2011-R-59 - Juvenile Case Managers Code of Ethics and Education StandardsRESOLUTION NO. 11-R-59 A RESOLUTION BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS AUTHORIZING A CODE OF ETHICS AND CERTAIN EDUCATION STANDARDS FOR MUNICIPAL COURT 3UVENILE CASE MANAGERS, AND OTHER MATTERS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH WHEREAS, the City staff of the City of Schertz (the "City") has recommended that the City authorize a Code of Ethics and certain education standards for Municipal Court Juvenile Case Managers; and WHEREAS, the City Council has detel-mined that it is in the best interest of the City to do so. THAT: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS Section 1. The City hereby adopts the Juvenile Case Manager Model Code of Ethics, attached hereto as Exhibit A, as the ethical standard to which the City's juvenile case managers shall be held. Section 2. The City hereby adopts the Educational Pre-service and In-service Training Standards, attached hereto as Exhibit B. Section 3. The City hereby requires that its juvenile case managers receive paining in the role of the juvenile case manager, case planning and management, applicable procedural and substantive law, courtroom proceedings and presentation, services to at-risk youth, local programs for juveniles, and the detection and prevention of abuse, exploitation, and neglect of juveniles, as further described on Exhibit C. Section 4. The City hereby directs that the rules adopted herein be implemented by the appropriate personnel Section 5. The City hereby requires annual review of its juvenile case managers to ensure implementation of the rules adopted herein. Section 6. The recitals contained in the preamble hereof are hereby found to be pue, and such recitals are hereby made a part of this Resolution for all purposes and are adopted as a part of the judgment and findings of the City Council. Section 7. All resolutions, or parts thereof, which are in conflict ar inconsistent with any provision of this Resolution are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict, and the provisions of this Resolution shall be and xemain controlling as to the matters resolved herein. 50464993.1 Section S. This Resolution shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas and the United States of America. Section 9. If any provision of this Resolution or the application thereof to any person or circumstance shall be held to be invalid, the remainder of this Resolution and the application of such provision to other persons and circumstances shall nevertheless be valid, and the City Council hereby declares that this Resolution would have been enacted without such invalid provision. Section 10. It is officially found, detel7rlined, and declared that the meeting at which this Resolution is adopted was open to the public and public notice of the time, place, and subject matter of the public business to be considered at such meeting, including this Resolution, was given, all as required by Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, as amended. Section 11. This Resolution shall be in force and effect from and after its final passage, and it is so resolved. PASSED AND ADOPTED, this 13'h day of December, 2011. CITY OF S RTZ, XAS Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary (CITY SEAL} 50464993.1 EXHIBIT A MUDEL C©UE OF ETHYCS FUR ~UV~NILE CASE MANAQERS PRl?nz4fst.lt Tho goal oFthe juvenile case manager is to assist the Courtin administering the Court's juvenile docket and in supervising its cqurt orders in juvenile cases. The msssion of the juvenile case manager is to assist judges in providing juveniles the resources to shape their futures, connect with the comnumity, and become law abiding citizens. When applying this Code of Ethics, keep foremost i.o mind that the City is guided at all times by the vahies of intcgriry, excellence, compassion, and respect for the dignity of every person. STAiVDARDS Canfldentinllty. A juvenile case manager shall not discloss to any unauthorised persorr any confidential information aequired irl fire course of employment. A juvenile case mrrnager shall not violate the eontidentiality of juvenile clients, unless it is to seek consultation services from within the case management program, sehool caanpus, ar tl~e juvenile has threatened to harm himselF herself or others, or to provide details of any criminal activity or enterprise. Conflicts of Interest. A juvenile case manager shall ba alert #o and avoid conflicts of interest that interfere with #Ite exercise of professional discretion and impartial judgment. Iu order to maintain the community's trust in the judicial system, n jiwenile case manager should avoid soliciting ar accepting improper gilts, gratuities, ar 14ans, and should avoid engaging in business relationships that give rise to an appearance of impropriety. Cornp¢fenee. A juvenile ease manager shall endeavor at ail times to perform official duties properly and with courtesy and diligence. A juvenile case manager shall fulFll his or her duty and represent hirnselF or herself only within the boundaries of their education, training, license, certifieatlon; eonsultatian reeeived, supervised experience, or otirer relevant professional experience. Itesireet for the IJaw. A juvenile case manager shall abide by ail federal, state, county, and mwricipal laws, guidelines, ordinances and rules. A juvenilo case manager shall be familiar with the Texas Code of judicial Conduct and fire basic standards to which members of the judiciary are held, Auuse of Position. A juvenile case manager shall not use or attempt to-use his ar her off'ieiai position ro secure umvarranted privileges or exemptions far himself, herself, or any other person. A juvenile case manager shah ahvays maintain an appropriate relationship with juveniles coming under file jurisdiction of the Court. A juvenile case manager shall not discriminate against any person on the basis of age, sex, creed, sexual preference, disability, or national origin. IaNFORCE14~i~'T Any alleged violation of applicable ethical standards shall be subject to investigation and discipline by the hiring entity's designated non judicial dcpartnlenl qr supervisor. 