONDITIONS Understanding a particular piece of property and all the forces (natural and man-made) that affect it is one of the most essential steps in the planning and design process. A true knowledge of the property allows us to enhance existing opportunities as well as create awareness for the constraints which need creative mitigation. The process is two-fold. A thorough on-site visit and research of resource material allows a complete inventory of the natural and man-made attributes of the property. This step will highlight major development concerns early in the process and promote quality design dec~~e:~r~s from the start. ^ -Jurisdictional Boundaries ^ Site Access ^ Topography ^ Drainage/Storm Water Detention ^ Wetlands/Floodplain ^ Site Vegetation ^ Existing Site Structures ^ Views/Noise ^ Utilities IO The following pages describe in detail our inventory of the Sedona property and the impact each element has on development. Specifically we have studied: s EXISTING CONDITIONS .Turasdicnonal Boundar~e~ The 853 acre site is located within the City of Schertz, Bexar County, Texas. One school district has tazing jurisdiction over this propertyo Schertz-Cibolo-Universal City Independent School District (SCUC ISD). The site is also within the Randolph Air Farce Base AICUZ jurisdiction for height and density regulations. (Please see following pages to reference zoning districts, legal descriptions, city limits, ezisting and future land uses, the Randolph Air Force Base AICUZ Environs map, and SCUC ISD sr~for~nation sheet in regard to the Sedona site.) T'a~ flat ~~S~~e AaD 0 Sao AOO ao6 SCYLt ,• ~ A0D' N ~. N I 3g ~ ~ 1 d I ei ~e . ~ ~~~~~~~ ~e~~~ ~~$~~~ ~~~~~~~ I ~ ~~~~~~~~I r~ uo ou av. ~ ( CURREMLY ZONED 'Fi-A'/'CB'. ~m.t~ REDDEST ZONING P.U.D. ewx't 5 69D196 ACRES i Iy s ~ I !~ ~', J~ Ir ~ T'C.~ -1 ~~ ~ • atorlcAm.nrAx6rc wmtm6~eN xnarxnteslwn N671,crr. vauut6xrutoAa vmus6m,rau+m ~~ . Ila II CURRENTLY ZONED 'R-A'/'GB'. ~~~ _ -°~ REQUEST ZONING P.U.D. II -CQCL Rm RN[ ~, 1t ~~C m 'EIl' ~~ ~~,~~ ~ ~~~~ sm7A'6ew ~,~ anmvean R:e'Aruw a~.7e' ItZYA7.07w ~'~ R/attY6r66AafA ~~ I ~,~ - - - -~ C/~OvamraraazrPx ~NA1o'aLttl,ntr~~e 800' ZONIN~ ~,~ z 4AXAlACRC, RADroB . ~ .. ~„e, vaAAaED9:o,rABeltysEr7>c •• ®•• ~~• gAp~ AnLeN.tnLVrurneur ALVE1LaecvE~ °"' ~ ~.w"moo.n °~"~~ ZONLDE~1 1»r2laru~E£A,alRrao ~,,,~ .a ,x~fzrxra~r m r.._.._ _,. _.,_.._ .,..,~eArtYr,._,. VOL! RV [ X07 PA6C 10~ EPDL RlAPkDNCL~rIDVT OSCIRANNDONIDO ZQVCDRA AIGRLMD DD/BYOD?1CRA muuvu6tOmt6.~ DM'NlfOrd7.f7TBeN ~~ ~'g'~ vnLrevvmleree7vu QA CURVE DATA croaYB,P,escav~XPDL ~°b IuA.ta6DT6a ,HOtACDNGONGN ro~i. rrms, EWDtd ~ = 16'39'38" zn+2DEd na+ R = 2505.28' 800' ZONING ~®® ~ 1 T = 366.83' ~ mmr+ L .728.49' sw'ss'aAt rater A CB = S 21'47'03" E 725.93 „ ~ ~ ~'yt-¢ itw7,ae• e6TAS'uw , !1 ~~ rl r ,~ 9 ,~ a~ j ~1 '~ 6Lri4G'XAIO 1fAf. SIAP4E'1' 7R A@S NA 4E4 y I 6 kCd 1B36q ~ALVlNL6PCNP/ le / llYr2LQYL7.'RRN I ~ e y / 9G7lRTZ.TXrB!17 ~t ,~~,~ ~ p l voLLmeaz,T,nOCn~eEPDL ~~ RUCN.OCVELOPfIClNf ~ a`mt' ZAVCDRA IWlaLWAWL1AlpIXf4 ffi ~ A Q~ ~ aromnrex s"ssmrwewn i ~ ~ ~ xnnanreCte7x xa,C+rzS ~~~ vau¢mr.larrott~ n w L 6nKr 1658 tiR6 fpp 61Altefa ra JOVD)Id ~~C ~ A58~ ~B 'Q` ~ziC $ ~ aaar,rt 6ra6uemu g ~~~ E i4 ~~^~~2 ~g~ t QC ~~ ~ ~ wv,rte Aemrmetav i 11 ~ ~ 4 ~ ppQ" q ~~p'ps.~~~ ~~~F~~ ~~~~~~ ~~; a~ 4zemw'nrmltmrt FF iii ~ d ~,~ _ 38~YQn~~~ E8 &A ~ ~,,.n.~ - nrs ~raatreete 18~~ is.~ ~ °'°°°''°`xoD' ZONING Rwros 7x fete (ee' aaal ,,,,~,,,,, ameaat weer S7etEe0~ 17ALAT ~ s.~~nevwn A .N ~'s a I P.G.& ..,, a ~ ~~~.~ ~eb.asa ac. I ~ ,m I w~~.~n ~~ /~ ~ _I I ~N°6,n k A ~ e Ga / ~ / ValfQ6ALIA3rfe'ARIDL ~J 6d~DY6DTOTr ~ ~ ~ ~ t / rWmtd ~ ~ \ O ^y / ~ I w m a o ON I I p O~ q JUUAN DlAZ SURVEY NO 66, AB.~ tB7 P 800~N8 Gad ~ U UU COUNTY BLOCK 5059, BEXAR COUNTY, TEXAS ~.rt 800' ZO~G ~ ,~ ~ /~ i r~ --~ - 784.482 ACRES- - - ~~ t~~ ER. EVANS SURVEY NQ Ba ABS. 2t6 a 1 ¢ COUNTY BLOCK 5060, BEXAR COUNTY, TEXAS ~ a 1 ~M 1 ~ / ~ ~~ ~ ~ m _ '.~.._ l / ~ ~~~~~~~ ~° ~~ CURRENTLY ZONED 'R-A, s~~ ~~ ~ REQUEST ZONING P.U.D. oi~3N ~wnw., t3093Y0w p1r~ 4 7/Y,fY ~T° :~ p~ ~e ~~ ~ K'i 91 ~ ~ 1 ~J~ ~ e ~~~ ~ ~ ~I R%7fe'3e'p nw.re' Yen 6metf ® ® EA'.cLrrcoEC Dz71sLONeex~uwXD 800' ZONING--~ xlurxtxTm}A ACxPa RADNB VOCIA4C97BJ,PABC OZRPDL RURAGOLVCLOPV1CAf L ZONCDE-A ~ m ~ LoeaarErxrAYAO + ~.~ ~T. enn D020WAYC~LCyA'IRD ~T4G"~'ie.n 800' ZONING1~ ~yy~;~800' ZONING RADIUS / may/ / VOttA'fC9912,PKa'YAB RPDL RADNS L.._.. .~vrp8~a.._,._.._,._.. -~ r. z'A1~DESCRrpP/ON. 1 ~ • • _ • • l/x.'el 0-.CPRIPTRLY BE1N0 68.188 ACRES OP LAND kORB OR LESS. St9UATED 1N PNt 8E1NC 761.18Y ACR&S OP L J8RIN01l0 LSAL SURVEY NO 7B. ABSTRACT 184 COUNTY 81DCX EOB$ SURYEp N0. 66. A&49'RAC7 ' CTlY OP SCRPRTB, BCXAA COUNr1: TEXAS AND COMPRISPA OP TNOSE TRACTS CALLED IAB.(Yi ACI fRACrS CALLED 9P.001 ACRES DLSCRIBED 7N VOli1ME tI18Y PACE 88 AND 100.968 ACRt TRACT O REAL PfmPER7P RECORDS OP BEXAR COUNT!'. TEXAS. ALL OP XNR'N CONVEYED TO SCHERTE ISti CONVEYED 70 SCNERTZ 7678 Lld PACL 139 REAIr IQ~PdR!'Y. Osw~trR ~~gtOa a Stne4r ISt6 lltl U inros tm+n0 PartnnsA¢~ IHIy PROPFRii 15 :URRCNiIt ZQNCC 'R-r By XK/ Nawganeni CmOaotgn A£OUES1ttIG 20NiNG PUD fP(pNCD UNii Df vELOPME0.t ;h$7RIft~ (A taros CaOmotonl Gen¢.a Partnr Larcy L AJtn, hesrornt AONets. PG Bo, 2182 Avsim teas 73><' A PQRlVJt; nr tu,, 6PL1GFRtY i::Q!'Atrn µ~i"p; t..; ;,r. iN~;a,;~ n;. un'ns !yt7, 25y_392r. ;,r,Aa:tti&C U>i ZtA:F SURI'CY NO 79 ACRE JRAC7 OF ! in 405 ACRE:' OT MORE OR LESS, COMPRISED OP 98E.706 ACRES OP LAND S COUNTY BLOCX 6068. C1TY OP SCNERTE. B&YAR COUNTY, 1 >ESCRIBED 1N VOLUXE 1149Y. PACE 89 REAL PROPERTY W 18ED 1N VOUJME JtIBE, PACE 918 KCAL PAOPERTY RLL'OR AND THE RSNAlNDER OF JN03£ TRACTS CALLED 716771 R~ OF BEXAR COUMY. TEXAS, AND 68499 ACRES DESCA .'XAR COUNTP. TEXAS. AND ALL OF TNC TNOSE TRACTS CA 'AOPlRTY RAbRDS OF BEXAR COUNTI: TEXAS AND IS 00 ~RDS Dt BEXAN COUNTt: TEXAS ALL OF XBN:N COM'PYEL '33 ACRES OF LANG S1TUA7ED !N THE EF EVANS SURV£ BEXAR COUNTI' TEXAS. ANA 8E1NC OUT OF 7NOSE CERTA VOLUYL 1331 PACE 609 OEED RLY'ORAS OF BEXAR COUNT R7. AND ALSO BEING COMPRiSCD Of 77113 ACRES DF LAI C1k+hTY BLIX'H 5068. GYY Of SCNLRTY. BEXAR CWNfi: ' 18£8 VOLUME 4804. PACE 7M4 REA! PROPERT!' RACDRDS A CALLCD »70 ACRC TRACT OF LAh'0 DESCRJBCD 1N VDU rAS ALL OF NHICH CONVCYCD 70 NCLBCR7 NlLLLR7 x7emtew n76Ae' . rra ~n,~a ~ _ ~ro,'a're1e" ' (O vau ~o~u7rrtLerA ~ ,L~ '°° 800' ZONING ~ IP.C~4{YATC>l~INAEDn ~ a'm sADroS ~ d xraETZrxra'Dr ,~ ~,. ?19J6ACAtC9 ~ VOLLMCMl9,PABC727EPDL ~ EUXAXDCVCtOPl6gT mmw z w N ~ C1 ,..., .............._ t~ ED LN VOUIMC J08.E VD dANN:1 XEMP. AND SHEET 4ACT 816, COUNTY rRAC15 DESCRIBED t IF EH1CN CONVEYBD THE CEAONIMO ZEAL OF OZ ~ ALL OF A 0 738 Tp. TEXAS AND GATE PM M6B REAL PROPERTY I ~~~; f3on fiAcCrarv & Associates. fnc. Engineers and Surveyors Date•08l17I05 Job No. 04037 784.482 acre Metes S Bounds Dere~Oon Of a 784.482 Acre of Land BEING 784.482 ACRES OF LAND MORE OR LESS, COMPRISED OF 395.706 ACRES OF LAND SfR1ATED IN THE JULIAN DIAZ SURVEY N0. ~, ABSTRACT 187, COUNTY BLOCK 5059, CITY OF 3CHERTZ, BEXAR COUNTY. TEXAS AND BEING Qt1T OF THOSE TRACTS CALLED 145.427 ACRES DESCRIBED IN VOLUME 11492, PAGE B3 REAL PROPERTY RECORDS OF BEXAR COUNTY. TEXAS AND 100.988 ACRE TRACT DESCRIBED IN VQLUME 11485, PAGE 348 REAL PROPERTY RECORDS OF BEXAR COUNTY; TEXAS, CONVEYED TO SCHERTL 1518 Ltd.. AND THE REMAINDER OF THOSE TRACTS CALLED 145.778 ACRES DESCRIBED IN VOLUME 6300, PAGE 439 REAL PROPERTY RECORDS OF BEXAR COUNTY, TEXAS, AND 52.693 ACRES DESCRIBED IN. VOLUME 5491, PAGE 0740 REAL PROPERTY RECORDS OF BEXAR COUNTY, TEXAS, AND ALL OF THE THOSE TRACTS CALLED 10.00 ACRES DESCRIBED IN VOLUME 