1988R03- SOUTHWESTERN BELL FRANCHISE STEERING COMMITTEE RESOLUTION NO. gg -/C..~3 A RESOLUTION BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS, APPROVING PARTICIPATION IN THE SOUTHWESTERN BELL FRANCHISE STEERING COMMITTEE; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City is authorized by statute to require a telephone utility company using the city easements and right-or- way to obtain a grant of a franchise from the city and to pay a reasonable franchise fee for the use of such easements and rights-of-way; and WHEREAS, the City is authorized to apply the franchise fee to all of the gross revenue of the telephone company; and WHEREAS, the City has a public responsibility to protect the public rights-of-way and easements and to require the telephone company to assume certain duties and responsibilities regarding such easements and rights-of-way by means of reasonable terms and conditions in a franchise ordinance; and WHEREAS, Southwestern Bell is a telephone utility that provides telephone service throughout the State of Texas and a steering committee of cities could share information, develop a model ordinance, obtain special utility legal counsel and provide further assistance to the cities in the adoption of franchise ordinances with the telephone utility company; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS; I THAT the participation by the City in the Southwestern Bell Franchise Steering Committee is hereby approved and authorizing payment of the participant fee for the purposes stated in the preamble. II THAT this resolution shall be effective when adopted. The day vote: foregoing of resolution was read and adopted on the , A.D., 1987, by the following PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this the ~ day of 19~. 'J'~'6>(f--' ZI Texas " .. M E M 0 RAN DUM TO: Cities granting franchise to Southwestern Bell Telephone Company and/or to General Telephone FROM. Telephone Franchise Study Conunittee DATE: January 4, 1988 REI City participation in telephone franchise study committee Attached is a list of the cities that have officially approved participation in the telephone franchise study committee. This is a good start and it is not too late for other cities to also participate. An invitation is extended to all cities served by Southwestern Bell Telephone Company and Gen~ral Telephone to participate in the committee. Enclosed is a resolution that can be used as a form fo{~btaining city's approval. At this time, based on reports such as contained in the attached newspaper article, the committee cannot discern any significant change in the position of the telephone companies regarding the city franchise negotiations. It appears that the companies are stUI taking a hard line in the negotiation of terms and conditions on a statewide basis; the companies are not providing any reasons for differences in franchise fees from one city to another city; the companies are insisting that the street use charge be limited to basic local exchange service, thereby placing a severe limitation on the revenue base; the companies are still insisting that the cities take into consideration the sales tax revenues when considering the franchise fee; companies are still failing to produce sufficient information for the cities to determine whether all gross receipts are subject to street use charges; and the companies have not offered anything new in the way of franchise provisions. Work on the model ordine~~p. lega1 votes and explanatory notes hy Attorney