50464993.1 A- j EXHIBIT B Pre-Service and In-Servit'e Rec~mmen~atiaans Recoanmenctatipns fvi• Applicants: Most Prcferred: a four year degree in relcvatat social sciences f eld such as social work, psychology, sociology. Optional Preferred: a four dear degree in any discipline and minimum two year experience as a Cash rJlanager. Least reeamaxaerrded:-A-high school diploma/OED turd foe years relevant-(or applicable) - .. experience to be determined by the municipality. Recommendations for existing ACM: Existiayg juvenile ease managers that lack suggested areas of training should hegira obtaining said requirerraents through the "in service" section via a time frame to be determined by the municipality. Defianitians: Pre-service Training refers to those skills, training, pr certii'xcations possessed at the time of hire or prior to the commencement of the juvenile case manager's full dunes, In~Service Twining refers to additional skills, training, or certification hours obtained after commencement of juvenile case manager's full duties. Pre-Service Training Requiremen#s: (Miuiruum recommendation of 2~ hours of the fnlIowing priur to start case work) + The role of the juvenile case manager + Ethics • Juvenile law & introduciioat to court procedtire r Fundamentals of case planning nerd mana~gerraent +~ Interagency collaboration • ltislc assessment • Juvenile mental health • Child psychology Report writing 50464993.1 $-1 In-S~~rv~~e ~~~ii ~cq~rem~n~s. (l~inamnm recommendation ~f 8 h~nr~ per year) • mental ~ealf~ * Legal upd2~tes • Reco~nizin~g and l~epartin;~ Abe 8~ Negle~et ~ Substance A.b~se +- Special Trapcs a 3u~enile gs ~ F~tnily Violence .-~.,_. ~ .-:Bullying.. __,., _.. __,. ~ __ v Sit oes~~er~ ~ Juveniles with ~,e~.rning, Psycl~c~lc~gic~l, ~,ncl Physical Disabilities • I.lpgradcs in Documentation ansl Teclulalvgy ~ How to Be an Exert ~J4Fitness S1k964993.1 $-2 EXHIBIT C d~~ 1~[llt~'taSE A1,1J3 S~1MlVIAIt~' Ta direct, manage, supervise, and coordinate the programs and activities of #1,1~ Schertz Municipal Court juveiule cases, including crime prevention, cvuraseling, and detention: to coordinate assigned activi-ties with other County departments, divisions, and outside agencies: and to provided highly responsible and complex administrative support to the ll~unicipal. Court.luldge. _. `The Juvenile Case Manager receives administrative direction frarn the Court Administrator, Court Qperatians Manager and Municipa! Judge. The incumbent exercises dircc# supervision over tnanagerarlent, professional, and clerical staff + Assurxaes management responsibility I'vr all services and activities of the Juvenile CasC3. ~ Manages and participates i1~ the development and itnplementatian of goals, objectives, paicilys, ~d priorities far assigned programs including the management, maintex~r~ce and operation of the volunteer services, and other programs within the Municipal Court Juvenile Program; recommends, within Court policy, appropriate service and staffing levels; recorrunends and adrninistcrs policies and procedures. Cantiuuously monitors and evaluates the eflic:icncy arld effectiveness of service delivery methods and procedures; assesses anri monitors work lead, atlrniz~istrative and support systems, and internal reporting relationships; identifies oppartuniti€s for imprpvemetat and reviews with the Court Administrator and Judge; implements improvements. + ,Selects, trains, motivates, and evaluates Court personnel; provides tir coordinates stafftrainilag; works with employees to correct deficiencies; implements discipline anti terminations procedures. • Flans., directs, coordinated, and reviews the work plan for Juvenile case services and programs; meets with staff tv ide~niify and resolve problems, assigns work activities projects, and programs; monitors work #taw; reviews and evaluates work products, methods, a.nd procedures. + ~cveldps and participates in tt>;e administration of Juvenile Case atnlual budget, directs the forecast of additional funds needed for staffing, equipment, materials, and supplies; directs the monitoring of and approves expenditures; directs and innpleml~nts adjustment ~ necessary. 50164993,1 C_ l + Serves as a liaison for the Municipal Court an ,luvenile cases with other county departments, divi$ons, and a~rtside agencies, uegatiates and resolves significant ara,d controversial issues. + Provide oversight ar coordinate with Teen Court and its Board • Research special issues concerning youth services and rr~ake reao~ntnendatiflns to marlageinent • Participate in strategic and long range plsinning including the Court's business plru~, ---farecasting~ and annual budget • Participate in developing and monitor program goats, objectives, performance measure, and c;ompiic statistical and financial information as needed • Provide responsible staffassistance to the Municipal Court ,lodges; prepares and presents sta:fE'reports and other necessary corres~ndenGes. + Conducts a variety of orgaraizAtional studies, investigations, and operational st~rdies; recamrraends modifcativt~s to Juvenile Case program, palicres, and preGeds as appropriate. • Participates on variety of boards and commissions; attends and participates in professional group meetings; stays abreast afnew trends and innovations in the field o~Fj~xvcr3ile services. ~ l~espand to attd resolves difficult and sensitive citizen inquires and complaints. • Develops programs for juvenile offenders wit]~in jurisdiction of the Municipal Court; negotiates contracts with outside agencies far delivery of services; prepares grants to provide funding for additional resources and services. • Work with management to ensure compliance with state and local Iaws affecting rnuniaipal court and ensure all federal, state, and local reports axe filed in a timely manner. • attend meetings and seminars to stay current in job practices. • Perform duties of subordinated as needed. • Ferfarms other duties as may be assigned.. 50484993.1 C-2 Miniuiurn Qe€aii#ics~ions Nigh School di~lo>tna or ~~I]; supplemented by two (~} years previous adrrairtistrative support experience; continued hire as contingent upon cctmplction of a ~4 hour Mining program far new Court Clerks sponsored lay ~oxas Mutlici~al Cotuts education Center ~vithin six (~) morsths of hire, and Coin Clerk Certificatic~t~ l=.eve1 1, within twn (2) years of hire date ar an equivalent ca~nbinatian of education, #rainittg, and expesyence. 50464943.1 C _3