3314, PAGE 1721 REAL PROPERTY RECOFiOS OF BEXAR COUNTY, TEXAS, AND 16.00 ACRES DESCRIBED iN VOLUME 3082, PAGE 1721 REAL PROPERTY RECORDS OF BEXAR COUNTY, TEXAS, ALL OF WHICH CONVEYED TO RICHARD AND JANICE KEMP, AND ALSO BEING COMPRISED OF 311.633 ACRES OF LAND SITUATED IN THE.E.R. EVANS SURVEY N0.80, ABSTRACT 21$, COUNTY BLOCK 5060, Cf1Y OF SCHERTZ, BEXAR COUNTY, TEXAS, AND BEING OUT OF THOSE CERTAIN 156.2'1 ACRE TRACTS DESCRIBED 1N VOLUME 1897, PAGE 94, AND VOLUME 4331, PAGE 503 DEEM RECORDS OF BEXAR COUNTY, TEXAS ALL OF WHIG~H CONVEYED TO MELBERT AND BOBBIE HILLER?, AND ALSO BEING ' COMPRISED OF 77.143 ACRES OF LAND SITUATED IN THE GERONIMO LEAL SURVEY N0.78, ABSTRACT 424. COUNTY BLOCK 5058, CfTY OF SCHERT2, BEXAR COUNTY; TEXAS AND BEING ALL OF A 0.738 ACRE TRACT OF LAND AS DESCRIBED VOLUME 4642, PAGE 1164 REAL PROPERTY RECORDS OF BEXAR COUNTY, TEXAS AND 76.405 ACRES OF LAND OUT OF A CALLED i7.t9 ACRE TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED IN VOLUME 4721, PAGE 1068 REAL PROPERTY RECORDS OF BEXAR COUNTY, TEXAS ALL OF WHICH CONVEYED TO MELBERT HILLERT,RND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: ' Begindng at a found'/° caber In the sarthnrest right-o~way line of FM 1518 for th@ Est Comer of this 3rect herein tleacxlbed, and the north cxrmer of a 10.00 scare farad as desalted in Vohmne 6371. Page 1639. . C?fliclal Records of Bexar County, Texas; 'thence leaving the Est right-of-vvay line of FAA 1518 along the north line of said 10.00 acre tract and the south line of this trail hsre~r described S 59'20' 17" W, a distance of 1745.70 feet ~ a found'h° rebar for the west comer of said 10.00 acre trail and Ming north comer of a 9.968 acre trail described in Volume 10054. Page 1692, Ot&ial Reaxds of Beacar County. Texas; Thence S 544' 52" W, a distance of 508.73 feet to a found part far art k-terior comer of this trail and the rarest comer of salt 9.968 acre tract; Thence With feruae and the avast line of said 9.968 acre trail S 218' 37° E, a defence of 1598.70 feat th a found f~° rebar for the mouth corner of this trail herein described and being the south comer of said 8.968 acre teed in the northarsst right-of Huey line of Wane S~uin Road; Thencxr With the rrorthwest right-ofway line of Ware 3eg~n Road the folbwirag calls: S 57'50' 30° W, a distance of 1188.13 feet th a found %° caber; S 59'05' 45" W, a distance of 249.12 fast to a farad'~z° retaar, S 544' S7° W, a distance of 1053.65 feet b a found'/s" retrar for the sarlh comer of this trail herein de~ribetl; e Thence Leavnrg the northwestright-of way 1'ene of Wye Seguin Road adth ferxe N 29'09' 16' W,~a diataace of 2725.35 feet to a found i~° caber for a comer of this trail and befng the north comer of a 77.856 acre trail as desalted in Volume 4719, Page 327, Real Property Records of Bexar County, Texas; Thence With fence N 5~5T 51 ° E. a distance of 225.66 feet to a fow~d.Post for an interior comer of this trail herein desc~ed and being the east comer of a 98.629 acxe tract In Volume 9585, Page 52, Real Property Records of Bermr County, Texas; Thence With fence N 28'59' 35° W, a distance of 2988.96 feet to a found Post far an interior comer of the trail herein described and being the north comer of said x.629 acre trail in the southeast line of said 77.19 acxe trail; Page 1 of 3 F:IDOCS1040371784.482 acre 323 Breeaport St. San Antonio. Texas 78216-2802 Phorse (210j 348-2851 Fax (210j 348-2853 ~M~; Don McCraw & Associattas. inc. Engineers and Surve ors Thence With fence S ti9'39' 07° W, a of 925.48 feet th a found h° nsbar with ~p merited Kotcdaie in the northeast Ike of a 228.851 acre tract described ~ Volume 9972. Page 324, Real Property Records of Bexar County, Texas; Thence With fence N 3tf 39' 37` W, a distance of 2077.86 feet to a found'~4" rebar for the west nort#n~ termer of Eris tract herein described and bektg the south carver of a 40218 atxe tract described fn Volume 8237. Page 1538. Reai Property Records of Bermr County, Texas; Thence W~h fence and the north Ikre of said 77.19 acre Pratt N 59'45 24` E. a distance of 1619.90 feet to a set %° rebar capped and marked 3403 for the north txxner of this trail herein des~ed in the west line of a 16.49 acre tract desar'b~l in Volume 10728, Page 129.5, Real Property Records of Bexar County, Texas; Thence With ferroe and the west Irrre of said 16.49 arx~e ink S 3tY38' 04° E, s distance of 611.87 fit to a #ound 1' pipe for a oom~ of this tract herein described and trakrg the south comer of saki 16.49 acre tract and the west comer of a 7.0992 acre treat described In VoNune 9127, Page 291, Real• Property Records of Bexar County, Texas;. Thence S 546' 44° W, a distorts of 30.00 feet to a set !° rebar capped and markett 3403 ~ fence•for• e comer of this trac# herein descibed and being the west comer of a 53.618 acne pact recorded in Vaume 8237. Page 1538, Real Property Records of Bexar County, Texas; Thence With fence and the west line of ~ 53.618 acre tract S 3fP33' 53° E, a distance of 1037.24 feet to a set %° rebar capped and marked 3403 at a fence post for en angle poir-t of this tract herein descibed; Thence With fence S tie;38' 41 ° E, a d'~nrs of 473.14 feet to a found'h' r+ebar for an angle point of tMs tract herein described and being the south comer of said 53 618 acre tract; Thence W~h fence N 59'44' 25° E, a distancre of 58731 feet to a fourrd'h' rebar and being the south comer of a 2656 acre tract descrit>ad in Volume 7928, Page 583. ~ Rroperty Records of Boxer County, Texas; Thence N 59'33' S4° i~ a distance of 317.65 feet to a fours! ~° nor far the east tamer of said•2.i356 acre ~~ , Thence N t~49' 33` E, a distance of 507.02 feet th a found f° rear for an interior com~ofthis treat herein described and being the east comer of said 63.618 acre tracd: Thence N29°49'02°W. a distance of 146202 feet with the northeast tine of said b3.t318 acre tract th a found Cedar Post for the north comer of said 53.618 acre trams Thentre S60°24'38°W, a distance of 17.90 feet Uo a fourxt'fi' Iron pin for a corrrer of satti 145.776 size tract and the Est comer of a 45.88 acre •trad desrr~ed in Volume 3930, Page 1135 Real Property Records of Bexar County. Texas; Thence N29°47'44°W, a distance of 228629 feet with the cmnmon line of said 145.776 acne Erect and said 45.68 acre tract to a set ~° iron pin Witt yeA~ow plastc cap stamped 3403 for the nortnarest comer of this tract herein described; - N59°34'00'E, adistance of 2195.96 few akurg the soutreastright-of-way line of Lower Seguin b a found'/° iron pin with yeuaw plastic cap stamped 3403 and tieing the north comer of said 100.966 acre tract; Thence S30°16'00"E, a ckstance of 798.59 feet to a found ~' iron pin for an angle pot<rt of this tract herein described; Thence S23°24'S8'E, a distertae of 118.78 feet to a found'h` iron pin for an angle point; Thence S30°45'28'E, a distance of 17025 feat to a found ~` iron p~ for an arlgie point; Thence S27°56'12`E, a distance of 186.40 feet to a found 34° icon pin for an angle poUrt; Them S34°44'05°E, a distance of 186.57 feet ~ s sound h' iron pM for an angle poin# in the southeast r~h~of-way 5rte of F.M.1518; Thence S30°2021'E, a distance of 2495.39 fast to a found !