1-24-2013 Minutes SEDC Board Reg Mtg5SC(:;H[1LRZC7L ~f~~' ~~' S~~R'f`~ ~~~®MI~ ICE >=.~pM~~~" ~~~~€~ ~ f~~ B~ ~~' f~~~RS R~~~,~ M~~'f'I ~E1~~~I ~~r~' ~~~ The City of Schutz Economic Development Corporation ;SEDC; Board of Directors met for a Regular Meeti_rag on °~'h~ars~iay, an~aary ~4~~ Zf113 ~t 6m~~ p.. i-~ t_he City Council Chambers, I4Q~ Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas. 1. ~Afs~'f" RER Vice President Kiser called the meeting to order at ~:{~~ p.m. and welcomed everyTor~e in attendance. 2. Rod eat and rec€ag°niti~n ®f visitors. hoard cif ~ire~torse Angelina Miser, Vice President Tim Browns TreasurerjSecretary Rov Richard Rosemary Scott Marvin Thomas Matthew Duke -arrives at 6:aC pm Staff Tohn l~essel, City Manager ~ohn Bierschwale, Executive Director Da~~d Covington, Fire Chief David twin, SEDC Executive Director ~ames ~Xlalters, Finance Analyst l~yle Ki-aateder - ED Analyst Patty Horan -Administrative Assistant C-thers present: jim Fowler -City Council Member ~. fntr~d~tit~n ~f newly re-app~ainted Bard Menx~ers. (avid EaLVira-SE~3~ ~xee~tiv~ ~ireetor~ ~~. Gw-in reported that Cit<j Council had recently re-appointed Boars Members: Rosemary Scott, Marvin Thomas and Matthew Dube: Cit~T Council will also be appoi_nr'ng a new member to ~~al, the vacancy left by Mr. ~Xlhitney at their next rrleetir~g on ~anuary 29, 20l ~. 4. ~~nsider~I3ise~ss~~.et ~sn ~iection ~f ~c~rporati~n €~f~ieers f®r ' Z~-014. ~I3avid Gtivin- S~~t; ~xec~xtive 13irect®r~ . rra~tican eves rr~aade by Mr. Richard to nominate Mr. Turn Brown for President of the Board. Seconded b;r Ms. Kiser. l~fr. Brawn accepted the nomination. Motion passed unanin2csgzsiy. Mr. Brown proceeded to chair the meeting as the new president of t_he Board. Page I ~f 4 Scher~z EDC Minutes 124 24? 3 t`~ n~aQtion vas made by Tvlr. Thomas to nominate LVIs. Scott for Secretary/Treasurer of the Board. Seconded by Mr. Richard. Ms. Scott accepted t_he nomination. Moon passed unanim~~sly. ~ m®tiesn was made by Mr. Thomas to nominate Nis. Kiser for Nice President of flee Fsoard. Seconded by Mr. Richard. Nis. Iziser accepted the nor~rinadon. Motion passed a~nanim®~zsly. 5. ~u~lic c~mrraent. No ccm.:nents were made. ~'I'E1~~ FAR ~I~I~~~l_7 ~~~~Il?~I~'~.'~'f ~I~7® 6. ~cansider/~isea~ss jet ®~ appr°oval oaf the inmates for €~ard ~e~ular Monthly eetin~ laud can Thursday, November 2~`~', ~~~2. ~. nas~tion t€a approve the Nxinute.s for Board Regular Montihdy Meeting Feld on Thursday, I~Tovember 29tr', 2J12 as presented eves grade lay l~r. f~ielaard. ~ee.onded by i~r. '~'lx€amas. Motion passed ~n.anlm~ sly, 7. ~~Tlaelates on N€aven~her and December 2®~ cagatl~ly Financial departs. ames ~'lalters- ~inance alyst~ Nf~. ~lalters pro~,rided an overv-iew of tl~e SEI]C Financial Statements for tine months of November and Decerraber 212. 8. update an tl~e pity's plan to purchase flxe prcatecgi®n ecluipn~ent. ~ I~avicl ~wln~~E~C Executive irector~ Mr. Gwi-~ provided a brief history on the potent?al_ partnership request made by the Cite to the SEDC an July 2(, 2012 to acquire a quint ftre engine to help upgrade the City's fire protection to better serve the needs of the commassanity. Subsequently, due to budget restraints, the City was not in the position to move forward with the acquisition of the quint ak~d the project was halted. Since then, the SEI~C has secured major investments for the City resulting in an upturn of revenue to the City's General Fund. 1`,~r. Kesel thanked the Board for their continuous support and introduced Fire Chief Covi^~gton who provided a status update on rlae ordering process of the gza?nt apparatus. The purchase of the needed equipment will. move forward at no cost to the SELC. 9. ~~nsider~iscuss,~~et on an ordinance amendkn~ the SEDI/ ~erti~acate ~f ~~armati~n and ~y~aws to claan~e dates fir the end ~f ~gard T~eml~ers' terms t~ ccaincide ~vi~.