ccwks 07-10-02 Schertz City Council Workshop Session Wednesday July 10, 2002 The Schertz City Council convened in workshop session on Wednesday, July 10, 2002 at 7:00pm in the Municipal Complex Conference Room, 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas. The following members were present: Mayor Hal Baldwin, presiding, council members Norma Head, Billy Pitts, Reginna Agee, Tony Wilenchik and Ken Greenwald. Staff members present were Interim City Manager Mark Marquez and Deputy City Secretary Mary Ybarra. #1 Hearing of Residents: Robert Brockman of 4505 Grand Forest Drive brought up the following: . Smoking in city vehicles relative to new city vehicle. Is there a city policy? He believes smoking should be prohibited. Mr. Brockman was advised there isn't a policy, however city council will look into the matter. . Remarked the need for closer attention to city vehicles (pickups) having garbage left in them. # 2 Discuss first reading of ordinance regarding sexually oriented businesses. Connie Lock, legal counsel with Fulbright & Jaworski explained the ordinance is in draft form at this point, and inquired on councils preference, would they like a review section by section or a quick overview? She advised committee would be meeting tomorrow evening to discuss final points and would be ready to deliver ordinance at next meeting for action on first reading. Council member Wilenchik advised council of reviewing ordinance, but isn't sure it's appropriate to review issues this evening or wait to review with committee tomorrow. He provided council with copy of certain changes/items that he believes should be looked at before going to press. Mayor Baldwin also mentioned reviewing ordinance page by page, and added there are some differences, but basically, the same ordinance. Connie Lock commented it's very similar to the existing ordinance, however there are some differences. Changes such as: . licensing procedure will require an employee to have a license with the city (on site license), . Applicant must be over 18, . background check (by DPS), . fees, . clarification to appeal process, more reference to computer imaging, and tougher enforcement, (class A misdemeanor). . She noted certain items were dropped only because issues might be subject to lawsuit. She emphasized that the ordinance must be strong, but not unreasonable. Council member Wilenchik asked if ordinance is being amended or replaced? Ms. Lock advised it was amending the existing. She added the amendment of ordinance might result amending the UDC (Unified Development Code), due to UDC referral to Chapter 15 1/2 city's current SOB ordinance. Council member Wilenchik noted concerns to sections XI, licensing process and XIV, exemption from location restrictions. He believes sections warrant review, questions if they're too restrictive. Section XIV C, requires minor changes as well. Ms. Lock agreed and noted changes would be made. Council member Wilenchik noted other changes (administrative) would be addressed at the committee meeting tomorrow evening at 6 p.m. Ms. Lock pointed out two other issues: . lighting, and fencing, Asked what was preference? Ordinance calls for illuminated 5-foot candles. In brief discussion, it was suggested the use of chain link fencing possibly 8'. Security cameras were also discussed as well as lighting. Council believes all these issues are justified and directed the committee to include in the ordinance. It was suggested to delete the word morals from page one section 1 of the ordinance. Council was in agreement. At this time, Mayor Baldwin suggested that item #4 be discussed at this time, Council agreed. #4 Discussion by David Richmond, Planning & Zoning Chairman, on zoning matters relative to sexually oriented businesses. Mayor Baldwin related that David Richmond, P&Z chairman had asked to be placed on the agenda to discuss certain zoning matters relative to sexually oriented businesses. Mayor Baldwin deferred to Mr. Richmond. Mr. Richmond advised council of zoninq issue in discussion with the P&Z Commission. The commission believes that zoning goes hand in hand with sexually oriented businesses and would like council to consider location in regard to zoning. Mr. Richmond noted that in the process of working with the city's comprehensive land plan use (approved), it was found that the city-zoning map was not accurate. At my request, Ford Engineering is working to get a current map to reflect the zoning areas correctly. We hope to this map by next meeting. He emphasized that the commission has been working on this certain issue well before other elements coming to light, relative to sexually oriented businesses (SOB). David Richmond pointed out that in the city's current Unified Development Code (UDC), sexually oriented business (SOB) is permitted in General Business (GB). At this time, he went to city map and identified all of GB zoning (blue area) of which majority is along IH35, some along Schertz Parkway, FM 3009 and FM1518. In discussion, the commission believes it makes good sense to change the zoning category of which SOB's are permitted. The commission has no doubt that the area along IH35, which is the corridor to the city, is not suited for this category. In considering alternatives, M1 category permitting, nightclubs, dance, etc. would be best suited for this category. Advantage being it's accessible, yet not on frontage area. The commission believes it's worth consideration, changing the SOB zoning from GB to M1. Of course, there are pro & cons in any situation. One thing, addressed in committee meeting was location. Location becomes a factor for emergency services and public safety. The better