° Iron pin with yellow plastic cap stamped 3403 and beir~ the eel tbrner of said 100.96'6 atx+e fnac~ ' Thence S30°20'56`E, a disfence of 41124 feet to a found 3~' iron p~ for the north comer of a 1.50 acre tract described M Volume 9485, Page 534 Real Property Records of Bexar County, Texas and a comer of this tract herein descxbed; Thence 359°41'07'Wi, a distance of 192.44 feet ~ e found ,~° iron pin for an interior comer of this tract herein descrbed arzi being the area comer of said 1.60 acre try Thence S30°18'S3`E, a distance of 340.00 fsetfo a found'/z° iron p&t for an intercomer of this tract herein described and bMrrg the south comer of saki 1.50 acre trs~ Thence N59°41 ATE, a distance of 192.65 feet th a found 1~` iron pin for a tzamet of this tract herein described and being the east comer of said 1.50 acre 'bath ' Page 2 of 3 F:IDOCS104037t784.482 acre 323 Breesport St. San Mtonio, T~cas 7821fi-2602 _ Ptrmte (21t)j 345.2851 Fez (210j 349 Y853 MC Don IVIcCrali'y & Associates, Inc. Engineers and Surveyors Thence S30°20'58"E, a distar~e of 308A8 feet to a !'/~° iron pin and being the north comer of a 26.732 acre tract described in Volume 6737. Page 1289 Real Property Records of Bexar County, Texas; Thence S30°16'S2°E, a distance of 1070.52 feet to a fourtd'h° iron pin and being the east comer of said 26.732 acre tract and the north comer of said 145.427 sore tract; Thence S30°16'00'E. a distance of 1739.47 feet to the Point of toning and containing 784.482 acres of land more or less. ,~~ OF T ~~~bt~ rwrr~ ~wo,~ww~w~.. r •+r~,M~iisr~rsrwwab'~'~m a~w~ ;~,~. Dort McCrary R.P.LS. .°t •.... • Page 3 of 3 F:1D(3CS1040371784.482 acre 323 $reesport St. San Mtonio, Texas 7S21S-2802 Phasre.(21Q) 348°Z854 Fax (210) 349-2653 Date 8/17/Q5 Job Plc. 04037 69.196 aCrB3 1Vletes and Bounds Description Of 69.196 ACRES OF LAND Being 69.198 acres of land more or less out of the Jeronimo t eat Survey No. 79, Abstract 424, County Block 5058, City of Shcertz, Bexar County, Texas, and comprised of those tract tatted 34.007 acres described in Volume 11492, Page 57 Real Properly Records of Bexar County, Texas, and 35.182 acres described in Volume 11492, Page 69 Real Properly Records of Bexar Cour(ty, Texas, conveyed to Schertz 1518 Ltd., and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a found aluminum disk a TxDOT monument for the east southeast comer of this tract herein described in the north right-ofanray of Lower Seguin for the east comer of this tract hen~in described and the south comer of a called 13.52 arse tract recorded in Volume 1412, Page 627, Deed Records, Bexar County, Texas; Thence S 59° 56' 15° W, a dis~nce of 24.64 feet to a found aluminum disk a TxDOT monument in the north right-off way line of Lower Seguin for an angle point of this trail herein desalbed; Thence S 59° OT 36" W, a distance of 800.04 feet to a found aluminum disk a TxDOT monument for the south comer of this tract herein described, and the east comer of a tailed 4.494 acre trail recorded in Volume 2249, Page 801, Official Public Records, Bexar County, Texas; Thence N 30° 16' 14" W, a distance of 1874.88 feet along the common line of said 4.494 acre tract, a called 1.537 acre tract nscorded in Volume 3162, Page 937, Official Public Records, Bexar County, Texas, a called 1.04 acre tract recorded in Volume 8830, Page 1933, Offiaal Public Records, Bexar County, Texas, a called 2.16 acre tract recorded in Volume 9433, Page 1793, Of6c~aal Public Records, Bexar Courtly, Texas. Lots 20, 19, 18 of Windy Acres Subdivision recorded in Volume 6800, Page 47-50, Plat Records, Bexar County, Texas, a called 1.58 acre tract recorded in Volume 7814, Page 1919, Official Public Records, Bexar County, Texas, and a called 2248 acre tract recorded fn Volume 7876, Page 1399, Official Public Records, Bexar Courtly, Texas to a found'!a" rebar for the west comer of this tract herein described and being the south comer of a called 25.62 acre tract n3corded in Volume 6105, Page 511, Deed Records, Bexar County, Texas; Thence N 59° 48' 36" E, a distance of 814.44 feet to a found Mag Nail in post for a comer of this tract herein described and being the west comer of a 6.00 acne trail recorded in Volume 3044, Page 290, Official Public Records, Bexar County, Texas; Thence S 30° 35' OZ" E, a distance of 351.16 feet to a found %" rebar for an interior comer of this trail along the common line of said 6.00 acre trail of fond, 6.00 acre tract recorded in Volume 3044, Page 2010, Official Public Records, Bexar County, Texas, a total of 12.0 acres conveyed to Arthur W. H[Ilert Jr., Thence N 59° 44' 22" E, a distance of 1482.74 feet along the north of 34.007 found %2" rebar on the southwest right of-way line of FM 1518, for the north canter of this tract herein descn'b~ and being the east comer of a 6.00 ache tract described in Volume 3044, Page 290, Official Public Records, Bexar Courrty, Texas; Thence S 30° 08' 54" E, a distance of 301.32 feet to a set'h" tabor with yellow plastic cap marked 3403 for the beginning of a curve to the right; Thence 728.49 feet along arc of said curve to the right having a chord bearing of S 21 ° 4T 03" E. a distance of 725.93 feet, a radus of 2505.28 feet, a central angle of 16°39'03", to a touruf'r4° tabor for the east comer of this trod herein described and being north comer of a said13.52 acre tract: Thence Leaving the southwest fine of FfJi 1518 along the common i'me of this tract and said 13.52 acre tract S 59°46' 52" W, a distance of 1369.41 feet to a found f ° near for an interior comer of this trod herein described and being the west comer of said 13.52 acr9e tract and being on the east line of said 35.182 acre tract; Thence S30°35'02"E, a distance of 495.94 feet to the Point of Beginning and containing 69.196 acres of Iand more or less. Don fdlcCrary R.P.L.S. 3403 S:Uohs\Schertz FM 151 S\engineer files\OS-19-05 metes n bo~mds desclmts & bile 69[1].196 Acres.doc ~_ .. l; .- ~'• '~ \ ~ ' " ~ - . ' \. ~ ~ \ 'J ~~ - _ '! ~ ~ ® ~ I •••• •• __., . ~~ ~! , i /~~ i" ' 'v ~l.•V GS 0 QS IY~~ ~~ L' a cmmorwemre~ \\\~.,. 4'-. r, ~.4* r. L,rYe~s~rL ` i~ A ~,~ M Jc ~ y'~~~ O? `\, `a ~y a cmroruxi~rmucarc _ - + 1 8 \ F/ ~V ~r ~~ .. ~~~\... J'r. ~\ w .~ ~~ 1 a 1 scats: i^=zoos ~' THE CfTY OF SCHERTZ ~~ ZONwC' MAP LF~'ir'7VD: O O P~1 mgtiYYLY0~1M0066'6! I~ L- swat rr¢Y ®s amsY i~ o tw nrx we::secr C w .ru~om~Lwn-.ter osatrc asn~ct D 0.. anc racer mraie.L orrrer G~ sY u~xr .wLi a.os rarer O W/ID iC11wID ^: ~IYO / amvim OGIw'_'r C=1 m eamiu amiss m d ~- ^qurnuc rs.c:-cart D e^. >v ~os~r-rGw _..~ J'~~ e ~~ r. °m'~s 1~ ,/-r j ~ --~ __-- ,/ - _..~ ' • --_' ~-" ~~ t% Y i _~ r -_ w% i t@ ~' ~~ ~~~ Sehertz Carpornte Linilts Y' ETJ ~ Land Use: ~`~ \ ~ RornlDevdopment Engle Family Residential ~ v 7tvo-Family Residential ~ ® Jy' Mnlti-Fnmiiy Residenttin! iNanafactnred Housing Commercial ~~ ~ Lig>,t Industrial ~' Heavy Industrial ~- + ' ,~ ~ Park nod Open Space ,v5-,~ w°O1p~wa ,~ Public >> /t - . Semi-Pabiic ,;" Vacant & ROW ~~ ~ ~ .i ;. . ;_ f ~~~ Site ~~., ~,, ... 4 Figure 4.1 =... ~ Land Ilse Inventory s, Comprehensive Land Plan City of Schertz, Texas ® - ~-~ ~~ \ Wilbm5mit6 as o ~ ~ ~~ ~-- r f-" - - /~/~ - - ~ _ ~' ~._ ~,:.: ~ l ~, .1; - . i - ®~~~~ ~. ~ - - . - \ • ~, ?i - - t. 't ® r ~ _ M1~: Scbertz Corporate Limits ._":: ETJ ~ _ ~-' Future Land Usc: Rutvl Devdopment Siogle Family ILesidentinl , ' ~.= MoIH-FamityRestdentlal \ ! Msnofaemred Housing ~ ! CommercW %I ~ Main Street Commercial ! Ldestry, Tecbnokgq and ~ ~ ~ lRtes~eaarrrr~a Devdepmeait Campus \ indmtriaUHosto¢ss Park PnrHs sad Open Space \ Airl~stalWiwCompatible ,~ Use Zoae (wICLZj "I, Public and Institutional ~~ Mised Uae ~+.. ts> ~--"- 160-Year Flood Plain .. Accident Potential Zone (APZ) "Site `~ Figure 4.2 ~ Future Land Use Plan Comprehensive Land Plan City of Schertz, Texas ~_, ;;~~: K ~~ EGQV Wilbur Smith Asaociats --_ ~'" s~ „: ~' _ 1 ...