Don Butler ond the committee are nearly completed and will be available for-distribution in the-near future. In order to provide funds for the payment of attorney fees and other miscellaneous costs associated with the program, it is necessary that participating cities contribute one-half cent per capita not to exceed $1,000.00. The population of the city can be based on current estimated population figure a by the city. Public officials that can provide you with additional information are the following: Joel V. Roberts, City Attorney, Odessa; Bob Hart, City Manager, Pampa; T.J. Cott, Assistant City Manager, City of Leon Valley; Adrienne C. Leonard, Dallas Attorney; John W. Gayle, City Manager, Synder; Gary Landers, City Attorney, Tyler; Merrill Nunn, City Attorney, Amarillo; David Reagan, City Attorney, Midland; Harvey Cargill, City Attorney, Abilene; R.B. Aughinbaugh, Public Utility Supervisor, Ft. Worth; Earl Bracken, City Attorney, Waco; Lee Maneass, Director of Finance, North Richland Hills; Galen Sparks, Assistant City Attorney, Dallas; T.K. Haynes, City Attorney, Paris. Mail a copy of your resolution, check and name of official in your city who will serve as the contact for the study committee. The check should be made payable to Telephone Franchise Study Committee. Mail to the following addressl Telephone Franchise Study Committee P;'O,'Box 160904 Auatin, Texaa 78716-0904 . '.."'. ~ RESOLUTION NO. B1R-_____ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF . TEXAS, AFPRUVING PARTICIPATION IN TilE SOUTIIWESTERN BELL FRANCHISE STEERING COMMITTEE; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DAtE. WHEREAS, the City is authorhed by st.atute to requiu a telephone utility company udna the city "umentl and [illtt-of..",.)' to obUin a Bunt of . fronr:h1u from the city and to pay a teasonable franch!.. fee for the un of tOuch unments and rights-of-vay; and WHEREAS. the City is authoriud to apply the franchi8e fee ~o all of the grQ!!. revenue of the telephone company; and WHEREAS, the City has a public responsibility to protect the public rights-of-way anJ eseementB and to req,uire the telephone company to aesulIle certain duties and responsibilities rBcarding Buch eBsements and rights-oi-way by means of reaaonable terms and conditions in a franchise ordinance; and WHEREAS, Southwestern Bell 18 . telephone utility that provides telephone service throulhout the State of tex.. and a ateering committee of ciUes could share information, develope a model ordinance, obuin special utility legal counsel Bnd provide further assistance to the clties in the adoption oC franchise ordinances with the telephone utility cOlJ1pany; NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF , TEXAS: Section 1. that the participation by the City in the Southwestern Bell Franchhe Steering Committee 11 hereby approved and authorh1na paYlJ1ent. of the particlpant fee fOT the purpo8ee stated in the preamble. Section 2.. That this resolution shall be effective when adopted. Ihe foregoing resolution WBB read and adopted on the , A.D., 1987, by the following votel uay of Approved the day of , A.D.. 1987. Ha)'gr ATTEST, City Secretary AFPROV ED AS TO fORI!, City Attorney . .. I. 2R-IOO . Aledo Amadllo Aransas Pass Balcones Heights Ballinger Bastrop Bay City Bay town Benbrook Blooming Grove Borger Brackettville Brenham Buda Burkburnett Cameron Canadian Canyon Cisco Cleburne Clute Columbus Converse Crosby ton Dalhart DeSoto Devine Eagle Lake Eden Edgecliff Vil. Edinburg Edna Farmersville