ccswks 01-10-01 SPECIAL WORKSHOP SESSION OF THE SCHERTZ CITY COUNCIL JANURY 10, 2001 The Schertz City Council convened in Special Workshop Session on Wednesday, January 10, 2001 at 7:00 p.m in the Municipal Complex Conference Room, 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas. Those present were as follows: Mayor Hal Baldwin, presiding; Councilmemhers Norma Head; Joe Potempa; Reginna Agee; G1yn D. Williams and Ken Greenwald. Staff present were Interim City Manager Steve Simonson and City Secretary Norma Althouse. #1 HEARING OF RESIDENTS No one had signed up to speak. Mayor Baldwin explained he would like to cover Item #2 then Item #6 on the agenda and then move to the Executive Session. Council had no objection. Before moving to Item #2, it was announced that Amy Madison had been hired temporarily as the Public Information Officer fur the City. Mayor Baldwin welcomed her aboard and stated he knew she would be a real dynamo. #2 Discuss proposal by Cibolo Creek Youth Organization regarding use of old firehouse building. Michael Graham of the Cibolo Creek Youth Organization had written a letter to Mr. Simonson requesting a place on the agenda. Mr. Graham related the Organization had been in existence for four years. They are trying to put together a p<vpvsaI for the use of the old firehouse as their home base. Mayor Baldwin asked exactly what they would use the firehouse for and was told by Mr. Graham for storage of records and equipment. They are trying to get more recognition in the community. They expect a lot more participation on down the road as the community grows. Mr. Potempa asked if participation is open to Schertz residents only and Mr. Graham replied no. Mr. Potempa then inquired if there are weekend activities and Mr. Graham replied no. Mayor Baldwin suggested the possibility of joining forces with BVY A. Mr. Graham admitted he wouldn't rule that out, but they're here to find out if the building is available and if it were, they would like to use it. Mr. Simonson pointed out there are three major things wrong with the building. The roof leaks, the plumbing needs replaced and the sewer line needs repaired. 56 Mr. Williams told Mr. Graham his idea is commendable, but they need to go back and revisit the bond issue and also speak with Librarian Gail Douglas. If the firehouse can be used, she wants to stake the first claim on it. The most concern expressed by Council regarding the old firehouse was the liability to the City. Mayor Baldwin commented he thinks the use of it is out of the question because of safety factors. The intent has always been to tear it down. The Mayor then went on to say he still recommends the Buffalo Valley Youth Organization join forces with BVY A and also possibly with the Boy Scouts. He's sure the City would be glad to do anything they can to help. Mr. Potempa, noting he is a big supported of youth, said he feels we need coordination for youth activities in the area. Mr. Graham thanked Council fur their time. #6 Discuss request to support BVY A by financing a small tractor with front-end loader and three-point hitch with power take-off. Jobnie McDow reported on the growth of BVY A. He remarked the explosion this year has been in T-Ball with the registration ofa lot of Pre K, K and grades I and 2 children. A copy of information about BVY A teams and tournaments was distributed to Council. Saying the since Council has been gracious enough to help them with some things in the past, they might wonder why he's here asking for more help. The fact of the matter is they have an old tractor for which they can no longer get parts. They have been unsuccessful in obtaining financing for a new tractor. They are requesting Council allow funding from the Water/Wastewater Equipment replacement reserve fund be loaned to BVYA not to exceed an amount of$15,000. Payment would be made to the City in four annual payments at an interest rate of 5 y,%. Council agreed they were ready for this item to be included on next Tuesday night's agenda. #9 EXECUTIVE SESSION: Called under Chapter 551 Texas Government Code, Subsection 551.074, Personnel Matters, consultation with Attorney to deliberate City Manager employment contract. An Executive Session was held from 7:45 p.rn. until 9:40 p.rn. # I 0 Action, if any, on above Executive Session. No action was necessary. It was noted, however, next Tuesday night's agenda would include an 'item to discuss the City Manager's contract. 