ccreg 05-01-01 Schertz City Council- Regular Session Tuesday, May 01, 2001 The Schertz City Council convened in Regular Session on Tuesday, May 01, 2001 at 7:00pm in the Municipal Complex Conference room, 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas. The following members were present: Mayor Pro-Tern Ken Greenwald, presiding; Councilmembers Reginna Agee, Norma Head, Glyn Williams, and Joe Potempa. Staff members present were City Manager Dewey Cashwell and City Secretary Norma Althouse. Absent: Mayor Hal Baldwin. Mayor Pro-Tern Greenwald called the meeting to order at 7:00pm and led everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Pro-Tern Greenwald then introduced The City of Schertz Sweetheart Court as follows: City Sweetheart - Crystal Tanner Friendly City - Jamie Madison City Jubilee - Ebony Peterman City Freedom - Laquita Bowman Miss Liberty - Alexandria Esquavel (not present) Annie Almond stated that these ladies will represent the City of Schertz in parades, they will assist with the Schertz Business Dinner, and they will sell tickets, and help with silent Auction for their hometown (Jubilee). Mayor Pro-Tern Greenwald noted several proclamations: National Elderly Abuse Prevention Month, Trauma Awareness Month, National Day of Prayer, and Appreciation to all Municipal Clerks. Mark McLiney came to show his appreciation to all the Council and staff who worked on the Schertz/Seguin Local Government Corporation (SSLGC) project by presenting a plaque. #1 Approval of minutes: Regular Session Special Workshop Regular Session Special Workshop Regular Session 2-06-01 2-14-01 2-20-01 2-22-01 2-28-01 Without further discussion Mrs. Agee moved to approve the minutes from above as written. Mr. Potempa seconded the motion, which carried with the following votes: --- AYES: Mayor Pro-Tern Greenwald; Councilmembers Potempa, Head, Agee, and Williams. 158 NAYS: None #2 Hearing of Residents: Mayor Pro-Tern Greenwald asked if anyone signed up to speak. It was noted that Annie Almond had signed and already spoke on behalf of the Sweetheart Court. #3 Mid-Year Budget Adjustments: Consider and take action approving Mid-Year Budget Adjustments. Mr. Cashwell read the cover letter that was included in the packet. Without further discussion, Mr. Potempa moved to approve the Mid-Year Budget Adjustments to include the new EMS Director. Mrs. Head seconded the motion, which carried with the following votes: AYES: Mayor Pro-Tern Greenwald; Councilmembers Potempa, Head, Agee, and Williams. NAYS: None #4 Ordinance: Consider and take action on first reading of Ordinance regarding food handler sanitation training course. Mr. Cashwell stated that this is an issue that was brought up by Council that resulted in an important change to the Ordinance. Mayor Pro-Tern Greenwald then read the caption as follows: AN ORDINANCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS PROVIDING THAT THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS BE AMENDED BY REVISING SECTION 7 Y,-19, FOOD HANDLER SANITATION TRAINING COURSE AND SECTION 7 Yz-20, PENALTY; AND PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE. Without further discussion Mrs. Head moved to approve the first reading of an Ordinance regarding food handler sanitation training course. Mrs. Agee seconded the motion. Mr. Potempa asked if "any person" included the owner of the establishment. It was stated that it does include the owner. 159 Mr. Williams stated it says that each day it is considered a separate offense. Does it have to go back to court each day? Mr. Gary Davis thought that they would probably consolidate them all together. Mrs. Agee stated that they would still be separate fines, just tried in the same day. A vote was taken and the motion carried with the following votes: AYES: Mayor Pro-Tern Greenwald; Councilmembers Potempa, Head, Agee, and Williams. NAYS: None Dr. Keinbel introduced himself and then read the proclamation making this month Elderly Abuse Prevention month. He then talked briefly about Elderly Abuse. #5 Memorandum of Understanding: Consider and take action approving Memorandum of Understanding between City of Schertz and GRASP. Mr. Cashwell thanked Mrs. Madison for getting together the necessary people so that they could come to a conclusion on this document. Mr. Cashwell then read from the memorandum. Mr. Cashwell stated that this is a good working document with the greater Randolph Area Services Program Inc., which is a 501c3 Non-profit Human Services agency. Mr. Cashwell read the terms that would be included (page 3 ofthe memorandum of Understanding). Mr. Cashwell stated that this program is the City of Schertz's program and IS not restricted by State or Federal Mandates. Mr. Greenwald suggested that they include New Braunfels Utilities. Mr. Williams asked if City Council is in agreement with matching funds for other utilities. Council agreed that it is worth a try. Mr. Williams asked if they are planning on publicizing this. He also commented that he thought that this agreement was just for water. Are there other utilities that are going to be included? It was stated that initially only the water was talked about, but after talking with City Manager and City Staff, they would like to pursue the other utilities at the same time. Council suggested that the City should get a 90 day report from GRASP on how much has been used (how many people came in and received help). Mr. Williams stated that the report should tell how many people came in whether they were eligible or not. /"""' 160 Without further discussion, Mayor Pro-Tern Greenwald asked for a motion. Mr. Williams moved to approve the Memorandum of Understanding between City of Schertz and GRASP. Mrs. Agee seconded the motion, which carried with the following votes: AYES: Mayor Pro-Tern Greenwald; Councilmembers Potempa, Head, Agee, and Williams. NAYS: None Mr. Cashwell stated that he would begin advertisement right away tomorrow. #6 Strategic Planning Workshop: Consider and take action setting date for Strategic Planning Workshop. Mr. Cashwell stated that he would like to confirm the tentative dates of May 18th and 19th for the Strategic Planning Session. He informed Council that the law firm of Fulbright and Jaworski has invited Council to use their facilities for this meeting. Mr. Potempa stated that he could not attend the 18th or the 19th. Mr. Greenwald stated that he could only attend on the 19th. Mr. Cashwell suggested that they might be able to start the meetings on the 18th in the evemng. Mr. Potempa asked who the speaker is going to be. Mr. Cashwell stated that he did not know yet, but would get back to Council with the details when he knows more. #7 Bid Award: Consider and take action awarding bid for demolition of old firehouse. Mr. Cashwell stated that the low bid on this project was $4,900.00, which was from South Plains Contracting. Mr. Greenwald stated that many people have contacted the City for the use of the building, but it would cost more to fix it than it is worth. Without further discussion Mayor Pro-Tern Greenwald asked Council for a motion. Mrs. Head moved to award the bid for the demolition of the old firehouse to South Plains Contracting in the amount of $4,900.00. Mrs. Agee seconded the motion, which carried with the following votes: AYES: Mayor Pro-Tern Greenwald; Councilmembers Potempa, Head, Agee, and Williams. NAYS: None 161 #8 City Manager's Report: . Austin-San Antonio Corridor Report of April 23, 2001 . Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority posted an annual kid's fishing tournament on June 2nd . Latest health inspector report . Information about foot and mouth disease . Approval of detrimental Zoning Bill . Maps regarding redistricting Mr. Greenwald commented that the City needs to keep in contact with TML on the Zoning Bill. Mr. Potempa asked where City on the Hill Coffee Shop is located. Mr. Cashwell was not sure, but stated that he would find out. Mr. Williams asked if the Census figures of the maps are complete. Mr. Cashwell answered that they are complete. Mr. Cashwell stated that the opportunity to challenge the figures of the map does not come until June. >~ Mr. Williams asked when the population number on the City Limit signs could be changed. Mr. Simonson replied that would be the second year after all the challenges are done. Mayor pro-Tern Greenwald suggested that City Council should be briefed on the contracts awarded regarding the pipeline for SSLGC and that item be added to the next agenda. Mr. Cashwell thanked Mr. Jain, Mr. Simonson, and others who have worked closely with him for the last couple of months. #9 Executive Session: Called under Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, Sub-Section 551.072, deliberation regarding real property. An Executive Session was held from 7:58pm until 8:12pm. #10 Action, if any required, on above Executive Session. Without further discussion Mr. Williams moved that City Council authorize the City Manager to proceed with the acquisition of land for water storage at a cost not to exceed $125,000.00. Mr. Potempa seconded the motion, which carried with the following votes: AYES: Mayor Pro-Tern Greenwald; Councilmembers Potempa, Head, Agee, and Williams. 162 NAYS: None #11 Adjournment: There being no further business to discuss, Mayor Pro-Tern Greenwald adjourned the meeting at 8:15pm. ATTEST: ~ &~~Ae/ City Secretary, City of Schertz, Texas 163 d~ Mayor, City of Schertz, Texas