Forest Hill Fort Stockton Glenn Heights Grand Saline Grapevine Groves PARTICIPATING CITIES Telephone Franchise Study ComMittee December 23, 1987 Hallettsville Hedwig ViI. Henrietta Hewitt Hollywood Park Houston Hubbard Huntsville Hu tchins palacios Pampa Pearsall Pflugerville Portland Prosper Rancho Viejo Robert Lee Rockwall Jacinto City Keene Kenedy Knox Ci ty Sachse San Saba Seabrook Shiner Sinton Snyder Spearman Stamford Stratford Surfs ide Beach La Feria Lancaster Leon Valley Lewisville Littlefield Llano Lockhart Lone Star Longview Lubbock Lucas Luling Throckmorton Tye Waco Wallis Warren City Webster Wellington West Lake Hills Westlake White Settlement Woodway Marl in Mathis McGregor Mc Kinney Midland Midlothian Monahans Mount Pleasant Murphy Yoakum North Richland Hills Odem Odessa Olmos Park Olney "":City's:Franchise Pact Witll Bell Due Rejection? ,,' r.....:.. A""......n.= /I-""-!1'1 r Ie ., P,\\'IDtt:\U'.s aDd .. now Iryinl: .. apply. t Pft"" .......1.. Stan Writ... ftet "011 rtC'ttpui ... OG I. 1&. ... _....'em 8<11 T.,....- Co, .._ ....., ttrtCill aid tht CI(Y of \~lcION'1 ""Thf Clt)' is;.tlt about Ininc to tri. tfOPOSfd franchise Ilrecmcnc '"10 .,:" lU re-'otnulln 1M b" purelstnll .JnbIblJ' be NrDed dowlllb1 &he MtW- Uw Yaes &u and IrOll recejpts:' be- .... uid, -rut oImousJy hal ftClI ben done Jahnson uid 1M cil, has I. ~.I I' this poinl. and il'. no<< .n ,ty. ri&ht to CoJlfCt both. but b!cause "'."IeU District Maul" U,toId ft\"efluet w.1I tripi, the bJSI' Shou1d Johnsoa &aid. "r.ut in.1I hkeht.tDd.. btltltl1'ltsameordtcreIH. WI wW rejed \he propoyl." -Eu;,ybody nftds In Incrust' Ife Aid fOmpan1 olh('lals Irt 1ft tbISt cbys." M Slid. "Sui 10 mD11' 1M JlI1ICeSI 0( ftYIt1loin, the ror.ltfttl lht "~tnut".... just COUldn 1 I. II 1M proposal now and tht ell)' _\11 aIot,z .,.lh lhIL" I'tt'ti... I "'Ply wittun lhe 1Ooda,. pi- Johnson said wtimately illS the .et- riod BeD bas be'tn ..Uotted. ~~t C'\dtomerl wno .'111 haw to Allhe C'CIlter of UM: dlspule is.. pay t.be incrtaM. riGlDC't IpproYfd by the City Bell officials .re .also t'Oft~mf'd C'lDcmdI '" final ftlcl.U:C SOY. Z. tM propaqJ CIUs lor a;:;:ur1r.1 . .doptinc' propos~ franchlst .,rw- .".. ft'C'elplS YJ:; 10 .reas :~ tele. hDI with &tll. It ails (or ~ ffn- ~e C'lXnpany cOnll<le:n '(l ~ com. daiJe ftt \0 ~mlln It 2 ptrcenl. b'JL pellll\". Johnson Solid. rot Ir.5Unr:e. h base 10 ,,'bich illpphes WouiGln- ytndon .uC'h IS S~t Tet of \ 10,'::0'1' crUte Irocn $5.74 mdlioa 10 K.f1 ~ t "~ve to pa)" the 2 ~~ct'n~ .aM .wio&. &bat putS Bellll. CLSl.dvl".L.l1I:t'. 1'bt .....,..1 also reduces the AssIstant City ~Ianller t1~::"~ At- lIIctholUwlcrftmtntfromJlJlollt ftOfd. 0"' Or UIt' (IWI lIftur:.tot'l. pan. Niles In ifl?1'f'SS .11"1,," U1lG tht t....a partlts be,.." dllCWSlnc lot Iht tit,. Ults t.n. c""n~ts ~,.. L'::e proP"SlI )Iay I. and :here hu Mats Itom )'flrly to qUlrt~rl:l. and ~ dl~"rftment SlnC't tt:r ~lln. requites Bell 10 npalr dt'ffoCU U\ rt- Nile ab<J~1 \Io'nat ICCOurtU sf\ou1II De ,tend .trftts for upw . year "Iter 10 the I\aH. lbeirUtialn~ln. He ,;u<l there ,,'ere about. 24 or 'IS rliJure by Ben to IUtl'<< or rtjft1 a<<ounlS IIOC in Ihe OrlCI~1 llree- the ptopoul _llhin 60 cIa~'1 lMIaI IIIfnl tftal !he clry dfC:c"!'d 10 .dd. the eil,. bn nucrftmtnt. Arnold !.IIld abOut 20 cf t.lte r.ew .e- ~ rtl~ 10 call U-.e.~ t'OLlnts hid not prodlolC'f'd r<<'-tnue ID aat . 'nnchiH Ilrftment. He L'W pasl ".Ir. promptlnlll Br:1 oW. IIld.lnstfld.lt should be> rrrttn"d 10 ct,J,1s 10 ar2\tt lhey ~owdr"t bt 10 tce U I lnut~I'crHmtnt bKal.1Lle boUI ,.r"ment. aides _.approve at beJwe 1l1S..... '1'1\eU' prGIllioD iI. 