ccreg 03-16-04 Schertz City Council – Regular Session Tuesday, March 16, 2004 The Schertz City Council convened in regular session on Tuesday, March 16, 2004 at 7:00pm in the Municipal Complex Council Chambers, 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas. The following members were present: Mayor Hal Baldwin, presiding, council members Steve Simonson, Tony Wilenchik and Ken Greenwald. Councilmembers Douglas and Agee absent. Staff members present were City Manager Mark Marquez and Deputy City Secretary Mary Ybarra. Mayor Baldwin welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order. He asked for everyone to rise and join him in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. #1 HEARING OF RESIDENTS: No one signed up to speak, however, Mr. Brockman commented that everyone in Schertz is doing a good job, even the City Manager. Mayor Baldwin thanked Mr. Brockman for his comments. #2 APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular Sesson-12-02-03 Special Workshop Session-12-10-03 Councilmember Simonson moved to approve the minutes of Regular Session of December 2, 2003 and Special Workshop Session of December 10, 2003. Councilmember Greenwald seconded the motion, which carried with the following votes: AYES: Councilmembers Simonson, Wilenchik and Greenwald NAY: None. #3 PUBLIC HEARING: To receive citizen comments on a request from Entex Construction Company to rezone 5.9+ acres from Pre- development (PD) to Residential District (R-6). Property is located in Northcliffe. Mayor Baldwin explained the procedures to be followed in a Public Hearing. City Manager Marquez explained the development (Northcliffe area) of 5.9+ acres is requesting rezoning from the current zoning of Pre-development to Residential (R-6). The development consists of two tracts and plans are for construction of 18-19 lots (7,200 square feet lot) of new homes. Planning & Zoning held their public hearing, March 9, 2004 and recommend approval to City Council. City Secretary mailed out 17 letters, and only one was received, which was undeliverable. At this time, Mayor Baldwin opened the public hearing for citizen input. Two citizens from the Northcliffe area, Mrs. Kenneth Stevens and Mrs. Sager voiced concern relative to clearing of drainage ditch in the area and asked would it disappear when development takes place. Johnny Bierschwale, Assistant City Manager stated he was familiar with the drainage ditch, however it was his understanding that the ditch was part of the MUDD District, and that it had been deeded over to property owners fronting County Club Blvd. The City plans to contact these owners and try to acquire possession, so the City can maintain it. City Manager Marquez stated that the City will follow up on the matter, and advised there would be an opportunity for further discussion at three upcoming meetings. He added that the City has no problem taking over maintenance, and as soon as property owners are contacted it will. He advised residents that the City could possibly have answers by next meeting workshop session, Wednesday March 31. st There was no further discussion; Mayor Baldwin closed the Public Hearing. #4 ORDINANCE: Consider and take action on first reading of Ordinance rezoning 5.9+ acres from Pre-development (PD) to Residential District (R-6). Without further discussion, Councilmember Greenwald moved to approve the first reading of Ordinance rezoning 5.9+ acres from Pre-development (PD) to Residential District (R-6). Councilmember Simonson seconded the motion, which carried with the following votes: AYES: Councilmembers Simonson, Wilenchik and Greenwald. NAY: None. #5 ORDINANCE: Consider and take action on final reading of Ordinance regarding establishment of Triple R Electric Reinvestment Zone. Mayor Baldwin introduced an ordinance and read caption as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 04-T-10 AN ORDINANCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS, ESTABLISHING THE TRIPLE R ELECTRIC REINVESTMENT ZONE. City Manager Marquez advised there are no changes. A Public Hearing was held as well as discussion at workshop sessions on the matter and staff is ready to proceed. Without further discussion, Councilmember Greenwald moved to approve the final reading of Ordinance regarding establishment of Triple R Electric Reinvestment Zone. Councilmember Wilenchik seconded the motion, which carried with the following votes: AYES: Councilmembers Simonson, Wilenchik and Greenwald. NAY: None. #6 ORDINANCE: Consider and take action on final reading of Ordinance authorizing Tax Abatement and Tax Abatement Agreement for Triple R Electric. Mayor Baldwin introduced an Ordinance and read caption as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 04-T-11 AN ORDINANCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS APPROVING A TAX ABATEMENT AND A TAX ABATEMENT AGREEMENT BY THE CITY COUNCIL FOR AND WITH TRIPLE R ELECTRIC, INC., A PROPERTY OWNER IN THE CITY OF SCHERTZ. City Manager Marquez explained the project is a capital investment into the property totaling $493,000 dollars. Plans call for a 10,000 square foot office/warehouse facility, located on Red Iron. He stated it’s a good project and the City is looking at quite a bit of employment. Triple R Electric, or Gerard Electric as previously known is a long time Schertz friend, who is relocating to Schertz. Staff is recommending a tax abatement of 62.2% of capital improvements, ($493,000) for a period of five years, and added there are no changes to the Ordinance. Without further discussion, Councilmember Simonson moved to approve final reading of Ordinance authorizing Tax Abatement and Tax Abatement Agreement for Triple R Electric. Councilmember Wilenchik seconded the motion, which