~~ is_ ~~~, ,~ O - ^1 ~'_? Iaesallndon Randolph Air Force 13ase ~ ~ ' AICUZ Environs `~ ~°°` ;~ ~ a amlamc room~nt zoae 1 Arddmt Paamaal Zone II N ~~~ Dom. GODLO-f TII{Q4n1 ~~ _._ COmme~cin] IndoetriSl CYO 4 moc 1¢n0 xeQ'G~Dn e..+.a A PBFP PaLHc~4uee~-PuhGc\Imrhutiannl 0 ~Pea~~g ,,.tti,.~i f j: -~ ,~~~_, ~. O n.~ d75 1r , \ '_ i ~ ~~ ~ ~ S ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ ` \ ~~~ ~f-\~ ~-: ~ -~ - P6Q4 '~ ~ ~ ^ ,. ~/` (~~ APZ II : ~ ~` ~ ~ Home ~ School Board Information ~ Departments ~ Schools j Parents f Teachers I Employment Opportunities ~ Wews ~ Quick Links Parents Grade Speed Calendar Lunch Menu - Student Registration -- ,~~ - Employees ' ~ Grade Speed - ' -- ;, : ~- ~ - Employee Corner . Web Center (SANS} ~ '~` ~ Email ~. A. - School Libraries ,' ~ ` Clemens High School Steele High School ~ ~ t} ~ ~~ Corbett Jr. High ~, ~ ,,~~~~ it DobieJr.High _. ` '`^-,rte" °' Jordan Intermediate _,. ~ - ; _;, Schettz Elementary • ~~' -::.~~... , . _ ~ ` ._... Watts Elementary ~=~ ®~ ~ ' ~ 3 Download Adobe Reader - i -. c~9~Yt~i -:::i"k°SE~ ~~~ http://www.scuc.txedne~! x/19/2005 s~„° EXISTING CONDITIONS Site Access Site access iy provided flay F11~ IlSllll, 1[.®wer Segoin IL~oad, anti Ware Seguin road. lower Seguin l[~oad is currently (24Q5) under constriction for ezpansion by Teas ~epar tnEent off 'g'ransportat~on ~'T~®~'). Additioaafl right-®ff wary dedication and roadway improvements may he necessary for T~ X518 as this project is constricted. As per the City ®f Schert~ IO~aster Thoroughfare Plan, an arterial 1inl~ evithin the Sedona project will provide for an 8b' arterial to the southwest limits ®ff the Sedona lDOindary. The e~teasion of the arterial is proposed to lbe constructed offsite of Sedona. The developers of this project will rely on Beaar County and the City of Schertz to acgQire thc~ right-of evay for this arterial eztension proposed to connect t® Ware Seguin Ytoad. When the rigbt- of way is acgaired, the devel®pers agree t® constrict a portion ®f this arterial. 'This project complies with the City of Schertz l~daster Thoroughfare Pbtn. Attached i_c a City of Schertz map displaying major and minor thoroughfares. Als® attached are typical street details and the Transportation Plan f®r Sedona. 12 -_i ~ b ~0 t b x0 /~ /~ \ r z / L' ~ i ~. 7 s°O~ i 6 r 1 r_ ~ °,~ ', i ,. ~~ '~ ,~4 vim.. ~ ~ is ~i ~ i \\~b~ G ~ lp~ / ~ /c~9 ~ Y ~ s / /~ ,. 0~ \~ `~ i~' ~ i, ~ ~ ~ ~ / .r ~~ f / a ~„ ~+ ~ 4~ j SCALE: 1" = 2000' > ~ .~ ~ ~ THE CITY OF SCHERTZ -'"~ ~ ,,~ ~ -~~ . ~ . MAJOR /MINOR .~ ~. _ ,.m `~ THOROUGHFARE MAP ,Y ~~'~ „~ .,~'`s ~'~ ~®~ FIGURE 5.2 _- ~ .. -- - _. ~ ~ _ l - LEf END o ~ s~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~°~. ~ ~~ ~ 1~ ~ ~ T ~ ~, o„sa,,....~ ~ -_.~ vi--_~ /~~ / _ _ ' i ~' ~ ~ i'' ~ \ 'F %. ^.`p ....mow.. _...-.-'' ~ /.s~ c~°~ ~ "A~ \i . ~""e w,,~ ~ /~ ,~°e \\ / ~s ~ ~ .. s`s mt ~ i ,• ~~ ~• ~ ~,. .' t -i v x ......,~ ~ `,~, _ -~.<; , <5 ~,~~ 12DD 0 12D0 2400 3800 SCALE: 1" = 1200' '"~ ^c s ~- s~ ~~ ~l 1 ~?µ. +F.4t t r`..t .. ~: iy. ~ , .. ~ ~ ` , a~ ~`• t ~~ s . ~. ~. i '' A t a r.r Duel e ' f u. .&- ~ ia\ , . a RESll)@7IAL RPSIDRNIIAL SCHOOL RPSHIEN79AL RB9IDEP717A1. sr s sr a sae .mfrs s.r a A IBB ACArS 2a.8 afP6 ~, 2.B A!P6 a0.a ACP6 ~y~ ~ pp. s III. , fa, b.-"~ L t ~' t ,. t 1 ~ .a -- v~;~~ .~ z 1~ ~~ I ~, ~'~ ~ t - ~ : ~ - v BAr i ~=, r' BA.arA<us is Af ~ -- ~ID» ~ ~ ;' IB A ACiE9 R B2LLIfRFS PtAOOIOPPN RBSIDHMW, -~ ~, ~ i ti~Y.•~•... i RFSIDENPIAL RESH)CNPIAL 50.2 A~ IA s.r 2 ' A:: t B 9.F. 6 P.1RK a.r. A ~ rt.l A[AE9 ,, ~l a9.B ACP6 lag ACPIS a1.0 ALP6 1 ` ~ ~` ~ r P __ ~,yl~.Ma1 } i .. ' .S _ ~ ' ~ ~-+~st woo -: ~. +. Ana;tw~;,+aewm 1 e,~i2wa I~ s +~T n~~ ',. s«t+osc Il `Q '-i,'Ab ~`~ er a< ~ ~®. n a~um~m ra. wa.rc mra I I s~r~i u' s- p s~c A i~^7~ ..: • M ~ , a~ ~ i 9 ~ tlR~7i. t , ... .'r . sn , C ~~ .. .. .. 16,e 'S ~. ~ ~' ?A ~ ~~rwAwa cc ~ i.s~ACPb ~~ ~`• "^; J~ , RE4RIRN'DAI,IOUTDOOR RPCAHATION A^,u'~ 'rk'.~ ~ :1 x^~k rq9 QZ, ~. C ~ ~ ~~wF/!1-s(if _ ! n1 ar I/o.x _ t nL P 1 2 uxlrs/Aerlc y ~~ m ~ Aen¢ F a 1 r t I '.A ~ '~ PARK , ii ?..1... J .c ;~ ~ ~ 99.a ACP6 ~ I' . ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ,I r I ~ ,,. ... ., ti,~ c~.mrarsv J _ ^ I C ,. ~ .tom. I ~m AA.e °cPSS ~ ~"-`..:.:rmaxA-ea'~~ {{i tr' wR ~ 1 r sir $ k ~~1 ° _ V. gy w 1 ^n~cf~~'.~~ ~ ~ ~ .,, = 1 t rr+v a v»[ _.., a • >:. .m. slow ~ ~~., -"` r, j1.i,~.aAyS f .f ~~~~ r(k F ."~ rolra~ ~' ~a+ua ~Y t '~~ ~ Vag j~~~.~ I 4n11~ ..I OQ~ ~~ ~7A 1safA A:a ra _^x s ~,~ A~ '4y~ w ..I ~ ql ~e'v _f. ^a maR.am • P k ~ ~ ~R; ' ~ ., F . ~r ,,~ m A od ~. ,~ ~ .~ _ ... .eb.,._ _ ,....:.,~ ,: F . I ` ~,~e1 ^ n , ' i ~Ai •l -, I wts Aop ~~ rw M ~, 3b 3"a °~ Jc l.Y::' mL wn. Aa asA sa t~t'B~~e ~A .. "(1 ^ .A r ~. tan ,: ~ .., ,.,. _ ,;. ~ `~ s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~: -.~. ~ .., s ~, ,. ~~ y ..~ „_. ~ ^ .~ _- .. ~. ~ .x.. .: .::: ';; ^ i :.. ~si"`"RfiA'' "" to a ._ y~ir:>sr' j I i ' ,. `: ;, b ~_ ,. ~ ~,~ :~ ~ ~ i~r'~ a r i ~ ~~ ~:t ~~~ ~~~ r~ 'err r ~,~ ~ s ~~~~ ~,v :.VI .~~~ . ,. o-+ w, -:Xw t~l ~ y. x* ,.:F`3.. ..o. .. _ _~r~M`•~t )y~t~~ ~..B sr ~,!~ :. r- "~~ A . ° ~+' '~*~ -~ .« . , ~ 'ae - r r ~+ A a. \~ € ~~ ~ ~~~ P ~ _ _ ~ ~ ,_' r . ., ,;. i . , .. _ , t~f ~ x<y .. M .. - ~3 ~ ~ f P~ I ~ ~ e - ~ , !. SEI)~1~A TINSPORTATION PLAN s~~hr.~ rj2,a~r~rn~(~ ~ r ~~rr~5c; A~~r ~r ~scTM~ ,,,~~a(111(At ~~_~ ~ ~° ~ ~ r(E ~A ~~°~ tI 1Ti, rr 57..Ah r,, (312j72ff 2lr4i S 4Y 1§B ~sLR ~11)I (~ v„ i nl,giG~sh.nei t 1_~ S:UobslSchetlz FM 1610~shell_OA_09-30~O6,dw0, 913012005 5:1921 PM, hp deskjet 9600 series, Tadold (Il x 171n), 1:1 S'~'" EXISTING CON~I'I'I(~I~S ~'~pogPap~~ The Sedona `-~3~n~~•~a;:g~ ~~~ geniiy :roping predominately from the southwest to the north toward Woman ]f~o[lering Creek. ®n the north corner of the tract, it slopes opposite from the north to the sostL., again toward Woman ~Iollering Ctreceke 1~To slopes on this site ezceetl ~5%. ~~-- iii ri l.+i-irii ~r'i"•~'~~ ~`1J rir";%Ci"•~'(~r7 ii ~,`i~iifCjii. 13 B00 0 B00 18D0 2400 ,~ '\ ED A TnPOGRAPHIC PLAN R Sti"1 ~T~3y Rr~h ~ `~~'~' ~~~`~`~~` ~~~~~~~~~~'~r~a~~~ ( I Z)fr.3-2G'J ~ A in., ~3a ~.as-~dY, l ~ anv,P~l~,isii.r f . ~~V I_~ ~~UpibWCner¢ rm 191G}Snell u4_UJ~au-U~.pwB, v/JV/[W5 Y~u:[i rry np peiKJEf vWU serns, iapro~p ~ti x u m.~, s~„` EXISTING CONDITI®NS ~rainagel-Storm l3'ater l)~tenti~~ Storm water runoffwiU be rooted to the creek through a co~nbinata®n off open drainage clasael4 and underground piping. The main piping "spine" will extend from bower Seguin :Road to tie creek in tie center island of tie proposed 96 foot wide divided boelevard. Ssaller piping neMorks will eztead ~ tie spine as required to drain surrounding seigitboriood~. Tic 8b and 96 foot wide boulevards will aLs® serve as wag trait L; -rc~ iinea~' ~ ~'?t~3iTt '°~'. ;~:::- °°'~~ t~reek. Tie ezisiing stock panda on tie site will he incorporated into the layo^t a areas wits % acre maimnm lots. Ponds in more dense areas slay be SYed in as neeasary ar wed as ~ &atire of tic trycet however, any Storrs water sterase leaf in ills way wiz rc repiaot+i ~ additional storage b>H7t iito tie detention system. gncreased riYtaoH dac ~ d~eeelopmeat of t~s si0c will ie miti~ei tiry the constraction of a stor= ~rafcr ~deteatian sysie~. 1'ic system wi crn:agt if a prey rni a^d sever:i saaller ponds. Tie pond ~ wi ia~r+c drat tlrar+c is ao inct+e~c in renoff or redaction in storage during any prase sf 1Lis prsjett. 14 ~i; ---- ~ 80D 0 800 1680 2400 ,.. i :..~ ~ ` -- ~~~ i ~ /; ~\ /~ i ' / ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i- __ ... , ,, . - ' °--- F ~ ~ / 1. ~ _.._--- d ~' i ~' _ /'~' ~ ~~%.' ' ~ , /~ '~~,, i { / i I ,~ I, ,~ ~ ey, / / / .