ORDINANCE NO. 89 ANNEXATION ROBINSON TRACT (2)3 , "he-l-e- has been to the 1:_Ta­c-r ty 'o-=c` C' -t1ne �-4 :_-)c'_,,_e::�tz, _-.1 0-18 C�__ ­C�b :Da ve-7 2eq7�7est,Lrz- t-he arr-_:.7a+.icr G_ here _i- ar,-, '-he ey 3-1 5 --an 4- oz�r of -vfnfch f ✓ f he o7-:­ner., of c- t c -t ent f le s -an amd ten-it n C 7, 7 37 = d chertz 'i'ey cas, -o_i_o, pe -Lon -vT7 s f` e', -t-f th thie of '"n D_T on, ol-le 21 day of 11.11a,7�1 10163, ar, d '-:t:Jj- Co.L,?,jof7 cf the `y o- :cha-tz " =7ra 52fr3, 7ras een �-71 f- 7 e not less t 1--- `v, ,,T.z- ar not n 0 ja o a2:-s I' s af d petftJ L yf f s f ! n 'S 7 aca7 , � 0 7- ­­_"I -,_-�2-iilllhabited llarc,. and te=it 0-, - 7- or,7 ppan. y is the sole an c! f5 to the exct-a-z-ft 3-f _Iass `1-harn cczn�� z: - ­i:� c - _�: , � - � ,�le L-in �ous adjacen � tc oc- C_i_ I.-i-e C -7 on to I h e IT 1 3, r G_:_ 3che_-tz, -,=4 and t-fle C.�d a�rafz_st. t'ne sa�7.r.-=; al-d, -7 7' a- t u apr_eai-L2.7 t o t 4 t:, Of ^i f _h 10h.-t- said s1-1c, d be 7­amtez- ��77-- Q1=77 OF T T 31,: __-1 _3 T=.1 S 9 -T":. _Y T1,171-11 _71,v ,(7 desC-;,,:.:)ed 7 S_ - 7- ac-l-es o_" J_ezif, EIS Ch- ,7 ,- --- 7Off tzactl as _,-er_orcf>_c_1 ,-n, :,eedf He` zfLs of 7--as- SLIv _ a-__-es of and a i?a,:?' 0� d be 11 ou t c C C110 Cz ,TcLume 0--ne, Zost'ract 2 2� b 70. 7- 1 ✓ M__ I:_n_® ---�st, of the C'Lty of San s'�-rtccn_fc, suit_ 2�.too ac-r-as s d7 -o c L"n t b e L­.- 7_"T a 3a- a '. st C;"Drnar of -1 east !Lne 7n7l 77- L ESL C-,', -�7 7 T, T- CEE IT . 2'�,P _P3 1 fth w.._ the ea=- _01=1-za- :,-- If of saic' '67.Q az�-_ra t ra Ct 7=1 1 �'. -5 4"! -,7�5_, -p '. to a -poin't for ;E a® ea L, __ _1 I - - ut' /W 1, 3 , "he-l-e- has been to the 1:_Ta­c-r ty 'o-=c` C' -t1ne �-4 :_-)c'_,,_e::�tz, _-.1 0-18 C�__ ­C�b :Da ve-7 2eq7�7est,Lrz- t-he arr-_:.7a+.icr G_ here _i- ar,-, '-he ey 3-1 5 --an 4- oz�r of -vfnfch f ✓ f he o7-:­ner., of c- t c -t ent f le s -an amd ten-it n C 7, 7 37 = d chertz 'i'ey cas, -o_i_o, pe -Lon -vT7 s f` e', -t-f th thie of '"n D_T on, ol-le 21 day of 11.11a,7�1 10163, ar, d '-:t:Jj- Co.L,?,jof7 cf the `y o- :cha-tz " =7ra 52fr3, 7ras een �-71 f- 7 e not less t 1--- `v, ,,T.z- ar not n 0 ja o a2:-s I' s af d petftJ L yf f s f ! n 'S 7 aca7 , � 0 7- ­­_"I -,_-�2-iilllhabited llarc,. and te=it 0-, - 7- or,7 ppan. y is the sole an c! f5 to the exct-a-z-ft 3-f _Iass `1-harn cczn�� z: - ­i:� c - _�: , � - � ,�le L-in �ous adjacen � tc oc- C_i_ I.-i-e C -7 on to I h e IT 1 3, r G_:_ 3che_-tz, -,=4 and t-fle C.�d a�rafz_st. t'ne sa�7.r.-=; al-d, -7 7' a- t u apr_eai-L2.7 t o t 4 t:, Of ^i f _h 10h.-t- said s1-1c, d be 7­amtez- ��77-- Q1=77 OF T T 31,: __-1 _3 T=.1 S 9 -T":. _Y T1,171-11 _71,v ,(7 desC-;,,:.:)ed 7 S_ - 7- ac-l-es o_" J_ezif, EIS Ch- ,7 ,- --- 7Off tzactl as _,-er_orcf>_c_1 ,-n, :,eedf He` zfLs of 7--as- SLIv _ a-__-es of and a i?a,:?' 0� d be 11 ou t c C C110 Cz ,TcLume 0--ne, Zost'ract 2 2� b 70. 7- 1 ✓ M__ I:_n_® ---�st, of the C'Lty of San s'�-rtccn_fc, suit_ 2�.too ac-r-as s d7 -o c L"n t b e L­.- 7_"T a 3a- a '. st C;"Drnar of -1 east !Lne 7n7l 77- L ESL C-,', -�7 7 T, T- CEE IT . 2'�,P _P3 1 fth w.._ the ea=- _01=1-za- :,-- If of saic' '67.Q az�-_ra t ra Ct 7=1 1 �'. -5 4"! -,7�5_, -p '. to a -poin't for ;E a® ea L, __ _1 I - - ut' u 7-- s. oL,,, Enst '53.0)0 fee-l- 'co a for- 2-1^1, e trac' s a id -po - - be- !7 77 so f 7- -the 31..u,.!