ORDINANCE NO. 178 & 179 Annexation Biegert PropertyTo Vha' P""'ayor and city Council Dity of Schertz2 Texas Greatinns: Ve, the majority of the property owners and qualifiao voters of t e following described territory, Mich adjoins the city limits and is not , re thain one laalf in width, hereby petition your hanorable, body to extend the present city limits so as to include r -wiY, BEGINNUG at a point in the Man Majert 290 acre traM the extreme northeast corner of a otrip of land annexed by the City of Schartz on April 41 1968; IN 600 a 1186.8 feet to a Doint SZO f set distant from the easterly lita of tLe Man Megert 290 acre tract,, an interior corner of this tract; THMOZ N 300 1 100.0 feet to a point in the northerly line of the Allan Diegart 2?Q acre tract; THENCE N 600 1 with the northerly line of the Man Tiagert 290 !ere tract 320.0 feet to the northeant corner of said tract; TUNK S 300 'v�'itia the aLsterly line of the Allan DieSert 290 acre tract 1346.0 feet to a point in the eastarly line of said tract; THINGS S 600 W 1506,8 feet to a point in the Allan MQlart tract, the extreme southeast corner of a strip Of Mond manexed by the Gity of Scherts on RPKI 4, 196''W'' THENCE N 300 1 320.0 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 1.92 aarea$ more or lass. We, and each of us, zra property wnars, of the above describes territory and are qualified to vot, memt!�iern of the State Lw,z1ntur4; anz.0 have exprewzK our choice aad vote by affixing our si&naturez to thi,�-,- petition under tho approprUte heading below. THE WATZ OF ITIA ALUPTRMUNTY F V smM u4e underaign ai aut'hority" in and for said County, Towas" unn thiz da, Tmrscaially a,,--.q)e=sa, 7f.,--- 1,77 7777;—en MA, D—aCy-, foregQpg Katrument,,, and to me that he executed vie i:�&mask for the purposes and coos ideration therein axprasaedz DAY L. DO 19 7kj ,aijajupe 'Uounty,% TOXW TEE STATE OF TEI!!'IXA CGUNTY OF GUADALUTZ 101, BIFoqF 212 the umdersigned, a Notary MIK in and for sy"" azld M on thla ijA� W.-raova-lly appeared anti -Ac Ac t7a -gwmaons whose D MVp v—, MAIN AntrGht;'Ad a6knowledged to we U t they each ex- ecuted the same for the purpose; and consideration therelm expreasedp and the Said 00y; 9 :-rlfe of tho sa IM'd "LALIL Ft 7--vF'-3'2" 'n"'or fully explained to her, ahep V-,Aa, 41 1 1 '-- acknawled7ed such jqstrumant to be her Said), 1� t 'n anc 3.a' declarai that she had willingly signed the Sam for the purposes and CoDwiderwUnn therai--n and that An d0', not wish to retract it. UN'171',',,31� BAK Alt ML OF OF710E thia da', of IIY Notary ?ublin Q and for Oua dal upe Gounly, Tar'*3 MTN& 0 HIKK ?TVAq TO ALL INTSK0 FESGONS2 TRATt The City of Scharts, Texas proy®r"'es-c's to inatitute aalnxetion proceedin, to enlarge and a� nd t1-,,e tuoundary limits of said city to Sclude the following described territory, to wim OEGINNING at a point in the Allan Negert 290 acre Vacts We extreme ncrthoast corner of a strip of land annexed by tha Qty of' Vchertz cn April ho 19681 TOY& N 610 l US& Ret to a point 320 feet distant frcm the easterly line of the Allan 50gert 290 acre tract, an interior corner cf this trastj 1026.0 fact to a point in the northerly of thtie Allan Liege& 290 acre tract; X 600 S with the northerly lime of the Allan, biegart 290 Acre trust 3200 feet to the northeast corner of aWd tract; T�-' 5 JVP —' w0b the easterly line