ORDINANCE NO. 23023,D THE 171-,7 _17 M OF 17 S 'T 7 2 T 7,A-, 7 .E7 =T E ;C-,-- D"' ,,7jR7SDjT,:;TT YJ OF SUCH =7 L -0 C ''Trig UC, T.:L�',' 7�'JT = -_7p-D ­ T I ,T LT F- T ��T y - 77n7-7 AS, those certai-n. p-ropertly o-,,umers as SLC-t'V-n bl-,,r CCI'D-Iles oy F. ohn lia-7 e Jolm, I_._GL 4 �' sce ved iln the 'Co-rrn Of pe tz-71.1c-In. f-ro7n, 0 -L � 7 IL A .5 , 2 -n, d "-- 2 e T 'nave requested ham t Cts f C t situated i-7 Guadalupe Cou-nty part]- zLIl Co7,,ial Coanty-, a-nd �.n 3e.-: a--,- C-3- fj Y, - U -y I L�: t nore fullly describecl L71 C0107.eS Of SUCn CCln'-LraC-CIS and 7zrl-ed as L o of' -­-cl!21-1, z, Texas, c' -,,,7ithLn "n-e te�'-,` tof-�, ve 7 'Z lude - U---L-- 1, 1 -1 U I "ii � 7 e--.,:ercises e.-ftra te-rr-Lto:,--ial jjur�-Isd-Lctiion f'o--l- al� - purposes as SeI3 Cut --,n 9702 -17­1�'.T.S., of Te--n:as- ",,7, , 3 , Sa-' ' � 7-,-l" ,,T ��­e ccnt- c7uous C'- ed be -I - -J-'. �^ . I . 9 =-, . I .,� -7, iii --�, - -1 - • , - I ar�-7' --'�oes not c3,-nflict ,%�-Ln -ne tue--rrito-i -t, 0! an-, Ot-laer Ci`uy; Nin ecL 0- ,�-e of, soi-lel"Zzl W, TI-7-i,7 FICR7, be -L e C ty u -n, Te-­Ia�'s -1 `UlrLe flcllmw�=,- tra--ts of C7.j:nsd -lby t7te 37ere':n acove par'ieq an adequa d'e--(`-Dec` bel--,,7, requestLng e-tr tue==f a jur� s ai c on he re -' o ai- E, C',l (j , be j n C�t al 7­1 11 a e r cj -�T j U L 77, -z, Texas , -:,-erci ses ex-tra -.er--`-tori2l �Urisdict.Lc,-"l for L L, �,-L uy o ch e r� purposes as seL. out, ­n 7 .T�35. of T e _-!: as and 1--ll' Tol =,� 'C a c e s T! p I F . J na a ne ­-c e- 77 nerai-rl consists c-,,- a-- th2-u- c e rt a 1-n trac-,, a!-l' na- C�-, 0- 7 situatef' ir t-,*�'--e CoL,"L:--t-Le8 :D� G-aa--'elu-3e 2nd T, e --c- OL S 0. be�ing :-,ore -artic-alarl'y desc-`-bed tll�latl In, -0 r a C or 'Carcel o-f -a-nd' of fo--rt­ ''C). acres, i,crs c---- lass cc-. s 0� ` he uu,,ate a' in s a� d coun-ta-e s a'--out 14 mile - L L of 'Yew 3 ra -jm� f e Is , T e aS, be il" g p a. 1n 0'i �! z n P, U, v2 7 h= Lit n2yr- c� --o�--r�b Her-e-re , 2--,Z,, beinc-- U S L J == "-ie -o- '--d ',377- •7 C) -i -U, - nra' Fr�ese-nhalan and clescr—l- I/ -,ie t, e s 2 --n a 0 o u -n, C as flolloTTS: E GITTIJI"IG at a -oile of rcclks in, t--fte scutaT,-ast _L 1e f GI- Vicente IT- ilclael'IS l3a.,niae, the -,j- st. -,o-- ­e- = s �----aa T t---ac-L of la--nf', 71-7,711=7. IT '-'C, e-35 llo a SLR"-e 'C— +-- -n---%I1e2s+ Conne-o of thiLs t o f t h IXT, e 3--al�L-n e -�S 3 JO cl^e,. --raes 7. va-­,a-­ to e Sen �.nto-nio Rk.02'-'L, a oo--n t for- so✓-1-J1east 0 1- r-, e r of t"l-S = s 7 7 " act; TU�7-17 S 0 rf e g -- e e U­ -, -- 1-020 G- of 12 -,roc!