84-T-24 LEVYING TAX ORDINANCE NO. '6 if - T - ~L/ AN ORD INANCE LEVYING AND ASSESSING ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS, FOR THE YEAR 1984, PROVIDING THE BASIS OF ASSESSMENT OF 100 % APPRAISED VALUE AND PROVIDING FOR THE COL- LECTION THEREOF AT THE RATE OF $_~~ON THE ONE HUNDRED DOLLAR ($100.00) ASSESSED VALUATION AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That there is hereby levied and assessed against all taxable property, both real and personal, within the corporate limits of the City of Schertz, Texas, and there shall be collected by such City a tax of $ on the one-hundred dollar ($100.00) assessed valuation for the year 1984. SECTION 2. Such tax is hereby levied and assessed in accordance with the applicable Statutes of the State of Texas, such levy and assessment is made for the following purposes, to wit: (A) For current expense and operation of the General Fund and its. various departments $ O. ~~- For requirements of the Tax Bond Interest and Sinking Fund to meet the outstanding tax supported indebtedness of the City for Fiscal Year 1984-85. $ 6.~ (B) TOTAL TAX RATE $ 6. J./ II The City Treasurer has certified to the availability of funds to pay principal and interest on the following indebtedness during the Fiscal Year 1984/85. DATE OF ISSUE 1962 City of Schertz, Sewer System Bonds Principal $ 8,000.00 Interest $ 6,561.25 $14,561.25 1972 City of Schertz, Street Improve- ment Bonds Principal $ 8,000.00 Interest $ 6,666.00 $14,666.00 1975 City of Schertz, Park Improve- ment, Street & Drainage Bonds Principal $ 5,000.00 Interest $14,070.00 $19,070.00 1981 City of Schertz, Combination Tax and Jr. Lien Certificate of Obligation Principal $ 5,000.00 Interest $13,575.00 $18,575.00 SECTION 3. That the Tax Assessor and Collector for the City of Schertz Texas, is hereby directed to assess and collect taxes of the City of Schertz, Texas, on the basis of one hundred percent (100%) of appraised values for the year 1983, such basis of assessment being re- quired to meet the proposed expenditures of the General Fund for the Fiscal Year 1983-84 and collection of taxes thereof at the rate of $ o.~~ assessed valuation as herein provided. SECTION 4. The public importance of this measure constitutes and creates an urgent public necessity requiring that this ordinance be passed and take effect as an emergency measure, and shall take effect and be in force immediately upon and after its passage. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this the 19 QCf /;rJ.. day of 1l~~, ATTEST: , 1;" \ ~ .oj '. u, ~. .... ., ,o..wa y;, _ ~ ~~\; ",':! ,'~;: '-I' "l"''''' , (~.:;J,,:"~ ....~""t- i """. ~ ~ _ OIfICE 122 Eoot Byrd P.O. 8m 2789 UnIverscI City. T..05 78148 (S 12) 65&-7424 NORTHSlOE-llflANQi, 1013 N.W.loop 410 Son At><onIo. T..os 7~ I 3 (512) 349-7979 PUBLISHER' AFFIDAVIT (COUNTY OF BEXAR) (STATE OF TEXAS) Is Linda Hardin , authorized representative of the Herald Newspaper Group, do solemnly swear that the notice, a printed copy of which is hereto attached, was published once a week for 1 consecutive week (s) in the Northeast Herald, published at Universal City, Bexar County, Texas, on the following date (s), to wit: October 25, A,D., 19 84 Subscribed and sworn to before me, this (NOTARY SEAL) '~'i:' ",-"4' ,CITY OF SCHERTZ <: .<,~:<f> t. .<Sl- tt.,,' u'r Spl:"e t.a1 District: CITY OF SCHERTZ . NOTICE OF CALCULATION OF EFFECTIVE TAX RATE AND. PUBLICATION OF ESTIMATED UNENCUMBeRED FUND BALANCES I. 1'nnm".c:. r. n.,vpy , Tax Assessor/Colle'eta!" ' for Cjty of Scher~z, , . in, accordance with Iheprov.isions of Sec. 26.04. Property Tax Code. h~ve calculated the lax rate v/mlCh m.l\' not be exceeded by morelhanlhree pen:enl by lhe governing body oflhe City of Sche!t~ \'\'itholll holding il publLc hearing as required by the code. That rate is as follows: S .429 per 5100 of ....alue, The estimaled unencumbered fund balance for Maintenance &: Operation fund: $ -0- . The estimalf'!d unf'!ncumhered' fund balance' for Interest & Sinking fund: $ -0- Thomas C. Dovey, Tax Assessor/Collector October 18, 1984 I. DATA CALCULATIONS USED TO DETERMINI: EFFECTIVE TAX RATE 1. 1983 Total tax levy from the 1983 ta" roll.......~............................... 2. 1963 Ta. rate ($ ~ M&O and $ ..dlli1&S) .',................ .......... ..... 3. 1963 Debt service (I&S) levy .......,................................,......... 