ORDINANCE NO. 173 & 174 Annexation Biegerto Mayor a_­p� -C�jt�- y vlzjr 01", a a tir !pTes the majoritT of t1m, property own-ars anid q:ualiPled -far, t1e, described territory,, which adjoins the- 11milb and iB not more vae,_ Id ha2l' -mile in midtlh3 hereby petition your honora.Viz, body to csxtaud the present city limits so as to include to-wit: E 'I at a. coinier in the city linLits ifze, a srhert.f, JENET', NIL of t1he of the northeast corner a" a 320, foot strip of land maiaxed lby the citry of Schertz on October 15., 1964, and which corner lies im the, north pro,perty line of the All Bieger re tract; TMNCE N 600' LL minTates E. 2640 I'Peet -v th the said -,avrth lime of the Allan Diagert 2Q.0 acre, trac*b� and puree to a ITIENCE S 30' 33 minutes E. 320 feat to a po:Lmt� TIMITTE S 60" 111 minutes W, 26L­3 feet to a pout Ln -tile Cast of the said 320 foot atria annexed b tho, CNIty of Schertz- Y THENCE N 300 13 minutes W, 3220 feet -,with IGIm ear lime o2' thj 320 foot striP annaiiod by th-0 ' ity of Schertz t,,a t1b. point o be,�,�fzim Lm�p,,. Containing 1.92 acres, "more or leas. Va., and each of us, are property ow e. of ICI �, bove described torritor � zand are qualified to vote Eor mey&barz; of Vne, Stats Leg.- 1&tumj amd have axm?jrc 5aed our choice a-rid vote by --- a o x iibian under , aff C ouz, si gmsivtLiz, - t, thizt,, p t t ,,,-,ajapropriat--_ heading 'below, TRE AMIUATTON11 X, "AGAPENST TM ANNIM-117170NII Tefl,'F SIVAIT, 7 OF` TISOKA5 COUNTY OF GWALUU�Pkrlll BEFORE W, the Undersigned autharity-2, ine and for oaid County, Texaz., on this day perzone , Ily qppearad AT foregoing instrumant, and acknowledged to me that tha aama f or thh- •urpooea and. consideration therein OVEN UNDER MY BAND N aA SEAD Q OFFICE, thla A.D. 19 THE STATE OF TZI.A.3 OCUNTY OF ask ALALUIPPE IMS-175 -ec 10-Tur-OM 1-7 ; ­7 7 a - - he executed exprezaede day 01-f Cuadalupe Caunty2 Texas BEF02E MZ, the mndersigned, a Notary Pu K in and for said count" and State2 cn thla day perzonally appe are a A rooms .5? names Izoim, to the foregoing inst affind ack& ledge d to me that they eazh ex- ecuted the same for 'the p u.T 7,, s e a and consideration therein ex1resaad', aDd the saic" I wdlfe of tbn said e OZO ad by um privily-M-ipaFf- za In 3g the same fully explained to hart spa 3 the Sul t-d acknowledged such Instrunamt to be bar act 4,11", a a sue, do aiv, that zhiv� had willinpljr ai,,gned the scram for the puxpose a and canzideration therein ezpressed, and that ohe did not Wimh to retract it, �, Z, V Z 1 UNTD01 (,`,Mff' MIND AKD SEAL OF OTTICE this the of L, MAY WAN SMIC KU Wadilupe Countys jaxau,71 1107,10E TS HEHMEYY GIVEN TO ALL ]ONTE-662413TED PETIISGIM J, 27F[A"I,'; The City of Schertz�, Texaz proposes to Junatitate armcocat'Lon proccedings qj 5 of 3a4 to anlange, and extend the lacrundary, lin t f-d to include, the- frol- lo-h-Ing deson1brad ten-11-tony,, ta writ.- BEGINNTING AT A GCJR� 1N THE city I:Lmits lins of th C-ity o.