~. .. ~ ~ - -- .. ~ ,~ ~. - -_ 4- _ ~....,~_.,'ir,,.. _ .., ~ ,' • L _., -. -__. 33G`W'e7E - 776D.81' _: ~ _ ,` °i~~ ~-~" _" 1~ ~~ . i i 1 I ~ l 4 _ I .. it ~ r I I ~II~ I I r _ i ~ ~ ___._ _ ~~ , ' , .• 1 1 , ! .. I 11 1 ~ / % )C i ~ ~ • mm 1 / / / ~ ~ / / ---- G i '1 ' • ~ o / •~ ~ ~' i ~ ~ ~ r g ~ /_. u ~ ~ / ~ ' % / ~ ~ ~ ~• ~ 'M.•„r"'"'^'a- '~~ ~...+^~V,s..- i i ate,,.-,.,,pl„ "`,y j l j ~ ~~-- i ~ `~.. ~~6 ~ ,' ~ ~ ~' ~ I ~., I , ~, ,1 ~ ~' _ \ __ __________ _ ___~ fl, ' '~, ~ ( ~. ~~ ~ ~- ~ ~ ~ ~~ i t ~'~atie"s~- lase \ ~Ii1~ ~~ pl ~ / ~ xze•a4'ze•e - ~re~.16 ~~: ,,~ ~~ ;; ~ ~ I ~ r ( 1 ~! ,, ,~~ ~_ ~ _ t .•e ~i ..~. .~,._ ®®m.®®_~_~~M-~'°'~"`~x'ej~ ~ ,~. ;~~./ a+~ ¢ ~.~ -- ~~ .fie. P a m...a;».~.ay...a.e ~ n 1~ ~ ~ A i', ar r?"F'"•i' it ~ ___ ~ ~ ~, ~ ~ ~ i~. l~ ~ - \ ~ ~ ~ .~ I `li I j ~ ~ -- I ,~ 'i, e a y~,'~-~j~ tr wl ~ ~ .x;91 ~ 5~ -\' _--' I •~ ~.. .__~ ~, ~ ` n& ~ ~ / V \. ! /' t / ~ ~L" d~ R H4.p1V SYJ'V4~ '/ ~ 'n • ,\,,J •-_/'~.~, f i ~' ~~, ji ~ %swro2'~rs zoa4.er ~ , I r ~~' _ ~`.~ ~ • - I A ~ I I I ~ s- /~ , l -~ ~ I I i ~`~ ~ ~~ --'' //r l i ^^• ~ j % 1,~oroo'6a1x - 2.16 e~' ~ ~~ i'-'' ' I ~'~ ) ~ ~'~ , ~ r J 1 ------- `f/ ~~ ~i1 ~ , ~ / ~ ` ~\ I9E~'F~~'1~~w~l~D'' `, - _-- 1 ~ .ter ,<.~ ; / i ,i'' 'j ir~~ i~• La___ _~"su'_.~ __~~~--°• m mm.~'~,m.~}-mm~~--{-°-~--- ;>e.,......~;=--b.,~a~.-:._.....~._.rj~•-~~,_~. r......e_....y[. f~.~.... ~. , / / /' '\~;.; ~ - / _ I_ _ / ~ •/' ~91t......-mil ~ / l ~ ~~ ~ /' ~ ~~ ~ __ N ir1~ ~ E~i rho ti r~~~; ~x~,r SEDONA DRAINAGE PLA "~~~~r~~~rt~~e~~l ~~~``a1~I r~t~k`Ir ~~ 4J5 fVi i a S ', '!o 1 fyl3)37.a'-16'1-Ink:(51 r,Zri-,Ulr'~,_~r11~f~OS~;.rret ~/J S;pohs~Schel~ FM 1518~Shell_09_09d0-05.dwg, 91301005 5.51;16 PM, hD 9600 selia, Tabloid (11 x ll s~°'~ EXISTING CONDITI®l~TS ~etlands/FI®®dplain ~'he Sedona project may bade potential ~etlancls within the limits of the site, but a wetland study has not yet been pea~ormed to confirm enact location.. ~VonaE- ~Iollering ~reel~ may be designated a "navigable ®vaterway" by the US corps of Engineers, however, this development project does not intend to disturb the majority of the floodph~ area or streambed with any constraction other than necessary uWities and road crow. Ezisting pe~da ani tames witLi, the site wal be protected throug>soat devdep^ient if feat Future stidies w~ be provided to determine the eztent, if any, of the wetland areas. According to isformstien fr+em the Federal Emcrgeacy Alia^ageaenl Agency, the fl~ year is slwwn of tine ate ttial folbws this page. vl%1~+.~li%7~ii {r;''~~''(~•U ~~iilr~i.l's]'`~'ld.iii ~riiCCiii. 15 . _ -. .,~~ 1200 0 1200 2400 3800 1 SChLE: 1" = 1200' $ ': .' i ^' `, . . ,_ ., ~kwYMa. ' ti.3d ewe 'tw +" "~! 1 l . ` ...~ ~~5~ Y" U ~1"~ . ~~~~ ! ~ ,'cCg§.`g~? 'k. ,~i' s ~~i ~ f Q _ ~ • ~,~+~ ^8'Y €; '~ L.:X, x~§, .~, ;. mew: w ,-~eK i a~~` i. as - .. ~ .. ~".~ } 1 .. .. _.__._ ~_ _ i I ,_. _ ....... .-_ _ - ._., _ - _ - - 1. ~ _ I F - ~..,,..~. -~ y ~) tit ' E '.~ .9 i ~ ~; Rf96]Q~PJ.: I. iFIlOIOLL .. 9 SIDta'17+' Myphi,7~,u ~ .• ..• d. ~ .. ` nen¢, ~. ,.e ~. ~ ~ ~ ,: 1 i` ~ ~ t .:. v., r t. I / • ... n ' .,. .L :,~. ~. + , 3 ,..:~ ~. . . ~ __ __ ~_ .~..v.--__. _ A~yJ ILA r---- . ~ •- _ ~~ ~ t:~ Y t: ~'~'fi-' ~ hE ;~ •~z . ~~~~I F ,.~. ~ e ~~ Xx ;t~1 ~i ~,~~ ~ #~ ~~ E'~~'' t~` m~ . i ~.~ ~ ;. ~" ~ _ ~ it ~, .;~ .. ,r . ^, .~ ~~{~. ~" ~~ ~. f a, , ,„,, POTENTIAL ~~ WETLANDS A tLh~13 P1 i~'~~ ^~Ci ~~C C x 4~Sy~' ~ttk! ~ r~ ~~6i`~' IiIS 7r (~~ e ~_ SED~NA EXISTING SITE VEGETATION PLAN ~ ~ 161E ~{t~,~7~r.~.~,,.-~~~ ~E~Srn~ ~K 7 ~~ :~r ~'~ (SI"2)328-2691-1~4Y:(5171b)3 J!)11'~ ~ ~r r~lrt+11(aofi.r•~ J 9,Vobs~Schertz FM 1318~Shell_04_09~30~OS.dwa, 9/3012005 5:1720 PM. ho deski~ 950n swix. rahlnm n i v v m i. is s~„°,~ EXISTING CONDITIOl~TS ,S'ate Y~getation The ezishng site vegetation characteristics are ~inpr®ved pasture and gasses for livestock, agricultural uses and scattered clusters off dive ®aks as shown on the aeriafl phot®~u°aph attached prior t® this page. Igo sabstaatial trees mill be destn°oyed evith the plaaaing ®r development of Sedona. .~.~ .~ - >.~ - - ,, -~i•iTii ~~i"~l'~~J~1J.%ii.7:;%(t'i"~~'~7%i ~`riiircl;;. 16 3'~" EXISTING CONI)ITI®l~TS Exaskn~ ,S'ite ,~'trrtcta~re~ Sedona wishes to preserve as many ®ff the existing ffarm bniidings, houses, and structures that are eapable of being restored. 'B'here are several facilities located on the property that may be used as significant celtaral amenities and sites to be visited anwHg the entire community . iiT~ii j~i~~I''(:'~JJ ~'~ir7,~~.Ci~~_i'~!iii ~iiiiCf'jii 17 S~ EXISTING CO~TI)ITIONS lr~s/1lTO~ 'I; he views witlei~ this community will flee ®f gentle hills with Insh l..~e ®ak landscapes and low h®rizons ff®r ~®rgeons sunrises and sunsets. I$ciag adjacent to the Randolph Air F®rce Base t® file wes~~ mice may be ®f concern to potential home owaers. We Gave met with the iia~on of l[8andolph Air Force -Base t® review the AICfTZ compatible land uses. It appears Sedona is in conformance with the regahtions set fortis Attached is a map h regard to noise sad accident potential zones of the aircr:~ Sedona ~wiY a~v~ tLese areas sh®wn is file foibw®g map to comply with the AICUZ Setlena PUd9 wil! comply with all A1~ClJZ and fl2andolph Air Force .Base regaiations. „""~'.~ iii~G~i-iii r~~i '1 ~.~)J ~i~~:'7-111"~_l l.!7ii ~riiCl'~~Z - ~~ 9 ~~ ~ / O ~. ~i`v ~~ k~ . ~ ` SC)~\\` ~~ ~j~j \ ~ ~' - O II : ~ S h cu ~~ ~ <: =- - Y. r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~`~~" - ~ ° "~ - t _ . ~: ti ~` ~ \ ~ '~- ~ ~ ~ " ~ ` _ ' _ Ja 7fi, ~ , ti . y- - _ - y ~ ~ I ~- ~ ~ ` I ' ~ k• 5976 ~ _ - 9 _. . ~_ ~ "~' ~~ _ ,,y ~ 5I 78 i604 ~ '" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ APZ Li r / ,, ~ i O r - ~~ . ~N~ 1 , L~ - / ~ ~..~ -~ 90 10 ~.~ _ r_ ? Iaemllatloa Randolph Air Force Base = ~ r.~ AICUZ Environs a~ zoo _ ~° elnaaenc PomnUal zam I - -- ' Acddmt PotmtiaI Zone II x ~of~ DNL Conto~ Interval _ Reddmt{el Commercial Indmvinl aooo o ax ` Irmo Rea~a sCArs u: rIDrr Public\Queei-Pu65ctioaat D ~ s~°"`+ EXISTING CONDITIONS ~t~1~~~ 'T'here are two ezisting parallel gas pipelines travers'mg the site. The easements snrronnding the pipes will remain intact with no private lots on the easements. TSoadways crossi~ag the ~pipelme have been kept t®a minimum to avoid potential c®nflicts. CnrrenNy, all utilities except sewer are available to the site. gn conjancti~-n with the standard snbdivisioa development, a sewage treatment plant will be coastorncted. 'T'he plant capacity will be increased is stages to match the rate ®f development. T>!is piaetwil! be paid for by the developer and giveII to the City upon regnest t~~~~=~~ a development agreement. please see attached a~tilitie< ~.~,' 1200 0 1200 2400 30D0 SCALE: 1" = 1200' si V',yP~IM,. ....,.ryy lw. ~'"~'~ i. ids . ...,~,_ ,;" EXIST II~WATER yaf~ yyy ~ i ~.' ~, y~} r {<1 y~"r Y ~.~ ~:., 1 ~ 1: p I ! ~~ ~ ~ 1 , ~ ~ $ i ~ ~ ~ ~, r , ~ ,, ,~ _.. _ _.._ _ .._ _, ` ~ ~ - - - - ` E - ----------4 N" _ _ i t -3 ~~ f ~~ ~ r ~~ ..!'~~ .. Bear. - amp' ~ e ELEC. .. • ~~ ~,..,...__, ~. _„s _, . _ r ~ '.. , " m.nxi ~'~ 1 ~ 5, ! ~ -ea,. ,. i •, i i .k ~ ,.,. . ' ~. - _ ;, .. .. +-. 1 } ~ , Y- ~~~ t- l ». fia ~. •r.` ~ ~ ~ ,6 w ~ r. ji a 4~ ,. _ .,_ .~ ., ~ R ~~ •~ ~ r A M(, t SFR • 1 tw 1A'}! .~ ~ ~ ,~ ; ,,,~ r~ ~ ,, SED~NA EXISTING CONDITI®NS PT~AN 1~~~"~`~~~~~~~~~~~~"~ `}~`'~~~`~f tiUtilEl°! II} ~7 •ll {.~11).r2~~~269,7 ~A~.(~L.}~lh3l.,!