57 #3 Discuss billing procedures by BeX8r Waste, Inc. for roll-off containers. Both Henry and George Gutierrez were present. Mr. Williams indicated had had asked for this item to be on the agenda because of past problems with the billing for the roll- offs and the 6% monitoring fee. Mr. Williams then asked if the franchise ordinance is carved in concrete. Bexar Waste is local. If the City continues to do the billing, they will have to hire more employees. If Bexar Waste does the billing, errors are less likely. City Attorney, Michael Spain, recommended no substantive changes in the franchise ordinance. It would be unfair to the franchisee to bear the cost. Mr. Williams pointed out it would be more beneficial to the franchisee. Mr. Greenwald mentioned there is concern because the RFP stated the way the roll-offs would be billed. Mr. Spain suggested the City doing the billing for a year to get a handle on things, then make the change. Henry Gutierrez asked if the change could be made at the termination of the Interim Contract and Mr. Spain replied possibly. Mr. Gutierrez went on to say the Bexar Waste system is already set up to do the roll-off- billing. Mr. Williams added that the City's system is not automated. Mark Marquez, PersonnelDirectorlEconomic Development Coordinator, \;."p<,,~sed some concern about the bidding process and wondered if it wasn't Henry Gutierrez, would the Council do this. Mr. Spain noted another bidder might have bid differently if he had known the franchisee would do the billing. There was further discussion and the question was brought up about whether Bexar Waste could put an employee and a computer at the Public Works Department water yard. Henry Gutierrez replied he supposed that is feasible, but Bexar Waste's record keeping is very good. After more discussion about bid legality and whether or not an awarded contract can be improved upon, Council settled for a review of the franchise on May I, 2001. #4 Discuss request for proposal(s) regarding computer aDd network support. Mr. Simonson reviewed some of the revisions that had been made to the original RFP. Mayor Baldwin inquired if most companies don't do this by long distance. Mr. Simonson answered they're finding out it can't be done efficiently that way. Mr. Williams suggested soliciting for both remote and on-site access with the travel costs adjusted accordingly. Mrs. Agee wondered if they shouldn't include/involve the new City Manager since technology is his strong point. Mr. Simonson replied they could certainly ask for his input. 58 Council agreed they were ready for this item to be included on next Tuesday night's agenda. #5 Discuss Resolution authorizing certain actions including proceedings in eminent domain in connection with the acquisition of certain waterline and temporary construction easements in Gonzales and Guadalupe Counties and related matters. Mr. Simonson advised this type of thing would be an on-going process with similar Resolutions coming forward in the future. Council was prepared for this item to be included on next Tuesday night's workshop. #7 Discuss bid proposals regarding Public Works Sewer Jetter/Truck. Steve Simonson reported they had received four bids and are recommending the bid be awarded to Underground Inc. in the amount of$68,695. Mr. Greenwald asked if they get all the manuals. John Bierschwale, Public Works Director, replied yes and it also comes with a factory warranty. Council indicated they were ready for this item to be included on next Tuesday night's agenda. #8 Discuss bid proposal regarding re-roofing of library building. Mr. Simonson advised Council they only received one bid, which was from 1904 Corporation in the amount of $59,790 and are recommending the bid be awarded to that company. Council was prepared for this item to be included on next Tuesday night's agenda. #11 CITY MANAGER'S REPORT . Informed Council that Mark McLiney says they need to approve the water rates before the bond issue so he has asked him to come to the January 16th meeting. Mr. McLiney has also suggested that a special meeting may be required. . Reported talking with Johnny Woodward and he will be taking chemotherapy treatments Monday, Wednesday and Friday next week. If he comes through that okay, then he will make plans to come back to work. #12 ITEMS BY COUNCIL Mr, Greenwald: . Stated a representative from the school district came to Planning and Zoning requesting a Specific Use Permit allowing them to build a school in Savannah Square. He will keep Council updated. 59 Mrs. Allee: . Suggested someone talk to Police Chief Smith about the speed on IH-35 access road. Mr. Williams..:. . Noted since Amy Madison has now been hired, he'd like to see some good publicity on the trail riders coming to town. #13 ITEMS BY MAYOR: . Mentioned receiving a letter from the U.S. Department of Commerce regarding the census and received a certificate from them for our help. . Commented there was a nice article in the Seguin Gazette about SAFES. . Announced the Northeast Partnership meeting is tomorrow. #14 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss, Mayor Baldwin adjourned the meeting at 10:58 p.m. ;t /.tJ<-~_ ~ MayOr;-eity of Schertz, Texas ATTEST: '/I7M1/1 7 Ah~ ~ City SecreAaJ!Chy of Schertz gO