05-14-2019 Agenda only5-14-2019 City Council Page - 1 - MEETING AGENDA City Council REGULAR SESSION CITY COUNCIL May 14, 2019 HAL BALDWIN MUNICIPAL COMPLEX COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1400 SCHERTZ PARKWAY BUILDING #4 SCHERTZ, TEXAS 78154 City of Schertz Core Values Do the right thing Do the best you can Treat others the way you want to be treated Work together cooperatively as a team Opening Prayer and Pledges of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States and State of Texas. (Councilmember Scagliola) Presentations • Introduction of the FY 2019-20 Schertz Sweetheart Court Ambassadors. (B. James/L. Shrum/M. Spence) • Presentation of the Fiesta Flambeau Association Award. (B. James/L. Shrum/M. Spence) Proclamations • Proclamation recognizing Police Week. (Mayor/M. Hansen) City Events and Announcements • Announcements of upcoming City Events (B. James/S. Gonzalez) • Announcements and recognitions by the City Manager (M. Browne) • Announcements and recognitions by the Mayor (M. Carpenter) Hearing of Residents This time is set aside for any person who wishes to address the City Council. Each person should fill out the speaker’s register prior to the meeting. Presentations should be limited to no more than 3 minutes. All remarks shall be addressed to the Council as a body, and not to any individual member thereof. Any person making personal, impertinent, or slanderous remarks while addressing the Council may be requested to leave the meeting. AGENDA TUESDAY MAY 14, 2019 AT 6:00 P.M. 5-14-2019 City Council Page - 2 - Discussion by the Council of any item not on the agenda shall be limited to statements of specific factual information given in response to any inquiry, a recitation of existing policy in response to an inquiry, and/or a proposal to place the item on a future agenda. The presiding officer, during the Hearing of Residents portion of the agenda, will call on those persons who have signed up to speak in the order they have registered. Consent Agenda Items The Consent Agenda is considered self-explanatory and will be enacted by the Council with one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless they are removed from the Consent Agenda upon the request of the Mayor or a Councilmember. 1. Minutes - Consideration and/or action regarding the approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of May 7, 2019. (B. Dennis) 2. Resolution No. 19-R-56 - Consideration and/or action approving a Resolution by the City Council of the City of Schertz, Texas authorizing the City Manager to enter in an agreement with My House of Design for Graphic Design Services. (M. Browne/S. Gonzalez/L. Klepper) Discussion Items 3. Resolution No. 19-R-60 - Consideration and/or action approving a Resolution by the City Council appointing Norton Rose Fulbright US LLP as Bond Counsel; delegating the authority to the Mayor or the City Manager of the City to execute certain documents relating to the engagement of Norton Rose Fulbright US LLP; and other matters in connection therewith. (M. Browne/J. Walters) 4. Resolution No. 19-R-61 - Consideration and/or action approving Resolution by the City Council of the City of Schertz Texas authorizing and approving publication of Notice of Intention to issue Certificates of Obligation; complying with the requirements contained in Securities and Exchange Commission Rule 15c2-12; and providing an effective date. (M. Browne/J. Walters/M. McLiney/A. Friedman) Roll Call Vote Confirmation Requests and Announcements • Announcements by the City Manager. • Requests by Mayor and Councilmembers that items be placed on a future City Council agenda. • Announcements by Mayor and Councilmembers • City and community events attended and to be attended • City Council Committee and Liaison Assignments (see assignments below) • Continuing education events attended and to be attended • Recognition of actions by City employees • Recognition of actions by community volunteers Adjournment 5-14-2019 City Council Page - 3 - CERTIFICATION I, BRENDA DENNIS, CITY SECRETARY OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE AGENDA WAS PREPARED AND POSTED ON THE OFFICIAL BULLETIN BOARDS ON THIS THE 10th DAY OF MAY 2019 AT 2:00 P.M., WHICH IS A PLACE READILY ACCESSIBLE TO THE PUBLIC AT ALL TIMES AND THAT SAID NOTICE WAS POSTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH CHAPTER 551, TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE. Brenda Dennis I CERTIFY THAT THE ATTACHED NOTICE AND AGENDA OF ITEMS TO BE CONSIDERED BY THE CITY COUNCIL WAS REMOVED BY ME FROM THE OFFICIAL BULLETIN BOARD ON DAY OF , 2019. TITLE: This facility is accessible in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Handicapped parking spaces are available. If you require special assistance or have a request for sign interpretative services or other services, please call 210-619-1030. The City Council for the City of Schertz reserves the right to adjourn into closed session at any time during the course of this meeting to discuss any of the matters listed above, as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act. Closed Sessions Authorized: This agenda has been reviewed and approved by the City’s legal counsel and the presence of any subject in any Closed Session portion of the agenda constitutes a written interpretation of Texas Government Code Chapter 551 by legal counsel for the governmental body and constitutes an opinion by the attorney that the items discussed therein may be legally discussed in the closed portion of the meeting considering available opinions of a court of record and opinions of the Texas Attorney General known to the attorney. This provision has been added to this agenda with the intent to meet all elements necessary to satisfy Texas Government Code Chapter 551.144(c) and the meeting is conducted by all participants in reliance on this opinion. Brenda Dennis, City Secretary 5-14-2019 City Council Page - 4 - COUNCIL COMMITTEE AND LIAISON ASSIGNMENTS Mayor Carpenter Main Street Committee Councilmember Scagliola – Place 5 Interview Committee for Boards and Commissions - Alternate Hal Baldwin Scholarship Committee Schertz-Seguin Local Government Corporation Cibolo Valley Local Government Corporation - Alternate Councilmember Davis– Place 1 Audit Committee Schertz Housing Authority Board Interview Committee for Boards and Commissions Main Street Committee – Chair TIRZ II Board Councilmember Gutierrez – Place 2 Audit Committee Investment Advisory Committee Interview Committee for Boards and Commissions Councilmember Larson – Place 3 Main Street Committee – Vice Chair Councilmember Edwards – Place 4 Interview Committee for Boards and Commissions Cibolo Valley Local Government Corporation Main Street Committee Councilmember Heyward – Place 6 Schertz Animal Services Advisory Commission Investment Advisory Committee Councilmember Brown – Place 7 Audit Committee Schertz-Seguin Local Government Corporation - Alternate