-J' Schen-ta',, tha northeazt- conn;er af a 320 foot of land annQ,:rd by Ithe, rf±--,,v' of Schertz on, october 11s 1961h,0 and which corner IJ'Les in, tea rnarth property line of the Allan ],Dkiege t'2,Q lcxaQ- ,j THRICE N 60 degrees II ninutea E. 2640 feet thf-j said ,nortlh, line of th--, A32an Biegert, 290 acre tract; and , lrocead tda a point] ZIMIKE S YD dczrees 13 rain ut&a E 320 feet Zo a pain MENGE: 3 650 degrees 11 minutes Wo 2640 feai5; tc -a Point =, the S-sat liw of the said 320 foot strip an-aaxed by t1ac, of schextz. ITUITCE IT 30 degreea 13 rn:Ulutes W. 320 feet vnitl-i t'ne east line tile, said 320 foot strip annexed 'b t1he �jtv 0,f -�o j, It PO- of beZiming, Cozit=-ing 1,,92 acna., -,nora or lea-so A public 1 n-a-ring -will Ne, held by wid before tIM Git,- count 1 0 the of Mzzxtz., �7 Texas- on the dy of 8003 P.It. (01ity Comail Ch,=ber of the City HaU of the of Texazq for OLI parsons �mte-reat,-d in the abova pro- ,posed anne:zatic.,ne, At a:caid tiune xid jcZace a2I au"ch perwns zlaal have the right, to ap-�pear auncl be heard, Of al said matters and th:Lngs. OLI persons Litereated in 12he thin md mattern Iiena- in MnvL one: d" Will t votice, By order of the, 0--!tF OcAkLnci-L of tkie City of Schertz" Te-&-as tthia the ATTEST: Lj al CYR CaITNANCE AN ORDINAgGE STUING A DATE3 T11Z AND PLAW 1OR A PUBLIC HEARING ON THrE, PROPOSED ANNEIATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY IT TEE CITY OF SCE ER7ZO TZ ANT DTIZECT]TTG THE HAYOR TO PWLI.13171' I ICE OF KjC!1_T P75LIC BEARING: ABND ITE3CLARrHO A,` EYMIRGENTCY, BE IT ORDAINED BY TEE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 30SERTZ, TEXAS: -- 7 - 64,, �! - Section 1. on the ±day of at 8:00 P.H. in thE City IL-11 � Ll� _4 � Council Chanber of the City Bill of the City of Schertzs TeNas the City Council will hold a public hearing giving all interested persons the right to appear and be bear? on the propo5ed annezatiaE by the City of Schertz, Texas of the followff_ BECINNInG at a co'nner Lim t1n, city limits lins af the City of Schartz" Qe northsaut corner of i 320 foot strip of 31-and ounnexed 'by t7he it of chertz an October 150 196L. and Vich corner lies in the north prc per ty line of the Allan Wagert 290 acre tract; T.T0,10E 1, 60 dagrees 11 minutes E, 2640 feet 7,eLth, 1.2,17, s d th lime of the Allan Diegert 290 acre tract; and proceed to a pointj TCE S 30 degrees 13 min sites E. 320 EEN re feet to a pointj THENCE 3 60 degrees 11 minutes W 2640 feet to a point in the east line of tha said 320-foot strip annexed by tie City of Schertz; 1 E K 30 e z 13 minutes W. 320 Wet with the east line of the said 320 foot atrip annexed by the City of ache rtz to the point of beginning. Containing 1.92 azros2 more or less* Section 2® The hlyor of the City of SchsKs is hereby authorized and dirseted to cause notice of such public Waring to be published once in a news- poper ha7ing general circulat&n in the City and in the above described territor ory not more than tuenty dayu nor ies5 than ten dayu prior Q the date of swh pub- lic hearinga all in accordance vith tha Municipal Annexation Act (Chapter 160,9 Acts of the 58th Legislature, RegalaT Session, 1963; compiled as 970a, Vernon's Te= Civil Statutes). Seotion 3. The inyortance of thia ordinaance creadves an emerroncy and. am Kperztive public necesaity that the rule requirirrg, ordinances to be veal at three several maetKZ5 be suspended, and thi3 rule is hereby aus- pendad, and the ordinance 0011 taK effect and be in force from and after its adoption. P23SED AUD A2FRDVED this the day of j LL 2 � 7_ �1_ Jz� - 4 LITEST: 7rTi"ietit rj` CanTNANQ ADiPWTZXING V7 F ITmEINAT!''T71Z ?U3CaTETD TERRITORY TO T7 CITY OF SCHERTZ2 GUADALUPE CO4rPXTY2 TEXAS, AND IMMUDING TH? BOUNDARY LITITS OF SAID CITY 30 AS TO TNGV,'Jn"� SAI',",' ,IZE7,'I_ AYTER DESCRT33D TROVERTY WTTHIN 6AID CITY 11VITS, AMD TFT RIGHTS ANT ?Rj7ILEG7Z OF WER CTTIZ7NS A?D BIND170, SAV 17HAETTANTS oil ALL OF TFE ACTS, OJIDTNAWS, WSOLUTIONS'' AND WGUIATIOUS OF SAID CITY. WWREAZO a petitio7 has been signed by a 7ajority of the ?ropert owners who are citizens of the Mate of Texas wid in'lliabitaints a t�o following dessribei territory; to_wit�-' BEGINNTNG at a corner in thhe cit�_)r line, od" the City of 6chartzv the northeast corner of a 320 foot strip a land annexed by thn, Git rof Schertz on October 153 1964" and ,ihich cor-ner lies in the north propert3jr I-Lue oaf -the Allan Biagert 290 acre tract] THENCE N 600 11 minutes E. 2601 feet with the said north line of the Allan Bisgert 290 acre act ; and proceed to a point; TEENCE S 300 13 minutes E. 320 feet to a point3 THENCE a 600 11 minutes A 2640 feet to a point in the east line of the zaid 320 foot strip annexed by the City of Vchertq THENCE N 30C 13 minutes A 320 feet with the east line of the said 320 foot strip annexed by the City W Schertz to thle point of bezinning. Containing 1.22 acrea, mole or less. 71"E .=2'E11S" '.5aid. tarrAtory is adjoining t1re City of `�chertz�, and WHEREASP said petiti=5 desiring and requesting the annexation of said territory to said city, has been presented to the Cit, Council and has attached to it the affidavit of two (2) of said applicants to the effect that wid petition is oigned by a majorit'r of the qualified voters within such property; NaV THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED 2Y T& CITY '021P TH'IEL' oITY 0'F SCRERTZp TIKAST That the following described roper -artit: BEGINNTNG at a corner in the city limits line of the City of ScharU2 tha northeast corner of a 320 foot strip of land annexed by the City of Sc hertz on October 159 19643 and which corner lies in the north property line of the Allan Biegert 290 acre tract; TUENCE N 606 11 minutes E. 2640 Wet with the said north line of the Allan Biegert. 290 acre tract; and proceed to a point; THENCE S 300 13 minutes E. 320 feet to a point3 TFENCE S 600 11 minutes A. 2640 feet to a point in the east line of the said 320 foot stripp, annexed by the City of 6charts; MENCE N 300 W minutes W. 320 feet with the east line of tho said 320 foot strip annexed by the City of Khartz to the point of be ginning. Containing 1.92 acresp more or less. be and the aame is Wreby annexed to the At of Schertz, kadalupe County, Texas, and that. the boundary 1005 of PhD City of Sphertz ba and the same ars hereby extended to inslude the abcTe described territory within theci'T limits of the City of Schatz, and the same shall here after Or included vrithin the territorial limits of said city, and the inhabitants thereof shall hereafter be intitled to all riThts and privileges of other citizens of the City of Schartz and they ahall be bound tT the acts, orMnances, resolutions and regulations of said City. APPROVED: ATTEST: PASSED by an affirmative vote of all -fembars of the City Council,, thia the _day A. D ®, 1966, APPROVED: ATTEST: