1988R02- TRACT OF REAL PROPERTY RESOLUTION NO. fnJ-(< - ">- . ..... A RESOLUTION BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS, APPROVING THE ACQUISITION OF A CERTAIN TRACT OF REAL PROPERTY BY THE GUADALUPE COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT. WHEREAS, the Texas Property Tax Code, Section 6.1l5l, effective January 1, 1988, allows the acquisition of real property and construction of improvements thereon by appraisal districts, and allows the validation by the voting taxing units of such acquisition by the appraisal district which took place before January 2, 1988; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS: Schertz, following Appraisal THAT on this date, the City Council of the City of Texas, has voted to approve the acquisition of the described real property by the Guadalupe County District: .794 acre H. Branch Survey Abst. 6, Seguin, Guadalupe County, Texas BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: THAT by this approval, the Schertz City Council evidences its intent to validate such acquisition in all respects. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this the Y~__day 0 ,1988. ATTEST: . \ RICHARD HOWE CHAIRMAN JAMES FROST VICE-CHAIRMAN JEFF ALEXANDER SECRETARY RUDY RIOS MEMBER DAVID WELSCH MEMBER ",,,,..0;;.. (gtj1) .....::.... ..~...' Guadalupe County"Appraisal District 3000 NORTH AUSTIN STREET 78156.1226 P.O, BOX 1226 SEGUIN, TEXAS 78156 512/372.2871 January 7, 1988 CHIEF APPRAISER J, MICHAEL MORRIS I.F,A.. RPA Mayor Earl Sawyer Mayor of City of Schertz P.O. Drawer 1 Schertz, Texas 78154 Dear Mayor Sawyer: Please be advised pursuant to Section 6.051 of the State Property Tax Code, the Guadalupe County Appraisal District Board of Directors on Monday, January 4, passed a Resolution which proposes validation of a real estate and building acquisition which occurred prior to January 1, 1988. You will find enclosed a copy of that Resolution, along with a letter dated May 9, 1984, from S & S Investments. The correspondence from S & S Investments should provide your governing bOdy with the necessary information when considering validation of the Appraisal District's real estate acquisition. In brief, the Appraisal District Board of Directors chose to acquire .794 acres of land and erect an office building for a total cost of $200,930.74. Financial arrangements were negotiated on this obligation and the amortization was for a twelve year period. The monthly amortization payment is $2,409.49; whereas, the lease payment was $2,470. In conclusion, the Guadalupe County Appraisal District Board of Directors and I request that the enclosed Resolution be adopted by your governing bOdy prior to February 4, 1988, validating our prior action and complying with this new section of the State Property Tax Code. Should you have any questions in regard to this correspondence, please do not hesitate to contact me or any of the members of the Board of Directors. Respectfully submitted, a.7F"~~ J. ~~ael Morris,I.F.A.,RPA Chief Appraiser JMM/sah Enclosures RESOLlIfION WHEREAS the TeXM p/[opeJz..ty Tax Code, Sec.tiol1 6.051, e66ec..t{,ve ]CU1U.My 1, 7988, ClUoW.6 the ac.quiAilion 06 /[eat pltopeJz..ty and C.OI1.6.t1w.c..t.i.on 06 -Unp/[ovement6 theJ1.eon by appltwaf. dM:t:.JUc.v" and aUow~ the va.L<-drnon by the voting .ta.xmg urU.t6 06 ~uc.h ',C.quiA.i..UOtl by the app/[a.<..6af. dMbUc..t wlUc.h took pfac.e be60l[e Jal111.MY 1, 7988; NOW TI1EREFORE, BE IT RESOLvEV .thLLt 011 .tlU6 date, the BOMd 06 V.iAec.toJW 06 the Guadalupe Cou.n.ty Applta.<..6af. V.iAbUc..t hM v oted to P/[opo~ e va.L<-da..tWn by .the vo.tUlg .taxmg urU.t6 60/[ app/[Ovaf. 06 the a.equiAU.um 06 the 60Uow.&tg dUClUbed /[eat u.ta.te by .the Guadatupe Cou.n.ty AppJra.iAal V~: .794 Ae,1[e H. 8l[anc.h SU/[vey, Ab~.tl[ac..t #6, Segu.i..l1, Guadatupe County, TexM. ~t~~L fiu,zyz<- CHAIRMAN Guadalupe Cou.n.ty AppJra.iAaf. V.iA:t:.JUc.t BOMd 06 V.iJte.c.-tOJW PstcRETAt~ Guadalupe Cow~y App/[waC V.iJ."tlU..c.t BoMd 06 V.iJtec.tolW '\i~ij;~~~:,~;~<:r' .', " ~~~;'/~~~, ~~,,~,,'.'- .'\",~"'~ ~":"-"" . - ~~~, ~i!.""!!f> ;,jJ'~~-1t.;._._--~- ,-<<,.-":""...,,,," ",.-' .." -,' "~,,.~,,'~..'~~1..,.!l'.,~.;_.,~,;~.:,',-, .~..". :It:;'?r'' :: "~,.. .,', , -""_ . -..\ .- i . .~~-C-:4".-b,.;~r-'..-.......,:.._., . ;I~-"_.'. , ~ _,:,-,;,"_ :..-~_",-~.~...:....;~.'.t.-"'-"_"'.-.~':_": _ ;"..-.-"'. ~~;-~~f~i~'~~,~-~-,~~,~,~:~ ::~.~ ':f~. '1I\:t'/~:;'~*j,,!.r ~ :;";"'-\f ~ J_~~)4 f:" -~. ;.,.; -'-'~:: ~-.~.~~,::.~;. -~~ :~,- ::f~IT~?r;~L. :~~,::: ,:~:',:-'; - ".~ ~:" - ,~:~. "'~'P','" May 9, 19134- \\ \ \ \ ._~...... --' t: ...-:-:...:~- L'.~" : ',,-'1 ':~ .i" <'r"-.~:;. ",.- tI , " J~'~;~~:'L';.,;_ '~""'l.f... ~~~~:':~"1." .~~~~~:-r:. 1> J~>fr:~.-.r ,. ., " I i 0.:....;~. {' < "-r., o , " ,.:.... r."'- ~ t!~: "',' S~ ", INVESTMENTS ..' ~ l" '.';:-- . ,..'. ~ -.':,~~~-";r-~.it:.:;.. ,,"-' , ", -", "..-, . -....--.~. ; ,. ---'.' , ._.::,r.!__.] .__.~ .~ ",.' , . .~ . . ---,--:,j< > "-":--" J. 'J .. .t7t'_.:.... ',r'_ '.. . ,"-.i' .. ., , " Jt~ ~~ ''\J,qy 14~' Mr. Mike Morris Guadalupe Appraisal Dist. ,217 S" River Street ~~~~':;,-,~~~)~,~_~~in_~.: :'f~. ~~\~~:-:~~ ~ ~::~: :":'~'~~.:':- . i:~~.t~:-~: ~;:':: ~>- , .. "'.r " ~:'''\,::1-.,,;- ,.,;:;~~t~f;< 0 'Dear Mr. Morris;" As we have continuously missed each other by phone, the following is in response 'to your inquiry concerning the Guadalupe Appraisal District ~ease. " '-.:\i-'~~-", .......:. ---' Item ~: As you have been the exclusive user of the area designated as the conference room, this 450 square foot space will be added to your,-,lease ,I~\~ ~~~~~;~:.;~;;i::::~,:::"::e~to .