PZ 07-10-2013PLANNING AND Z®NING MINUTES ,lnly lo, 2013 The Schertz Planning and Zoning Commission convened on July 10, 2013 at the Municipal Complex, Council Chambers, 1400 Schertz Parkway Building #4, Schertz, Texas. PLANNING ~ Z®NING C®1VII'VIISSI®N David Richmond, Chairman Ernie Evans, Vice-Chairman Ken Greenwald Bert Crawford, Jr. Richard Braud Michael Dahle Christian Glombik William Rumfelt, Alternate Yolanda Suarez, Alternate CITX STAFF Brian James, Executive Director Development Michelle Sanchez, Director Development Services Lesa Wood, Senior Planner Larry Busch, Jr., Engineer in Training Patti White, Executive Asst. Development COlI/IIVIISSI®NERS ABSENT ><. CALL, TO ®RT)ER/R®I.L, CALL ®TIIERS PRESENT George Weron, KFW Engineers Andy Rodriquez, Briones Engineers Mr. Richmond called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M. 2. SEAT ALTERNATE T® ACT IF RE~UIREI~ No alternates were seated. 3. HEARING ®F RESIDEN'T'S No one spoke. 4. C®NSENT AGENDA A. IVlinutes for .lure 12, 2013 Regular IVleetiug 1~. PC`2013-021 Consider and act upon a request for approval of a final plat of the Willow Grove Subdivision, Unit 2 consisting of 22.73+ acres, located approximately 900 feet west of the intersection of Schaefer Road and FM 1518. Mr. Dahle moved to approve the consent agenda. Mr. Greenwald seconded the motion. Vote was 7-0. Motion carried. 5. ITEIVIS F®R INDIVIDUAL C®NSII)ERATI®N: A. PC20I3-024 Minutes Planning and Zoning Gornn~ission .luty Ifl, 2013 Page 1 of 5 Consider and act upon a request for approval of a preliminary plat of the Willow Grove Estates, Unit 2 consisting of 13.12-1- acres, located approximately 250 feet west of the intersection of Schaefer Road and FM l 518 Ms. Wood presented this item by stating that the applicant is proposing to preliminary plat 13.12+ acres of land establishing 41 single family residential lots with a minimum lot size of 7,200 square feet as dictated by the zoning district. The site is zoned Single Family Residential District-6 {R-b}. The subject property is currently undeveloped and located generally west of the intersection of Schaefer Road and FM 151 S. This development is designed to have two {2) points of access via FM 1518 and through adjacent Willow Grove Subdivision via Schaefer Road. The applicant will be responsible for complying with Unified Development Cade {UDC), Section 21.9.9 Tree Preservation and Mitigation. The applicant has submitted a Tree Affidavit which indicates that protected or heritage trees will be removed from the site. A tree survey is required to be submitted at the time of final plat. A 2.b1+_ acre private park is being provided for this subdivision; however, because the private park does not meet the minimum development standards of the UDC the Parlcs, Recreation and Community Services Department has determined that afee-in lieu of parkland dedication in the amount of $1000 per dwelling unit will be paid by the Developer prior to recording of the final plat. All public improvements required for this subdivision will be installed prior to recording of the final plat. The applicant is responsible for all drainage associated with the subject property, and for compliance with the Storm Water regulations. Sidewalks will be constructed along both sides of the street throughout the subdivision and along Schaefer Road. A 7.5' street dedication has been provided for expansion along Schaefer Road. Construction plans for all public improvetr~ents must be submitted and approved by Public Works and Engineering prior to approval of the final plat. Mr. Dahle noted that he drove through the neighborhood and houses are being sold as soon as they are being completed. Mr. Crawford asked if the private park will be part of the HOA. Ms. Wood answered yes. She also noted the location of the private park in the Willow Grove Subdivision. Discussion followed between Staff and the Commission. Mr. Greenwald moved to approve PC2013-021 final plat for Willow Grove Subdivision. Mr. Glombik seconded the motion. Ms. Sanchez asked for Mr. Greenwald to restate the motion for approval of PC2013-24. Mr. Greenwald moved to approve the agenda item. Mr. Glombilc seconded the motion. Vote was 7-0. Motion carried. B. PC2013-025 Consider and act upon a request for approval of a preliminary plat of The Reserve at Schertz, Unit 3, a 17.520+ acre tract of land out of 93.452 acre tract and situated in the Stacy B. Lewis Survey No. 317 and the Antonio Zamora Survey No. 35, City of Schertz, Bexar County, Texas and located Minutes Planning and Zoning Commission .luly 10, 2013 Page 2 of 5 an N. Graytown Raad approximately 1100 + feel north of the IH 10 Ms. Woad presented the item by stating that the applicant is proposing to preliminary plat 17.620± acres of land establishing 25 single family residential lots with a minimum lot size of 2].,780 square feet and 25' building setbacks on all sides dictated by the zoning district. The site is zoned Residential Agriculture (RA). The subject property is currently undeveloped and is located north of IH 10 off of N. Graytown Road and adjacent to the Hunter Estates and Ivy Estates subdivisions. This development is designed to have two (2} points of access through Units 1 & 2 via N. Graytown Road and through the adjacent Ivy Estates SubdivisionlLazar Parkway. Prior to recording the final plat far this subdivision the final plat