ccswks 02-28-01 SPECIAL WORKSHOP SESSION OF THE SCHERTZ CITY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 28, 2001 The Schertz City Council convened in Special Workshop Session at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, February 28, 2001 in the Municipal Complex Conference Room, 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas. Those present were as follows: Mayor Hal Baldwin, presiding; Council members Norma Head; Joe Potempa; Glyn D. Williams and Ken Greenwald. Absent: Council member Reginna Agee. Staff present were City Manager Dewey P Cashwell, Jr., Asst. City Manager Steve Simonson and City Secretary Norma Althouse. #1 HEARING OF RESIDENTS George Mower of 501 Brooks Ave. spoke on the following: Commented there's something awry when the Council is buying an ambulance and financing it for 30 years. They should rethink it. Remarked on the junked vehicle Ordinance and warned the Council not to be the victim of misapplied State law again. He also referred to the definition of an antique vehicle and pointed out there is a discrepancy of 10 years between the State law and the rules used by the Tax Office (Transportation Code) where you can apply for antique vehicle tags. The Tax Office will let you apply for antique vehicle tags on a 25-year old car. The State law says an antique vehicle is 35 years old. He thought this 10-year discrepancy was a big hindrance to car collectors. #2 Discuss final reading of Ordinance regarding water rates. Mayor Baldwin inquired if there's anything new on this and was told there is not. Council agreed they were ready for this item to be included on next Tuesday night's agenda. #3 Discuss final reading of Ordinance regarding junked vehicles. Mr. Simonson related he had run this Ordinance by Michael Spain, City Attorney, and Mr. Spain didn't recall anything in the State law about antique vehicles. He will research it if Council so desires. Mayor Baldwin pointed out Section 683.0712 of the Transportation Code is missing and he would like to see it included in Friday's packet. Council was prepared for this item to be included on next Tuesday night's agenda. #4 Discuss final reading of Ordinance regarding Tax Abatement and Tax Abatement Agreement with Embrey. r~ 100 Council indicated their readiness for this item to be included on next Tuesday night's agenda. #5 Discuss public hearing and first reading of Ordinance regarding Tax Abatement and Tax Abatement Agreement with Technos. Mark Marquez, Personnel/Economic Development Director, informed Council it is not unusual to need a reinvestment zone. They are merely following State law. Council agreed they were ready for this item to be included on next Tuesday night's agenda. #6 BID AWARD: Consider and take action on awarding bid for ambulance. Mr. Williams referred to the SAFES advisory committee Mayor Baldwin is chairing and the fact he had said they were working on contracts. Are the contracts ready? Mayor Baldwin replied they haven't had a meeting since December. Bunny Sutherland indicated they have the per capita agreements. Mayor Baldwin excused himself from presiding on this item due to a possible conflict of interest. Mayor Pro-Tem Greenwald mentioned Mr. Williams had asked for a letter of clarification from Mr. Spain and the Council packets contained a copy of such a letter. Mr. Williams mentioned he had spoken with Mr. Cashwell about the financing of the ambulance and the loss of interest on bonds now generated. He wanted to see the actual cost of the ambulance. He's not sure as taxpayers, this is a good way to go. Mr. Williams went on to say he understands the City of Live Oak has purchased two ambulances for purposes of being the first responder. Do we have a contract with them and will it be worth the investment? Maybe we should contract with Metro Ambulance or some other ambulance service. Barry Klinge EMS employee, reported that Live Oak has only one ambulance. He also noted that the response time for Metro Ambulance is usually 20-30 minutes. Schertz EMS is five minutes. Mr. Potempa asked if the City had used Metro Ambulance and Mr. Simonson replied yes, when they were available. Mr Williams questioned how many ambulances the City really needs. Mr. Simonson answered definitely three, four if one is down. They don't necessarily need a fifth one. He asked Council to remember 1998 and the flood when no one else could get here. 101 Mrs. Head mentioned that when Chief Woodward