<1~~ , , ,..Item' 2: .'r~" , ~"l<. ..'Item 3: ,When we originally made the ~ease with yoW; "".:,:,t:3;}'~': ~,':".- 4. ~.'."'."'~..}' ;:.;,~":,> _":/.'" :i..orgClIll. .,.. z ation 'we ','we re .,-.1anJu.' ng oon:havin.g..~.;c ""'~~. "J.' ....".. -l4, ..;. . '. ,.,'.".'.','\t..'" ~-.;t" ._~~' ......,- '''-' -' .~ -, ,,__ - _ _ r - ,_ . .~..j-..I;.:.,.~"''l.'''''''!:I _~~ ":.-~ !?;"~.x;:;J6/:"~"':comp'letel'y-'-"Separate -utUi ty'serv.ice'.::for'.Your=,,~:,"~: ,.,;:~l:t ;-,'..;~~;:.'.f.:'.,'..,:,:'c.<; "cspace.,'~'-However~ ,'during:.t:onstruction 'We ~., """, '>:::r.~-';;~' " , changeq the heating and coolingsystem.to a' '::':"':1:"5;, C , ._.,;;,,-;;;.._; .,;wateLtower wi tl1 <;,nly the <;ir handling. un_i:s,,; {'}~:;";; , ;'~:4;~~~3':::";:,on :your_;lIleter... 'S1nce. we d1dnot -fe<<;1.1t,", ,':v',' ''':;i;.~~~:" :O"~~,;.,?,:::';.~"".."" appropr~ate,',at~thatt1Ille.' :to..renego:t1ate ;your';;-iiJ~ ., '2:;::';> X~:j::~:;i~4~~:=,;}:::' 'c:leaseJ)asea',on:,aconstruction ' change ewe made /f!{:'~B., ",;;':'3 :.;r):;>~'--~' ,'...,: -tliia',landlordhas '-been paying'.:for:'the 'lions~:.,;t"''',~;\'i?~ '1';(",;- :~-",'-~.)-- _... . .- ; -'-', - _. - ' -. ':.. ........ '__ -.I ,.,:::i'i':,;-"; ',:' ' ,share :of 'the.. expenses for' the operatJ.on, of, "'1:-"'-":' . -,:~_., yourH~V.A.C. system. It is now -the proper- c:'c time to correct this situation. As your 3,800 , . .......,... '.;';'i:~ \_. .~'-:;' ....,. ,.., . . ~~~~~~'i3,.:,;; .: '--,,- ~.' '- ,~t?i€i_:"'0 ..- .-- . . -~'-.-;_O;--'.~.' '.-~. ~'_ ~->~~::~ ;~:;.~~~~~_~~ "b,~,~;;::" ~-~ .-j.~': .. '~ ....- '~.-~. - . -, ..J:-_:~'i._~_...:.~ .- - r~:':,~,.~'::::" .~..,~,~- :.~:-.-~:~--:tr:'-;~:.""-' "';:-'- -..~ ,".'-, " -'. ',' "" . -' ,->" ~ : . ~ ~:::il~1 ~~-..~--- (512) 828,5544 ...,: C--I}..t~( SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS 78209 ;." ",-",;...;."": , ~'''~''''. -~- , ~~. .' 8151 BROAOWAY .' ...."",- .- , BOARV OF VIRECTORS 1988-1989 ChM.ti'A ShMpe 1200 AI1-UVt Vlt. ScheJttz. Tx. 78154 651-6437 Harne 658-4941 W~6e'~ NumbVt J.un Flta~:t 1335 Ca.nMrj Seguin, Tx. 78155 ,379-0674 Harne 379-5322 066~ce BLU Uttte 405 N. Ma.in P.O. Box 42 Cibaia, Tx. 78108 659-3291 Harne 658-7695 Waltk 658-6361 (~~6e' ~ NumbVt Ctaltence Ja.ck6an P.O. Box 39 Maltian, Tx. 78124 420-2172 Harne Vav.w Weh.ch 310 Sauthwlck Ciltele Seguin, Tx. 78155 379-5376 Home 379-5822 Woltk