- fo-�- 'he south-,Test, corner 7 Tj saLd - --� - - tl- olc' the t-ract „Then-ce- a, v C 2''" dia. br-s. 3° 2 7- va,ras a- anot'her df brs . 3 -le--e- 7 21 -,,T2- -2s; TITTE1,77, 1,1 30 de-nees 7, ­:.'n A, SOU S'u lire Of, S3 d �o v2raz tc _7 a-- -n-r,7d -',l,--'esenJ:ia'n--n trelct 7'�7L Z e ard, niore or ss; teg-L= n7 --nd Con 2L 21C­ S o-I ",N' beLng -'-,he say,-�e land C _-I L� 'a 0- -,Teyed 'Cy 7 ear `atec Dy Ju 2 _ !�r d 0, 7 09L, --e Cord f 77o' `7 CL --n C, -�2c'es 'iLO-50 of i 12 Dee'a', --Recor-'s of a a71 :-pe —0-t-, 7°7,= u:1 C__� !.--'I T I �_" C T 2 (,?au--! F. volnn a--,,-d 1-1-Lie (7-- a t--ract -or -carcel of 1-and 11,,rLil:7 27:1d beil-r-c- Scant y of Conial , a:rid -� arm tly the Ccu-ntly of G-aa:laslupe Te_-��2s as the ncr`n--�Z-, a a c I- e t a c t, OU, T b e V 8 o i -' e e --, i a, 7_5 acre tract, 2--re in L Co=tlyy of Co amp Of 9 th acres in e- --o,,='Uy of Ore carlu. 1 7, described to-"i-l-t - - �, t a st— and cor-n-=r fe-ilce L'-_n ,TT 1,1G the nort"n cor-ner cf a 200 L Ine r ort IiTje st -1N8 co f or�.7� na7 3 e V , U acre tract; THIEjHCE S ",0, de-rees �'60 varas to Lz connel- o f, a fence, 'U':ie - col-nar of SaLO_ 20,rD acre tl-l-act-; _C 2 * p ' h �17 30 ds-1,ees V2ras to n s Ik e for t he Corner; T EN,' e //'C b _1 v a 1, a s to a stualk -n -I.ne _ro-r 1-1 of t' e r- of ­3 ra ct s u rve y 68 T o 1, c e r 1- e -_r2 for U'ne �j a s cc ::, e n I mil' 2 v r a C 77-17-' t -1 - 1 0 ae re e U L! U CLe S a 2 I'l 0 rt h �7C_ S t a a'C-�S OT - 70ne Place of ccnsf-sti-ng cic' 75 n- 7- 7 less, 'his bein,g palrt of 'Xhe sa-rine larld -L-u 1, ­01 ii r'IY Gu st, a -,,F H o f f rn� lo v s �j 7 T -L L , --- - - da L, T. o ve_-m,,,e_ _L�l 2 TR.�,, 'IT ? f'T� &� 'I IC a e H . --hro _n4 s .4 Cres �j ­ 7 r, a � . I 0 yj 1 Tel a A Cert-aLl" tract Of la_nl'_' 0-'at 0_9 s 4_ 7-1 CC) -n� 2 �j ac--es -a S C-f'7o e a 7 as Oart; of E. 7 =+ acres date T a n a r y H wa �lter nm Hoe'n-11T e-•, ant recorded n, Vc7 . 210 pac-s � e Recc­d� o� -_Pe_xar County, Te_-�as -he sa�d 90.0"� ac=e -s cu�- 0� i - L 5.1 a - - � I, - Sur-,,FeY 75, A's-tract 6-7 , C, u- '-, 3' 0 k 5 557 a - th B e e tu til - --- -I u - 3 n U)T - C 01 - na �_e s a il d 2 -T .4 e, c r e s f, f c. rr'll- E on the soutla sLde Of Sc',laeffer- _R'cad, _--bc-at 15 -niiles in an eastuerl'y dLrecticn tlr_ Court, Hou-se = lDe,­_2r 177- desclribed as fc1lo-1-13, 1,cu1ty, Te,"--a_-, a-mof be�=.g TC.31r�e =T:ET.,_jG an, �ron o'n the sout`h_ 11-L-ne Of Schae'fL-=-- Road and t-' fie L Co, - L, _'III- O. 7� C� C- 7,Tl ails blei-_n,.