spoke to them he mentioned something about a time frame for using the money. Mr. Spain commented the time frame is three years. Mrs. Head assumed the City could get an extension if needed. Mr. Spain suggested they try to get the contracts in hand. The per capita agreement is a kind of contract from year to year. Mr. Williams inquired if the per capita agreements have a specified date. Mr. Simonson replied the money comes in quarterly. Mr. Williams then asked when the contracts would be available and Mr. Simonson replied they would be in Council's next packet. Mr. Cashwell, saying he is new to this arena, thought the contracts should be done in a business-like manner. He felt it's important to establish base lines. In regard to the number of ambulances needed, Mr. Cashwell mentioned that even with routine maintenance, a lot of miles are put on them, you always need a back up and the need for more is ever-increasing. It might be prudent to go ahead and start on the per capita agreements. Mrs. Head inquired if we can get an extension and do we have the money. Mr. Spain commented he needs to talk with Mark McLiney about the best financial method. Mr. Greenwald asked how long the bids are good for and Mr. Simonson replied 30 days. He would have to call the bidders to see if the time could be extended. Mrs. Head remarked we need an ambulance, we need to go about things in a business-like manner, and we need to do it as soon as possible. Mr. Cashwell added that a couple of the better ways to buy the ambulance would be to pay cash for it or, if financing it, get the lowest possible interest rate. Mr Williams moved to table awarding the bid for a new ambulance pending further information from Mr. Spain and Mr. McUney and if further financial information is made available, then place the awarding of the bid on next Tuesday night's agenda. Mrs. Head seconded the motion, which carried with the following votes: AYES: Councilmembers Head, Potempa, Williams and Greenwald. NAYS: None. #7 Discuss pubic hearing and request for Specific Use Permit from Alpha & Omega Christian Church. Mayor Baldwin asked Steve Longoria from the Alpha & Omega Christian Church ifthey had considered buying the building at 513 Main. Mr. Longoria replied they 102 have already signed the contract to buy it. They didn't know, however, they needed a Specific Use Permit. That was what Planning and Zoning recommended. Mr. Greenwald observed that parking is critical to the survival of the church. Mr. Longoria advised they have the option of leasing a parking lot from Union Pacific, much as the Main Street Deli had done. Mr. Potempa inquired how many the church has in its congregation. Mr. Longoria answered approximately 40. Mr. Greenwald wished them well and said he hopes they grow. Council was prepared for this item to be included on next Tuesday night's agenda. #8 Discuss Investment Policy. Mr. Cashwell stated it has been the policy to periodically review this document. He believes it's good prudent protection of public money. Mayor Baldwin asked if this is the current policy and V.J. Jain, City Comptroller, replied yes. Mr. Jain added the policy has been working well. Mr. Cashwell questioned how it compares to State policy and Mr. Spain answered he could research it. Mr. Cashwell suggested Mr. Spain do that and then bring it back before Council. Council agreed. #9 Discuss Guidelines and Criteria Policy for Tax Abatement. Mr. Cashwell mentioned these guidelines and criteria are what the City expects to offer to everyone. They cover the waterfront very thoroughly and have considerable incentives. Council indicated their readiness for this item to be included on next Tuesday night's agenda. #10 RESOLUTION: Consider and take action on Resolution authorizing certain actions, including proceedings in eminent domain. Mayor Baldwin introduced a Resolution and read the caption as follows: 103 RESOLUTION NO. 01-R-7 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CERTAIN ACTIONS PROCEEDINGS IN EMINENT DOMAIN IN CONNECTION ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN WATERLINE AND CONSTRUCTION EASEMENTS IN GONZALES AND COUNTIES AND RELATED MATTERS. INCLUDING WITH THE TEMPORARY GUADALUPE Mr. Cashwelll commented these property easements related to the waterline are critical. Mr. Potempa moved to approve the Resolution authorizing certain actions, including proceedings in eminent domain. Mr. Greenwald seconded the motion, which carried