-~~~au~,s,al,Fs~st. L~ J;{luW1xIICn[ rl71Jl0y5IICII_VY_UY'JU'UJ.U1vtJ, YI~UI f11UJ J:JI;JC Yrl, III VlSrtfCl low Sf'JMS, IGUiUXI l11 x ll 111.J, 1: S~ DEVELOPII~IENT STANDARDS A successfal commanity development requires basic development standards and designs. Thal community is envisioned to be a "mixed use" residential devebpment that allows a variety of land uses that support the primarily residential and recreational land uses. The development of these laid uses will respond to carrest asd future market demaads and ensure compatibility of land uses through creative pisaning. This Planned iJnit $Development will allow the folbwing land use categories: SF l - Single Family Estates SF 2 - Single Family Premiere SF 3 - Single Enmity I~1eo-Traditi®nal SF 4 - Single Enmity Courtyard SF ~ - Sangie Family Patio SF b - Single Family Villa MF fl - DaplexlCondominium IMF 2 - Towahome MF 3 - Apartments CR - Commcrcial Recreational Services 1~tR - Neighborhood Retail Services CRS - Commercial Retail Services MI7 - Mined g7se6'Commerciall P - - Pabtic Facilities ®R - ®utdoor .Recreational C - cCz~metery iji(iC~ii~ii j i~';f''fJ,JJ'!iSG;i.Lr'"`J'~(.~1( l,r!((-~(i 2,Q s~"` ~M DLVEL®PIVIENT S'I'~TI) S PEI~II~B'71'E-D TJSE~ )It is intended ghat this )Planned Ur~lt 1~Development shall permit the following uses for each land use c~teg~n°y ndeBtifed in this document. The SF fl tltr®egTu SF 3 (Slagle 1F'amily lEstates, ~ingie Family Premiere, Single Family Ne®-Traditional) categnrnes peraut the foil®wiag land uses: ^ Single Family Dwelling Detached ^ Community Center/Civic ^ Occasional Sales ^ Parks, Recrea'?~~L_; :.::lip ~~~n Space Uses ^ Accessory Be~~%~~~,-. ,. ^ Golf Course ^ Home Occupation ^ Swimming Pool ^ Swim or Tennis Club ® Temporary Uses Related to Construction or Development ® Fire Station, Public Safety Facility, or Civic Uses ® Water Wefll, Reservoir, o~ PW~~ap~-ag Station ® Sewage Pumping Stations ® Water Booster Stations e Gas Transmission Line ^ Telephone Switching or Relay Sta~reon or Lines The SF ~ thr®ugh S1F 6 (Single Family C®urtyard, S'mgle Family IPati®, Single Fam~y Villa) categmries permit the folf®eeing -aHd asese ® Single Family Bwelling- Detached ^ Condominium ^ Townhouse Residential ^ Community Center/Civic ^ Church or Rectory ^ Occasional Sales ^ Parks, Recreation, and Open Space uses ^ Accessory Buildings ^ Golf Course ^ Home Occupation ^ Off Street Remote Parking ^ Swimming Pool ^ Swim or Tennis Club ® Day Care Services ^ Temporary Uses Related to Construction or Development ® Fire S~'xon, Public Safety Facility, or Civic Uses ® WatyT We", Reservoir, or Paanaping Station ^ Sewage Pumping Stations ^ Water Booster Stations ^ Gas Transmission Line ^ Telephone Switching or Reiz~;~ St~.~o~ ~° Lines 21 REVEL®PMENT STANDARDS Z'he 1l~F' 11 ~uplez) eategoa~y pea~mit the following laced uses: ® Two Family Dwelling- Attached ® Condominium Residential s Community Center/Civic Church or Rectory ^ Occasional Sales Parks, Recreation, and Open Space uses Accessory Buildings a Golf Course Home Occupation Off Street Remote Parking a Swimming Pool o Swim or Tennis Club ® Day Care Services m Bed and Breakfast Temporary Uses Related to Construction or Development ® Fire Station, Public Safety Facility, or Civic Uses ® iNater diTell, Reservoir, or Pumping Station Sewage Pumping Stations ® Gas Transmission Line m Telephone Sv~~i ~ ~ - v ~ :~ - , ~ v - Lines 'IChe M1F' 2 and MF 3 ~`ownhome and .Apaa~iment) eategou~ies pea~mit the following land usese ® Multiple Family Dwelling or Apartment ® Townhouse Residential Condominium Residential Camrnunity Center/Civic a Church or Rectory Occasional Sales ® Parks, Recreation, and Open Space uses ^ Accessory Buildings Golf Course ^ Home Occupation ^ ,Off Street Remote Parking ^ Swimming Pool ^ Swim or Tennis Club Day Care Services ® Bed ~:_~d Breakfast m Institutions of Religious or Philanthropic Nature m Nursing Home, Residents Home, Extended Care for the Aged m Library m Temporary Uses Related to Construction or Development ® Fire Station, Public Safety Facility, or Civic Uses ® Watex ~67e11, Reservoir, or Pumping Station Sewage Pumping Stations ® Gas Transmission Line ® Telephone Swi'~.,'^_~lln or Relay Station or Lines 22 s~"°I DEVELOPI1~IEl~T'I' ST'~I)~I)S 6/'®I/JIDdPYCIASI ABiDAd ®d~deP ~IS~~'- ~'he Ctt ~Comme~cial t8ec~reational Ser°vaees~ eategoay permits the following land aces: ® Arts and Crafts Studio Day Care Services ^ Art Gallery or Museuan Medical Offices ^ Coffee houseBakery Laundry Services Pickup/Drop off ^ Specialty Retail Park and Recreational Services ^ Communication Services ^ Civic Uses ^ Religious Assembly i3ed and Breakfas~~s ^ Church or Rectory Book Store ^ Outdoor entertainment 1~estaurant ® Outdoor Sports and Recreation m Personal Services 'l;'he I~ (I~teighhorhood lL~etai- ~ea°~nees~ eategory permits the following land uses: ° Arts and Crafts Studio Medical Offices ° Hobby Store ^ Professional Offices ® Arts and Crafts Shop )3usiriess arsd Administrative Offices ^ Antique Store ° Neighborhood Market ^ Art Gallery Museum Service Station ^ Religious Assembly ^ Cultaaral Services ° Church or Rectory m Day Care Services ^ Restaurant Park and Recreation Facilities ® Specialty Retail m Club or bodge ^ Pet Services Plant Bursary Sales Communication Services ^ Personal Services • Emergency Medical Care Laundry Services 1 /- 'r,iji ~iCr'7i~irii (~i~~1'~~J~)J J~~~~r.~i.(:i~~l~~d:rii t ~iiC(:j,ii~ ~3 S DEVELOPMENT ST~TDAI~DS T'he CRS (C®mmercial Retail Ser~ees) ~~teg®ry permits the ~®U~vain~ land Haas: ^ Arts and Crafts Studio ^ Hobby Store ^ Business and Administrative Offices ^ Arts and Crafts Shog~ ^ Neighborhood Market ^ Antique Store m Service Station ^ Art Gallery Museum ^ Laundry Services ^ Religious Assembly Medical Offices ^ Church or Rectory ^ Cultural Services ^ Automotive Washing ~ lay Care Services ^ Restaurant m Park and Recreation Facilities ® Restaurant Fast Fooc m Club or Lodge ® Specialty Retail ~ Plant Nursery Sales ^ Pet Services Personal Services ^ Veterinary Services m Indoor Entertainment ^ Communication Services m Indoor Sports and Recreation ^ Emergency Medical Care m Automotive and Recreational Vehicle Storage ^ Medical Offices m Liquor Sales ^ Professional Offices m Cocktail Lounge- ~'he 1~T ~naed gJse/C®m~nereiaIl~ ccatce~®~ pea°mits the ff®li®~in~ land usese ^ Apartments ^ Condominium Residential ^ Townhouse Residential ^ Arts and Crafts Studio ^ Hobby Store ^ Arts and Crafts Shop ^ Antique Store ^ Art Gallery Museum ^ Religious Assembly ^ Church or Rectory ^ .Automotive Washing ^ Restaurant ^ Restaurant Fast Food ^ Specialty Retail ^ Pet Services ^ Veterinary Services ^ Communication Services ^ Emergency Medical Care ^ Medical Offices m Frofessional0ffices ® Easiness and Administrative Offices n Convenience Store m Service Station ® Convenience Store/Service Station m Medical Offices Cultural Services m I1ay Cage Services Q Park and Recreation Facilities Club or Lodge ^ Plant Nursery Sales Personal Services ^ Indoor Entertainment ^ Indoor Sports and Recreation m Automotive and Recreational Vehicle Storage ^ Liquor Sales m Cocktail Lounge 24 S~°"a "ice DEVEI~OPl~IEleTT ST~D~1tDS The P (Public Facilities) categ®~ permits the ff®I~owing land ns~s: Q Administrative Services ^ Cemetery Club or Lodge College or University Facilities Communication Service Facilities Community Events Community Recreation (Private) ® Community Recreation (Public) ® Cultural Services Day Care Services Guidance Services m Flospital Services ® Utility Services m Parks and Recreational Facilities o Pos~l Facilities m Private Educational Facilities ® Public Educational Facilities Religious Assembly ® Open Space ~'he ®R (®attl®ear ]~e~rea~®nal) ~s~eg~u°y pe~°mats the f®11®~ing lanai uses: Public Club or Lodge (Corsii~aercial} Private Club or Lodge (Commercial) Outdoor Recreational Community Recreational (Private) m Community Recreational (Public} s Cemetery '1!'he C (Cem¢teay) categ®ny pei°:~nts the ffanIlflar~ing land uses: ^ Cemetery Open Space 25 S DEVELOPMENT STA,NI~1~~.DS 10~any of the most inspiring ansl creative land use ezamples have grown through the market demands of communities. 