4. 1963 Maintenance & Operation (M&O) ..................... ...:................ 5. 1983 M&O taxes on property in territory that has ceased to be a part 01 unit in 1984 ... 6. 1963 M&O ta.es on property becomin~ e.empt in 1984 ............,.....:...... 7, 1983 M&O taxes on laxable value lost because property is appraised at less'lhan market value in 1984 .. ... ..... .............. ........ ...... ~.. ...... ........ .... .'.'.... 8, 1984, Total taxable value of all property ... ~.... ~.......................... ~.... ~. 1964 T.....bIe vallie 01 new improvements added since ,Jan. ~. 1983 . " .. .. ..: " .. '. 10. ,'1984 Taxable value of property annexed since Jan. 1, 1983 ....................... 11.1964 T.. levy needed to satisfy debt service (1&5) ...................."....".. 12: Rete to raise 1983 ta. due levy to appraisal roll errors (Iosi don!l's .djvided by 1984 taxable value) ($ + $ . 100) ".."....., . 13. 'Rate to regain taxes lost in 1983 due to appraisal roll errors (Io~t dollats divided by 1964 ta.obie value,)($ + $ . 1 OOL:. . . . .'. \ 14. 1983 M&O T.... used to regain lost 1962 levy ................ "'.." .........,.. II. CALCULATION MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION (M&O) TAX RATE 1. (A) 1983 Total ta. Ievy(Oata') ..............,................."............ (B) Subtract 1983 Deb' service levy (Data 3) ............................. ,'........ (C) Subtract 1983 Taxes on properly no longer in unit (Data 5) .............. " . . . . .. . . (0) Subtract 1963 T..<Is lor e.emptions (Data 6) ..........."".................. .,.', (~I Subtract 1963 Taxes for productivity valua'ion (Data 7) ... .,............. ....... (F) Subtract 1983 Ta.es used '0 regain lost 1962 levy (Data 14) ..........."........ (G) Adjusted 1983 M&C.levy .. ...........".. ...,........... .......... ........." 2, jA) 1984 TOtal taxable value of all property (Data 6) ............................... is) 'Subtract 1984 Value of new improveme(lts (Data 9) .............. ..~............ . . . (C) Subtract 1964 Vaiue ot annexed property (Data 10) ....................,....... "J Adjusted 1964 Ta.able value for M&O ............... ........................ 3. jA) Divide the Adjusted 1963 M&O levy (l.G above) by the Adlt'sted 1964 ta.<able . value for M&O (2-0above,,($ 357,110.59 + $ 10 ,1I5,002.. }.. (B) MultiPlY by $'00 valuation ...................................:.."........... (C) Effective M&O rate for 1984 ............... .......................... "....... INTEREST AHD SINKING (I&S) TAX RATE 4: (A) 1984 1&5 levy. needed to satisfy debt (Data 11) ..................."........"... (8) 1!ll!4,Tota! taxable value Of all property (Oata 81 ... "".. .."........... ....." (e:) Divide the 1964 1&5 levy (4.A above) by the 1984 Total '..able value (4.Babovej($ 'Ql R74 . + $ 106 10~ 435' ) .............. '(D)' Multiply by $100'valuation ...................."..........."................. 'lE) Effeclivel&S rate, for 1964 ..................,......."........ ','" ....:. ..... APPRAISAL ROLL ERROR RATE 5. (AI Rate to raise 1983 ,levy due to appraisal errors (Data 12' ..........,............. (B) Add rate to 'regain taxes lost due ~o errors (Data 13) ....,...................... (C)Total Aaleto ~dj.~~ lor'~PPlaisal rolt errors......,..........;.._.... ......,..... . TqTAl EFFECTiVETAx}tATE FOR .1964 . '6,'1"'1. Eiteo;:ti'<<l.M,~ rate' (3-Ca.bQ~e)'..'..... ;.....................,...........,...... .1B)AddEffeCtivel&S iate'(4-E !Ibove) ................................,~......... '(ei Add Rate to acllust for appr~isal roll errors (S-Cabove) ......................,... ,,- , " ".'..". . \ .', .", . (0) 19841:ffeCliveTa~ Ra'e ........................... ....,...... ............... $ 441.757. , $ .421$100 $ 64 144.21 $ 357.612.69 $ -0- $ 502.20 $ -0- ~ 106,103,43;;. . $ 1,975,150. $ 13.283. $, 91 674. $ -0- 1$100 $ ~o~ i$100 $ -()- 441~757.00 .s -$ ""'$ -$ -$ -$ $ 357,110.59 $106,103,435.00 ~.$ 1,975':150.00 - $ 13 263.00 $104 11, 002 00 84 g44 21 -0-. . 502.20 . -0- -0- $p.0034299628 . $100 ,$" 0.342991$100 $ 91,874,00 $106,103.435.00 $0'0008618909 x $100 $ 0.066561$100 ~' $ -0- 1$100 + $ -0- . S100 $ -0- 1$100 $ 0.34299 + $ 0,.06656 + $ .-O~ $ 0 429. ,~t 19a~~E"eCtiJe -!a'x~Rate is'the tax ratepubUshe.d as required ~y Seq. 26.0'4., ProPertY Tax:9pde. , . '..,,, ' , ., ".-' / . ~ /'