for this category to be located in one area, it's more timely, etc., as advised by emergency services directors. Mr. Richmond pointed out the zoning issue would have to go through the same process as any zoning change, public hearing etc. Council member Head voiced concern on existing residents in the M1 zoning, and what it would do to economic development. Has anyone looked into this matter? Mr. Richmond stated these issues are of concern and have been discussed, and considered. In brief discussion other issues were discussed such as, can council take action on SOB ordinance even though zoning issue isn't resolved. It was advised that action could be taken. Mr. Richmond thanked council for the opportunity to bring this matter for council considered and discussion. He would report to the SOB committee and P&Z commission as to council concerns. #3 Discuss time frame and process for selecting a new city manager. Mayor Baldwin asked for council input. Council member Wilenchik suggests going out on our own. Not going with an outside firm (too expensive). Council member Head suggests forming committee (citizens) and added she has a couple of names in mine. In brief discussion July 22 to August 22, 2002 was suggested, as time frame to except applications, with the committee screening names for interview process. Interview process possibly September 3rd to 6th, expanding two weeks if needed. Possibly completing the actual interview with candidates in two days. By the end of October 2002, have a city manager in place. Suggest was made that background check on current and past references and education is necessary. The search limited to Texas was council consensus. Magazines such as TML and TCCMA are possible sources to get the word out. Possibly seeking the assistance from ACCOG organization to screen applicants along with the citizen committee was suggested. It was council consensus to contact ACCOG. Interim City Manager Marquez stated that sample job opening application, TML magazine next addition deadline date, and copy of ad that was used last time would be part of council packet for the next meeting. Discussion on expenses, and what the city would pay was brought up. Council believes paying travel expenses is appropriate; however, a limit should be imposed. $500 was suggested, covering airfare, hotel and possibly a car. After discussion, due to candidate search limited to Texas, travel expense would be calculated at .345 cents per mile, hotel (Atrium in Schertz) and meals would be paid. Without further discussion, Mayor Baldwin noted council would be ready to set time frame at next Tuesday's meeting. # 5 Discussion of procedures for agenda items, packets, etc. Council was asked if packet procedures are satisfactory and is there a need for improvement. Council would like the following added to packets: . Agenda/minutes-P&Z & BOA . Agenda/report-Economic Development Council would like to be informed of what is on the horizon for the city. Report once a month in workshop session or as an FYI would work. . List of property that the city owns, and would like to see a city map reflecting the property. In brief discussion, Thursday 12 noon before next scheduled meeting was suggested as deadline to place items on agenda for councilmembers. Before adjournment, Interim City Manager Marquez asked that dates of August 3rd, 10th or 1 ih be considered for Strategic Planning Session dates, and asked council to get back with him as to what dates are best. The consensus being that the 10th was good for everyone. A report on Mrs. Swinney and Jerry Smith was given. Council will be kept informed of new developments. It was also mentioned that Don Brodeur past away on July 4,2002 and that Tom Dobie had leg amputated. August 3, Saturday, is kick-off National Night Out at the city pavilion. The event hosted by Schertz Police Department commences at 1 p.m. - 8 p.m. The 19th annual National Night Out, a nationwide promotion on crime takes place on Tuesday, August 6th, between the hours of 7 and 10 p.m. Interim City Manager Marquez informed council that he would be out of town July 18-22, 2002, in his absences, Chief Cantrell, would be acting city manager. Also, reminder of the Community Forum scheduled for August 5th, Knights of Columbus, 7 p.m. A post card is being prepared for mail out to get the word out to the community. Suggestion was made to send a thank vou to Mississippi Band performing at the July 4th parade. Letter should come from the Mayor and would be nice to enclose copy of Herald newspaper article on the matter. Mr. Marquez noted it would be taken care of. Interim City Manager Marquez advised council that Steve Simonson is back with the city on a short time/part time basis (15 hours/week). His presence is really needed stated Marquez. Council member Pitts stated a decision on finalizing city logo is necessary and noted that suggests from Amy Madison and others have been made. Suggests placing the matter at next workshop session. Council member Greenwald reported that due to Rep. Edmund Kuempel stepping in the waterline issue in Seguin was taken care of as of Monday and approved. Mayor Baldwin noted the Northeast Partnership will meet in Universal City, 11 :30 a.m., at Dragon Lake. Also, he will be attending the East Central ISD meeting, where discussion on deannexation of Schertz Randolph Area will take place. Mayor Pro-tem Pitts will preside at scheduled city council meeting. Budaet schedule would be made available in the next council packet. # 6 Adjournment There being no further business meeting at 9:05 p.m. ATT~$,T: ! '7 nttzu ~A!Ll.- DeptfY City $#cretary, City of Schertz, Texas r Mayor, Citlof Schertz, Texas 229