'his holds true f®r suburban developments created withan the last 10 years in and around both large and small communities, While plaaners enjoy usisg previous ezamples off successful laael uses in other areas of the country, the need for a "market," or willing owner to ezperiment and take the financial rislz with these land assess still exist today. taa an effort to establish an identity and ownership pride, Sedona will establish a community theme and basic development standards for product types, landscaping, comanom areas of open space, and monumentation. ®a the following pages, conceptual alescriptioas and examples are provided for the basic development standards of the land use categories of Sedona fed®na Land ~Jses SF ll - Single Family lJstates SF ~ - Single Family Premiere SF 3 - Single Family I~deo~~'r~aditi®u~:Il SF 4 - Single Family tCoa~rtyard SF 5 - Single Family Patio SF b - Single Family Villa 1VIF Il - dDnple~ICondominium ~F 2 - ~'owahome 10'IF 3 - Apartments ~R - CommercisIl lI$ecreational Services 1~ - l~Teighborhoocl Retail Services ~~ - ~®mmercial Retail SerVll(Ces .~~ - MBZed ~se,~®IIlffiercl$1 P - - Public Facilities ®I$ - ®utdoor Recreatnonal ~ - cemetery /~/~!! !'r!-r~lr / U/ `1`~ ~`lJ :'rlr.! :~(C! `~'1r7i ~riir C%%i 26 S~ DEVELOPMENT ST~TDAI~.DS ,Sitrgle ~'omily Estates (,S'~' ~) these properd~es shall be the largest lots r: Sealona with a minimum lot size of 7604 square feet and a range of ~p to 1/~ acre. Sample Single family Estates: ~~ -d-' F M s . 3 ~ ~ ~ :~ u ~'i~a~le 1G'amily I~remiere (S'~' 2) 'l'he -®t sizes to this category can rants ffr®m X750 t® 504+x{ s~~~re fe¢ir, ]fie-ow are representatede pnctQa~es ®f Snag-e lH'ami-y Prenaaere homes: ~- 'X ~__._ `~. , "~. ~.m~. ~l~ :~ Y~,. ~' ~' iiil,rC~i.i~ii ~~T ~~'~~_~~lJ .`,~~iCr,Si.(:i"~f'~:rii ~~7iC1':j7i- ~-~ .. Y 27 ___ -- - .~...pr •tr ~- 3'~'' DEVELOPMEN'T' STr~NDAl~DS Single Family lie®-~aditional (SF 3) 'I'bis product type has a patio style fr®nt facade as-~ ~etaclac~ ~°~~:~° garage. 'The lots can vary ffrom 35410 to X0(10 square feet. E~ams?fles ®f this particular product are pr®vi~e~l lbefl®w: -~_ ~lrf %iG~~ ^ Single Fancily C®u~tya~d (S~' ~) 'Typical courtyard homes range an fl®t sizes ffr®m 3250 to 5800 square fleet. ~'hese homes may feature fr®rat floaded garages on small lots. re 3,.~.~, iCGi.7Gii ~l77"~~'~.~IJ _-ii(7~i.L'i" 1'lr?ii ~ r7iiC~jir. 28 s~°"° DEVELOPI~'IENT ST~TDI~I~DS Single Family ~'atia (SF ~"~ This prmdnct type falls in the -®t size raase fr®m 300(1 t® 5500 square feet. del®va~ is a c®nceptna- plan f®rr Sgnglc Family pati®. ~~~~ ..~.m m.. t 3 _ 'Y: INfHS A2pNIpABdTATgN - •~= O~ ~ . _.__ S`angle ~anaaly Yana (,~'F 6) Villas wiB be the smallest singfle ffami-y pr®perties with a -®t sue range ffr®m 2850 t® 5250 square fleet. A Villa 4/®nceptnal Plan is pr®videafl -~el®w. 1 I r ~ '-cx.:.~ IM ' °' s~. .~- .l s~~J- ~~r51-~ {y,~j~ -~ ~V S ~ o 1 it 29 / 1PN0.5Cl3m ISLl+M1"JS EX7EgI0P FrNpNG / UMENT~TION1 s~°A° DE~ELOPMEN'T S~~N~r~S Area, eight, Deeesity anal Nse ~ta~~~-r~s ~iil apply to ties sn~ categories of resi~ieutial uses ff®a- S~~®~aa Plannert- ~Jnit -~evelopment ~Z-ctract: IlDctached ResideatiaH: Land Ilse SF-1 "'' SF-2 SlE'-? SF-~8 SF-5 SF-6 Estate Freffiie~°e 1+Ieo- ~oanrtyard lPatio-Zero di1Da 't'ra¢titio~n~l Lot R~Iini~n~ 1,800 s.f. 1,200 s.f. 950 s.£ 800 s.f 700 s.f 650 s.f. flDweiling gJnrt Size j i lddaxiffiu~ 45' 45' 45' 45' 45' S0' fie' t Lot sip 7,600 -''/Z 4,750-8,000 3,500-6,000 3,250- 5,800 3,000- 5,500 2,$50- ~ange acre s.f. s.£ s.f. s.i_ 5,250 s.f. tDeasnty 3u/acre 3.5u/acre 4.8u/acre S.Oo/acre S.So/acre 6u/acre l~axir~euffi (Private 40% 40% 40% ~-0% j 40% 4t0% ® en S ace (PUD) (PUD} (1~UIS~ ! ~~} ~~} (~UL~) ]Parking 2 or 3 cars 2 or 3 ears 2 crs i i cars ' 2 cars 1.5 cans Provisions "NO`1 E: SF-1 Estates within the AgCtJZ will comply with the Itandoiph study including Bot coverage, lbuildieg height, noose anitigation sand density. Attaclle~ ]E~esident~Il: sand tTse iMilF-fl 1~IF'-2 lb'g1F-3 16~iniununn 750 s.f. 650 s.i 450 s.f. (Dwelling Unit Sias iVlaxi~uu~ ; i ~:~' S~' S5' He' ht Lot size 4,000- 2,000-4,500 -- I8a 8,500 s.f-. s.f. (Density 6.Su/acre 12u/acre ~ ? 7u/acre 19~aximum f Private 40% -° ~ -- ® en S see (1'UD) Parking 2 cars ~ .5 ca=-s 1.5 cars Provisions 30 S~ DEVELOPMENT STANDDS ~EN~~T~ T'he Gr®ss and l~det flDensity is calculated based ®n the pr®jected unit numbers established thr®nghout these aIle~eIl®pment standards. Gr®ss density is defined as the total acreage ®f Sed®na P~ divided by the units pr®p®sed ®e~ithin the entire tract and secludes ®nly the c®mmercial areas that are aa®t mined apse. 7Che l~det A)ensity rem®ves the Commercial areas, secluding the mn~eai use, rem®ves all the paa-iz and ®pen spaces, the .Public facilities antes including the ash®®1 and Ir'ire/E1VIS site and the maj®r roadva~ays as shown ®n the master plan. used oaa the areas of residential and awed use, and the densities assigned t® these areas, the total unit coaant< are as f®~®~s9 I~Tet density ]Land gJse Acr~e~:~e fl-ensi Residential 547.E Ac. 3.6 u/ac Commercial MIixed LJse 15.9 Ac. 17 u/ac Subtotal 563.7 Ac. 3.9 u/~: , Cross 1-ensity ]Land flJse AcrQa a ~ensi Residential 547.E Ac. 1,9301_Tnits Commercial (MU) 15.9 Ac. 270 l.Tnits Park/Flood lam/Open 144.4 Ac. School 13.6 Ac. Public Safety 1.5 Ac. ROW/Arterial Streets 4~.2 Ac. Acres 2.~ s~°"°,~' DEVELOP~1fIEN~' ST~TDARDS ~a~plex ~~' 1) See below for ezamples of -~a~pfle~es that Sedona will consider throngboat the development. --~. ~~ ~. iji~Clli-iii jfi'i"~~'~li~~)J hir"i,~iE"i"~l'~(''ii ~riiC(.'jii 32 s~"° i DEVELOPMENT ST~TD~DS T'®wnhome (14~~' 2) Below is a schematic plan fox- ~`®wuhomes, as well as pictua-es ®f example '~'o~vnhomes. Sedona will cu~estivelly w®a°k this pr®duct type within the comoisnity and focus on efficient access thgoughout the developmend~ > /p j ~/° ~-° ~6 / ~0 ~~ 33 S ° DEVEL®P1VIEl~T'~' ST~I~T~DS Aparbnents (18~~ 3) 'T'his product type will create an as;stha'tically pleasing ate®sphere within this Planned ~Tnit IlDevel®pment anal will lDlen~ ;~ ~~ ~~cl~ ~~ p®ssible with snrr®nnding larval Haas. ~_ -- .', ~ _. ~' ~ ~ ~ ! }~ ~ ~ ~ r °'~ ~~ S~ DEVELOPMEl®T'I' S'T~T~-~~DS C'®mmereaal Recreoti~nal ,~'e~~ee~ (~R) Commercial Recreational Ser~nices consists of mecreational areas combined with commercial centers f®r p6easiog a~aosp9nerie conditions r~hile accomplishing tasks within the commnaity. the addition of recreational areas provides the devebpmeat with aesthetic garaiities sad a sense of enity between property owners. Below is a rendering of a commercial recreational streetscape. _ > CommaHity commercial open spaces are an important nse that Sedona woald like to create. 7Cypically these areas are landscaped centers, wired with Wl~ sad high-tech capabilities. 'ICl$ey are becoming the meeting and sociaCting areas for Internet nears, coffffee bonses, and book browsers. ~i7e lases strategically located oar commeaity commeraial/recreatioaal area ae~t to the park at a central location and ene~ion it as a central meeting place for the commanity. ~t may be adjacent to a lnool~ stove, market, restaurant, or coffee hoarse. ifil~if"~ii~i('ii~17r"•l'(JtlJira.':i.(si"~l'li7ii ~l7iiCl'~~'. 