of the Allan Aegert". ?90 acre tract 130.0 feet to a point in the easterly WInh-el of zaid tract; 0 W 1506*6 feet to a point in the Allan Negart 3' a 60 tr way' t, the axtrewe southeast corner of a atrip of land annexed by the Sity of Qbertz on April hq 19663 TYNCS N Wo d NOW fact to thma �- ,1,c%Un jontainin 1.92 aenla,;, A public hearing will be held &,nd the, 10ity at the Gity of Schert, Texas ,:m the 1000 day of 12, 19 68 at 't ,jz 'U"a �,,�it"y ( , C`,hambar of the 0ty Hall of the, City of 3chertz, Texas, for all perzons interested in the above proposed annexation. At said tine and. pq acc a7PL such perzons shall have the right y:a* appear and be heard. Of all zaid matters and th0gas all persons interested in the things and matters herein mentioned3 will take notice. iy order of thE City. Council of the City of acherns, Tex i this the nth day of 19 6Q ATTST: LA I MAU ORDIDT.,,,.LU�ICE INO, 178 ANT 0,37LE—FUIELKE SFTI�CT A DATE, TDIE AND PLACE FOR A ]FUMIC HEARING I ON Uh F'_R01110SED KINT!, =ATIO' "�, OF CE-RTA2T PROPERTY BY T=-' CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEKAS,; AUMORIZI101 .9,110 DIRECTING T-1-11E 111AYOR TO .1PUBLISH NOTICE OF SUCH PUBLIC HEARING: k7u DECLARZNG AN RGENCY® BE IT �MDATMD DEY THIE CITY CtTJNCIL OF THE CI TLY OF, 5CHERTZ., TEUS -. Section 1. On the 10th day of Id ay —0 1,968 at 8:00 PM in the City Govu-ic-Li Chamber of the City Hall of the City oil Schertzp Texas the City Council w hold a pifolic nearing giving all interested persons the right to appear and be heard on the prcojosed. annexation by -the City of Schartz, Texas of t1n follow- ing described propertyp to ��,Tit: BEG_TK-,'TN at a point in the Allan, Biegert 290 acre tract., the extreme northeast corner of a strip of land annexed by the City of Sdaertz on April 4. 1 68- MENCE N 600 E 1186® feet to a Point 320 feet distant from the easterly line of the Allan Bieggert, 290 acre tract., an interior corner of this tract; THMCF, N 30' W IC26 ®U feet to a point in tim northerly line of tll-n Allyn Diegert, 290 acre tract, THENCE N 600 E with tin northerly line of the Allan Biegert 290 acre tract 320 ®C feet to the northeast corner of said tract 1-1 3 TMCE S 300 E with the easterly line of the Allan Biegert 290 acre tract 1346.0 f, at to a point in the easterly lime of said tract; THE19C.E. 3 60" W 1506.8 feet to a point in tha, Allan Biegert tract,, the extreme southeast corner of a strip of land annexed by the Citv ,T of Schertz on April 4, 1968- TT CE N 300 W 320.0 feet to tZe point of beginning. Containinz 1.92 acres,, more or less-, Section 2® The Mayor of the City of chertz iz 1i .ireby authorized and directed to cause notice of such public hearing, to be oublished. once in a -newspaper havin_ feneral circulantiom in the City and in the above deserfoed territory not more than, twenty days nor less than ten days prior to the elite of such pub- lie hearing, all Jr accordance with the, Munio-Jpal Annexation Act (Chapter 160, Aots of -um 58th Leggislature., R_-� ar Se scion, 19632- compiled as 970a, Vernon's Texas Ci:v4_1 Stats ,xbes). Section 3 . The iTipvrtance of this ordinance creates an, ' &Rsr%SnCy and an Sperati e Dablic necessity that the rule requi- ring ord roan cea to be reld at three aevenal maetingv be suapended, and thia rule is hereby auqpendled2 a�-,d ordinance Wall taik"YE affect and be