�7 2_22313.7 fee-l', scut"n '00 c3e7rees 0? .-e 5 0 T''L �z omn 1-1--e of Schaef fel, Roa_- frci-n tu'he nortlh,=2s cor-ner f Farm T, Su.--rveY 75.- 71 T-T71�C7, 7 f-_Tjo- 2, -1 on, �D- _C7 -n v. L Schaeffer 'Road, nor+.h cO de-rees 022 -tiz-nutles east, c/09.10 _eet to an ircn plpe, the ino_rtllleast, c:Drner of t1nis tract: C. _u_. -,n e:7; s • de �.z as n i r o -n, -3 e �outM ccr-iner o�i n-s ,Ce �OU C v_ fe a =885 i__-. =es w-e-st j7'-' .52 fee-'�-, to lro-n pi-ca o-ri t'ne -L,Testl. 11--ne of sa-_a �30.- -7--' 'h acres U_rac�, the So-n-I'll'iue5t ccrner of t1ni's u ct; ,,it a jonC7 t i12 T^J-e S e O1 s a, i d JS. / -' .1 5 e c_­eS Dr-' h-, 29, de r225 Le et to t'fie _place o lo e 4- -,=:-i PASS73, 1�1%-,I17 _L,7l7_-R=D t'nils -1077 -h"% 4 T73 T: z CL,ty sec_regary S c 7P, Z STAT7 0-7 T7_7219 "OU-N-IT11- OF ,,Te , -,,Lle zlmdersiltgrLed, i.`:ie _-Tr-,Ylers of the he_-eLllaster deScr_0--C,L "cn of -,'C.e c f land -,7hich lie- conti E�acus to 'the e=ttr2tuerrilil-oriaj J�_-_r�_, sCi--, c �,. - __L � 7­y"n__ c,- -S -7, - ­z _ '- ec" as :07 _0�'S: TRL4LCT 1: Th-, -_ -.)r_-7jert,y he-rein 001n-s'Lsts of O77 tl-_Rt certain 4—c- a r, d par cel o_� land situatlef f_ln tlie Co-anties of Gu2da1-ane and Texas, ancl be_ng mc-!- e -7 -L- es ecl -ert2Ln tract or pa-rcel of -_a-_riC!L cc n s s n O= L; c- Vi _L that L 0 r t V, �c�U) acres, more cr e u 366 Sa� S, �OL ab ou 5 , IL - I'If-les scu`,,"La7,�7estu cl' t h e_ C il t y of -,,,-je-27 3--a' s , Texas, being part. cf7' C)--rigina7 :�,D-L:_r-7ey, IL , 1-1 �-r the _�_rne c-- '17 7­0 T o 1- _-- i c 1-1 e r r e I- a , an, d -0 h e s c u +.-, YT-1 3 a 0 vite --m a 7 ese-nha= -t-ract and r'esc_--`Lbed te� and tc =_- ' as L 0111 ows a c-? C) c 1-c s n 'lae scu-�-�7 7 of Vi cenite che Ill S _ea e , the iT-- s t cc =e r of 5ai-6 crra Fl­iesenha'an tract. of 1-a-n'-2; TH7'-I' 1,7 dev--ees -1. ` ­ 1— t� --s Uo a stal- 4- -,e -- 1 Ll - - U"i--s tract; -lH7_,j_, Cr or no-(, heast cor-1,jer 7,Tri- dec;-rees varas +r .--e cen-ber of San Roa.d, po4n-. fcr the scuthaast cc�--ne-,- c�; u -7 a ct Tr -7 T, C 7- S 1O de:Er-rees -,-7-_t4h the 01, Sa-id 171 ®8 -,,-aras to a wake L_n saic for 3c--t'^7,7eCZ` Of Cite tract -v`ience a I.C. 241, a. 'O= S m o 2 de-rees 22 he- i p r s -N 7ara n s a.ni ot -7 _-Z0 6 21 varas; THt7 -eS 7 th the sou-'Cl_ irest I­L--�a of sa-id Conrad F_­�_esenhahn tract 1311" varas 10 -ola-ca_ 07' belc­_*l-=­_rl-; and conta�nL -f m re le S 7 and, mc- or " ss; AND, bein.g the same IL1n OTlveyeo an r Fraesenhn'!