09-10-2012SCHERTZ PUBLIC LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD MEETING September 10, 2012 Members Present: Sonia Samora, Laura Wilson, Neota Brady, Sandy Keiser, Shonale Burke, Carol Cyr, Juan Thorn, Margaret Riley, Patty Lovelady, Mary McAllister, Patti Dilworth, Gail Douglas, and Melissa Uhlhorn. Visitors: None. CALL TO ORDER: Sonia Samora called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m... REGULAR AGENDA: Minutes — Consideration and /or action regarding the approval of the minutes of August 6, 2012. Corrections were proposed to the minutes. Margaret Riley moved to accept the August minutes as corrected. Patty Lovelady seconded. August 6, 2012 minutes approved. 2. Treasurer's Report — Consideration and /or action regarding the approval of the July 2012 Treasurer's Report. Cash account ending balance July 31, 2012 was $22,266.19. Investment account ending balance July 31, 2012 was $30,749.02. Laura Wilson stated the August book store receipts were down but since July was all -time highest monthly sales that was to be expected. Sandy Keiser moved to accept the Treasurer's Reports. Carol Cyr seconded. July 2012 Treasurer's Report was approved. 3. Librarian's Report — Librarians will report on the following items: • August 2012 — Library Usage Statistics: Overall circulation: 37,208 Patrons: 22,496 New Cards: 431 Renewals: 1,140 Self -Check Usage: 14,566 # People attending Programs: 409 Volunteer Hours: TBD Computer usage: 4,430 Groundbreaking for the playscape is scheduled for tomorrow September 11th at 5:45 p.m.. Fox News filmed a story at the library this past month about a Girl Scout who is visually impaired. She read the "Very Hungry Caterpillar" using Braille during story hour and passed around the items the caterpillar ate so the kids could see and feel the items. • Library Fundraising: Nothing to report. 4. Bookstore Committee Report: Committee will report on the following items: ® All hours the book store is opened are covered by volunteers. • The next book sale is scheduled for October 26th and 27th. We will include the telephone number on volunteer list in case people need to be contacted. The list will be distributed at next month's meeting. Unfortunately there will not be as many books for the October sale. • The red cart purchased approved last month will not be processed until October because purchase orders aren't being processed at the end of the fiscal year. • There is a box of books for consignment ready for shipment. DISCUSSION & POSSIBLE ACTION: 5. Hal Baldwin Memorial — Pergola idea may be too expensive. Gail is investigating a bench idea she described as a bus waiting are that we could let vines cover. She'll have more information at the October meeting. It was suggested that if the price was acceptable we might purchase 3 and dedicate 2 to former Schertz mayors who supported the library. 6. Expenditures — It was proposed that we provide $300 for membership in the Central Texas Library System that provides workshops, seminars, training, webinars that would be very helpful to the staff. Patty Lovelady moved to pay $300 for membership. Neota Brady seconded. The motion was approved. It was proposed that we purchased $10,000 worth of books and materials, $2,500 quarterly. Mary McAllister moved to purchased $10,000 for books and materials. Laura Wilson seconded. The motion was approved. 7. Volunteers Open House — The open house scheduled for September 17th is to educate the community about volunteer opportunities. The bookstore could use more volunteers. If more there were more volunteers, the bookstore could extend its hours, substitute each other on Saturdays, or use help to stock shelves. The library could use 20 hours of help shelving. Sonia will attend as chairperson. Gail will also attend and possibly Melissa. The library display will include information booklets, book marks, and the library banner on the table. ANNOUNCEMENTS: • Correspondence received - none. • Announcements by Library Board members — none were reported. • Call for items to be included on next agenda — October book sale, renewal of board members' terms, Winter Reading Club, Bookstore hours ADJOURNMENT: Patty Lovelady moved to adjourn and Sandy Keiser seconded. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m. Next meeting is Monday, October 1, 2012 at 7:00 p.m... Sonia Samora, Chairman Shonale Burke, Secretary