carried with the following votes: AYES: Councilmembers Simonson, Wilenchik and Greenwald. NAY: None. #7 ORDINANCE: Consider and take action on first reading of Ordinance regarding Records Management. City Manager Marquez explained that the main purpose of the Ordinance is to create and revise the records management function within the City. The current Ordinance is being updated and the revised version formally names an officer, which in this case is Evelyn Boggess. He went on to say that this step is only the beginning of a long-range plan to improve the records management function. As discussed briefly last meeting, the notion is as the City remodels buildings next door (Community Center), the plan is to create a records repository. He believes this Ordinance is very important and as the City continues to grow, record availability will be a big concern. This Ordinance also repeals several other Ordinances written, (1990 and 1994), essentially updating everything on the books. He went on to say that the Ordinance is very detailed, which took a lot of time getting it together, however Ms. Boggess has left off the caption. Councilmember Wilenchik inquired referring to Section 5; Designation of Records Management Officer; and asked if it was proper to designate a person by name. He was advised yes, it’s specified in State statute. It was also pointed out that if there were a change to designee, the Ordinance would have to be changed to reflect the new selected designee. Mayor Baldwin recommended tabling Ordinance until such time that caption is included in the Ordinance. For the record, the caption or the entire Ordinance must be read and taking in consideration the length, he recommends tabling the Ordinance until next meeting. No action was taken on the above. #8 ITEMS BY CITY MANAGER General Announcements ?? Bids were opened on Wrecker Ordinance today and results will be on next workshop agenda ?? Hopefully, next workshop will also include the contract from Maldonado’s for Schertz Parkway maintenance. The final touches are being added, and in the meantime the Parks crew is keeping up with maintenance. ?? Some sad news, Karen Choina is home from the hospital and under Hospice care. The outlook is not favorably. ?? Called attention to Chile’s night out and asked if anyone was interested in doing it. He plans to do it this year. ?? Advised audit is five months passed the fiscal year and its not finished yet. He assures Council that there is no serious difficulties from a legal stand point. The issues are a combination of several things; three different City Manager’s; two finance officers; two different auditors; changed computer systems and added GASB 34. Expect to see draft sometime later this week or early next week. ?? Concerning Elbel project and comments received last week, he has asked Mr. Dublin to come up with timeline on completion, which is part of Council FYI. He added that Southwestern Bell is finally done and today equipment is moving into the site and will start utility relocation, etc. The projection time to have road open is July 23 by rd Mr. Dublin’s calculations, weather permitting, etc. ?? TML Region 7 is scheduled Thursday evening at Kowloon’s; please RSVP if planning to attend. The evening will be casual wear. #9 ITEMS BY COUNCIL General Announcements Councilmember Carl Douglas Liaison- EDC Liaison – Schertz Library Board ?? Absent Councilmember Simonson 4-B Board Liaison – BVYA ?? BVYA parade is scheduled March 27, and advised that he, Mark, th Johnny and Gail received email on what is needed for opening day. Councilmember Agee 4-B Board Liaison- Schertz Housing Authority Liaison-Guadalupe Children Advocacy ?? Absent. Councilmember Wilenchik 4-B Board Liaison Schertz Humane Society Liaison HOA Coalition ?? Inquired on status of PID project. He was advised award of bid was done last week and will be happy to get him a timeline. ?? Doggy Dash meetings have started and have met with city staff and happy to say that the event is getting a lot of support from the City. Event planning is going well and at this time introduced event logo for use on T-shirts for the event. ?? Because of conversation with a follow runner, he would like to add discussion at strategic session the possibility of creating a reinvestment zone for the town down area. Possibly getting retail services in the area, which would give people a reason to come to Schertz. Is this feasible, can the City look at the issue strategically? The city needs something to attract people to Schertz. Councilmember Greenwald 4-B Board Ex-officio P & Z Commission Ex-officio S/SLG Corp. ?? Had no comments. #10 EXECUTIVE SESSION: Called under Chapter 551 Texas Department Code: Sub- Section 551.071 Consultation with Attorney Sub-Section 551.072 Deliberation regarding real property Sub-Section 551.073 Personnel Matters City Manager Marquez recommended not having an Executive Session, City Attorney is not available, information on real property is also not available at this time, and personnel matter has been resolved. #11 Action, if any, on above Executive Session No action was necessary. #12 ITEMS BY MAYOR General Announcements ?? Reported that Executive Director Ellis of the Edwards Aquifer Authority resigned. ?? Referenced ad in Seguin newspaper regarding EMS service in Guadalupe County, and publication of letters to the editor from 2-3 fire chiefs from the area relative to the loss of professionalism by going to private contractor on EMS services. It was a very timely full-page ad; laying the blame right on Commissioners lap. The same ad will run in the Herald newspaper tomorrow. . #13 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mayor Baldwin adjourned the meeting at 7:45 p.m. rL ATTEST: . .. 247