35 S~ DEVELOPMENT ST~I~~~ S I~Teighborhood Tdetail services will be cBa-et'ally placed tln~°®~a~l~ar~k ~edona and will blend i~ with warm®uQClea~~ land arses accor:~i~ ~-ye below are e~camples of this product ttg~pe. :aii"z ~r~t.. _. _r - . ~i°* •f' ~r ~ -~ l ~ ..- ~ !.3 if i. ~? ~~ _- ~g 1 ~_ ~ s ..~ i ~ ~, _. ,._ ~_ r ~ _._ 36 S~ DEVELOPMENT STAND~l~DS C'®mn~rcisal Retail Sero~ace~ (~~) typical Commercial 1'~etae~ ~e~nc¢s Within ~¢dl®ra~ ~~"ll consist off small scale shopping strips andl single st®res. These products wilfl provide property o®vners within tie planned ~Jnit g-evelopment convenient shopping aloes to home. l~el®w is a pictare and a ~°endea ing off typical Comm.e~cial 1[8etaaP ~e~vices. . - _ : ~..~... e .. -~ ----.~ .,. --~ ( C 3 a~S i{!! 37 -------- DEVELOPMENT S~`~TDA.RDS l~~ed ~Ise/~®-nmerc~al (16~IU) Retail services combined with offfice a~nits alb®ve them are considered a "l~ew dJrbanism" type of land use. while many of the saaccessfenl deveflopments are typically foaud in downtown areas, the ability t® provide combed Retail and ~Hice uses within Sedona is as attractive asset for the commeuity. This will also enable a commerciafl tract t® n#ilize combined parking. This flezible category demands creatnvBty canal Bmagination throaaghoe~t development. Atypical ldlixed ffJse/~®na~auercial pkan is provided aed pictures off existing mixed use areas aced a rendering off this prodect are on the f®llowing page. - -. -- - -- -- ~~yT- _~_ _- - _" . 3~ REVEL®PMENT ST~TI)ARDS fixed ZTse/C®~unerciQl (mil) c®ntinued .~.~ _ ~_ ~~ ~ ~•_- ~.-•- ~~--__ •E 1+ ~!, ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ .,- -- --- ~~_ ,,-.- ... ~ r .~ `= '~ 39 s~-`,' DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Every unique development has standards ~®~ accessibility and appearance. We have provided pictures ®f sample monumentations and signage for Sedona below. ®n the following pages, ezamples and cross section details f®r typacafl median streets, turnaba~uts, cuff-de- sacs, and landscaping details are all incladed. s~„` DEVELOFI~IEN~' S'TANDAIZDS ~". ~~p~~~ n~ea~~~ ~g~tr . ~ ~. 96' MAIN AhTERIAi STREET c~R®S S SECTION DI~IIDED PRIMARY ARTERIAL, 96° R.®.V~., 4 LANE I)I~IIDEI~ WITI~I ~IITI~ ~6' LANDSCAPED MEDIAN & PEI~EST'RIAN TRAIL VINCENT GERARD & ASSOCIATES LAND PLANNING & LANDSCAPE DESIGN 1718 CAPITAL OF TSXA8 HWY, 80UTH BUTTE 807, AUSTIN, T8%AS 78748 (B18j 588-889s -~ds~8I8~-4011 ("FA%) 5:11o6s~scha~ FM 3s1a~Sedona ROW DOtatis.dwg, 9/26/2W5 30:1~%4h~p°aa~gecse:es, t~ (sS x 1164),1ri ~~ ~6° SEC®NDAlZY A1~7CE S7C~EET' CYZ®SS SEC~'~®1~T SEC®NDARY ARTERIAL, 86' R.®.VV., 2 LANE DIVIDED i1VIT'II CLASS II BIKE LANES AND 20' LANDSCAPED Il~IEDIAN VINCENT GERARD & ASSOCIATES LAND PLANNING & LANDSCAPE DESIGN 1716 CAPITAL OF TEAS 8®lt, 80UTH 8U[T6 807, AUeT1N. TBXA9 78748 (818) 988-8888 -888-4011 (FA%) svobstsa,e:u ~ 1519~Sedone eow oemns.awo, snenoos 10:~491'ar~:n° °d~e' s, css r u ~.y 1:1 lY1Jl1V ®.it S®4 ~.®. YV . VY 1 Y g3 GO4 ~L', Y ~1d9.~1~I 1L ' i1I1~TCEIVT GERARD & ASSOCIATES LAND PLANNING & LANDSCAPB DESIGN 1716 CAPITAL OP TE7CA8 HAY, 80UTH BCITE 807, AUSTIN, TSXAB 787{8 (b18) 388-8895~S~BpB~-40 ~ {FA8) Q S:tlobsiSehartr FM 151818Iafcsl5edone ROW D~Ils.dw0, 9128J2005 9:At~pam0a asks, Lett (SS x 11 in.~ 1: ~ ®R b0° R..~.~T. VV.~'~'~][ 4~0~ 1PA'~IIEMEl~t'~I` DEVELOPMEIV'IC ~~~TDA~D~ ~~~a~®~~ ,:;;1;'rat.;r,,; ~r,;~~J"~J~l~ '~i?r:,:;~r:,~~J'(~1; (riirr;?i- 42 TURNABOUT DETAIL Landscaped Median 1-- `' ,= `~.. .?, . ,~ ` Y J ..®~~.. 1 .>i ~:. ,, t_ _ \. Directional Signage -~--__ti~~, ~J --~ ~., ~. `~;: .. ~. ~ ~. r ~ ~~ ~' ~ "~ II~ ~ ~,~ +i ~~~ Boulevard Intersection Wide Traveling Lane ~. ~y "°1 Collector Intersection I.:A?~~ !'f.A?vrltilNfi ~ 1 4 ~135(:,t~} la€SEfi} l i 14 f~AY1 s; tae f ~ ~ l 6~1C T JCV1. Tf ~ M e ti1T ~'~ {111311it, t1 ~ 'r d'~E; (71_)329-Ztr°)3 1:4,~.1s1~)3e91W(P'v.~.,t.nlr~?eiastr,rr~i LI S:VohslScherrr FM 1518~Shell_04_O9d9~05.dwg, 8/19/2005 514:15 PM, hD tleskJet 9600 series, Tabloid (11 x i71nd, 1;1 TYPICAL CUL DE SAC DETAIL OPEN ENDED CUL DE SAC POCKET PARK -_~= TRAILS SETBACKS VARY ~~ 1. ~4PdD C'I::iPN'!\G ~k LA~`'I),~C,aI>C I){'S}ON f' I ~ ~,t~{t~ 3 id. f512) 5 ,Utl' vg s ~3 _4ai[tizt ~.~ SETBACKS VARY ~~ S:Uobs~hertr FAi 1518~shell OA 0&19~05.dwg, 811912 0 0 5 S:1k:15 R~1, hD deskJet 9600 scrl~, TaBbld (ll x 171n.j, 1:1 ARTERIAL LANDSCAPE DETAIL Q ~ Q ~~~EI~4 t~E1~1R~ ~ 114'~E6 f71S C,~FA3. ~' T~5 }!~'YSpp}'1'4f, 5TE.2g17 AE7SZ'-tV, 7'f7(e4S 7E94b (Sf2}32&2693-Ft9%: Sf2 2>P~@0!1• uet S.~1o61fSdrerts FM 1518~She11.0~~19~05.dwg, 8t39/10U55:1415 Phy Iipd~t9~DS~as,Taadd(11 x ll6~ i.l D ,.4'vU PI,A?`v`>~-~tCi S. L ~`~C7,5f:,1-'t P~~ SCGT~r i; g, <,tiRIT;t~ u~ T~,hS Ci",CI~` StRC' C7~, S`f e: ~t17 ~LE 4'1 Cv, CCk ~5 78i4di ,. (.ii?)3;$-76°3 IAX:fSEr)3~SJdOd1~c-ezrat~Ltlacf,.nxt l ''/ S:UobslSCher~ FM 15101shell 04 OB-19~05,tlwg, 0/1912005 5:14:15 PM, hp dgyet 9600 series, TaGoN (ll x 171n.), Y;I i - • • _ ~ PARKS AND OPEN SPl-SCE ~ Sedona will meet or exceed ail the parkland dedication, city parks9 and open space required. fiver 174 acres of park, greenbelt, and open ~ space are proposed within the flood plain areas of Woman ~Iolleriag • Creek and the overall site. It will also develop over 13 acres of tl~e ©riginal location of the landowner's farm and ranch houses into w park and cultural area. The preservation of as many facilities on this bract that are able to be recovered is a prime goal of Sedona. This wit: • enable the young children of Sedona to Hearn about the development of an early 1900's farm and its historical impacts on the community> Within the park will be a community pool and other recreational useso • All of the open space will connect with the greenbelt of Woman hollering Creek through a networl~ of walkways, train, ;~~d sidewalks. l~eighborhood parks or ~1'ocket 1~arll~s" will be util'ued for smalie~s ~~ore passive recreation. The `b~ocket parks" will be place~ll thoughtfully within the project to lie o~tilized by a maDority of t~~ A par?ha~:dl ;~_~~flysi~; p~a~ ns attached, which breaks d~v~~- tt~c ~c~~~:_:: ~ calculations throughout the ~n~~ue~ 1J~it fDeveflo;~yn~--_to • The 100-year floodplain is dedicated t® ~~rfl,:=. ~~,~ ro~;~ _,;~cec~ .. :'' a°emain preserved is Sedona. All significant natural features shall i~c preserved and, where necessary, protected by setbacks and easements from development. Significant stands of native trees and other area • of substantial vegetation shall also be preserved and protected ffro:sk alteration and destruction. • The following pictures are parks flocated within the City of Sche~~, which Sedona will ease as examples for its own park system. i S~ PARKS AND OPEN SPACE %~Cr7i.i~ii ~ri'~l'~(J~IJ:!i~c7:'ifi~~l'~:rii ~riiCl:ji% ~4 s~"° I PARKS AND OPEN SPACE 45 S~ PARKS AND OPEN SPACE E~~ ;,, ~gt~ ~n't~rl~ ~"~~"~`~ 46 _ ~ .f r~ _ T -..,., ? ~~'~ y~ - PARKS AND ®PEN SPACE -iCr7%irii /'ri~~~'ri~~/~ ~i'ir.f%(:i~~i' iii ~riiCf:ji% ^' 47 800 D 8D0 180D 2400 SCALE: S" = 800 51TE: PARK (1 ACRE/70 UNITS) 31.4 ACRES 79.7 ACRES COMMON OPEN SPACE REOD. : 5% = 4.3 ACRES 6.8 ACRES' GROSS LAND AREA REOD.: (852.?_ x 2.0%) 170.4 ACRES 170.4 ACRES ~ ~_ •~ _ _ _ _ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ........................~, -PARKS 30.8 ACRES 67.0 ACRES ,,-'~~ __ _ ____ _ _ __ _ __ __ -ELOODPLAIN 77.4 ACRES 77.4 ACRES -OTHER OPEN SPACE 62.2 ACRES 26.0 ACRES PRIVATE OPEN~CLUf3 (852.2 x 5%) 4.3 ACRES 4.9 ACRES OPEN SPACE ANALYSIS PLAN ~t~;~6) Pl ll~' l',Ci ~4 ~ ~'t~'wC ~V'~ ~i.SKiN ~sF°,~~rf tir ~~ rx ~~ ~ ~n~ acti fps irk zo; 1 J<1!I^a ~ t4 r~x ih (yll)X29.?tr13-@AX:~~L2)SZb-~dOfl'vr~c~nl(ris8ashnet ~~; (~