01-29-03 Schertz City Council – Workshop Session Wednesday, January 29, 2003 The Schertz City Council convened in workshop session on Wednesday, January 29, 2003 at 7:00pm in the Municipal Complex Conference Room, 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas. The following members were present: Mayor Hal Baldwin, presiding, council members Steve Simonson, Reginna Agee, Tony Wilenchik and Ken Greenwald. Staff members present were City Manager Mark Marquez and Deputy City Secretary Mary Ybarra. Mayor Baldwin called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and at this time introduced Charles McDonald, D.C. Morgan and Commissioner Wolverton. #1 Hearing of Residents: D.C. Morgan, 108 Meadow Lane informed council that during construction along FM78, electricity was cut off to the Live Oak Subdivision entrance sign, and upon reporting it to TXDOT, were told it wasn't their problem. The residents would like the sign restored and ask the city for help on this matter. Mr. Morgan was advised that TXDOT would be contacted, and hopefully the matter resolved. It was pointed out that the contractor for the project was Capital Excavation. Dave Allen, 1300 Colony Drive, advised he would hold comments until agenda item #9. Robert Brockman , 4505 Grand Forrest had the following comments: ?? Would like to see sign changed at Police Department, referring to Blue Santa donations. ?? Noted gates are not getting broken (emergency building entrance) why, because both arms are open. He was advised the matter would be taken care of. Charles McDonald , 2629 Cotton King advised he would hold comments until agenda item #7. #2 Discuss final reading of Ordinance regarding changes to the Unified Development Code (UDC), Article IV, Permissible Uses, Section 5, Land Uses, General Business (GB) and Section 5, Land Uses, Manufacturing District (M-1). Mark Marquez advised of public hearing held on this matter and having received very positive response and recommends proceeding with final reading of ordinance. It was council consensus to take action at Tuesday nights meeting. #3 Discuss final reading of Ordinances regarding changes to Fire Alarm regulations Mark Marquez advised of no change to ordinance regarding fire alarm regulations, unless council has any. It was council consensus to take action on ordinance at Tuesday nights meeting. #4 Discuss first reading of Ordinance calling General Election for May 3, 2003. Mark Marquez noted this is a procedural process on upcoming election for Places 3, 4 & 5 taking place May 3, 2003. Pretty straightforward ordinance calling for an election. Council again reiterated they would be ready to take action on first reading at Tuesday nights meeting. #5 Review of water structure for Schertz/Seguin Local Government Corporation. Mr. Marquez explained that part of council packet is an outline of water rate structure for proposed wholesale water customers. He advised of proposal discussion at Seguin/Schertz Local Government Corporation Board. The structure is divided into three levels, and pointed out the process is pretty straightforward. He indicated there are potential wholesale customers showing interest and questioning how service can be obtained. Mr. Marquez emphasized that rate for potential wholesale customers would be a higher then the rate of Seguin and Schertz residents. The higher rate would be economical and profitable for both cities, which will help in offsetting the debt service, etc. Johnny Bierschwale, Assistant City Manager went on to explain the three levels and how each determining cost was reached for each level. He emphasized the rate is a fair rate to the wholesale customer. Added that the goal is to establish the reserves in order to reimburse both cities (stockholders) to support the annual debt service and offset each obligation of $25,500,000. In conclusion, Johnny Bierschwale pointed out a rate error made back in 2002. The error was made when dividing gallons into the debt obligation. The two figures were reversed. This error has been rectified to level II and level III structures, which were levels effected by the error. Council was in agreement that the rate structure was fair and was comfortable with the figure presentation. #6 Discussion regarding Records Management. Mark Marquez advised council of making a personnel shift to the City organizational structure. In reviewing, and with several things that have occurred, it was found that the city doesn’t' have a good record management system. Last year, the city purchased a piece of equipment (electronic system) that would do the job, unfortunately it's complicated, and in review of the city ordinance the process was found to be extremely complicated as well. After review, it was found that instead of leaving the function in the City Secretary Office as assigned, it was decided to specifically assign someone to the task. In observation, it seems the city doesn't have a records officer. For this reason, the decision was made to assign Evelyn Boggess, as Records Management Officer for the City. She is in the process of transitioning from her position of Office Manager. The transition will take place as soon as possible. In conclusion, it was pointed out; that with the electronic system in place it will be possible to view documents (minutes, etc) on the web, which is the intent. Council noted that Evelyn would be undertaking a big job and passed on their sympathy. #7 Discussion regarding request to rename buildings. Mark Marquez advised council of request from D.C. Morgan to rename three emergency service buildings. For council review, a copy of the city policy and applications are part of council packet. He believes the people recommended are worthy of the recognition, however believes naming buildings is too restrictive, due to many others deserving recognition. He believes in using other means, as an example placing plaques on each building recognizing individuals such as Chief Woodward, Fire and Mary Lou Maloney, EMS, etc. In brief discussion, it was pointed out that some sort of pedestal, similar to the one at Public Works could work. A pedestal placed in an appropriate place, (at each emergency service building, including City Hall) could work recognizing those individuals having made contributions. Mr. D.C. Morgan , 108 Meadow Lane, commented that Mr. Marquez has a good idea. His main objective is to get these people recognized in one way or another. These people have made great contributions to the community. One thing, regardless of what the city decides to do, he would like to see a nice large plaque that everyone can see, whether it's on the building or on a pedestal. Charles McDonald , 2629 Cotton King suggested tabling the issue, giving council time to revisit the ordinance. He strongly believes that a