'If thtn has III NftI no revtnue In ~ht at:O\;r,~s. _h,. He uW Ihr cil, just imple.menltd .,ou 'll".nt lbem In lht ba:n~'" .\t- . Ihe.. . percenl Sllft tu: on 0cL I IOLl:I $.lIid, "OIM position au bforft. 'U . IClfJr all 01 BtJr. Joc.aJ Ifmcto tSee can 0 PaCt IU I OHDINANCE U'untinllr" rrum I'..,;e 1,\) Southwestern nell districl manaRer. In other business /Ilonday, the' Miller ""id in tbe slnry Johnson council received a report from th. criticized the city's reccnlly adopted cily manager in answer to slate- franchise allreement with lIell and menls illade in The Vicloria Advo- objecled 10 Ibe city ch.rging a s.les ute Salurday by Harold Johnson. lax and expanding the base on which ISee ORllINANCE, Plge ItAI the gross reeeipls fee is cnllcclt.<\, Mill,'r said lhe nl'W Icvc! of gross receipls revenue w.s s(l<'cifically agreed to by Johnson in a July 29 lei- ler to Assistant Cily M.n.ger fl,'nny Arnold. "II was on Ihe basis of this agreemenl tb.1 we submitted Ibe franchise ordinant"e 10 ynu for firlt rc;uhngun Aug. 3, l!JU7," Miller said, Miller also s.id lhe .ales lalC charged by the eily was aulborized by the Lcgi,lature, and he added Ihe Ir.ncbise fee is . ebarge for Dell'. use of cily property in ollCralinll a pri".te llusincss. lie said il is . fee and not a t.x. as telerred 10 by John: son. Other ~...,inll5" by Ihe eouncU Mon- day inclu,;\.~: - V/C1tJItIA I1DVOCA-7'e' "//7/17 .. - . .... II iii ~ III thtm. wb,. . ,....lhtll'l inUle bu.: ." lit Idded lL iI t.Jle to IUwn. U... .... wiD lime ell,. Itner'lte -, A:'IIId uWllle iIIc!usi..n of tilae. ..... .. DOl somcthlr.; '.Ullqut. .,.... WI brK,me aVo.re t:lt'~e "'-eM" IftNUt a<<ounls as weoJ an olh~r dUes. ... dfcNkO to II'!1;hll,;t them && .rinlnct," Arnold ,,)ld. lit &aid hlmpl" flf 1M 20 ac. ..-tI Miac .rlutd OVlfr .1I'! tboH ... ws&oal work (or C1.bI.:~rn. ""'. ...... refunds u:d ~..:Jilc an. i _11IlI. He also 5aIJ U\e (It,. Ills aca ..minl to mJ;'1f fDn~'S. ..... .. did 10 .. hen. It .:.t:f'ft'i .. llafttul two re\"fnue .lCtC;.ults. III uid thtat Itcounu "f"'te (elf". ~ I'neratl:d t)' l!'lf' $.lilt of -=' c.mptt.iuyf Wr\'ICU U .. tute "CIS .ad intr"wC'ltt J:r.,~.. _hldl ...., toice commuNC.lIIUU,ll a- .......1dingI Arnold ~IC: boCh ,,)c. CIaIb cemb_ prOrJlI": ~-J lDouL -...a iI!I ~"mur 1.,,1 ) l".lr _ AUorrwJ A1.:ull l.l)Iot, Ibt ., cII(I.cbrr lttIotl.llor. Ih:'\;hn:<<l tI ~ .hallherNhvn ur ..f;td- ... II &be Cd,. I' }1I'1I rt:il"C'.J the ,....,L Jloon""r. M ),oIlJ lll.:U has ........ .. ..~"u .Ia ,If'''tnI. . YIrWia'J . 1nI,. ON' ytbtt .,. _10 AriIloCIa - ApprovlUR on rirs1 re.::uling of an ordinaoce :mthorizinR: th~ 1rausfer of the J.::nhox tllC. 'rafl\:hi~e to Ark).1 Inc" which is preparing to take over ownersbip of Elltex, - Aw.rdillll of a $201.705 eontrael to E.L. Cri.p Ine, of Vicloria for re- eOllslrueli"n of Ple~snnt Green flrive from C~Uis Strl..tto lhe Port Lavaea IIigh....y. - Re.ppointing flol."d Carlson to a tWf>-yra, term 45 municipal court Judge. - Approvinlt a:r<'qllest from T,F. Sh,'ph;lrd an,1 nlan Sbel"lrd for . vttrittl1cc to the right.or.way re- qui':tOrncnt rur their properly at 2008 100m.. Vi:it:l Ave. - AI'Pointin't lIiII lIollll, ":1Il1 B, 1I'lln1 and Jail Suhr to the Vlctorla P:arks .:and Recreation Cmnmission, and Mrs. 1I01.,rl COllnaUy olld Mrs. Jean Leou 10 lbe Vielori. Public U. brary Advisory Doard. - AWl'Ciug to support tbe Nortb- ,side ltolary Club's D.U.y l'lus 1 War on Drujis effort.