-,east, -, corner of th-s _7 'as East _60- feeill a' alr_ng -tha N-lo 'h bcundaz7,:, Lne of a2--7 foot 'Ur -e- e c, -`lnnLn'- and" cc-­in- acres of 1;—:1n, a:,-- ct r i be cc a�-., e s: a cle e 6' f rom C a- Orge Ch t - in c"c=50" c 071 '3 - de d ]L 7D V o7 . 34, �oazes '45 -l-5 o' G�-,:_aa lizpe C07=, De ea, be a-,-,d „he sarie is hereby received and azlre_­_,:�Id _s a _10al?'t of the cl Scl-le_rtz, and that tl'e sa-,d 7,_an an, any f-ctu-_re Ll-ha_13�_-tarjts thereof be F,17 `�'rj r S ar C.Y citizens of said C4.' of as ax-, d sh)al' "te the act-_­ a�no or�fLnances of -,he saic, C-LL" 7L7 '9--7 71.1.1y CHI' 10F SCIFIT TZ, TEXAS; T G -2­­ Ct.371'�"IL 0J- IIL� All that certain 23.436 acres of land out of the CTeorge Gesche 167.9 acre tract az recorded in Volume 19:5, -age 473 of the Deed Records of .,exaa; 33,aid 16'?.g acres of land being out of and a part of the SurveY, P�Itent No. 276, Volume 3zle, Ab!�_tract .17c. 221, be-Jng out of Division ® 13 of said Survey and 5-ltuat-,ed abcut seventeen m-Lles - Skira`th® east of the -ity of San, -ntonio, said 23.436 acres ELGINNING at a poirt in the east line of said 167.9 acre �'V 0 ract, said, . -Joint being N. 29 43' 10" cat 30-0 feet from the Southeast corner of said 1067.9 acre tract; a DICE N. 29 43, 10,1 Nest 653.02 feet vith and along the east boubdary line of said 167.9 acre tract to a point for corner; 59 6® 56,, ,vest 1566.23 feet to Point for corner; TH,-i,NGL S. 30 13® o4,t East 6.53.00 feet to Soul--hea.,.-,t corner of thd-s tract, zaid point 1,70rth boundary line. of .1 30-00 foot I-Tr-ited riElIt-Of-y-aY; -ooizit for the beln, also in the Ga,s IPJL-pe Line T 461 56,, past 1560.5- feet with and along, the north bound y 'Line of said 30.00 foot United Gas Line Oom? any riLht-cf-way to the point of beL,-•nning and contaiiiing 23.436 acrc6 cif 7 o,. Z-ame tract of land Qezcribed In a deed from Ceorge Cep che et ux to james -7,ob its on recorded • in Vol- 348, pages 493-95 of Guadalu—e lovmty Deed --,-ccords. Clare Sadd Stephens Timm Mn rRobinzon, Trezident Secretary STAT13 ,)F TEXAS C,DU-NTY OF BEXAR MIZ, the undersigned authority, on this dad -,persona.-Liy all.-peared E. Robinson, known to me to be the person whose name a subscribed foreGoinG in,5tru} tent and acl-nowledged to me that he executed the s= -Pr tile pur-;DoEes and con5ida!-�tion I ey.--rcszed. n=N rp�tander my hand -ind sea! as tk�,e day of i--, a Y- of office th' c in and for -e r iot�,ry Pub.3-j- lounty Texa,s. Clare Sadd Stephens STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF B=AR BE FOP ME, the undersigued authority, a Notary Public in and for 3exar County, Texas on this day personally appeared James H. Robinson, President of Robinhood Developing Company, known to me to be the person end officer of the Robinhood Developing Company whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to ame that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed and as the act and deed of said corporation in the capacity stated. :n p GIVML,- ? UNDER EY H.Llii M 'IK D AND SZ-i'�L Cl C;FFICE this the day of ay, A. D. 1963- /171 Notary Public in and for Bexar, ounty, Texas.