with the following votes: AYES: Councilmembers Head, Potempa, Williams and Greenwald. NAYS: None. #11 Discuss use of EMS training facilities. Mr. Williams stated what he is asking for is a policy similar to the one for the Community Center. He wants to make sure no one is taking advantage of us by use of our equipment or by monetary gain. Mayor Baldwin emphasized we need Mr. Cashwell to get to the truth about what's been going on. Mr. Simonson mentioned that our people are receiving free training. Mr. Cashwell promised to look at the current policy. Mr. Spain said there is no appearance of impropriety. #12 CITY MANAGER'S REPORT . Commented the City has a terrific crew. He has had an opportunity to meet and greet most of them. . Announced the TML Region 7 meeting is scheduled for March 16, 2001 at the Olympia Golf and Conference Center in Universal City . Mentioned arrangements have been made for a bus for the Northeast Partnership trip to Austin tomorrow for the Edwards Aquifer Authority Legislative Oversight Committee hearing. Mayor Baldwin added a good show of people is necessary. . Pointed out a thank you note from some BVYA youngsters for the use of the Community Center for basketball practice. 104 · Remarked on a letter from Bob Cook of 1217 Eli Whitney thanking Leonard Truitt and his associates for their excellent work and effort in response to a number of code compliance complaints. · Reported interviews had been held with in-house applicants for the EMS Director position. They didn't produce the right fit, so they're going out to open market and there will be notices in the newspaper, on the Internet and on the web site. · Stated, regarding the NT Administrator, he recommends considering a full- time position. · Related he has had numerous meetings with staff and others. · Advised that Mr. Simonson still needs some suggestions for Steering Committee members for the Comprehensive Plan project and needs at least one Council member. Mr. Potempa recommended DC. Morgan. · Noted there's a SAWS meeting on March 17th. · Mentioned there's a Legislative Session in New Braunfels on March 23rd. · Invited Council to corne by and visit him. #13 ITEMS BY COUNCIL Mr. Williams: · Referring to what was a so-called utility windfall of money, he just wanted to make sure things were in line with past revenues. He will wait to discuss it when it's on the agenda. · Said he understands they moved the old fire siren and Johnny Woodward was working on the signals. What's the status? Mr. Simonson answered that according to Glen Outlaw, the project has been completed. Mr. Williams suggested there be an article in the Newsletter about it. Mr. Potemoa: · Emphasized needing inspectors on the weekends to remove tacky signs along FM 3009. ,- · Indicated something needs to be done about the light at FM 78 and First Street and also about the light at FM 1518. The turn toward Randolph Air Force Base is an unsafe turn and there's going to be a head-on accident there. 105 . Inquired about the status of FM 3009/IH-35 intersection. Mr. Simonson replied TXDoT should be getting back to us. There are some letters on the subject in the newspaper. . Commented Waste Management still has 4-6 of the City's roll-off dumpsters. Mr. Cashwell promised to check into it. Mrs. Head: . Wondered what's going on with Burch Roofing. Their wall is still looking ugly. Mr. Simonson answered they're kind of in limbo. The lawyers still have an ongoing dispute. Mr. Cashwell suggested that perhaps they could improve the aesthetics without taking the wall down. . Mentioned the old Starlite Drive-In Theater and said it looks very tacky. There's lots of litter, sheds and shanties. Mr. Potempa also noted there's graffiti on the screen. . Requested someone ask Henry Gutierrez to place a waste can at the park. Mr. Greenwald: Asked when Spring Clean Up is scheduled. Mr. Simonson replied it starts on March 10th and goes through March 25th. #14 ITEMS BY MAYOR . Stated he has been approached by several churches regarding the National Day of Prayer on May 1st. They would like to have a ceremony at the pavilion and also have a Proclamation for the occasion. Before adjournment, Amy Madison announced the Miss Schertz Sweetheart ceremony is this Friday night at the Community Center. #15 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss, Mayor Baldwin adjourned the meeting at 9:11 p.m. 106 ATTEST: ~~ tAhM~) ~ Ci Se retBry, City of Schertz ~~~~~;.~ ' 107