in force from and after its adqptione PA311D AND APPROWET tIi,'3 the 10th --da;r of 19 68 ATTOT 2 USES lyi ORDIMANCE NO. I ._ TER, TO SHIM, 0"ITY DF WIRTZ, GUAMM WWI, TEXMP 110M '11,T71' MUNDARY LIMUS OF SAID CITT 30 AS TO MCLUM SAID FEREM iTTZR D&CATM.T; 5A'-',,__'UC C11"I" L131UTTSit AYD 770 RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES ?F GTIER MIZENS AND 3101% SAID 1UHABITAITS BY AL: 0:7 TRE Al "D RZ101"UTULATIC" )& 3 11.1 C'_'T_'.,!. r -p tition hea beem aizned by a majority of th property owneru who axe citizens tz2,te, of TWO and inhab_ Man& of We foliowiDg to_wit" MGM= at a point in the Allan AsEert 290 ac'r tractp the extreme ncrtheast corner of a strip of w, m&xed uy tlhe Gity, of Whortz on April L9 1968; Tr CD M 600 E 1100 feet to a point 320 feet diatant from the easterly lime of the Allan Regert 290 aclrr� WW2 an interior coTner of this tract; THIME N 300 1 1026.0 fact to a point in the nomharqyr id.ne of the Allan SiaTert 'TO `racy TEENCE N 600 2 with the northerly line of the Allan Magert 290 acre tract 3200 feet to the northeast corner of said tract; TYEWS S 300 Z with the eazterly line of the Allan 31000M 290 acre tract 1346.0 feet to a point in the easterly line of Zaid trzats '1TLT,,",`GTS 5 60'� 1 feet to a point in the Allan Mgert tract., th- Joutheaat corner of a atroi of land annexed b- on , ,T the City aJ." 6daertz on April �62 mg-1p 23 ®0 feet to Ala point of beginning, Untaining 1.92 acrssp more or Mze MA33 3aid territory 1Z Kjodming the City of idhurlq R and 'A,1,12M"R­ , said petitjon2 desiring and requesting the annez- ation of said territory to aaw Qty2 haz been presented to the City Council and has attached to it tho affidavit of two (2) of said applicanta to the Kfest that said petit Laylli is Kgned by a pan ajorit ty al' t.a qual.-'.' voters within such pro per ty� NOV 797RE Foa, BE M MAIUD BY TU7 CITY MUN011 or -HV CITY OF SUE203 TEXAS: That the 0210WHE desoribed property, to-witg BEGINTING at a cornev in th: citylinita ling Of the city S f schartz, the northeast corner of a 320 foot 1-M-10 land annexed by the City oj,' Qotobar and which corner lies in the north property line of thal Allan Biegart 220 acre tract; - MENCE N 6, " � 11. 26LO feet win tht Zaid north line of t Allan Biegert 2 tracy and proowd tP a point; THENGE 3 300 13 minutes E. 320 feet to a point; S 3.1 minutes W. M ,o , ,,, c �- t t , ; point in -I-Jue east 100 of the saif 320 foot strip annexed by the Cit, of ONO, TEUGE N 306 13 minutes d. t!-M, SaL-1 320 foot strip an tQ t-1-11a Doillt pf- begoin 320 flat with the qagt line oi, 2=d W tin City W Scherta 5ontaining 1.92 acr8s, pore or-Isoa. be and the sane is MrSbY annexed to tK2 it of 30hertz, Guadalupe, WOUS7, OWN and that the boundary limits of the City of Schew W and the came are Mrsby extended to include the aboye des cTjied territory within the city limits of the City privileEgn oal other citizens Of M GitY Of isharts and Of KHOO, and the same shall herc after ne Mcluded withi-72 limitz if wid Vtyo ana tho Ohabitantz ther tip. olm? shall hereafter be intitled to all rizhts aud privileEgn oal other citizens Of M GitY Of isharts and they ahall be bound by the actz, ordinancea, aaj-d City. PASSED by an affirmative vote of al Cl--Utrva,21, thi�s the 27th. day of w6w ---------- A. D. j 1968. ATTEST T ---- - ay w SEC iw TY -ITL AURY - W -------