for the Unit 1 & 2 must be filed with the County Clerk's office. While the applicant is requesting a waiver to not improve Graytown Road, it still provides a point of access in its existing condition to the subdivision. The applicant has been granted a waiver by the Commission to not construct Lazar Parkway, except for the connection to Ivy Estates which provides the second point of access. The applicant has submitted a Tree Affidavit which indicates that there are no protected or heritage trees on the site. This site is serviced by Scl~eriz water; the extension of an $" waterline will tie to the adjacent The Reserve at Schel•tz, Unit 2. The site is within the San Antonio River Authority (SARA) certificate of Convenience and Necessity (CCN). SARA has confirmed the ability to serve the site except there are no sewer lines currently constructed in the area. The applicant is proposing an on site sewer facility {OSSF} which is regulated by l3exar County. In accordance with UDC, Article 15 Easements and Utilities, Sec., Wastewater System, all lots, tracts and parcels on which the development is proposed shall be connected to a public wastewater system. Based on the requirements of the UDC the installation of OSSF requires a waiver to be granted by the Planning and Zoning Commission. The applicant will be responsible far all drainage associated with the subject property, and for compliance with the Storm Water Ordinance. Drainage calculations have been reviewed and accepted by the City Engineer. Sidewalks will be constructed along both sides of the street throughout the subdivision. The subject propez•ty is affected by the additional design requirements of the UDC, Section 21.14.3, along N. Graytown Road to include landscaping buffers and screening. An $' masonry screening wall will be constructed along N. Graytown Road at the rear of each residential lot at the time of developlent. A landscape buffer lot {Lot 40, Block 13} adjacent to N. Graytown Road has been provided with this plat. The streets within the subdivision wit! be constructed according to City of Schertz specifications. The development is located adjacent to Graytown Road. Graytown Road is an existing 60' ROW and the MTP designates it as a secondary arterial (86' ROW). 13' of ROW has been dedicated to the City of Schertz for the expansion. The developer requested a waiver to not construct the improvements to N. Graytown Road based on the rough proportionality analysis findings that the supply provided is roughly proportionate to the demand resulting from the development. The Planning and Zoning Commission granted a waiver on Unit 1 & 2 which allows the developer to provide the required dedication of land for public ROW without construction or improvement to the ROW's. Minutes Plar€ning and Zoning Commission .Euly lo, 2013 Page 3 of 5 Staff recommends approval of the two waiver requests for the following reasons: 1. Based on the calculations provided by the applicant for rough proportionality. The developer will be dedicating the necessary right-of--way foe Graytown Road. 2. Based on there are no existing wastewater litres in this area to serve this subdivision. Mr. Rumfelt asked who the subdivisions of Hunter Estates and Laura Estates belong to. Ms. Wood answered that they are their own subdivisions and have the same developer. Mr. Rumfelt clarified that they are asking far septic tanks. Ms. Wood answered yes. Mr. Rumfelt asked that since the Commission already granted a waiver for Unit l and Unit 2 and they are asking for a waiver for Unit 3, why would we not have granted a waiver for the entire site. Ms. Wood answered that each waiver is granted with each plat. Discussion followed between Staff and the Commission. Mr. Greenwald moved to approve the agenda item with the 2 waivers as requested. Mr. Glomhik seconded the motion. Vote was 7~0. Motion carried. 6. REQUESTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS A. Requests by Commissioners to place items on a future Plantring and Zoning Agenda, Mr. Dahle asked Staff about the timeline regarding septic for discussioir. Mr, James stated that there are 2 issues - 1) being subsurface water and he would like to defer 6 weeks or so to gain more knowledge and have discussions with Staff; and 2) Mr. James would defer to the Chair-tnan regarding the septic discussion. Mr, Richmond stated that the Commission should have a workshop discussion possibly for the first August meeting. Mr. Crawford asEced Staff` for an update on streets and sidewalks. Mr. James stated that he would defer to the Chairman for a work session on specific projects which is different than broader topics. 9 Mr. Dahle asked if the updated checklist on detention and eetention could be sent out to the Commission. S. Requests by Cae~rnrissioners to Staff for information. ® Mr. Dahle stated that he read an article in The Herald paper that the Selma City Council did not agree to change Lookout Road to Old Sehna Road. Mr. James stated that several cities in the Northeast Partnership have applied for a grant to improve Lookout Road and it is on hold. C. Announcements by Carntxaissioners. ® Mr. Greenwald stated that there was a big turnout at the July 4t~' parade. D. Announccmetrts by City Staff. Minutes Planning and Zon€ng Commission 7Wy [0, 2013 Page 4 oF5 ', - -__ ~ _ ~ - --- ~ "~ - ~] _ _ ' __ r~. ..~.~ .. .fit ~+ ,T - ' _ ~~