_-,-, v0 Hen'r Few, 'o,77 C'Leeci d2tued J)-_-­_n_ 20 IC2)L-� and reco-riled in "'Tol, 76, pa ge s 7—as 549 50 of t1he De-r:l Records of G-aandalape Cou-_-�ty, TR A CT 2: -A-77 that. cert-ain tract or ra-rcell o-f IQ­iad -Iytm�; an-�. 7.0e�n, situateC par-l"T t"n u--e "curity of Co:,a7 . and pal�u-ly f-_,­ the rCc,=-y of Gu.ada1u-,,D e s as t 'Lie ror- h, e a s acre tl,,act out of -U'f--,e Tiorz— of 7 1 + 4 S --te en acres of s -a Lal 75 acre t-ract. are t e u + y 'he ba- ance of 5(3� acres, COU'Llit-, Of Glaada-lupe T ex_�s '3 e -1 _n J_ 4- to + - G at, a s a_=° pa-,` cu -La-,-!.-,/- desc7­ �,T7 T corner of fle-n,,ce -n the north-,,jest n a S u_rve y , -11'le ni or'b h corner of a 200 -acre t, 1, a c t- 3 "�O deorees 7 E C 0 varas -Ic a cor-ner o,� the cc mer olf s---d 2 00 a c-7-- 'a's to C�, L.rac- ; TzT:711v_,=E 3 6C) J­_,-rees J 6LI a u a stake for sout'�j Corner p TIHEI.,":, 1,TJ '10 t a 1, s ne cf cr-' ci surve�- to, lcrribio Herre-ra cr _L "Te'=-., COITIllr CL u -act; T -11 71 Y C,7 h 21 - h e sa, L 7 n o r h-,,7s - i ne NT 6 0 'e-rees to 'the place of i consil, stn.,­ of 1 71 e -n 7-; 75 acres 0 7 al^ol, n 0 1,- e or less - 7, t be--=c� -oar oar ©= the same 7 an So_' L d tc e vaver I ar ,,7- a n rl , LD 7 _ "e a datle c -v enio e 1- - -le-e-1j)�th request that sach te-r-r�to--,-as z- -be, �-,bcv= be i _� Ll - u U L� U - _L -_ s -_ _7--� a� - - - „Lie U-1 7,0_r, U e O-Vel, -ETC11cl-1) thie C-tv of Scllae-rtz, e:�:e_--C 7* ses , __ -L _: _ur-La i ju r J- s d i c t- 4- o n alga a - + ' u L, u-LL- e S2� Of SChe-tz, `y ­Y_2s extend its lu--� s' c� on -or all pu­-�Doses as se�- ou c' '570A R. -.S T. , Te-x-as � _'L _� U _1 _L I I lill 7 , I C _� -1 T�_e i--n-clusion. cf' tlais 6_0,a 3 r vet C Con�7 C� ,,�7 'I I= �L U '; Ll , _L - u _ L I j uri s d, --' c -"' i -_ n OS a-rly o t, �n 3- _1 I- - 1 077 -f) T L I 7 T I, Robert lam. Euekar, Secre-L.2-,--,T of "he Cit'-,- 01, schertlz, Te:-,--cs I , -e U-1y ha+ the abov- C-rd-* nayce- th ttacln-ed� 2 true an co-----ect - -L U LI �, - coo o' the oi-14-nance �32Ssed and a -'o der_, by tlne ty of sciael-tlz, Y L L tt -s i� been d a I .-e r duly -recorded ?r ire rai-nute s of said Cit., of 3chel-tz, GTL7 T7 . j 11Y HIPTID 57�,L of the -ity of Scinezrtz, TeX-2S,, this 1\7 the ` S-7 _L da Y 0 f C-L't-', of Tex-as to end sub S c---i be a e- ore Y ca l�� 1.�� +Y;�""1'n'���1c_ y d2 0 U-L�y 2i Z)�L c-ipfice. VOL 440 PAcE ......... f7f Gua'-alupe -,cu- y, Te�x f -.,S THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF GUADALUPE BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, Texas, on this day personally appeared r " ai ounty, THE STATE OF TEXAS I COUNTY OF GUADALUPE I