person shouldn't have to be dead to be honored. He made mention of Earl Sawyer and his many contributions to the city. He believes recognition should come to some of those that are still alive. It was pointed out the city has a policy in place and not an ordinance. The policy doesn't prohibit individuals it merely outlines the criteria normally followed by the City. The policy would still be followed not losing the intent, such as nominating individuals, etc. In a brief discussion on type of plaque and size, it was pointed out that it should be visible, large enough to be seen. If honoring someone, it should be visible enough to truly honor them. Comments were made on naming buildings versus honoring someone by placing names on a wall plaque or monument pedestal. It was pointed out that placement of a pedestal at each building is a possibility as well as wall plaques. Council was receptive to either. Mayor Baldwin suggested the issue be turned over to each department having each department come up with their own design. Each department then would come before council with their presentation. It was council's consensus to have the issue turned over to each department. #8 Discussion and action regarding appointment of members to Schertz/Seguin Local Government Corporation Board. Mark Marquez with the help of councilmember Greenwald explained the procedural process followed by Seguin/Schertz Local Government Corporation in appointment and reappointment of board members for each city. Mr. Wolverton is up for re-appointment by the City of Schertz at this time. If the city opts to keep Mr. Wolverton on the board, the City of Seguin needs a letter from Schertz Mayor recommending re-appointment of Jim Wolverton to the board. It was council's consensus to have letter sent to Seguin Mayor Stautzenberger, with the City of Schertz recommendation to reappointment Jim Wolverton to the board. #9 Discussion regarding traffic light at Live Oak/Dietz Road. th Mark Marquez informed council of meeting held on the 16 with City of Schertz, TXDOT, City of Cibolo, School District and Guadalupe County on the issue. During the meeting it was agreed, there is a definite need for a light. TXDOT pointed out that it met all requirements. Unfortunately, plan for the light is two to three years down the road. With this in mind, the entities agreed that it was their responsibility for the safety of their citizens to proceed with the placement of the light. With the cooperation of all entities, which would be a split of (4) four ways, of $100,000, (for traffic light) each would be responsible for 25%. ($25,000). Mr. Marquez went on to say that the next day he received a call from Mr. Balcar, City of Cibolo informing him that the School District would not pay or couldn’t. At this point, the responsibility falls on three. The City of Cibolo can only contribute 25% as well as the county. The City of Schertz could possibly come up with the balance, however it would be stretching it, and would definitely have to cut back. In brief discussion, it was agreed to contact the School District on behalf of the City of Schertz, speaking with Ms. Pustka, Superintendent of Schools, and find out if the School District will play. Any amount would help if contribution of 25% weren't feasible. Again, the City of Schertz is taking on the high road. If need be let's come up with $50,000. Before making the commitment, lets speak with the other entities and make sure, there is no way they can step up to the plate, and also make sure of their firm contribution. #10 Items by City Manager General Announcements ?? Commented on the FYI items. There is no action required. As part of council packet were the following: a. Schertz Parkway Zone Annual Report, b. Report on Economic Development Corp. 4-B Board c. Announcement of "Big Splash". d. Memorandum on 2003 Quality of Life Bond Issue. It was suggested the issue be placed on next workshop agenda for further discussion. e. Agenda of Guadalupe County Commissioner's Court up coming meeting. f. Timetable for the sale of Certificates of Obligation, Series 2003. #11Items by Council General Announcements Councilmember Simonson 4-B Board Liaison BVYA ?? Councilmember Simonson had no comments. Councilmember Agee 4-B Board Liaison Schertz Housing Authority Liaison Schertz Library Board ?? Commented on attending Open House of the new ROADS Facility (Randolph Opportunity Association for the Disabled). There were few in attendance. It was mentioned the facility moved to the City of Selma. Councilmember Wilenchik 4-B Board Liaison Schertz Humane Society Liaison HOA Coalition ?? Reported on a meeting of Schertz Humane Society, where Pia Jarmon officially resigned as President. A new president was named. Also, Roger, shelter manager announced he would be taking a new position in Dallas and would be moving. ?? Reported on a seizure of 31 dogs in McQueeney. These animals were so bad they were etherized before leaving the property due to their condition. There was also an agreement not to prosecute the individuals due to procedural process (the law). The animals would have had to be taken to the shelter awaiting possible litigation, kept in shelter suffering for possibly 60 days. This happens to be the second incident this year, the second incident may cause large spike in etherize figures this month. ?? Commented on stumbling in on a Woodbridge Subdivision HOA's meeting. He was on his way to a Dove Meadows HOA meeting, which had adjourned early. Councilmember Greenwald 4-B Board Ex-officio P & Z Commission Ex-officio SSLG Corp. ?? Reported on meeting of the P&Z Commission. They held interviews on 5 more people for the vacancy on the Commission. In two weeks the final five will be interviewed. The Commission had an enormous response, with a total of 14 to 15 applicants. ?? Noted several plats were discussed, such as Bank of America plat, next to HEB and Blockbuster. #12 Items byMayor General Announcements th Mayor Baldwin announced the Trailriders were going to be in town tomorrow the 30, at the park -11 am. The city would be making a presentation of City of Schertz handkerchief and certificate. Free stew, drinks for everyone attending. #13 EXECUTIVE SESSION: Called under Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, Sub-Section 551.071, Consultation with Attorney on pending or contemplated litigation. At this time, Council took a short break, and then an Executive Session was held from 8:35 p.m. to until 10:27 p.m. #11 Action, if any, on above Executive Session. No action was taken. ADJOURNMENT #12 There being no further business to discuss, Mayor Baldwin adjourned the meeting at 10:30 p.m. ________________________ Mayor, City of Schertz, Texas ATTEST: _____________________________________ Deputy City Secretary, City of Schertz, Texas