09-08-14SCHERTZ PUBLIC LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD MEETING September 8, 2014 Members Present: Sandy Keiser, Laura Wilson, Brian James, Mary McAllister, Howson Lau, Melissa Uhlhorn, Margaret Riley, Carol Cyr, Ruth Tienor, Janice Manzo, Neota Brady, Bobbie Boyce, Joanne Ward, Juan Thorn, Patti Dilworth, Visitors: Gail Douglas, Lizzie Bertoia, and April Toman HEARING OF RESIDENTS: None CALL TO ORDER: Bobbie Boyce called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. REGULAR AGENDA: 1. Minutes: Consideration and /or action regarding the approval of the minutes for August 4, 2014. Ruth Tienor moved to accept the August minutes. Sandy Keiser seconded the motion. Motion carried. August 4, 2014 minutes were approved. 2. Treasurer's Report: Consideration and /or action regarding the approval of the Treasurer's Report. Bookstore sales were 1822.67, consignments were 366.72, Interest earned 1.26, Donation (pig) 27.14, and Total 3047.80. Margaret Riley moved to accept the Treasurer's Report as presented. Mary McAllister seconded the motion. Motion carried. The July Treasurer's report was approved. 3. librarian's Report: Librarian will report on the following items: The July Statistics: Total Library circulation 41,702, Head Count 25,353, Library Program Attendance 2,682, Total Collection Titles 85,506, Total Items 96,167, Patrons 29,881, New Library Cards issued 509, Library Cards Renewed 748, Self- checkout 17,002, Electronic Resources 8,574, Volunteer hours 725.00, ILL (Inter Library Loans) 17, Meeting room usage 69, Commuter Usage 3.561. F- Resources 1.381. TSLAC Service Ponulation 86.162. Web nape hits. General Operation for July: Lizzie Bertoia and April Toman presented the Summer Reading program recap. Adult Reading Summer Reading Program: Lizzie Bertoia planned for 225 adult participants and was thrilled to exceed it with 330 participants. The Open house registration and staff promotion made enrollment a success. The overall results: 300,000 minutes read and 121 (60 in 2013) book reviews completed. Two programs were a huge success Zooniversity and the Texas A &M Chemistry Roadshow received recognition in the Herald and Schertz Tales. Youth Reading Program: April Toman had 1363 participants, up by 200 from 2013 summer program. The program completion rate had increased by 14% from 2013. The Youth Program turned in 2,538 reading logs. The participants got to choose books, hours or days for their reading logs. Both programs were a huge success. Way to go ladies! A Special Unveiling Ceremony was held during the meeting. Gail Douglas was presented with the sculptures and plaque in her honor. Thank you Gail for your years of service. 4. Bookstore Report: Committee reported on the following items: General Operation: -We are still having issues with people stealing DVDs out of the cases. It was recommended that they switch the DVDs and the VHS tapes to the front shelves. We hope this will discourage any more theft. - Book Sale is set for October 17 -18 with setup on October 16th. The permit is still able to be used. Mary McAllister will do the fliers. The volunteer signup sheet will be sent around at the October meeting. -The Volunteer appreciation calendars for Christmas will be ordered by Melissa Uhlhorn. DISCUSSION & POSSIBLE ACTION S. Library Foundation- Discussion and possible action on assisting the Schertz Library Foundation with their fund- raising efforts. The Library Foundation would like to sell book bags in the book store. Discussion was tabled until more information is available. The Library Foundation will be selling the Christmas wreaths again. They would like to increase their sales. If the Library Board would like to participate it will be welcomed. 6. Task Force'on Community Involvement and Future Planning- Discussion concerning the Mayor's request for a Board member to serve on the task force. Howson Lau volunteered to represent the Board on the Task Force. If he is not able to attend a meeting a replacement from the Board will attend in his place. ANNOUNCEMENTS: 7. Items by the Library Board Members: Briefing and discussion on the following items: - Correspondence received by the Secretary: None -Other announcements by Library Board members: None -Call for items to be included on next agenda: October Book Sale ADJOURNMENT: Ruth Tienor moved to adjourn the meeting. Carol Cyr seconded the motion. The motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m. The next meeting is October 6, 2014. A Bobbie Boyce, Chairman Patti Dilworth, Secretary a