~ other pity hoards, C®n-anaissicsns, and ~€ammlttees as requested toy the City council. (avid Gavin-SEI~C ~° XeC4ltlve ~YreCt~r> Mr. Gavin explained that due to changes on Election I~ay for City Council, the City Council voted and. approved Ordinance 12-M-33 to change the end terms for the members of ali City Boards, Commissions and Committees from November 3dt`1 to May 31St of the year in which the applicable Page 2 cf 4 schertz rDC Minutes 1 24 20? 3 members`" term expires. This change pressed an amendment to the SEC Certificate of Formation and Bylaws. The Board held a discussion. ~a€atl®n to send the 5~~~ Cer~i~~a~e ~f ~`®ra~aon ~r~d ~3yla.~vs to change dates for the end of Board Members' te~°~ns to coincide w-itli other City Boards, Commissions, and Committees as requested by the City Council wa.~ ~ele bar fir. It~'chard. Soconded ~y Mr. 'Phoa~~~. Motion passod ~~a~i®a~sly. 10. ~3lreotdr~s 1~~~rte 1ti1r. GvTin provided brief updates on tl~e following items: g Update on ? nnual development Incentive Compliance and CertificatFon Process ~ Updates on existing projects: 1. Amazon.com Project progressing as scheduled. Announced official address and issued a press release nat4onwide 2. Baptist ~merus I=lospital Project is expected to be complete in March 2013. 3. Schertz Plaza Current tenants are doing great. ~ Updates on events attended and to be attended: 1. Northeast Partnership Monthly Meeting - 1 f 10/2013 Attended. Updates on neighboring cities developments 2. Schertz Chamber of Commerce Monthly Luncheon - 1/15/2013 Attended. 3. TexasJne Business Recruitment Mission - California - 2/12-13/2013 `tY1iL be attendi~°ig. 4. Schertz Small Business For-ur~s - 2/2& f 2013 First event was held ors liTOVember 2012. Forum allows small business owners to ask ques;~ons about local development growth. 11. ~eq~es~s y l~aard ~n~~ser~ t~ ireo~~r f®r infa~rn~a~can. Mme. Browns requested a status update on j avaiv ook Coffee mouse facility relocation. Mr. ~wiri stated that SEDC Staff have been working vr~tli tlae owner to seek an amendment to the existing agreement. l~'Ir. ~iz~iieiri: 1CiL Se irt~etiilg lit i .iiJ ~7.fi. Page 3 of 4 Sc:tertz BDC N[inetes ? 24 2013 ~~ EXEC~TNE SESST.E~iV ~ balled in aceordance with Section ~5x:+~$7 of the ~`exas Governx~en~ bode, l~ellberation Regard[ng ~eonorni:c Devela~ment I~egataatior~s; Clc~seci 1Vleet~ng: "~'lic governmental body is not required to conduct an open me,~~ing (1) to disct~sa or deliberate regarding coix~naercial or financial informarion that the govern:~aet~~l booty leas 3~cce~ved from a business prospect that the govemn~ental body seeks to have locate, stay, or expand ~~ ur near the terdtoxy o£ the goverx~iental body and with w#ueh the governmental body is cond~xcting ecotzamc develop~xaent go~tions~ ~~; (;') to deltbera~te the offer o£ a ~cial or ot~ier incenti~~ ~ ~. lausiness pzospect: ~'ro~~ef ]31ne ~ Pxoject'i.ocusC Start tirr~e: 7 end times ~" l~E~'t'~IV4E3~TE ~resiclent recoaavened. `tbe ~eetixcg at 7:~ , ~. l~?iset~ssiat~ - '~~ clee~ec~ essay xs d~c~xss~~ ~~ecut~ve ~essz~. was taken.. ~..~tl* I''resicletLt ~rotivsi ad~,ourn~ tl~ tneetm~; at ~:22 p.;na. ~i'ASSI- _ 28~' ~ ~ ~ _ ~J'A l~~ 243. ~~ 3'ian t~arova~~ esid~en - -- .~ R4s~n~y S~i#t ~ ~cretary~'~'~easu Page ~ of 4 ScY~eriz fiDCMit~utes ~ Zvi ~.0l3